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In some of the upper metamorphoric rocks, and in all those of the secondary and tertiary scries, remains of plants and animals are found, showing that when these rocks were formed, the earth had become a scene of vegetable and animal life. The rocks containing these organic remains, or fossils, are called FossILIFEROUS; and the remaining rocks, from their containing no such relics, are called NON-FOSSILIFEROUS.

Above the harder rocks, there are generally layers of clayey and earthy matter, topped by what is called the vegetable soil.

The principal rocks, exclusive of the volcanic, are ranged in the following order, descending from the highest to the lowest :

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Whatever rock, then, appears on or near the surface, if it be not of the volcanic kind, we may form from it some notion of what rocks are, and are not, below. If, for instance, we any where find one of the rocks of the tertiary series, we may deem it almost certain that rocks of the secondary, transition, and primary series, would be found in succession downwards, if we could dig to the proper depth. If we find rocks of the secondary series, it is equally likely that transition and primary rocks are below, and so on. The same conclusions may be formed respecting special kinds of rock of the various classes: if, for instance, we find at the surface a particular member of the secondary series, we may know that certain others of the same series are below. What alone prevents this rule from being of constant application, is the fact, that in no place does

every member of the whole series of known rocks exist. Every where some are wanting: in France, for example, transition rocks are in many places wanting. The rule, nevertheless, is certain with respect to the rocks which do exist at any place.

The order of supraposition enables us to conclude with greater certainty as to the absence of all rocks higher in the list than that which we find at the surface. If we find secondary rocks at the surface, we may be certain that none of the tertiary are there; if transition, none of the secondary or tertiary; if primary, none of the transition, secondary, or tertiary.

SECTION II-CAUSES OF ARRANGEMENT. The whole science of geology rests on certain natural laws, which are supposed, or have been ascertained, to be in constant operation, though not always, perhaps, with equally powerful effects. They chiefly resolve themselves into what have been called Degrading and Elevating Causes.

Degrading Causes.

The degrading causes are those which refer to the dissolving and wearing away of the elevated parts of the earth's surface, and the carrying of these parts down into lower levels. The dissolving is brought about by certain chemical and mechanical laws, and the carrying down into low levels is, in the main, a result of the law of gravitation. Considering that the solid parts of the earth are in their very nature liable to the operation of these laws, it appears quite unavoidable that land should be degraded. It is only, however, of late years that the degradation of land has attracted any attention. The immense scale on which it is constantly taking place was first explained in a satisfactory manner by Mr Charles Lyell, in his " Principles of Geology," published

in 1830.

The causes of the degradation of elevated land may be considered under three heads-meteorie, or those connected with the atmosphere; fluviatile, or those depending on rivers; and oceanic, or those in which the sea is the immediate agent.

The operation of the atmosphere and its vapoury contents upon the land proceeds in two ways, chemical and mechanical. There is a tendency in the hardest rock to absorb oxygen and carbonic acid from the atmosphere, and to be by that union dissolved. And this is an union which is always taking place, though in some places with more conspicuous effects than elsewhere. If the soil on any hill of volcanic rock be examined, we shall first find a fine powdery earth, then a mixture of earth and splinters of rock; next splinters alone, graduating into the hard rock below: such may be considered as an exhibition of the gradual process by which a hard rock is dissolved into powder or earth under the action of the atmosphere. In Jamaica, this dissolution of volcanic rock has taken place to a great depth. In granite, which is considered the hardest of all rocks, one of the component substances (felspar) has a great tendency to be decomposed, and hence even this rock is sometimes found to have been reduced to gravel or powder to a considerable depth. A hollow way, blasted through granite, was found by a geologist to have been in six years pulverised to the depth of three inches. These are solely chemical phenomena. Again, water perforates into minute fissures in rocks. When a frost arrives, the water swells, and dislodges parts of the rock, which are precipitated into the lower level. Or it may meet some clayey veins or strata, hitherto sufficient to keep various masses together. These veins or strata, being gradually softened by the water, lose their power of cementing the masses. The upper then fall away or slide into a lower level. A slide of rock from the Ruffiberg, in Switzerland, in 1806, filled the bottom of the vale below, destroying many villages, and causing the loss of 800 lives. The impulse of wind and rain on the surface of rock is also of great efficacy in pulverising and wearing it down, sharp parts being rounded, and

soft parts hollowed. In Sweden there are some large detached masses of granite, containing perforations produced by this cause, some so very large as to admit of a horse and cart passing through them. These effects may be considered as chiefly mechanical. As surely, then, as any part of the earth's crust is elevated into the atmosphere, just as certainly is it liable to be worn down and carried into a lower level.

