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cape, if possible, from being sharers in its catastrophe. In support of these opinions they now appeal to events. Hope, they contends has vanished, and that there is no longer room for prediction, but that history has already recorded, and that in letters of blood, the fate that awaits our perseverance. They admit, indeed, that the consideration of what plans we are to pursue, is inseparably connected with the policy of what we have hitherto adopted. And that to Portugal alone, we cannot confine our view, but that it is for the peninsula we have fought, and that it is on the prospects of the peninsula we are now to deliberate. It is easy to pass over a country, and to say "it is all barren," it is easy for a gentleman from Waterford, to characterise the Spanish nation as freebooters and plunderers, and for others to pronounce them in a mass, to be soldiers in disunion or patriots in disgust. To me these wholesale opinions appear not merely unfounded but unsafe; to me I confess the aspect of the peninsula appears nothing less than an enigma, which it is no reflection on any ministers not perfectly to have understood; a revolution bursting out at a period the least expected, exhibiting events in its progress, the most singularly contradictory and pregnant with results, which I still think no man living can foresee.-If on the one hand we are referred to the apathy of Gallicia during the retreat of sir John Moore, if we are denied to remember Ocana and Tudela, and all the other scenes of the defeats which the Spaniards have endured, and endured without despondency, must we not in candour remember that there was a battle of Baylen, and a battle of Valencia ? are we to shut our eyes to the extraordinary phenomenon, that in CataJonia, the very next province to France, the French, at this hour, appear to be as often the besieged as the besiegers; and can we forget Saragossa and Gerona? Sir, they never shall be forgotten; but above all, shall we not do justice to that singular obstinacy, to give it no more glorious a character, which has sustained their spirit under two hundred defeats, and which in every period of the history of Spain, has formed its distinguishing characteristic? It is the boast of Englishmen, that they inherit and exhibit the spirit of their ancestors, who fought under our Henrys and our Edwards. In candour we should remember that during the same period, the forefathers of those Spaniards were


engaged in a contest which is without a parallel in the history of the world. It is the assertion of their historians, and 1 remember, that it is repeated by Dr. Robertson, without any expression of their disbelief, that the expulsion of the Moors, which took place so late as in the reign of our Henry 7th, was the fruits of seven centuries of fighting uninterrupted, and of 3,600 battles, and in most of which I believe the Spaniards had been defeated.In the beaten but persevering Spaniards of these days, I think we may trace the descendants of these peculiar warriors, as easily as we recognise the sons of the conquerors of Cressey and of Agincourt in the English who fought at Talavera. We may trace the same individual fortitude, and pa tience, the same enthusiastic superstition, the same persevering insensibility of failure, and, I will add, the same absolute indifference as to liberty,constitution, or cortes that distinguished the expellers of the Moors. It is too much, (because we feel and acknowledge that freedom is the first of blessings) it is too much to say that other nations are to be raised in arms by no other motives than its influence. history of Europe and of England should have taught us, that there is another spirit prompting men to war, and which once poured all Europe forth in the Crusades; and however we may pronounce on the motives of our ancestors, the fact we cannot deny, that the greatest spectacle of embattled nations ever exhibited on the theatre of war, was under governments and systems which indeed were not worth the defending. But because we can look back with wonder on the conduct of our ancestors, is that a reason why the Spaniards, who are to the full as ignorant, and far more barbarous, should not be actuated by similar motives?-Sir, I believe, we might more accurately consider the inhabitants of the peninsula, first, as a multitude of hardy and patient peasantry, buried in ignorance and superstition, and peculiarly accustomed from their cradles by the traditions and the songs of their ancestors, to consider the sword as the natural companion of the cross; and almost inseparably to connect in idea the defence to their religion, with the slaughter of their enemies; and with these predispositions goaded into madness by sixteen myriads of ecclesiastics, as ignorant almost as their flocks; but without an idea or a wish for freedom, with Fernando Settimo in their mouths, as an unmeaning watch

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justification of a battle by the mere fruits of victory, yet even on this ground I must contend that never were there laurels the more opposite of barren, than those which we all admit to have been reaped by our countrymen in Spain. We, indeed, wanted not to be convinced, that our army, equally as our navy, equalled in science and exceeded in courage, that of any other nation in the world; but if we have any anxiety for our character with other armies, if reputation is strength, and if the reputation of a nation, as well as of an individual, consists not in the estimation in which it holds itself, but in the estimation in which it is held by others, is a false vanity, to cause us to shut our eyes and cars to the opinions of other nations, Sir, I say, without much fear of contradic tion, that in the beginning of these events, Spain at least had been convinced by the exertions of her govern

