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Leaving Dr. Paley and his advocates to reconcile thefe notions, and the loyal admonition to fovereigns that the phyfical strength refides in the governed; that this ftrength wants only to be felt and rouzed, to lay proftrate the most ancient and confirmed dominion; that civil authority is founded in opinion;" with the language of THE HOMILIES, we thall not infult our readers by a fingle comment on fuch propofitions; but merely afk whether Jacobinifm could have a more able advocate than Dr. Paley.

But we defy any man to produce a paffage, from the works of either Pain or Thelwall, more truly mifchievous than the following introductory chapter to his Differtation on pr pe ty.

"If you should fee a flock of pigeons in a field of corn; and if (instead of each picking where and what it liked, taking juft as much as it wanted, and no more) you fhould fee ninety-nine of them gathering all they got into a heap; referving nothing for themselves but the chaff and refufe; keeping this heap for one, and that the wea eft perhaps and worft pigeon of the flock; fitting round, and looking on all the winter, whilft this one was devouring, throwing about, and wafting it; and if a pigeon more hardy or hungry than the reft touched a grain of the hoard, all the others inftantly dying upon it, and tearing it to pieces: if you should fee this, you would fee nothing more than what is every day practifed and eftablished among men. Among men you fee the ninety and nine toiling and fcraping together a heap of fuperfluities for one; getting nothing for themfelves all the wile, but a little of the coarseft of the provifion which their own labour produces; and this one, too, oftentimes the feebleft and worst of the whole fet, a child, a madman, or a fool; looking quietly on, while they fee the fruits of a 'l their labour fpent, or fpoiled; and if one of them take or touch a particle of it, the others join against him, and hang him for the theft t."


The text is fo much stronger, and more luminous, than the expofition, that the former will be adopted with eagernefs, while the latter will be rejected with contempt..

After telling the people that fuch is hè ftate of fociety, that the phyfical ftrength of the country refides in them, that their obligation to obedience is a mere matter of expediency, and that refiftance is juft, whenever, in their own opinion, they may thereby improve their condition, it is of very little ufe to difplay, with philofophical cooluefs, the advantages refulting from this ftate of things; in increafing the produce of the earth; in preferving that produce to maturity; in preventing contefts; and in im roving the onveniency of living. The only confolation for the inferior claffes of fociety, the only inducement to fubmiffion, (except that whih arifes from the fear of legal punishment) under fo unequal (though fo neceffary) a diftribution of the burdens and the comforts of life, is RELIGION; and the moral or political philofopher, who feeks by futtle logic, to argue thofe claffes into obedience and refignation, without calling RELIGION to his aid, will, fooner or later, find himfelf egregioufly deceived, and fee his gaudy fabric, erected on the fand of human reafon, crumble into duft. Can parts felected from a work replete with fuch principles be proper for the examination of ftudents at an univerfity? We cannot but think it the bounden duty of tutors wholly to reject a publication evidently fraught with much

* Idem. 125, 126. PENDIX, VOL. XI.

† Iden, ibid. vol. i. p. 105, 106.

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mifchief; rather than, by the felection of parts, to direct the attention of their pupils to the perufal of the whole. We muft now leave it to our readers to fay, how far we have made good our charge, and ultimately to decide between our correspondent and ourselves.

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HOULD the following lines be efteemed worthy a place in the poetical department of the Anti-Jacobin Review, they are offered to the Editors of that invaluable publication with equal deference, refpect, and gratitude, by their Obliged humble Servant,



On viewing a fingularly glowing Sun-Jet.


THE fultry noon-tide hours were past,
The fun his lengthning fhadows caft,
With dazzling luftre, all his own,
Athwart the curling wave he shone;
In one refplendent column wide
His fparkling rays beftrode the tide,
And glitt'ring o'er the bold expanse,
On the blue ocean feem'd to dance.

. II.

Wrapt in delight, my eye furvey'd
With fteady gaze the path he made;
'Twas pav'd with gems of richeft huc,
The Amethyft and Turquoize blue,
The glowing Ruby, Topaz rare,
And vivid Em'ralds mingled there:
While burnish'd gold enrich'd the ground,
And diamonds blaz'd profufely round.


Long did this matchlefs caufeway play
With ceafelefs motion o'er the fea;
So long upon the beach I ftood,
Watching the illumin'd food.

The fun had now fulfill'd his course
Tho' each bright tint yet fel his force,
Auguftly grand, he fought the wave,
And funk in his cerulean grave.


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New French Books, juft imported, by J. DEBOFFE.