with it 60 miles from the river's mouth. According to Mr Lyell, the quantity of solid matter brought down by this river every day, is equal in bulk to the greatest of the Egyptian pyramids. According to Captain Sabine, the muddy waters of the Amazon river may be distinguished 300 miles from its mouth.

The constant action of the sea upon the land is strikingly apparent to the inhabitants of coasts. Whole When water collects into channels and follows its islands have been destroyed by the action of tides and well-known tendency to find the lowest level to which oceanic currents, while the remains of others rise above it has access, it becomes a mechanical instrument of the surface of the water, like the ruins of some desostill greater force for wearing down the land. In its lated city. Many instances of the encroachment of smallest rills, as it descends the mountain side, it cuts the sea upon the land have been recorded. An inn on into the soil, and carries off whatever particles it can the coast of Norfolk, built in 1805, then 70 yards from disengage. When gathered into brooks, its operations the sea, was, in 1829, separated from the coast by only are still more powerful. When one of these is placed a small garden. A church on the coast of Kent, which amongst mountains, every heavy shower swells it into in the reign of Henry VIII. was a mile inland, is now an impetuous river, by which large quantities of only about 60 yards from the water's edge. The island detached rock and soil are brought down. In the upper of Nordstrand, on the coast of Schleswig, was, in the parts of the courses of almost all rivers, the greater thirteenth century, 50 miles long and 35 broad. About speed of descent makes up for the smaller volume of the end of the sixteenth century, it was reduced to an water, as far as the power of bringing down stones and area of only 20 miles in circumference. The inhabisoil is concerned. Again, in the lower part of the tants erected lofty dykes for the purpose of saving their course, the smaller speed is sometimes compensated by territories; but in the year 1634 a storm devastated the unevenness of the course; in which case, the water the whole island, by which 1340 human beings and is incessantly driven from one projection of the banks 50,000 head of cattle perished. Three very small islets against another, and by that means wears away a are all that now remain to point out the place where great quantity of solid matter. Many facts have once flourished the fertile and populous island of Nordbeen collected to prove the great efficacy of rivers strand. It is an old notion that Great Britain was once in wearing down the land. The Nerbuddah, a river united to the continent of Europe; and the identity in of India, has scooped out a channel in basaltic rock, structure of the opposite coasts of the strait of Dover 100 feet deep. The river Moselle has worn a channel seems to favour the supposition. There is reason to in solid rock to the depth of 600 feet. Messrs Sedg- believe that the Island of Ceylon was at one period wick and Murchison give an account of gorges scooped united to Hindostan. Humboldt is of opinion that the out in beds of the rock called conglomerate, in the West India islands once constituted a circuit of land valleys of the Eastern Alps, 600 or 700 feet deep. A which enclosed the Gulf of Mexico. stream of lava, which was vomited from Ætna in 1603, happened to flow across the channel of the river Simeto. Since that time the stream has cut a passage through the compact rock to the depth of between 40 and 50 feet, and to the breadth of between 50 and several hundred feet. The cataract of Niagara, in North America, has receded nearly 50 yards during the last forty years. Below the Falls, the river flows in a channel upwards of 150 feet deep, and 160 yards wide, for a distance of seven miles; and this channel has manifestly been produced by the action of the river.

Sometimes, during floods, rivers produce great changes in very short periods. A flood caused by the bursting of the barrier of a lake in the valley of Bagness, Switzerland, moved at first with the tremendous velocity of 33 feet per second. From the barrier burst by the waters to Lake Geneva, there is a fall of 4187 Paris feet; the distance is 45 miles; and the water flowed over all this space in five hours and a half. It carried along houses, bridges, and trees; and masses of rock equal in size to houses, were transported a quarter of a mile down the valley.

