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worked in an atmosphere of steam, having only the same pressure as the atmosphere. Such steam would press the piston down as effectually as the air would; and it would have the further advantage over air, that if any portion of it leaked through between the piston and cylinder, it would be condensed, which could not be the case with atmospheric air. He therefore determined on surrounding the cylinder by an external casing, the space between which and the cylinder he proposed to be filled with steam supplied from the boiler. The cylinder would thus be enclosed in an atmosphere of its own, independent of the external air, and the vessel so enclosing it would only require to be a little larger than the cylinder, and to have a close cover at the top, the centre of which might be perforated with a hole to admit the rod of the piston to pass through, the rod being made smooth, and so fitted to the perforation that no steam should escape between them. This method would be attended also with the advantage of keeping the cylinder and piston always heated, not only inside but outside; and Watt saw that it would be further advantageous to employ the pressure of steam to drive the piston in its descent instead of the atmosphere, as its intensity or force would be much more manageable; for, by increasing or diminishing the heat of the steam in which the cylinder was enclosed, its pressure might be regulated at pleasure, and it might be made to urge the piston with any force that might be required. The power of the engine would therefore be completely under control, and independent of all variations in the pressure of the atmosphere.

(70.) This was a step which totally changed the character of the machine, and which rendered it a STEAM ENGINE instead of an ATMOSPHERIC ENGINE. Not only was the vacuum below the piston now produced by the property of steam, in virtue of which it is reconverted into water by cold; but the pressure which urged the piston into this vacuum was due to the elasticity of steam.

The external cylinder, within which the working cylinder was enclosed, was called THE JACKET, and is still very generally used.

(71.) The first experiment in which Watt attempted to

realise, on a small scale, his conceptions, was made in the following manner. The cylinder of the engine was represented by a brass syringe A B (fig. 20.) an inch and a third in diameter,

[blocks in formation]

and ten inches in length, to which a top and a bottom of tin plate was fitted. Steam was conveyed by a pipe, s, from a small boiler into the lower end of this syringe, a communication being made with the upper end of the syringe by a branch pipe D. For the greater convenience of the experiment, it was found desirable to invert the position of the cylinder, so that the steam should press the piston P upwards instead of downwards. The piston-rod R therefore was presented downwards. An eduction pipe E was also inserted in the top of the cylinder, which was carried to the condenser. The piston-rod was made hollow, or rather a hole was drilled longitudinally through it, and a valve was fitted at its lower end, to carry off the water produced by the steam, which

would be condensed in the cylinder in the commencement of the process. The condenser used in this experiment operated without injection, the steam being condensed by the contact of cold surfaces. It consisted of two thin pipes F G of tin, ten or twelve inches in length, and the sixth of an inch in diameter, standing beside each other perpendicularly, and communicating at the top with the eduction pipe, which was provided with a valve opening upwards. At the bottom these two pipes communicated with another tube 1 of about an inch in diameter, by a horizontal pipe, having in it a valve, м, opening towards I, fitted with a piston K, which served the office of the air-pump, being worked by the hand. This piston, K, had valves in it opening upwards. These condensing pipes and air-pump were immersed in a small cistern, filled with cold water. The steam was conveyed by the steam-pipe s to the bottom of the cylinder, a communication between the top and bottom of the cylinder being occasionally opened by a cock, c, placed in the branch pipe. The eduction pipe leading to the condenser also had a cock, L, by which the communication between the top of the cylinder and the condenser might be opened and closed at pleasure. In the commencement of the operation, the cock N admitting steam from the boiler, and the cock L opening a communication between the cylinder and the condenser, and the cock c opening a communication between the top and bottom of the cylinder, being all open, steam rushed from the boiler, passing through all the pipes, and filling the cylinder. A current of mixed air and steam was thus produced through the eduction pipe E, through the condensing pipes F and G, and through the air-pump 1, which issued from the valve H in the eduction pipe, and from the valve in the air-pump piston, all of which opened upwards. The steam also in the cylinder passed through the hole drilled in the piston-rod, and escaped, mixed with air, through the valve in the lower end of that rod. This process was continued until all the air in the cylinder, pipes, and condenser, was blown out, and all these spaces filled with pure steam. The cocks L, c, and N, were then closed, and the atmospheric pressure closed the valve H and the valves in the air-pump piston. The cold surfaces condensing the steam in