word, and fighting, if you will, for the continuance of the Inquisition. And with these qualifications it is my most firm conviction, that they would have overwhelmed all the armies of France, but that it was their misfortune to be cursed with a nobility in all respects the opposite of the peasantry I have described, differing from them, not merely in their moral qualities, but even in their physical appearance; a nobility of various degrees of worthlessness, but with a few brilliant exceptions, generally proportioned to the rank of their nobility, and further cursed by a government, (I speak not of their kings but of the Junta,) both in its form and in its substance, the most abominable that ever repressed or betrayed the energies of a nation. Hence desperate from repeated treason, destitute of confidence not in themselves but in their commanders, unable to stand before the French in battle, but still more unable to abstain from fight-ment, misrepresenting our failure at Buoing. A very serious task it was for England to determine what to do with such materials. One rare and unquestionable feature they presented, a nation that would fight with France, and however some may deplore the events that have taken place, certain I am, that if we had not, at least, | tried the experiment of fighting by their side, these very men who now most loudly condemn the course we have pursued, would be calling for the impeachment of these ministers who had neglected such glorious opportunities; who in the crisis of the fate of France had shrunk from the only field where there was a prospect of contending with success; who had coldly refused our aid to the only allies who were ever worthy of British co-operation. Sir, I think it is too much an habit to call for the fruits of our battles, tacitly assuming that nothing but the absolute and complete attainment of our object can justify having fought them. I confess I take a different view of this subject; that men should foresee events and command fate is impossible: it is enough for me, if under the circumstances when the decision was adopted, there were grounds sufficient to decide fair judging men to resolve on assisting with a British army, the cause of the peninsula; and if that resolution being once taken, there was enough to decide a prudent commander to advance from the sea shore, and share the fortune of our allies. I cannot therefore subscribe to the phrase of the barren laurels' of our victories; yet while I never can agree to measure the

nes Ayres, and other scenes of our misfortunes, that Great Britain, omnipotent by sea, was ever ridiculous on land. So much so, that when the army of general Spencer was landed near Cadiz, than which a finer army never left the English shore, it was the wonder as well as the pity of the Spaniards, that such noble-looking soldiers should be so absolutely incapable of fighting; the" beautiful" army was even the emphatic denomination by which the British forces were distinguished; and when sir John Moore was known to be at length on his march, that the beautiful army, the "hermoso exercito" was actually advancing, was a subject of Spanish surprise, at least as much of Spanish exultation; but when that army had commenced its retreat, old impressions were revived with tenfold force,

hermoso' was no longer the epithet bestowed on it, but one which it is impossi ble for me to repeat. Nor let it be said, that Corunna was a full vindication of its fame. We, indeed, know that British heriosm never shone more conspicuous than on that day, but the ray of glory which illuminated that last scene of our retreat, was but feebly reflected through the rest of Spain from that distant part of the peninsula; the French returned in triumph to Madrid, and boasted they had

driven us into the sea,' it was certain we were no longer on the land, and under such circumstances it is not surprising that a nation, which like Spain, must feel conscious that it is in the daily habit of assum


ing victory to itself on the lightest |
grounds, should have declined to have
given to us all the credit which we really
deserved. Some gentlemen, I see, are of
opinion that is no great matter what the
Spaniards thought about us, but are we
equally indifferent to the opinions of the
French? Let us not too hastily conclude
that they did full justice to our
rits. We are told, indeed, that at Maida
and in Egypt we had set that point at
rest. Of the first, I shall only say, that it
is within the last month that it has been,
for the first time, mentioned in any news-
paper of France, and that I believe nine
tenths of the French soldiers have never
heard either of the battle, or of the exis-
tence of such a place; and as to Egypt,
surely every gentleman who has con-
versed in France upon that subject, must
have found that their opinion is univer-
sally that which general Regnier in his
most able, but untrue representation, of
those events has laboured to impress,
namely, that the treachery of Menou, and
the detestation in which the army held
the service in Egypt, and their anxiety to
return to France, were the real causes of
their expulsion; and that an overwhelming
force of ninety thousand men, of English,
Turks, and Indians, which he says, and
which they believe, we brought against
them, furnished a decent excuse for their
surrender. Let us remember too, that it
was after these proofs of British military
excellence, that Buonaparté, on the heights
of Boulogne, parcelled out in promise to
his soldiers the estates of the nation bou-
tiquiere'; let us remember also our own
opinions in those days, how general en-
engagements were to be avoided; how a
system of bush fighting was to be adopted
in Kent; and our hopes that England
might be saved after London might be lost,
or what inundations we should make to
protect it. Such language was then term-
ed caution,' but on the proud eminence on
which we are now placed, we may afford
to acknowledge there was in it some mix-
ture of distrust in the good old bayonet of
Britain. Where are the promises of
Buonaparté now? The very ridicule of
such assertions; ridicule, perhaps the
only restraint of such a despot, would ren-
der it impossible for him to repeat them.
Sir, it is these guilty ministers who have
taught to him, and what I think of much
more consequence, have taught to Eng-
land, another stile of conversation. They
have fairly tried that point, so carefully


