OF VOLUMEII. PART I. OFFICERS of the Academy of Natural Sciences, for the year 1821. Page Description of a new Genus, and several new species of fresh water Fish, indigenous to the United States. 1 whose web is used in medicine. By N. M. Hentz. 63 Descriptions of some new Crystalline forms of Phosphate Descriptions of some new species of Plants recently intro- JOURNAL OF THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. JANUARY, 1821. List of Officers for the Year 1821. President. William Maclure. Vice Presidents. Zaccheus Collins, George Ord. Reuben Haines. Recording Secretary. Curators. Thomas Say, C. A. Le Sueur, J. P. Wetherill, Thomas M Euen. Treasurer. Jacob Gilliams. Librarian. Jacob Peirce. Committee of Publication. Thomas Say, Thomas Nuttall, Joseph Dulles, Isaac Hays, M. D. Isaac Lea. |