The matter carried down by rivers is often deposited at their sides, when it constitutes what is called alluvial land. Sometimes it is deposited at the bottom of lakes, when it forms what are termed lacustrine deposits. In many instances it has been deposited in large quantities at the mouths of rivers, giving rise to what are denominated deltas. Deltas are so called on account of their resembling the fourth letter of the Greek alphabet. The triangular form of a delta is produced by the river, at a certain point inland, dividing itself into two streams which gradually diverge till they reach the ocean, enclosing the space which constitutes the delta. As an instance of the great amount of new land formed at the mouths of rivers, the delta of the Ganges is 220 miles in one direction by 200 in another. The lower part of this delta, a wilderness inhabited by tigers and crocodiles, is as large as the principality of Wales!

The matter carried down by rivers, and thus deposited, is nothing in amount compared to that transported to the ocean. The quantity of sand and mud brought down by the Ganges to the Bay of Bengal, is in the flood season so great, that the sea is discoloured

It thus appears that there are causes in continual operation, for the wearing down of the elevated parts of the earth's crust, and taking the component particles into lower levels. The effects of these causes may be easily traced in the aqueous rocks, many of which are simply deposits of sediment carried by water from high into low places, and subsequently hardened, probably by heat from below and pressure from superincumbent materials. Were such causes not in some way counteracted, dry land could not long exist: all would be taken down and buried in the sea. We find the counteraction in what are termed the Elevating Causes.

Elevating Causes.

As Degrading Causes are chiefly owing to water, Elevating Causes are chiefly owing to fire. They are therefore sometimes comprehended under the term Igneous Agency.

The manifestations of igneous agency at present observable may be considered under three headsnamely, volcanoes, earthquakes, and gradually elevating forces. These phenomena may be viewed as the effects of subterranean heat, operating under different circumstances. A volcano may be described as an opening in the earth's surface, bearing the general appearance of a vent of subterraneous fire, and through which smoke, cinders, and ashes, are almost continually issuing, but which sometimes discharges great fragments of rock, and vast quantities of melted rocky matter. The general effect is a throwing up of earthy material from a low to a high level.

Geographers at present reckon about 200 volcanic vents in activity throughout the earth. The greater number of the whole are in a line along the west coast of South and North America. There are many in the islands of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, and in the centre of Asia. In Europe, there are only three in great activity-Etna in Sicily, Vesuvius in Italy, and Hecla in Iceland. But a vast number of hills throughout France, Britain, and other countries, bear the appearance of having once been active volcanoes. As volcanic action often takes place in the sea, and as there are probably many on land not yet described by geo

graphers, the number of such vents throughout the earth must be considerably more than 200.

Of the power of volcanoes to throw up large quantities of solid matter, we have many examples. During an eruption of Etna, a space around the mountain, 150 miles in circumference, was covered with a layer of sand and ashes, generally about twelve feet thick. In the first century, the cities of Herculaneum and Pompeii were buried beneath such a layer of matter by Vesuvius. In 1660, the philosopher Kircher, after accurately examining Etna, and the ground adjoining its base, calculated that the whole matter thrown out by it at its various active periods, would form a mass twenty times as large as the mountain itself, which is 10,870 feet high, and 30 miles in diameter at the base. From this mountain, in 1775, there issued a stream of lava a mile and a half in breadth, twelve miles long, and 200 feet thick. At an earlier period, there was a stream which covered eighty-four square miles. In 1538, a large hill, since named Monte Nuovo, was thrown up in the neighbourhood of Naples in one night; and in 1759, in a district of Mexico, previously covered by smiling plantations, a sudden outburst of volcanic action, which lasted several months, terminated in leaving six hills, varying from 300 to 1600 feet in height above the old plain.

