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such an unexpected kindness, the young nobleman recovered both life and speech. But his confusion, joy, and gratitude, expressed themselves first in a torrent of tears. "Alas!" says he, "now I am come to the knowledge of myself, and find most plainly, that I have two souls; one that inclines me to good, another that excites me to evil. The former prevails, when you speak to me, and come to my relief: when I am alone, and left to myself, I give way to, and am overpowered by the latter." Araspes made advantageous amends for his fault, and rendered Cyrus considerable service, by retiring among the Assyrians, under the pretence of discontent, and by giving intelligence of their measures and designs.*

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The loss of so brave an officer, who, through discontent, was supposed to have gone over to the enemy, greatly affected the whole army. Panthea, who had occasioned it, promised Cyrus to supply his place with an officer of equal merit, meaning her husband Abradates. Accordingly, upon her writing to him he repaired to the camp of the Persians, and was directly carried to Panthea's tent, who told him, with a flood of tears, how kindly and handsomely she had been treated by the generous conqueror. "And how," cried out Abradates, "shall I be able to acknowledge so important a service?" By behaving towards him," replied Panthea, as he hath done towards me." Whereupon he waited immediately upon Cyrus, and paying his respects to so great a benefactor, "you see before you,' "said he "the tenderest friend, the most devoted servant, and the most faithful ally, you ever had; who, not being able otherwise to acknowledge your favours, comes and devotes himself entirely to your service." Cyrus received him with such a noble and generous air, accompanied with so much tenderness and humanity, as fully convinced him, that whatever Panthea had said of the wonderful character of that great prince, was greatly short of the truth.t

Two Assyrian noblemen, likewise, who designed, as Cyrus was informed, to put themselves under his protection, rendered him extraordinary service. The one was called Gobryas, an old man, venerable both on account of his age and his virtue. The late king of Assyria, who was well acquainted with his merit, and had a very particular regard for him, had resolved to give his daughter in marriage to his son, and for that reason had sent for him to court. This young nobleman, at a match of hunting, to which he had been invited, happened to pierce a wild beast with his dart, which the king's son had missed. The latter, who was of a passionate and savage temper, immediately struck the gentleman with his lance, through rage and vexation, and laid him dead upon the spot. Gobryas besought Cyrus to avenge so unfortunate a father, and to take his family under his protection; and the rather because he had no children left now but an only daughter, who had long been designed for a wife to the young king, but could not bear the thought of marrying the murderer of her brother. This young king was called Laborosoarchod; he reigned only nine months, and was succeeded by Nabonid, called also Labynit and Balthasar, who reigned seventeen years.§

The other Assyrian nobleman was called Gadates. He was prince of a numerous and powerful people. The king then reigning had treated him in a very cruel manner, after he came to the throne, because one of his concubines had mentioned him as a handsome man, and spoken advantageously of the happiness of that woman whom he should choose for a wife.||

The expectation of this double succour was a strong inducement to Cyrus, and made him determined to penetrate into the heart of the enemy's country. As Babylon, the capital city of the empire he designed to conquer, was the chief object of his expedition, he turned his views and his march that way, not intending to attack that city immediately in form, but only to take a view of it, and make himself acquainted with it; to draw off as many allies as he

Cyrop. 1. i. p. 34.
† Cyrop. 1. vi. p. 155, 156.
A. M. 3449. Ant. J. C. 555.

Cyrop. I. iv p. 111, 113 Cyrop. 1. v. p. 123, 124.