the pipes F and o, and in the lower part of the air-pump, a vacuum was produced in these spaces. The cock c being now closed, and the cocks L and N being open, the steam in the upper part of the cylinder rushed through the pipe E into the condenser, where it was reduced to water, so that a vacuum was left in the upper part of the cylinder. The steam from the boiler passing below the piston, pressed it upwards with such force, that it lifted a weight of eighteen pounds hung from the end of the piston-rod. When the piston reached the top of the cylinder, the cocks L and N were closed, and the cock c opened. All communication between the cylinder and the boiler, as well as between the cylinder and the condenser, were now cut off, and the steam in the cylinder circulated freely above and below the piston, by means of the open tube D. The piston, being subject to equal forces upwards and downwards, would therefore descend by its own weight, and would reach the bottom of the cylinder. The air-pump piston meanwhile being drawn up, the air and the condensed steam in the tubes F and G were drawn into the air-pump 1, through the open horizontal tube at the bottom. Its return was stopped by the valve M. By another stroke of the air-pump, this water and air were drawn out through valves in the piston, which opened upwards. The cock c was now closed, and the cocks L and N opened, preparatory to another stroke of the piston. The steam in the upper part of the cylinder rushed, as before, into the tubes F and G, and was condensed by their cold surfaces, while steam from the boiler coming through the pipe s, pressed the piston upwards. The piston again ascended with the same force as before, and in the same manner the process was continually repeated.

(72.) The quantity of steam expended in this experimental model in the production of a given number of strokes of the piston was inferred from the quantity of water evaporated in the boiler; and on comparing this with the magnitude of the cylinder and the weight raised by the pressure of the steam, the contrivance was proved to affect the economy of steam, as far as the imperfect conditions of such a model could have permitted. A larger model was next constructed, having an outer cylinder, or steam case, surrounding the working cylinder, and

the experiments made with it fully realised Watt's expectations, and left no doubt of the great advantages which would attend his invention. The weights raised by the piston proved that the vacuum in the cylinder produced by the condensation was almost perfect; and he found that when he used water in the boiler which by long boiling had been well cleared of air, the weight raised was not much less than the whole amount of the pressure of the steam upon the piston. In this larger model, the cylinder was placed in the usual position, with a working lever and other apparatus similar to that employed in the Atmospheric Engine.

(73.) It was in the beginning of the year 1765, Watt being then in the twenty-ninth year of his age, that he arrived at these great discoveries. The experimental models just described, by which his invention was first reduced to a rude practical test, were fitted up at a place called Delft House, in Glasgow. It will doubtless at the first view, be a matter of surprise that improvements of such obvious importance in the economy of steam power, and capable of being verified by tests so simple, were not immediately adopted wherever atmospheric engines were used. At the time, however, referred to, Watt was an obscure artisan, in a provincial town, not then arrived at the celebrity to which it has since attained, and the facilities by which inventions and improvements became public were much less than they have since become. It should also be considered that all great and sudden advances in the useful arts are necessarily opposed by the existing interests with which their effects are in conflict.. From these causes of opposition, accompanied with the usual influence of prejudice and envy, Watt was not exempt, and was not therefore likely suddenly to revolutionise the arts and manufactures of the country by displacing the moving powers employed in them, and substituting an engine, the efficacy and power of which depended mainly on physical principles, then altogether new and but imperfectly understood.

Not having the command of capital, and finding it impracticable to inspire those who had, with the same confidence in the advantages of his invention which he himself felt, he was

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