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machine to move the amount of resistance above mentioned through one foot per minute.

(172.) It has been already explained (67.) that the conversion of a given volume of water into steam is productive of a certain definite amount of mechanical force, this amount depending on the pressure under which the water is evaporated, and the extent to which the expansive principle is used in working the steam. It is evident that this amount of mechanical effect is a major limit, which cannot be exceeded by the power of the engine.

If the steam be not worked expansively, then the whole power of the water, transmitted in the form of steam from the boiler to the working machinery, will be a matter of easy calculation, when the pressure at which the steam is worked is known. A table, exhibiting the mechanical power of a cubic foot of water converted into steam at various pressures, expressed in an equivalent number of pounds' weight raised one foot high, is given in the Appendix to this volume. Where much accuracy is sought for, the pressure at which the steam is used must be taken into account; but by reference to the table it will be seen, that when steam is worked without expansion, its mechanical effect varies very little with the pressure. It may therefore be assumed, as has been already stated, that for every cubic inch of water transmitted in the form of steam to the cylinders, a force is produced, represented by a ton weight raised a foot high. Now, as 33,000 lbs. is very nearly 15 tons, it follows that 15 cubic inches of water converted into steam per minute, or 900 cubic inches per hour, will produce a mechanical force equal to one horse. If, therefore, to 900 cubic inches be added the quantity of water per hour necessary to move the engine itself, independently of its load, we shall obtain the quantity of water per hour which must be supplied by the boiler to the engine for each horse-power, and this will be the same whatever may be the magnitude or proportions of the cylinder.

(173.) The quantity of power expended in working the engine itself, independently of that required to move its load, will be less in proportion to the degree of perfection which


may be attained in the construction of the engine, and to the order in which it is kept while working. Engines vary one from another so much in these respects, that it is scarcely possible to lay down any general rules for the quantity of power to be allowed over and above what is necessary to move the load. The means whereby mechanical power is expended in working the engine may be enumerated as follows:

First. Steam in passing from the boiler to the cylinder is liable to lose its temperature by the radiation of the steampipes and other passages through which it is conducted. Since the steam produced in the boiler is in contact with water, it will be common steam (94.), and consequently the least loss of heat will cause a partial condensation. To whatever extent this condensation may be carried, a proportional loss of power, in reference to the heat obtained from the fuel, will be entailed upon the engine.

It has been said that the force necessary to move the steam from the boiler to the cylinder through passages more or less contracted, subject to the friction of the pipes and tubes through which it moves, should be taken into account in estimating the power, and a corresponding deduction made. This, however, is not the case: the steam having passed into the cylinder remains common steam, its pressure being diminished by reason of the force expended in thus moving it from the boiler to the cylinder. But its mechanical efficacy at the reduced pressure is not sensibly different from the efficacy which it had in the boiler. If at the reduced pressure its volume were the same, then a loss of effect would be sustained equivalent to the difference of the pressures; but its volume being augmented in very nearly the same proportion as its pressure is diminished, the mechanical efficacy of a given weight of steam in the cylinder will be sensibly the same as in the boiler.

Second. The radiation of heat from the cylinder and its appendages, will cause a partial condensation of steam, and thereby produce a diminished mechanical effect.

Third. The steam, which at each stroke of the piston fills the passages between the steam-valves and the piston, at the

moment the latter commences the stroke will be inefficient. If it were possible for the piston to come into steam-tight contact with each end of the cylinder, and that the steamvalve should be in immediate contact with the side or top of the piston, then the whole of the steam which would pass through the steam-valve would be efficient; but as some space, however small, must remain between the piston and the ends of the cylinder, and between the side of the cylinder and the steam-valve, there will always be a volume of steam bearing a sensible proportion to the magnitude of the cylinder, which at each stroke of the piston will be inefficient. This volume of steam is called the clearance.

Fourth. Since the piston must move in steam-tight contact with the cylinder, it must have a definite amount of friction with the sides of the cylinder by whatever means it may be packed. This friction will produce a corresponding resistance to the moving power.

Fifth. The various joints of the machinery where steam is contained are subject to leakage, and whatever amount of steam shall thus escape must be placed to the account of power lost.