Hiftoire Naturelle des Oifeaux de Paradis, No. 3. fol.


des Colibris, Promerops, &c. No. 19, fol. & 4to.
des Oiseaux d'Afrique, No. 18,
des Offeaux d'Amerique, No. 7,

Defcription des Plantes Graffes, No. 16,

Ménagerie du Museum National, No. 4, fol.



Le Genie du Chriftianifme, par Chateaubriand, auteur d'Atala, 5 vol. 8vo.

11. 5.

Hiftoire de l'Expédition d'Egypte, depuis la Bataille d'Héliopolis, jusqu'à la Capitulation des Français, par le General Regnier, 8vo. 75.

Effai fur l'Emulation dans l'Ordre Social, & fur fon Application à l'Education, par Raymond, 8vo. 55.

Soirées de Ferney, ou confidence de Voltaire, 8vo. 5s.

Les Abdérites, fuivis de la Salamandre & la Statue, trad. de l'Allemand de Wieland, 3 vols. 8vo. 18s.

Le Dix Huit Brumaire oppofé au Systéme de la Terreur, par Fiévée, 1s. 6d. Le Nouveau Tableau de Famille, trad. de l'Allemand d'Auguste Lafontaine, 5 vols. 12mo. 15$.

La Religion Romaine en France, 2s.

Fatime & Zoroé, conte Arabe. 4 vols. 12s.

Gonzalve de Cordove, par Florian (en Espagnol) 2 vols. gs.

Bibliothéque Commerciale, par Peuchet, 8vo. Subscription per Year of 24 Nos. 11. 11s. 6d.

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Recueil de Mécanique rélatif à l'Agriculture & aux Arts, 4to. 12s.
Effai fur l'Art de la Verrerie, par Loyfel, 8vo. 6s.

Mémoires de la Société Médicale d'Emulation, 3 Année, 8vo. 8s.


WE request P. C. to accept our thanks for the General and connected View of the Prophecies relating to the times of the Gentiles, which he has tranfmitted to us. It is a valuable little tract every way worthy of the talents and erudition

Critici its author, with whom our reviewer of Mr. King's Morsels of

had the pleasure of being aquainted about fixteen years ago; and whofe principles he has always admired. When P. C. however, recollects that the Morsel of Criticism on Daniel's Prophecy of the Mohammedar power, was first published in 1788, and the General and connected View not till 1795, he will, of courfe, acquit Mr. King of plagiarism; whilft we, who are well acquainted with the independent fpirit of the author of the View, are perfectly fatisfied that he is incapable of borrowing any interpretation without acknowledgment. The coincidence is fingular, and furnishes an additional proof that the interpretation, as we have it in the View, is juft.






ABERYSTWITH, a curious hiftory of,

Adelphi, on the impropriety of perform-
ing it at Weftminster, 43.

Africa, account of the circumnavigation of,
by Herodotus, 351; doubts relative' to
this voyage, 352.

Almighty, a juft diftinction of the inftru-
ments employed by, in his difpenfations
towards mankind, 4.

Angels, opinion refpecting their garments,


Anne, Emprefs of Ruffia, account of, and
the events which raised her to the throne,

Antient Languages, on the deficiency of

modern knowledge of, 225.

Antient Writers, their general abufe of fe-

males proved by quotation, 152-154.
Antients, their utility to modern authors,


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-- Prayer-brook, &c. the defign, utility,
&c. of Mr. Reeves's new editions, 368-
Biddulph and Hey, ftatement of the con
troverfy between, 106-110.

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Bishop of Ruchefter defended against the
treatment of the Reviewers, 76.

defended against the
ftrictures of the Monthly and Critical Re
viewers, 414-417.

Bishop of Waterford, the Catholic, charge
againft, 157.

Bishops, their caution in admitting perfons

into the miniftry, 268.

Black Sea, important error in the charts of,
detected, 456.

Blagdon Controverfy, impartial analyfis of,

417-431; Mr. Bere cenfured, 418; ftric-
tures on the conduct of Mrs. More, ib.;
Sir E. Elton's conduct examined, 419;
account of the Sunday School etablish-
ment, 419-423; difmiffion of Mr. Bere,
and his praife-worthy conduct on that
occafion, 425; conduct of Dr. Mofs,
427; mifreprefentations refpe&ting the
Schools, 428; curious fact relating to
Mrs. More, 429; Authors of Imposture
Expofed, and of an Alterative Epistle, dif-
covered, 431.

Bond, Oliver, account of, and his conspi-
гасу, 49.

Book-makers, advice to, 237.

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