could from that prince's party, and to make previous dispositions and preparations for the siege he meditated. He set out, therefore, with his troops, and first marched to the territories of Gobryas. The fortress he lived in seemed to be an impregnable place, so advantageously was it situated, and so strongly fortified on all sides. This prince came out to meet him, and ordered refreshments to be brought for his whole army. He then conducted Cyrus to his palace, and there laid an infinite number of silver and gold cups, and other vessels, at his feet, together with a multitude of purses, full of the golden coin of the country; then sending for his daughter, who was of a majestic shape and exquisite beauty, which the mourning habit she wore for her brother's death seemed greatly to enhance, he presented her to Cyrus, desiring him to take her under his protection, and to accept those marks of his acknowledgment, which he took the liberty to offer him. "I willingly accept your gold and silver," says Cyrus, "and I make a present of it to your daughter, to augment her portion. Doubt not, but among the nobles of my court, you will find a match suitable for her. It will neither be their own riches nor yours, which they will set their esteem upon. I can assure you, there are many among them, who would make no account of all the treasures of Babylon, if they were unattended with merit and virtue. It is their only glory, I dare affirm it of them, as it is mine, to approve themselves faithful to their friends, formidable to their enemies, and respectful to the gods." Gobryas pressed him to take a repast with him in his house, but he steadfastly refused, and returned into his camp with Gobryas, who staid and eat with him and his officers. The ground, and the green turf that was upon it, was the only bed or couch they had; and it is to be supposed the whole entertainment corresponded. Gobryas, who was a person of good sense, was convinced how much that noble simplicity was superior to his vain magnificence; and declared, that the Assyrians had the art of distinguishing themselves by pride, and the Persians by merit and above all things he admired the ingenuous vein of humour, and the innocent cheerfulness, that reigned throughout the whole entertainment.*

Cyrus, always intent upon his great design, proceeded with Gobry as towards the country of Gadates, which was beyond Babylon. In the neighbourhood of this, there was a strong citadel, which commanded the country of the Sacat and the Cadusians, where a governor for the king of Babylon resided, to keep those people in awe. Cyrus made a feint of attacking the citadel. Gadates, whose intelligence with the Persians was as yet kept secret, by Cyrus's advice, offered himself to the Governor of it, to join with him in the defence of that important place. He was accordingly admitted with all his troops, and im mediately delivered it up to Cyrus. The possession of the citadel made him master of the Sacæ and the Cadusians; and as he treated those people with great kindness and lenity, they remained inviolably attached to his service. The Cadusians raised an army of twenty thousand foot, and four thousand horse; and the Sacæ furnished ten thousand foot, and two thousand horse archers. The king of Assyria took the field, in order to punish Gadates for this rebellion; but Cyrus engaged and defeated him, making a great slaughter of his troops, and obliging him to retreat to Babylon. After this exploit, the conqueror employed some time in ravaging the enemy's country. His kind treatment of the prisoners of war, in giving to all of them liberty to return home to their habitations, had spread the fame of his clemency wherever be came. Numbers of people voluntarily surrendered to him, and very much augmented his army. Then, advancing near the city of Babylon, he sent the king of Assyria a personal challenge, to terminate their quarrel by a single combat; but his challenge was not accepted. In order to secure the peace and tranquillity of his allies during his absence, he made a kind of truce, or treaty, with the king of Assyria, by which it was agreed on both sides, that the husbandmen should not be molested, but should have full liberty to cultivate their lands, and reap Not the Sacæ of Scythia.

Cyrop. 1. v. p. 119, 123.

the fruits of their labour. Therefore after having viewed the country, ext. mined the situation of Babylon, acquired a considerable number of friends and allies, and greatly augmented his cavalry, he marched away on his return to Media.*

When he came to the frontiers, he sent a messenger to Cyaxares, to acquaint him with his arrival, and to receive his commands. Cyaxares did not think proper to admit so great an army into his country, an army that was about to receive a farther augmentation of forty thousand men, just arrived from Persia. He therefore set out the next day with what cavalry he had left, to join Cyrus, who likewise advanced to meet him with his cavalry, which were very fine and numerous. The sight of those troops rekindled the jealousy and dissatisfactionof Cyaxares. He received his nephew in a very cold manner, turned away his face from him, to avoid the receiving of his salute, and even wept through vexation. Cyrus commanded all the company to retire, and entered into a conversation with his uncle, for explaining himself with the more freedom. He spoke to him with so much moderation, submission, and reason; gave him such strong proofs of his integrity, respect, and inviolable attachment to his person and interest, that in a moment he dispelled all his suspicions, and perfectly recovered his favour and good opinion. They embraced each other, and tears were shed on both sides. How great was the joy of the Persians and Medes who waited the event of this interview with anxiety and trembling, is not to be expressed. Cyaxares and Cyrus immediately remounted their horses, and then all the Medes ranged themselves in the train of Cyaxares, according to the sign given them by Cyrus. The Persians followed Cyrus, and the men of the other nations their particular prince. When they arrived at the camp, they conducted Cyaxares to the tent prepared for him. He was presently visited by almost all the Medes, who came to salute him, and to bring him presents; some of their own accord, and others by the direction of Cyrus. Cyaxares was extremely touched at this proceeding, and began to find that Cyrus had not corrupted his subjects, and that the Medes had the same affection for him as before.†

Such was the success of Cyrus's first expedition against Croesus and the Babylonians. In the council, held the next day, in the presence of Cyaxares and all the officers, it was resolved to continue the war.