Of the effect of submarine volcanoes, some interesting observations have been made in recent times. In June 1811, an island was thrown up by volcanic agency, near St Michael's, in the Azores. Columns of cinders rose 700 or 800 feet above the surface of the sea, with a noise resembling that of distant artillery. In the course of a few days, the island was a mile in circumference, and about 300 feet in height, having a crater in the centre, full of hot water. Some time afterwards, it disappeared. In July 1831, a similar island was thrown up, under precisely similar circumstances, in latitude 37° 11′ N., and longitude 12° 44′ E., off the coast of Sicily. It consisted of stones, mud, and cinders, and was of circular form, about a mile and a half in circumference, with a crater of hot water in the centre, 400 yards in diameter. This island, named Sciacca, or Graham's Island, existed so long above the sea as to allow of many persons landing upon it. The Bay of Santorin, in the Greek archipelago, which is about six miles long and four broad, contained, a few years ago, three volcanic isles, the first of which rose about the year 200, the second in 1650, and the third in 1709. In a part of the bay, where the water is generally several hundred feet deep, a shoal has for several years been gradually rising: about 1816, there were fifteen fathoms water upon it; in 1830, there were only three or four; the later accounts reduced it to two and a half. This rising mass was ascertained to be of solid rock, about half a mile in length, by oue-third of a mile in breadth; the water deepening suddenly all round it. In 1825, a new island was observed to rise in the Pacific Ocean, about 300 miles north of New Zealand. It consisted of solid rock, had a pool in the middle, and sent forth smoke from several chinks.

Many islands which have long been inhabited by man, bear all the appearance of having risen, in like manner, from the bosom of the deep. The islands of St Helena and Ascension, the Azores, the West India islands, Iceland, and many of the islands in the Pacific, are evidently the produce of volcanic action. "Owhyhee," says M. de la Beche, "is a magnificent example of such an island: the whole mass, estimated as exposing a surface of 4000 square miles, is composed of lava, or other volcanic matter, which rises in the peaks of Mouna Roa and Mouna Kaa, to the height of between 15,000 and 16,000 feet above the level of the sea."

times to cause a sinking of the ground, they may, upon the whole, be considered as among elevating causes. It is conceived that they are produced by gases confined in the molten interior of the earth, similar to those which find vent by volcanoes. Such gases, prevented by local circumstances from escaping, may, it is thought, thus shake the solid ground over a large tract, and even cause it to rise to a certain extent above its former level. The most striking proof which has been adduced in support of this doctrine, is the effect of the earthquake which took place in Chili in 1822. This is part of that continent in which volcanoes are most numerous and active. On the occasion referred to, a shock was felt along the coast for more than 1000 miles. The land for 100 miles along the coast, and backwards to the line of the Andes, was raised above its former level. At the shore, and for some distance along the bottom of the sea, the rise was three or four feet, so that rocks formerly submerged, and covered with shell-fish, were now exposed above the sea. Old beaches, similar to that now raised, were also observed in parallel lines along the land, the highest being about fifty feet above the ocean.

It has since been observed that old beaches, similar to those in Chili, exist in the neighbourhood of many seas. Along the Firth of Forth, in Scotland, there is one about forty feet above the present level of the sea, and which generally appears as a kind of bank a few hundred yards back from the present shore. In the firths of Clyde and Cromarty, similar beaches are traced. They may always be detected by their terrace-like level, and the presence of sea-shells, rounded pebbles, gravel, and sand, such as usually compose beaches at the present day. In some places, old beaches have been conspicuous enough to become objects of popular wonder. In the vale of Glenroy, in Inverness-shire, as also in some neighbouring vales connected with Glenroy, there are three terraces along the sides of the hills, at various heights, which the ignorant people of the district firmly believe to have been roads formed by the hero Fingal for hunting, but which are now shown pretty clearly to have been the shores of quiet estuaries or arms of the sea, similar to many which still exist in the Scottish Highlands-three successive elevations, probably the effect of earthquakes, having elevated the land above the water, so as to leave as many terraces. Among the Alps, and in South America, there are vales marked in exactly the same way as Glenroy.

