A Biblical Perspective on Giving Generously: Learning How to Receive God's BlessingRich Brott, 2008 - 160 páginas Giving to others brings indescribable pleasure. Author Rich Brott says, giving is fun! Giving is exciting! Just try to give something away without feeling wonderful. An inward joy comes to you when you have reached out and helped others. Whether it be in monetary gifts or simply rolling up your sleeves and helping out the old-fashioned way, the act of giving brings its own reward. When you give first, your own personal needs will be automatically taken care of. After all, giving is the Lord's work. It is Christianity in action. |
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Página 83
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Lo sentimos, pero el contenido de esta página es de acceso restringido..
Introduction | 9 |
Giving on a Limited Budget | 21 |
Generous Giving | 27 |
Kingdom Giving | 33 |
Answering Questions About Giving | 59 |
Chapter 7 | 71 |
8 Examples of Stewardship Giving | 93 |
Scriptures on Giving Generously | 103 |
Scriptures on Generosity | 109 |
Términos y frases comunes
abc Order online Abraham abundance apostles Araunah Bible Biblical Perspective blessed Book Publishing www.amazon.com bring BROTT Biblical Principles Brott.com RICH BROTT brought burnt offerings cheerful giver children of Israel church CORINTHIANS David denarius DEUTERONOMY eternal faith Father Financial Freedom firstfruits FRANK DAMAZIO gift give an offering given God’s gold heart holy ISBN EAN Jehoash Jehoiada Jerusalem Jesus gave John Avanzini Judah King kingdom Larry Burkett Levites live loves a cheerful LUKE MATTHEW Moody Press NKJV pages ISBN person Perspective on Tithing PHILIPPIANS poor widow poverty priests Principles for Financial Prosperity PROVERBS Psalm Publishing www.amazon.com www.barnesandnoble.com reap receive RICH BROTT Biblical sacrifice says the LORD Scriptures servants silver spirit steward temple temple in Jerusalem thanksgiving things trust wealth worship www.amazon.com www.barnesandnoble.com www.booksamillion.com www.barnesandnoble.com www.booksamillion.com www.citychristianpublishing.com www.booksamillion.com www.citychristianpublishing.com www.bordersstores.com www.bordersstores.com www.Rich Brott.com www.citychristianpublishing.com www.bordersstores.com www.Rich www.Rich Brott.com RICH www.RichBrott.com Book Publishing Zacchaeus Zarephath