Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Volumen 2Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 1821 List of members, 1812-1848 (1 p. 1., 8 p.) inserted in 2nd series volume 1. |
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Términos y frases comunes
abdomen Academy and Philadelphia acid acute anal fin angle antennæ aperture apex appearance arms arquated base beak beneath blackish body whirl Breadth Cabinet calcareous capsule caudal fin Cayuga Lake colour columella convex Cuvier destitute dilated distinct dorsal fin East Florida edge elevated elongated epidermis eyes feet folio Franklinite genus grammes head hinge impressed lines inch indented inferior Inhabits the coast Inhabits the southern iron labrum Lake lateral line Length lime lobes longitudinal Maclure middle miles mineral Missouri nearly numerous oblique observed obsolete obtuse operculum pale palpi Paris pectoral pectoral fins prominent Pyroxene rays reddish-brown resembles river rock rounded rufous segment seum shell short side sienite slightly southern coast species specimens spire striæ suboval superior suture tail teeth tentacula tergum terminal THOMAS SAY tion tooth transverse truncated umbilicus valve ventral vols volutions whitish whorls William Maclure wrinkled
Pasajes populares
Página 77 - KOCH. oblong-ovate, gradually attenuated before; sides hardly arquated ; a few remote deeply impressed punctures not more numerous behind; posterior margin with about twelve impressed, abbreviated lines; a lateral, impressed, punctured, submarginal line, obsolete behind; two deeply indented, abbreviated lines before; head, hind edge rectilinear, angles abruptly a little extended backward, acute; rostrum rather short ; palpi ovate ; colour reddish or ferruginous varied with white, incisures of the...
Página 378 - Shell conic-ovate ; icJi or/a not perceptibly wrinkled, convex; suture deeply impressed ; aperture orbicular, hardly angulaled above ; labium with the superior edge appressed to the surface of the penultimate volution ; umbilicus rather small, profound. Length less than one-tenth of an inch. Inhabits Pennsylvania. This very small species is found in plenty in the fish ponds at Harrowgate, crawling on the dead leaves which have fallen to the bottom of the water. It resembles P. lustrica, but is a...
Página 242 - LINEATA. — Shell brownish, elongated, with about seven volutions; costa robust, obtuse, little elevated, and from seventeen to nineteen on the body whirl; body whirl with generally a blackish, more or less dilated line, which is nearly concealed on the volutions of the spire by the suture ; margin of the mouth robust, white, more dilated at the columella base.
Página 296 - Ancram furnace are in such a repute, that no other pigs are used at the West Point foundry for the heavy guns (32 and 42 pounders) now casting for the United States' navy. The Ancram furnace equals, in beauty of workmanship, and economy of means, any that we have seen ; and we entertain no doubt, that all works carried on with such admirable perfection, must and will always prove equally honourable and profitable to their owners and directors.
Página 79 - Body fuscous, ovate punctured ; tergum with a few black, obsolete lines, and a profoundly indented submarginal line, posterior marginal impressed line none; no distinct thorax; edge rounded; head posterior edge rectilinear, angles not prominent beyond the rectilinear edge; eyes not visible; palpi suboval, terminal joint rather longer than the preceding one. — Cabinet of the Academy. — A common species".
Página 171 - Shell heterostrophe, pale yellowish, very fragile, diaphanous, oolong; whirls six or seven; spire tapering, acute at the tip ; suture slightly impressed ; aperture not dilated, attenuated above, about half as long as the shell ; columella much narrowed near the base, so that the view, may be partially extended from the base towards the apex. Inhabits shores of Illinois. Length, 7-10 inch. Greatest breadth, 3-10 nearly. Animal deep black, immaculate, above and beneath ; tentacula setaceous, a white...
Página 78 - Body oblong-ovate, gradually attenuated before, sides hardly arquated, crowded with impressed confluent punctures; thorax destitute of punctures, but with two impressed undulated lines; abbreviated lines of the posterior margin not deeply impressed, almost obsolete; lateral submarginal line deeply impressed, obsolete behind; head, hind edge rectilinear, angles abruptly a little projected backward, acute; rostrum rather short; palpi oval; eyes distinct, impressed; colour ferruginous, thorax white...
Página 177 - ... large, ventricose, with a very obtuse, slightly impressed, revolving band; aperture suboval, above acute and effuse; within on the side of the exterior lip about four revolving, purplish lines, sometimes dotted, sometimes obsolete or wanting; labium thickened, particularly at the superior termination near the angle, and tinged with purplish; base of the columella somewhat elongated and incurved, meeting the exterior lip at an angle.
Página 236 - Shell with a cinereous epidermis, reddish-brown beneath ; volutions cancellate, the transverse costa eleven, robust ; revolving lines filiform, irregularly alternately smaller, crenating the edge of the exterior lip, which is acute, and alternating with the raised lines of the fauces ; fauces tinged with chocolate colour ; beak short, obtuse, not rectilinear ; luliriun not incrassated.
Página 204 - OF the gales experienced in the Atlantic States of North America, those from the north-east and north-west are by far the most influential : the one remarkable for its dryness; the other for its humidity. During a north-western gale, the sky, unless at its commencement, is always peculiarly clear, and not only water, but ice evaporates rapidly A north-east wind, when it approaches at all to the nature of a durable gale, is always accompanied by clouds, and usually by rain or snow.