The existence of a force which gradually elevates the land in many places out of the water, was discovered by Mr Lyell. His chief observations were made upon the shores of the Gulf of Bothnia, which he ascertained to have risen several feet in the course of the last century, and a few inches even since 1820.

Besides the greater elevating causes arising from subterranean fires, there are some lesser ones of less mysterious origin. The sands deposited on beaches are sometimes blown by winds in upon the land, covering the vegetable soil throughout a large space, and in some instauces forming hills of considerable height and magnitude. Some parts of the coast of Holland are thus fenced with ranges of sand-hills, the whole mass of which has been blown back from the sea. On some parts of the French coast, large tracts, once smiling with cultivation, are thus buried under a sterile layer of sand, which is continually advancing, notwithstanding every effort of man. On the coast of Moray, in the north of Scotland, a tract once forming the barony of Culbleen, has been transformed into a sandy tract since the fifteenth century. Such sand-beds readily become converted into strata of sandstone, if saturated with water containing a limy infusion.

The causes of earthquakes have not as yet been In various parts of the world, land is raised out of the satisfactorily explained, but they are now generally sea by the efforts of coral insects. The works of these allowed to be connected with volcanic agency. They creatures are seen upon a vast scale in the Pacific, occur less frequently, and generally with less tremen- where whole ranges of islands are formed by them. dous effect, in Europe, than in some other parts of the On the coast of New Holland, there is a coral reef which world, those parts where volcanic agency is most active, stretches out to a thousand miles in length. The insects being also the parts where earthquakes are most fre- do not commence their laborious operations at a great quent and most dreadful. Though their effect is some-depth below water; from 60 to 100 feet is considered


If we consider the operation of the elevating causes, we can be at no loss to understand how we should now see, as composing dry land, and sometimes in very lofty situations, strata which were once at the bottoms of seas; neither will it be surprising, if the irregular nature of volcanic forces is considered, that the strata, so elevated, rarely are found in their originally level position, but in all degrees of inclination, sometimes quite on edge, and even in certain rare instances folded backwards, so as to be upside down.

the utmost extent to which the islands extend down- | stony matter, and had firmly glued themselves to the wards. They are generally of a circular or oval shape; and Mr Lyell is of opinion that corals build upon the rims and in the craters of submarine volcanoes. The outer wall of the building emerges first above the waves, enclosing a pool of tranquil water. The seeds of vegetables are either brought there by sea-birds, or wafted by the ocean, and the islands soon become clothed with a mantle of green. The substance of which these islands and reefs are composed, is lime, which the insects secrete from the sea-water, and cement together with a glutinous matter contained in their bodies. Mr Lyell, while surveying the Isthmus of Panama, detached a quantity of these animals, and placed them on some rocks in a shallow pool of water. On returning to remove them a few days afterwards, he found they had secreted

The changes produced by the united operations of aqueous and igneous agency are in part represented in the subjoined engraving of a supposed section of part of the earth's crust.


a Primary Rock, which has been thrown up, so as to disturb and mix itself with the Secondary Rocks. Secondary Rocks, thrown into inclinations and curves by the rising of the Primary Rock.

c Tertiary Formation, deposited in a hollow formed by the disturbance of the Secondary Rocks.

[blocks in formation]

The circles are Boulders or detached stones, rounded by travelling in water, and deposited in hollows formed by water. The dots indicate beds of gravel, immediately beneath the soil.




Geologists have been accustomed to describe this as the lowest and oldest of all rocks. Certainly, no other rock is ever found beneath it, except in peculiar circumstances afterwards to be described: if the mass of the earth, therefore, were to be judged of from the small superficial crust with which we are acquainted, granite might appear to constitute the bulk of our planet -a vast nucleus on which all the stratified rocks rested. Geologists are now disposed, under a sense of their limited knowledge, to speak of granite, not as the lowest and oldest of all rocks, but as the lowest as yet discovered, and as one which, though in most of its forms old, is yet sometimes found of recent formation. Granite, in fact, often appears as a volcanic rock, which has been thrown up in a state of fusion through superincumbent strata of all kinds, penetrating into their chinks, and spreading over them on the surface. Even tertiary rocks are found permeated and covered by it -a proof that it has been formed since the deposition of those rocks, which is one of the most recent events in geological chronology. These are the peculiar circumstances in which it may be said that other rocks sometimes lie beneath granite.

