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if he has an evil planet in Capricorn, then he has a mole or mark on one of the knees; we can often make use of these weaknesses, moles or marks on the different parts of the body, in correcting the time of birth.

612 When I come to treat on Medical Astrology, I shall enter more fully into these marks, scars, moles, etc., of different parts of the body; but I only refer to them in this place in order to make use of them in correcting the time of birth.

613 When a person applies to me to have their horoscope read, and they do not know their exact time of birth, I generally calculate a chart of the heavens for noon, for the year and the day of the month the native was born, and notice particularly all the signs and aspects, and positions of the planets at that time, and then change it around from one position to another, and at the same time keep looking at the native, until I gradually come to the supposed time of birth, and when I think I have come near the right time, then I calculate another chart of the heavens for that supposed time, and see how the marks, scars, moles, etc., agree, and all the events of the native's life; also his personal appearance must correspond with it; but it is almost impossible to find the hour and minute of birth by the various events of life, such as sickness, accidents, marriage, death of father or mother, etc., unless the native has some particular mark, scar, or injury as a guide, or he is particularly tall, short, stout, thin, or there is something marked in his personal appearance.




In order as far as possible to avoid any repetition of anything published in the first part of this volume, I refer the student to the Rudiments of the Science of Astrology on pages 87 and 88 for the inspection of a blank chart, showing the various positions of the houses of the heavens and their different numbers. I also refer to pages 89, 90, 91, 92 and 93 for the signification of the 12 houses, their natures, qualities and descriptions.

We here commence with the Signs and Symbols of the Planets.

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Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon

I refer the student to pages 60, 61, 62, 63, 64 and 65 for the historical account of the planets, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus, affecting the earth and its inhabitants; and to pages 66, 67 and 68 for the influncee of the near approach of Mars to our Globe, and its influence on the earth and its inhabitants; and on pages 69, 70 and 71 for the influence of the planet Uranus on the United States, while transiting through the sign Gemini; and on pages 74, 75, 76, 77 and 78 for the influence of Neptune on the earth and its inhabitants, while transiting through the sign Gemini; and on page 79 for the influence of the planets on Ireland, while transiting through the sign Taurus; and on pages 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120 and 121 for an account of persons described by the eight planets in the signs of the Zodiac; and on the commencement of page 122 to the end of page 141 for the effect o the eight planets on the native, when they form the conjunction, sextile, trine, square or opposition in his horoscope or in Horoary Astrology. Further on the student will find mention made of the planets being in their own sign or house, exaltations, triplicities, and in their terms, faces, detriment and fall; also mention will be made of the various planets being in what is called their joy or highest dignities; and an explanation of the effect or influence of these various essential dignities on the native when they occur in his horoscope.

On pages 185, 186, 187 and 188 is given the various diseases which each of the eight planets govern, and which effect the native.


The signs of the Zodiac, and their symbols are as follows:
Northern Signs, are :

ရာ Aries,

爬 Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, and Virgo.

They are opposite the Southern signs, which are:

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Libra, Scorpio, Sagittary, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. The first six are called Northern Signs, because they decline from the Equinox towards the North Pole.

The second six are called Southern Signs, as they decline from the Equinox to the South Pole.

On pages 97, 98 is given the general appearance of persons described by the 12 signs of the Zodiac, and on pages 185, 186 and 187 is given the various diseases which are ruled by the 12 signs of the Zodiac; but there are several other matters connected with the signs of the Zodiac which ought to be further explained, and which the student should, as far as possible, commit to memory, and especially that part called Essential Dignities of the Planets, when they are in certain signs and degrees which it is advisable for the student to know.


The Division of the 12 Signs of the Zodiac.
These signs are divided into Fixed, Moveable and Common signs.
Fixed signs are: 8, N, M and ~~~.
Moveable signs are: Y,,
Common signs are:

and VS.

I, I, ↑ and

The Fixed signs are called such partly on account of the position of the Sun, as each year when it enters each of these signs, the weather is said to be more fixed, and not so changeable. For instance when the Sun enters Aries, a moveable sign, the climate or condition of the weather changes, but having got one whole sign into that season or quarter of the year, or over the change, the weather becomes fixed or more settled. So when a number of planets are in fixed signs, or the Sun or Moon are in fixed signs, and there are fixed signs on the angles of the horoscopes, then any business commenced at these times is likely to last or endure also if a person is taken sick with the planets in a fixed sign, or fixed signs are on the angles, that sickness will not be easily removed or cured. Also, if a person is born with fixed signs on the angles in their horoscope or a number of the superior planets are in fixed signs, they are more stubborn and determined in their nature and disposition, than if they were born with moveable signs on the angles, and their planets also in a moveable sign. As an example, Gen. Grant had Taurus, a fixed sign, on his ascendant, and three of the superior planets, Saturn, Sun and Jupiter, all in that sign in the ascendant, and he had the planet Mars also in a fixed sign. Mrs. Grant once said: "The General is a very stubborn man," and his saying which became famous, "that he would fight it out on that line, if it takes all summer, was very characteristic of a man who had fixed signs on the ascendant, and so many planets also in fixed signs.

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Ger.. Washington had Taurus, a fixed sign on the ascendant, in his horoscope, and he also had Mars setting in Scorpio, another fixed sign, but Venus, his ruling planet, was in the sign Aries, a moveable sign, and he did not fight it out on that line if it took all summer," but often retreated and adopted other lines of attacking his enemies.

