The Naval and Military Magazine, Volumen 1

T. Clerc Smith, 1827

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Página 94 - A wet sheet and a flowing sea, A wind that follows fast, And fills the white and rustling sail, And bends the gallant mast; And bends the gallant mast, my boys, While, like the eagle free, Away the good ship flies, and leaves Old England on the lee. O for a soft and gentle wind!
Página 216 - Nor the dejected haviour of the visage, Together with all forms, modes, shows of grief, That can denote me truly: These, indeed, seem, For they are actions that a man might play : But I have that within, which passeth show; These, but the trappings and the suits of woe.
Página 5 - ... inconsistent with these principles to grant; nor could any circumstances induce him to break or elude the promise which he had once given. At the same time, his feelings, humane and kindly, were, on all possible occasions accessible to the claims of compassion ; and there occurred but rare instances of a wife widowed, or a family rendered orphans, by the death of a meritorious officer, without something being done to render their calamities more tolerable.
Página 1 - ... lieutenant of some standing, by dint of fair promotion. To sum up this catalogue of abuses, commissions were in some instances bestowed upon young ladies, when pensions could not be had. We know ourselves one fair dame who drew the pay of Captain in the dragoons, and was probably not much less fit for the service than some who at that period actually did duty ; for, as we have said, no knowledge of any kind was demanded from the young officers.
Página 252 - Testator, as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us, who at his request, in his presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as Witnesses thereto.
Página 1 - Terms of service were fixed for every rank, and neither influence nor money was permitted to force any individual forward, until he had served the necessary time in the present grade which he held. No rank short of that of the Duke of York — no courage and determination inferior to that of his Royal Highness, could have accomplished a change so important to the service, but which yet was so unfavourable to the wealthy and to the powerful, whose children and proteges had formerly found a brief way...
Página 1 - An intelligent sergeant whispered from time to time the word of command, which his captain would have been ashamed to have known without prompting ; and thus the duty of the field-day was huddled over rather than performed.
Página 94 - The good ship tight and free — The world of waters is our home, And merry men are we. There's tempest in yon horned moon, And lightning in yon cloud; And hark the music, mariners! The wind is piping loud; The wind is piping loud, my boys, The lightning flashes free — While the hollow oak our palace is, Our heritage the sea.
Página 1 - Others there were, against whom there could be no complaint for want of length of service, although it might be difficult to see how their experience was improved by it. It was no uncommon thing for a commission to be obtained for a child in the cradle ; and when he came from college, the fortunate youth was at least a lieutenant of some standing, by dint of fair promotion. To sum up this catalogue of abuses, commissions were, in some instances, bestowed upon young ladies, when pensions could not...
Página 4 - Dundas, and which obtained the sanction and countenance of his royal highness. This one circumstance, of giving a uniform principle and mode of working to the different bodies, which are after all but parts of the same great machine, was in itself one of the most distinguished services which could be rendered to a national army; and it is only surprising that, before it was introduced, the Hi iiu-h army was able to execute any combined movements at all.

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