Not finding in Xenophon any date that precisely fixes the years wherein the several events he relates happened, I suppose, with Usher, though Xenophon's relation does not seem to favour this conjecture, that between the two battles against Croesus and the Babylonians, several years passed, during which all necessary preparations were made on both sides, for carrying on the important war which was begun; and within this interval I place the marriage of Cyrus. Cyrus, then, about this time, had thought of making a tour into his own country, about six or seven years after his departure, at the head of the Persian army. Cyaxares, on this occasion, gave him a signal testimony of the value he had for his merit. Having no male issue, and but one daughter, he offered her in marriage to Cyrus, with an assurance of the kingdom of Media for her portion.§ Cyrus had a grateful sense of this advantageous offer, and expressed the warmest acknowledgments of it; but thought himself not at liberty to accept it, till he had the consent of his father and mother; leaving therein a rare example to all future ages, of the respectful submission and entire depen

† Cyrop. I. v. p. 141-147.

Cyrop. 1. vi. p. 148–151.

Cyrop. 1. v. p. 124-140. Xenophon places this marriage after the taking of Babylon. But as Cyrus at that time was above sixty years of age, and the princess not much less, and as it is improbable that either of them should wait till that age, before they thought of matrimony, I thought proper to give this fact a more early date. Besides, at any rate, Cambyses would have been but seven years old when he came to the throne, and but fourteen or fifteen when he died; which cannot be reconciled with the expeditions he made into Egypt and Ethiopia, nor with the rest of his history. Perhaps Xenophon might date the taking of Babylon much earlier than we do; but I follow the chronology of Archbishop Usher. I have also left out what is related in the Cyropædia, 1. viii. p. 228, that from the time Cyrus was at the court of his grandfather Astyages, the young princess had said she would have no other hi sband than Cyrus Her father Cyaxares was then but thirty years old.

325 dence, which all children ought to show to their parents on the like occasions, of whatever age they may be, or to whatever degree of power and greatness they may have arrived. Cyrus married this princess on his return from Persia.*

When the marriage solemnity was over, Cyrus returned to his camp, and improved the time he had to spare, in securing his new conquests, and taking all proper measures with his allies, for accomplishing the great design he had formed.

Foreseeing, says Xenophon, that the preparations for war might take up a great deal of time, he pitched his camp in a convenient and healthy place, and fortified it very strongly. He there kept his troops to the same discipline and exercise as if the enemy had been always in sight.†

They understood by deserters, and by the prisoners brought every day into the camp, that the king of Babylon was gone into Lydia, and had carried with him vast sums of gold and silver. The common soldiers immediately concluded, that it was fear which made him remove his treasures. But Cyrus judged he had undertaken this journey, only to raise up some new enemy against him; and therefore laboured with indefatigable application in preparing for a second battle.

Above all things he applied himself to strengthen his Persian cavalry, and to have a great number of chariots of war, built after a new form, having found great inconveniences in the old ones, the fashion of which came from Troy, and had continued in use till that time throughout all Asia.

In this interval, ambassadors arrived from the king of India, with a large sum of money for Cyrus from the king their master, who had also ordered them to assure him, that he was very glad he had acquainted him with what he wanted; that he was willing to be his friend and ally; and, if he still wanted more money, he had nothing to do but to let him know; and that, in short, he had ordered his ambassadors to pay him the same absolute obedience as to himself. Cyrus received these obliging offers with all possible dignity and gratitude. He treated the ambassadors with the utmost respect, and made them noble presents; and taking advantage of their good disposition, desired them to depute three of their own body to the enemy, as envoys from the king of India, on pretence of proposing an alliance with the king of Assyria, but in effect to discover his designs, and give Cyrus an account of them. The Indians undertook this employment with joy, and acquitted themselves in it with great ability.† I do not recognise, in this last circumstance, the upright conduct and usual sincerity of Cyrus. Could he be ignorant, that it was an open violation of the law of nations to send spies to an enemy's court, under the title of ambassadors; which is a character that will not suffer those invested with it, to act so mean a part, or to be guilty of such treachery?

