PREFACE. THE necessity of a publication which should exclusively devote itself to the Interests of the Army and Navy, having been particularly pointed out by several eminent Members of those Services, who have promised much valuable assistance, has induced individuals long and intimately conversant with Naval and Military Affairs, to undertake the Editorship of this Magazine. The utility of a work that presents a medium for correspondence to Officers on points regarding which they desire to receive and give information, and no such distinct or available channel having existed, since the discontinuance of those valuable publications, the ROYAL MILITARY PANORAMA, the NAVAL AND MILITARY CHRONICLES, and the MILITARY REGISTER, render the Editors sanguine of obtaining the patronage and support of the United Services. They pledge their best exertions to constitute this undertaking a source of general information, instruction, and useful criticism; but at the same time they must observe, that the degree of excellence and utility to which the NAVAL AND MILITARY MAGAZINE may arrive, will in some respects depend on the Contributions of Officers of the ARMY AND NAVY, MARINES, YEOMANRY, and MILITIA, and also of the HONOURABLE EAST INDIA COMPANY'S MILITARY AND MARINE FORCES. The Editors have in view a feature which they conceive will be universally admitted as important, so far as the benefit of example extends, and the honour of the Services may be concerned---the rescuing from oblivion and handing down to posterity the careers of distinguished Officers who may die during the period of their publication, and also recording the merits and achievements of the Soldier and Sailor of fortune-thus supporting the character of the Services in all its lustre and dignity, and refreshing the recollection of the Public as to the claims and pretensions of Naval and Military Men on their gratitude. The latter is a point most deserving of notice, at a time when a continual, and in most respects a senseless clamour, prevails for reduction and retrenchment in these two important branches of the State; and the Editors therefore appeal to all officers to come forward and support, by communications and assistances to this work, the Interests of the Services. A further point to which the Editors may bespeak attention is the necessity of all Officers, whether on Full or on Half Pay, being well informed as to Regulations and Orders which are continually issuing from the Departments, but which are not known to the Services at large, owing to the want of a channel of communication such as that now proposed, and which from its price and limited periods of publica tion, will be accessible to all Officers wherever they may be situated. These Orders are frequently of the highest importance to the two professions, and in some cases more particularly so at the time of their Official but limited promulgation. Many individuals, both Naval and Military, as well as their relatives, are in ignorance of the advantages held out to them by these regulations, and which advantages emanate from the watchful and liberal feelings of a MOST GRACIOUS Sovereign, to whom, the Editors may freely assert, it will afford great delight to find His wishes and orders widely circulated, and that the several Members of the two Services, their widows and families, to whose cases they apply, generally avail themselves of the same. The NAVAL AND MILITARY MAGAZINE will be distinguished by strict independence and integrity of principle. It is instituted for just, useful, and pleasing purposes. The best interests of the Services will alone influence the judgment of the Editors; and whilst their publication will be an Organ for Correspondence, it will neither admit of the dictation of office, nor intemperate effusions from disappointed or disaffected individuals. It will be a depository for facts, and its conductors will endeavour on all professional topics to express the wishes and hopes of the Navy and Army; and thus, it is presumed, this Magazine may be of mutual advantage to His Majesty's Government, the United Services, and the Public. Where grievances exist, they will be fairly discussed, and the press, without abuse, has and always will obtain redress from the highest Authorities. There are cases which have been regarded as grievances, and have not been redressed, from want of proper representation. The NAVAL AND MILITARY MAGAZINE will, in this respect, be a valuable medium for those who are either unacquainted with the regular courses of proceeding, or imagine that it is necessary to have some more influential mode of address than a clear and simple statement before the proper authorities, and according to the precise regulations which affect them. Proceedings of Courts Màrtial; Trials; Essays; Narratives, Naval and Military; Memoirs of distinguished British and Foreign Officers; Stations; Reviews of Naval and Military Works; Histories of Corps; all Parliamentary Proceedings affecting the Army and Navy; Anecdotes of Heroism; Naval and Military Correspondence; and every other information that can interest the UNITED SERVICES, will be diligently collected, and incorporated in this work. Naval and Military Magazine Office, 36, St. James's-Street, 28th February, 1827. Memoir of Field Marshal His Royal Highness the Duke of York Narrative of the Campaigns in Flanders, 1793 and 1794 Proceedings in an important Trial in the Mayor's Court.