avoided by their predecessors, and have brought our armies to a meeting with the finest armies of France; and after lamenting the heroes that have fallen, may we not reflect that the heroes who survive, by the mere consciousness of their own excellence, form a more efficient strength than while their numbers were entire ? This sentiment will be communicated to their comrades who shall join them in arms, and justifies me, I think, in concluding, that the present ministers have added more to our strength, as well as to our glory, by fighting in Spain, than their predecessors by abstaining from it in Poland.-Such is the view which I take of what is past: With respect to the second point, whether the time is indeed come, when our further assistance can only be destruction to ourselves, without being serviceable to our allies? I cannot but express a more hesitating opinion; but this, I say, a very little time must shew us that; and if there are indeed good grounds of hope, any premature expression of our despondency will certainly extinguish them. The Junta is at length fortunately demolished. The French are again dispersed over every part of the peninsula, the peo ple are still every where in arms, and peculiarly unsubdued in those provinces, the largest in possession of the French. Let us not damp that spirit which may still effect much, and which must effect something, which must at least give long employment to the forces of our enemy.

On this subject of thus employing our enemy, I confess I agree with the hon. gent, who has last spoken, that, if indeed it depended solely upon us, whether our allies should continue that sacrifice of blood, which they have so profusely shed, I should not think us justifiable in purchasing our quiet at such a price; but convinced as I am on the contrary, that whether we stand by them, or whether we forsake them, those gallant nations will still continue to bleed at every pore. I say that under such circumstances, our assistance assumes a new character, and that independent of the advantages to be derived to ourselves; independent of, I believe, 200,000 Frenchmen already fallen; independent of not less than 300,000 more required even to preserve existence in the peninsula; independent of Brazil and South America, for ever severed from our enemies; and independent of the fleets of the peninsula, I trust rescued from their grasp; independent of these gains to our

selves, there is another feeling binding | Portuguese troops in case of ill success. upon a nation, as well as upon an indivi- He should be glad to know, whether he dual, not to forsake our friend because he meant to bring them here, or to send them is in his greatest danger.-Still, however, to Ireland. Was it wished to send Roman I acknowledge a limit there must be, be- Catholic soldiers there? If so, it was only yond which we cannot go, and whenever in the extremes of bigotry that ministers we can agree in declaring that could find security? He would ask ministers whether they had employed trans

Funditus occidimus neque habet Fortuna regressum, then, indeed, the first laws of self-pre-ports to carry away our cavalry from servation will call on us to discontinue the contest. But surely Great Britain will not utter such a sentiment until her allies shall be disposed to join in it. They do not despair, and I will never despair of them so long as they do not despair of themselves, so long as I should leave it in their power to say to us at a future day, "whence these chains? If you had stood firm a little longer, if you had not so soon fainted, we should not at this day be in the power of our enemies."

General Ferguson rose to make a few observations upon the subject under discussion. Much had been said by the right hon. gent. who brought forward the Resolution, of the importance of taking 30,000 Portuguese troops into British pay. As he had been in that country, he thought it his duty to tell the House what he had reason to believe on the subject. In the first place, then, he did not think there were 30,000 soldiers in Portugal: those that were there, had, certainly, by the exertions and skill of general Beresford, and other British officers, attained an appearance of discipline; but he feared that an army adequate to the task of now defending Portugal, must be able to make a stand in the first instance, and if obliged to retreat, must still, as opportunity offered, return to the charge, and thus make resistance after resistance. He was decidedly of opinion, from what he had seen and heard of them, that on the very first defeat, the little discipline of the Portuguese army would vanish, and a dispersion would be the consequence.

Mr. Fitzgerald said, that with respect to the character of the Portuguese nation, he agreed with the gallant general who had just sat down. If they were insensible to loyalty, religion, and the love of country, when that country was first invaded by the enemy, he would have no opinion of them even under British officers. This very circumstance must shew them that they had not a man in their own country who could lead an army. He begged to ask the right hongent. where he meant to remove the

thence? In this service our money would
be better employed. If we sent an army
to Portugal, it must be able to take the
field independently, and without occasion
for assistance. When he saw ministers
going to commit extravagancies like the
present, he thought that that House should
interfere to prevent the effects of such
insanity. As to any benefit to be derived
from these levies against the common
enemy, he fully concurred in opinion with
the gallant officer who had just sat down,
He had, indeed, never heard of any
achievement performed by the Portuguese,
with the exception of that in which 2,000
men, headed by the bishop of Oporto,
entered Oporto and took 24 Frenchmen
prisoners. The idea of retaining Portugal,
therefore, appeared to him to be quite
chimerical; while our keeping up a force
there would be attended with enormous,
expence. Indeed, he had lately seen a
military memoir, presented to Louis XIV.
at the time of the contest for the Spanish
succession, from which it appeared, that
our maintaining a force in Portugal, with- \
out advancing into Spain, was the very
course of policy which it was considered
for the interest of the French that our
government should pursue; and it would
not be denied that there was a considerable
analogy between the conduct of that war
and of the present.