Cyrus prepared for the approaching battle, like a man who had nothing but great objects in view. He not only took care of every thing that had been resolved in council, but took pleasure in exciting a noble emulation among his officers, who should have the finest arms, be the best mounted, throw a dart or shoot an arrow the most dexterously, or who should undergo toil and fatigue with the greatest patience. This he brought about by taking them with him in hunting, and by constantly rewarding those that distinguished themselves most. Wherever he perceived that, the captains took particular care of their men, he praised them publicly, and showed them all possible favour. When he made them any feast, he never proposed any other diversions than military exercises, and always gave considerable prizes to the conquerors, by which means he excited a universal ardour throughout his army. In a word, he was a general, who, in repose as well as action, nay, even in his pleasures, his meals, conversations, and walks, had his thoughts entirely bent on promoting the service. It is by such methods a man becomes an able and complete warrior.§

Cyrop. 1. viii. p. 228, 229. † Cyrop. l. vi. p 151.

Cyrop. p. 156, 157.

Cyrop. l. vi. 157.

In the mean time, the Indian ambassadors, having returned from the enemy's camp, brought word, that Croesus was chosen generalissimo of their army; that all the kings and princes in their alliance had agreed to furnish the necessary sums of money for raising the troops; that the Thracians had already engaged themselves; that from Egypt a great succour was marching, consisting of a hundred and twenty thousand men; that another army was expected from Cyprus, that the Cilicians, the people of the two Phrygias, the Lycaonians, Paphlagonians, Cappadocians, Arabians, and Phoenicians, were already arrived; that the Assyrians were likewise come up with the king of Babylon; that the Ionians, Æolians, and most of the Greeks living in Asia, had been obliged to join them; that Croesus had likewise sent to the Lacedæ monians, to bring them into a treaty of alliance; that the army was assembled near the river Pactolus, from whence it was to advance to Thymbria, which was the place of rendezvous for all the troops. This relation was confirmed by the accounts brought in, both by the prisoners and the spies.*

Cyrus's army was discouraged by this news. But that prince, having as sembled his officers, and represented to them the infinite difference between the enemy's troops and theirs, soon dispelled their fears, and revived their courage.f

Cyrus had taken proper measures for providing his army with all necessaries, and had given orders, as well for their march as for the battle he was preparing to fight; in doing which, he descended to an astonishing detail, which Xenophon relates at length, and which reached from the chief commanders down to the very lowest subaltern officers; for he knew very well, that upon such precautions the success of enterprises depends, which often miscarry through the neglect of the smallest circumstances; in the same manner, as it frequently happens, that the playing or movement of the greatest machines is stopped through the disorder of a single wheel, however small.‡

This prince knew all the officers of his army by their names; and making use of a common, but significant comparison, he used to say, "He thought it strange that an artificer should know the names of all his tools, and a general should be so indifferent, as not to know the names of all his captains, which are the instruments he must make use of in all his enterprises and operations." Besides, he was persuaded, that such an attention had something in it more honourable for the officers, more engaging, and more proper to excite them to do their duty, as it naturally leads them to believe they are both known and esteemed by their general.§

When all the preparations were finished, Cyrus took leave of Cyaxares, who staid in Media, with a third part of his troops, that the country might not be left entirely defenceless.||

Cyrus, who understood how advantageous it is always to make the enemy's country the seat of war, did not wait for the Babylonians coming to attack him in Media, but marched forward to meet them in their territories, that he might both consume their forage by his troops, and disconcert their measures by his expedition, and the boldness of his undertaking. After a very long march, he came up with the enemy at Thymbria, a city of Lydia, not far from Sardis, the capital of the country. They did not imagine this prince, with half the number of forces they had, could think of coming to attack them in their own country; and they were strangely surprised to see him come, before they had time to lay up the provisions necessary for the subsistence of their nume rous army, or to assemble all the forces they intended to bring into the field against him.

SECTION V.-THE BATTLE OF THYMBRIA, BETWEEN CYRUS AND CREESUS THIS battle is one of the most considerable events in antiquity, since it decided upon the empire of Asia between the Assyrians of Babylon and the Per

*Cyrop. p. 158.
† Cyrop. 1. vi. p. 159.
Cyrop. l. v. p. 131, 132.

Cyrop. p. 158-163.
Cyrop. 1. vi p. 160 161

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