Granite, then, may be described as generally forming a basis or bed for all the other rocks as rising in some places from its unmeasured depths into chains of lofty hills and as in other places penetrating in veins through

superincumbent rocks, and partially covering them at the top. It composes some part of the mountain ranges of Cornwall, Cumberland, and the Scottish Highlands; and veins of it are found upon or near the surface in many other parts of England and Scotland.

Three substances usually enter into the composition of granite; namely, (1) quartz, a grey glassy substance, composed of the oxygen of the atmosphere in union with one of the newly discovered metallic bases (silicium); (2) felspar, also a crystalline substance, but usually opaque and coloured pink or yellow, composed of sandy and clayey matter, with a small mixture of lime and potash; (3.) mica, a silvery glittering substance, which divides readily into thin leaves or flakes, and consisting principally of flint and clay, with a little magnesia and oxide of iron. In some granites, instead of mica, we find hornblende, a dark crystalline substance, composed of alumina, silex or flint, and magnesia, with a considerable portion of the black oxide of iron. Such granites are called Syenite, from having been first found in the island of Syene. Other varieties are-Serpentine, in which there are dark spots like those on the skin of the snake (hence the name), and Porphyry, of which the distinguishing peculiarity is its containing little angular pieces of felspar enclosed in the mass.

In man's economy, granite is a rock of great impor. tance. Its uncommon hardness makes it very suitable for the erection of buildings where great durability is desired. Hence, the docks of Liverpool, Waterloo Bridge in London, and many other buildings of a similar nature in England, have been composed of it, notwithstanding that it had to be brought from a great

distance. Nearly the whole city of Aberdeen is built of the granite found in the neighbourhood; and the houses have consequently a glittering appearance when the sun is shining upon them. This stone is also the component material of Memnon's head and Pompey's Pillar, two ancient structures in Egypt.

Inferior Stratified Series.

Above the granite, in its ordinary position, lies the inferior stratified series, consisting mainly of two kinds of rock, gneiss and mica-slate, with alternating strata of hornblende rock, quartz rock, eurite, talcose slates, chlorite slates, and argillaceous slates; of all of which it may be said that they follow no determinate order. These rocks are of the same materials as granite, in a very slightly modified form, and they are nearly as crystalline in their texture. Geologists also find in many places that the granite passes into them-a term expressing a blending of the characters of rocks at the line of their juncture. These two facts have led to the supposition, that the inferior stratified rocks were formed from the materials of the granite, disintegrated by mechanical or chemical means, and washed into the beds of vast oceans, where, on their deposition, they were reached by the high temperature of the interior, and thereby reconsolidated in a crystalline form. To account for the rocks composed exclusively of one of the materials of the granite, we may suppose a chemical separation of those materials.

The most prevalent rock of the series is gneiss, a compound, like granite, of quartz, felspar, mica, and hornblende, and so highly crystalline as to be sometimes scarcely distinguishable from granite. A great portion of the Highlands of Scotland is composed of strata of gneiss, of vast thickness. It is remarkable for its richness in veins of the metals. Mica-slate, or schist, the next most prevalent rock of the series, is composed of mica and quartz. It is the surface rock of many extensive tracts of country. Quartz rock, which we may suppose to have been formed by a che mical separation of that component of granite, is also a prevalent rock. Humboldt takes notice of a mass of it in South America, more than 9500 feet in thickness. The round white pebbles, or candy stones, so often found on sea-beaches, and in the beds of rivers, are pieces of quartz rock. Eurite, of which felspar is the main ingredient, and hornblende rock, the chief element of which is signified by its name, may also be accounted for by a chemical origin.