Mr. C. Beresford thought he should not do his duty, if he silently passed by a disparagement of the bravery and exertion of a nation, which, if we did not assist, must be reduced to the necessity of having its troops disbanded. The hon. gent. then mentioned the connection which the emperor of France was about to form, and which he thought could not fail to affect the politics of Europe: and this surely was not a time for us to abandon a faithful ally. He should therefore vote for the motion.

Lord Milton had approved of our original interposition in the cause of Spain; but he disapproved of the conduct of the war, and particularly of the system now proposed, which would convert us

jnto principals, instead of acting merely as auxiliaries. In fact, if this system were acted upon, the Portuguese must rasher consider us as fighting for ourselves than for them, and what degree of efficient zeal were they likely to feel in such a eontest? But, with what prospects of success could we in the present situation of affairs upon the peninsula, any longer persevere in such a contest? With the French under the walls of Cadiz, and with all the circumstances of the peninsula in view, how could any reasonable man be reconciled to vote a million of the public money for the purpose referred to in the motion? But if success were even practicable, was it wise to vote such a grant for such a purpose? It had often been the practice of this country to subsidize foreign troops; but, he believed, that it never before entered the head of any English statesman, to grant subsidies to a Portuguese force, to those, in fact, among whom the materials for an army could not be found.

Mr. Tierney spoke against the motion, and proposed an amendment, That the chairman should leave the chair, report progress, and ask leave to sit again.

Lord Desart vindicated the character of the Portuguese people, among whom, he contended, there had been many noble displays of genuine patriotism and military spirit. In proof of this, he could refer to many officers who had had opportunities of observation, and particuJarly to sir Robert Wilson, for whose conduct at the head of the Portuguese troops, it would be recollected that there was before the House a notice of motion for a vote of thanks.

Mr. Bankes approved of the amendment; and if it had not been put, he should not have hesitated to give a direct negative to the original motion. He lamented the state of difficulty and embarrassment in which the House was placed by this motion-but that state was owing to the conduct of ministers. It must be in the remembrance of many gentlemen who heard him, that this project of a Portuguese levy was first formed in November, 1808; yet not a word about it was mentioned in the subsequent sessions, nor until very lately, when the project was, it appeared, but very imperfectly carried into execution. In fact, the House was called upon for a vote to provide for 30,000 men, before any of that body appeared to have been raised. But he could never persuade

himself to assent to such a motion; and, among many other reasons, for these two, which were obvious; first, that we had not a million of money to spare; and secondly, that if we even had, this was not the way in which we ought to dispose of it. For any efficient purpose of war, he really believed that 3,000 British soldiers would be of more use than 30,000 Portuguese, and why, then, should the country be burthened for the support of such a force? He very much doubted whether our conduct towards both the Spaniards and Portuguese, was not calculated to induce an opinion among those people that every thing was to be done for them and nothing by them. It would probably have been better if not a single British regiment had been sent to the peninsula, and that means had been taken to excite these people to struggle for themselves, than to take so much of the struggle into our own hands. Too much money, perhaps, had been furnished to them. They ought to have been urged to look to their own exertions, and if an adequate spirit had existed, they would have found gold themselves, or created a substitute for it, as was the case in the popular struggles of America and France. Throughout the whole of the contest he thought that the people of Spain and Portugal had been encouraged too much to look to this country, and too little to themselves. This was a mischief which, as far as was practicable, ought to be remedied. But for this purpose the present motion was ill calculated, because it proposed that we should become principals in the war, and take the Portuguese people into our pay. Where, however, he would ask gentlemen, were the means to be found of advancing this payment? He begged it to be considered that only 125,000l. in gold and silver could by any means be procured to pay our troops in the Expedition to Walcheren; and it should be borne in mind, that money must be sent to Portugal; for that alone, particularly in the event of invasion, could serve for the payment of our military force. Paper would not answer. In the present scarcity of bullion then, he requested the particular. consideration of the committee to this point. The enemy were now, perhaps, in the possession of Cadiz, which in fact escaped immediate capture only through an accident. All the calculations of ministers had been disappointed. All their predictions were falsified; even that of


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