A person born with moveable signs on the ascendant, or their planets in moveable signs, or any business commenced under moveable signs, especially if they are on the angles, is likely to change or vascillate the same as the weather in Spring, Fall, and the Tropics. Common signs are between the two, that is neither moveable nor fixed, and any business commenced under them is neither fixed nor is it easily changed.

These signs are also divided into Human Signs, which are: II, TM, and 4, (the first part of which is human shape).

Persons born with these signs on the ascendant, or most of their planets in these signs, are likely to be humane, kind and good natured in their disposition and temper.

Persons born with their planets in Bestial signs which are Y, 8, , (the latter part,) and V3, are likely to be more or less Bestial

or coarse in their manners or take after animals which these signs are named after, if they are born with any of these signs on the ascendant, or their planets in these signs.

Double Bodied signs are and the first part of t.

Persons born with these signs on the ascendant, or on the 7th house, or their planets or the Moon in these signs, are likely to marry more than once and also liable to have twins.

Fruitful signs are, and X.

Persons born with these signs on the ascendant, or on the 5th or 11th houses, are likely to have a number of children or be what they call fruitful in regard to children.

Barren signs are II and my.

Persons born with these signs on the ascendant, or on the 5th house, or the Moon or lord of the ascendant in one of these signs, have very few children, if any. For example, Gen. Washington had Leo on his 5th house, which caused him to have no children.

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Persons born with these signs on the ascendant or their Moon or lord of the ascendant in any of these signs, are likely to be talkative, have good language and make good speakers.

Mute signs or signs without Voice are, and ж.

Persons born with these signs on the ascendant, or their Moon or lord of the ascendant in these signs are not good speakers, they hesitate when talking, and seldom make good orators.

Cardinal signs are Y, ,

and VS.

Persons born with these signs on the ascendant, or have many planets in any of these signs, become prominent or noted, or they are likely in some way to make a name in the world. They are called Cardinal because the season of the year changes when the Sun enters any of those signs. Equinoctial signs are Y and✩.

The Equinox occurs when the Sun enters either of those signs.

The 12 signs of the Zodiac are also divided into masculine and ferninine. The Masculine signs are every other sign, viz: Y, II, N, ,, and .

Persons born with any one of these signs on the ascendant are more Masculine and manly than if born under feminine sign; even females have a more masculine tendency when born under them.

Feminine signs are 8,,, M, VS and X.

Persons born with any of these signs on the ascendant or the Moon or lord of the ascendant in any of these signs are generally feminine; they do not care to fight the world, and are more quiet and easy in their manners.

Triplicities or Trigons.

These signs are also divided into Eastern or Fiery signs, called the Fiery Triplicities or Trigons, which are Y, N and ↑ .

These signs are called hot and dry. That is any person born under any of those signs, or if they are on the ascendant, or the Moon or lord of the ascendant, is in any of them, when they are taken sick, their

illness is of a hot and dry nature; when well they are generally of a warm tendency and of a quick temper, and inclined to be of a dry nature; that is they do not retain much watery humor in their system. Southern or Earthy signs or Triplicty are 8, and VS.

They are cold and dry. ascendant, or if lord of the signs are more of a cold

Persons born with any of these signs on the ascendant, or the Moon is in any of these and dry nature; they seldom are afflicted with hot or burning fevers, but their diseases are generally of a cold kind. Western or Airy signs or Triplicity are II, and ~.

They are said to be warm and moist. Persons born under any of these signs are generally of a rather warm and moist tendency, and they are generally kind hearted and inclined to be effeminate.

Northern or Watery signs or Triplicity are, and ¥.

They are cold and moist. Persons born with any of these signs on the ascendant, or the Moon or lord of the ascendant posited in any of them, are likely to be cold and of a moist tendency, and their complains whenever sick are of that nature.

The signs are also divided into Dry and Moist.
Dry signs are P, 8, N, TX, ↑ and VS.

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These signs are also divided into signs of long and short ascension. Long Ascension signs are, N, π, ±, TM and ↑ .

Short Ascension signs are VS, ~, P, 8 and II.

Any aspects from any sign of Long Ascension are likely to be longer before they are felt, but any aspects in signs of Short Ascension their influences are more quickly felt.*

The signs are also divided among the planets in the following order, and these planets that are on the line with the signs, are said to be lord or lady of the signs or houses, and are said to rule the signs they are lords or ladies of whether they are posited in them or not.

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Besides the planets being lords or ladies of the houses or certain signs, there are other signs in which a planet is said to receive its exaltation or be almost as strong as being in its own house, and even retains the

*William Lilly and a number of other old Astrologers, state in their works on astrology, that a square aspect in signs of long ascension is equal to a trine aspect; and a trine formed in signs of short ascension is equivolent to a square aspect, in their influence on the native or in Horary Astrology. I believe all modern Astrologers have given up that theory entirely, and that a square aspect is a square, and a trine aspect is a trine, no matter whether they occur in signs of long or

short ascension.

In making calculations to find when any Primary Direction will be complete in a horoscope; reckoning a year for the degree in signs of short ascension, the event occurs about a month less than one year; but in signs of long ascension it is about a month over a year when the event takes place, reckoning a degree for a year in the native's life.

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