subservient to the developement of national talents, the highest that have ever been known of their class, for it is the marble from which the works of the Greek and Italian sculptors have been formed. In the geological history of our globe, its first appearance in the ascending series of rocks is an event of no small consequence, for limestone strata form a large proportion of the superior formations, and the manner in which they have been formed has engaged much attention. Limestone is the carbonate of lime, that is, a combination of the earth lime (itself an union of the metal calcium and oxygen) with carbonic acid (this being, again, an union of oxygen with the elementary substance carbon). Carbon is the largest element in the composition of vegetable and animal substances, and this its first appearance in the structure of rocks is of course a point of much interest, more especially as it is generally concluded that many of the superior limestone strata have been entirely formed of animal remains. We are thus tempted to surmise that the formation of the limestone beds of the inferior stratified series marks some early and obscure stage of organic existence on the surface of our planet. No distinct remains of plants or animals have, indeed, been found in this series; and it is customary to point to the next upper series, in which both do occur, as the era of organic life. Yet many geologists are of opinion that the inferior stratified rocks might have contained such remains, though the heat under which the rocks seem to have been formed may have obliterated all trace of such substances.


Grauwacke Group.

All the rocks hitherto described are of crystalline texture, and, apparently, chemical phenomena have arrived at, traces of mechanical origin and deposition attended their formation. In the group we have now become apparent; but still a few strata resembling the preceding occur throughout the lower parts of this series, as if the circumstances under which the earlier rocks were formed had not entirely ceased. Hence the term transition for the series, as implying a passing from one state of things to another.

The rocks forming the lower part of this group, and which are sometimes separately classed as the Lowest Fossiliferous Group, are an alternation of beds of chlorite, talcose, and other slates, resembling those of the inferior stratified series, with beds of clayey and Clay-slate is the geological term for the well-known sandy slate, of apparently mechanical origin, and in which a few fossils are found. It thus appears that the stone with which houses are roofed. It is, as its name cessation of the chemical origin of rocks, and the comimports, composed mainly of clay-a substance too mencement of organic life, are events nearly connected; liberally diffused amongst the ingredients of granite, to and it has thence been surmised that the temperature of admit of any wonder as to its being found in a nearly the earth's surface was now for the first time suitable to distinct state in this rock. Mica-slate and clay-slate the production and maintenance of organic things. At are fissile in their structure—that is, capable of being the same time, the alternation of the rocks teaches us split into very thin plates: hence the utility of slate, the instructive fact that the change was not direct or as a material for covering houses. But a curious diversity exists in this respect between mica-slate and roof- uniform, but that, for some time, the two conditions of ing slate. In the former, the cleavage, or direction in with a general observation, which has been made by the surface superseded each other. This is conformable which it splits, is in the same line as the stratification; an eminent geologist,* namely, that, however sudden but in roofing slate, the cleavage is always more or less changes may have taken place in particular situations, transverse. What makes the latter circumstance the more remarkable-when strata of roofing slate are mations is usually seen to have been more or less a general change of circumstances attending rock forfound, as often happens, contorted or wavy, the direction of the cleavage is in one straight line through them all, gradual. The few fossils found in this part of the series indicating that the influence which produced the cleavare, as far as ascertained, the same as those of the next age in that rock took effect after the whole had been laid higher rocks. down, and after, by some subsequent accident of pressure, they had been forced into a wavy direction. Probably this phenomenon is of an electric nature Clay-slates are found in great abundance in Cornwall and in the Scottish Highlands. A fine kind makes the slates used at school, and from a kind still finer are cut the pens used for writing on school-slates.

In the inferior stratified series, there occur a few small beds of limestone, sometimes called Saccharine Limestone, from its resemblance to refined sugar, and sometimes Primitive Limestone, from the period of its occurrence in the series. In Greece and Italy this rock has been

These are a series of arenaceous and slatey rocks, of evidently mechanical origin, intermixed with small beds of limestone, in which that peculiarity is less distinct, the whole being termed more particularly the Grauwacke indicates its having been formed of a fine detritus group. The general composition of the grauwacke (matter washed from other rocks), and its having been rock, of various sizes under that of a man's head, deposited slowly; but it sometimes has fragments of imbedded in it, and it occasionally passes into conglomerates. The limestones mixed with the grauwacke *M. de la Boche-Manual, 474.

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