-Sir W. The Tomb of Marcos Botzaris, and the Cause of Greece ORIGINAL MEMOIRS OF DISTINGUISHED FOREIGN OFFICERS. I. Major General Jacob Brown, American Army Mr. Abernethy on Wounds, and Hæmorrhages consequent thereon, Account, by Captain Bagnold, of the Indian method of twisting Iron for Gun-barrels and Sword-blades, in imitation of those The Nautical Almanack, and Astronomical Ephemeris, for 1827 RECORD OF THE SERVICES OF BRITISH REGIMENTS. - Thirty- ninth, or the Dorsetshire Regiment of Foot - Military System of Colonization in Russia, as established by the late Minutes of Major Edmund Browne's Court-Martial Brief Statement of the circumstances connected with the treatment of the British Agent and Consul-General at Algiers, at the time of the memorable Attack upon the Fortifications of that City, by a British Squadron, under the command of Admiral Lord Ex- mouth, in 1816 - Memoir of the late Lieut.-Col. Richard Scott, Indian Army, from General Statement of Ships captured from the different hostile Powers, and Ships destroyed in Action during the War, from 1793 to 1801, and from 1803 to 1815 Statement of the Distribution of the British Naval Force, at the Commencement of Hostilities, February 1793 Statement of the Distribution of the British Naval Force, at the Naval Commanding Officers who lost their Lives in the Service of Great Britain during the War On the Union Banner of Great Britain and Ireland Memoir of the late Lieut. James Edgecombe, R.N. K.S.W. Memoir on the Duty of Picquets, by Lieut.-Col. Fitz-Clarence, REVIEWS.-Naval Sketch Book, or the Service Afloat and Ashore, &c. by an Officer of Rank, 212: I. The Subaltern; II. The Ad- ventures of a Young Rifleman in the French and English Armies, during the War in Spain and Portugal, from 1806 to 1816- written by Himself; III. The Young Rifleman's Comrade; a Narrative of his Military Adventures, Captivity, and Shipwreck; IV. Adventures of a French Serjeant, during his Campaigns in Italy, Spain, Germany, &c from 1805 to 1823-written by Him- self, 220; Army, Navy, East India Company, Sportsman and Gentleman's Companion. Journal and Remembrancer; Alma- nack and Pocket Book for 1827-by Henry Urban, 223; An Essay addressed to Captains of the Royal Navy, and those of the Merchant Service, on the Means of preserving the Health of their Crews, with Directions for the Prevention of Dry Rot in Ships- by Robert Finlayson, M. D. Surgeon Royal Navy, 223; Í. A Political History of the Extraordinary Events which led to the 198 Burmese War-by Capt. W. White; 2. Narrative of the Burmese CORRESPONDENCE.-Regulations of the Indian Army, 233; Origin of the late 102d Foot, 233; Royal Marines, 235; Bombay Army, PACK 228 POETICAL ARTICLES.-Sobieski, 87; Mariner's Song, 98; Veteran to his Son, 146; the Soldier's Funeral, 181; the Knight's Song, On the Death of the Duke of York, 240-44; Relative to the Students of the Senior Department of the Royal Military College, 244; Royal Regt. of Horse Guards. Ensign J. D. King, 248; Apothecary J. Hamilton, 249; Ensign Naval and Military Miscellany-Duelling, Thames Navigation, Capt. Radford, R.N., Sir Robert Wilson, Suspension Bridge at South Stack, Wales, Portsmouth and Arundel Canal, Military and Naval Survey of Ireland, Russian Discovery Ships, the Ganges, Soldier's Bread, Port of Barnstaple, Duke of Wellington, Beeja- poor Gun, Coast of Africa, Sir. J. W. Gordon, Elsineur Trade, Ship Owners, Navigation Laws, Sir E. Codrington, Prize Chro- nometers, Electricity and Magnetism, River Nile, Light Houses, Scilly Boats, Emigration to New South Wales, Solway Frith, Memory, Oriental Club, Madras and Bombay Governments, Steam Boats, Capt. Parry, Portugal, Naval Promotions, Com- munication between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, Sir J. W. Gordon and Sir H. Torrens, Capt. Lyon, Anecdotes of H. R. H. the Duke of York, 9th Foot, Abstract of British Officers at the Works on Naval and Military Subjects, published in 1826 Capture of Demerara, Essequibo and Berbice. - Liability of Prize Agents, 266; the Triton, 271; Brig Lively, Jameson v. Drinkald, 272; Lynham v. Bland, 273; The Killingbeck, Distribution of the Army in March, 1827 PROCEEDINGS IN PARLIAMENT.-Army Half-Pay, 279; Col. Brad- ley's Case, 282; Ordnance Estimates, 286; Second Debate, on Col. Bradley's Case, 286; Late Duke of York, 286; Supply, Navy Estimates, 291; Third Debate on Col. Bradley's Case' Parliamentary Papers, 311; Parliamentary Returns, 315; Abstract of the Navy Estimates, 1827; Papers relating to Col. Bradley's Case; Calculations regarding the Officers of the Navy; Officers dismissed the Army without Trial by Court Martial, from 1795 |