Sixth. When the eduction-valve is opened to admit the steam to the condenser, a certain force is required to expel the steam from the cylinder. This force reacts upon the piston, and counteracts to a proportional extent the moving power of the steam on the other side. Besides this the water in the condenser cannot be conveniently reduced below the temperature of about 100°, and at this temperature steam has a pressure of about 1 lb. per square inch. This vapour will continue to fill the cylinder, and will resist the moving power which impels the piston.

Seventh. Power must be provided for opening and closing the valves or slides, for working the air-pump, hot-water pump, and cold-water pump, and finally to overcome the friction on the journals and centres of the parts of the parallel motion, the main axle of the beam, the connecting rod, crank, and fly-wheel axle.

It will be apparent how very much these sources of resistances must vary in different engines, and how rough

an approximation any general estimate must be of their

gross amount.

(174.) There are many circumstances which obstruct the practical application of any standard of engine-power: the magnitude of furnace, and the extent of heating surface necessary to produce any required rate of evaporation in the boiler, are unascertained; each engine-maker has his own rule in these matters, and all the rules are equally unsupported by any experimental test entitled to respect. Thus the circumstances that govern the rate of evaporation in the boiler may be regarded as almost wholly unknown. But supposing the rate of evaporation to be ascertained, the amount of power absorbed by the condensation of steam on its passage to the cylinder, the imperfect condensation of the same steam after it has worked the piston, the friction of the various moving parts of the machinery, and, above all, the difference of effect of these losses of power in engines constructed on different scales of magnitude, are absolutely unknown. We are, therefore, not placed in a condition to assign any thing more than a general account of what has been the practice of engine-makers in constructing engines which are nominally of a certain power.

In common low-pressure engines of the larger kind, to which class alone we at present refer, it has been usual, with the same fuel and under like circumstances, to allow from 10 to 18 square feet of heating surface in the boiler for every nominal horse-power of the engine. Within these wide limits the practice of engine-makers has varied. It is not, however, to be supposed, that the boiler with 18 square feet of surface per horse-power has the same evaporating power as that which has but 10. This difference, therefore, amounts to nothing more than different manufacturers of steam-engines putting into circulation boilers having powers really different while they are nominally the same. The magnitude of the cylinder is regulated by the nominal power of the engine, and it is usual so to regulate the evaporating power of the boiler, that the piston shall move at the average rate of 200 feet per minute. This being assumed, it is customary to allow about 22 square inches of piston

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surface for every nominal horse-power of the engine. If this power were in conformity to the standard already defined, this amount of surface moved at 200 feet per minute would be impelled by a pressure amounting to 7 lbs. per square inch. The safety-valve of the boiler of such engines is usually loaded at from 4 to 5 lbs. per square inch, and consequently the steam in the boiler will have a pressure of from 19 to 20 lbs. per square inch. If, therefore, the effective pressure on the piston be really only 7 lbs. per square inch, the pressure expended in overcoming the friction of the engine, and the loss consequent on the partial condensation of steam on one side and its imperfect condensation on the other, would amount to from 12 to 13 lbs. per square inch, or nearly double the assumed useful effect of the engine.

Messrs. Maudslay and Field are accustomed to allow an evaporation of ten gallons, or 1.6 cubic feet of water per hour, for each nominal horse-power of the engine. They also allow about 22 square inches of piston surface per nominal horsepower, the piston being supposed to move at the rate of 200 feet per second.*

The quantity of grate surface necessary in proportion to the power of the engine, has been equally unascertained, and engine-makers vary in their practice from half a square foot to one square foot per nominal horse-power.

The proportion which the magnitude of the heating surface of the boiler, and the fire surface of the grate bears to the evaporating power of the boiler, has not been determined by experiment, nor, so far as we are informed, by any well-ascertained practical results.

The estimates or rather conjectures of engine-makers, of the evaporation necessary to produce one horse-power, vary from one to two cubic feet of water per hour. It has been

* If 22 square inches of piston surface be allowed to represent a horsepower, the power of an engine may always be computed by dividing the square of the diameter of the piston expressed in inches by 28. And, on the other hand, to find the diameter of piston which would correspond to any given power, multiply the number of horses' power by 28, and take the square root of the product. These rules, however, cannot be applied if the piston be supposed to move with any other velocity ; since, in that case, the same amount of piston surface would cease to represent a horse-power, unless the effective pressure on the piston were at the same time changed,

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