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F 19013
F 10902
F 10901
F 10907
-The harbor of love.
-The house in the hedge. 1911.
-Joyce of the jasmines. 1911. F 10903
Barclay, E. N. D. (Mrs. Hubert Barclay).
A dream of blue roses. 1912. F 10886
-East of the shadows. 1913. F 10884
-Trevor Lordship. 1911.
F 10885
Barclay, Mrs. F. L. C. The broken halo.
F 10887
-The following of the star. 1911. F 10911
-The mistress of Shenstone. 1910.
F 10909
-Through the postern gate; a romance
in seven days. 1912.
of: Under
F 10912
Originally published under the title
the mulberry tree.
-The upas tree; a Christmas
all the year. 1912.
-The wall of partition. 1914.
story for
F 10913
F 10888
Bardeen, C. W. The black hand, and other
stories about schools. 1914. F 10872
Contents: The black hand; Tide and untied;
Upper 12; A lost identity; A sensitive plant; By
the campfire.
-The shattered halo, and other stories
about schools. 1913.
F 10874
Contents: The shattered halo; Colonel Bob's ex-
periment; Sandy Sam; The block Y; A strike and a
spare; The Rockingham rebellion; Downright David;
The spirit summons.
-The yellow streak, and other stories
about schools. 1912.
F 10873
Contents: The yellow streak; Under arrest; The January regents; Miss Queroot; How he became Professor Piper; A hireling; The set of Tennyson.
Barnabetta. Martin, Mrs. H. R. F 15118
Barnwell, R. H. The gentle pioneers, by
one of them. 1915.
F 10834
Barr, Mrs. A. E. H. A maid of old New York; a romance of Peter Stuyvesant's
time. 1911.
F 10914
Barrows, J. O. Boarding round; interesting
experiences of a young Yankee school-
master. 1915.
Barry, J. A. Sea yarns. 1912.
F 10819
F 10870
The last voyage of Martin Vallance;
The sultan's egg; Ormon the gulfer; The looting of the 'Ly-chee'; My Kaffir; At Mat Aris light; The birthday pearl; Six seamen and a menagerie; In care of the captain; The branch bank at Mooroobin.
Barry, R. H. The bauble. 1911. F 10877
Barstow, Mrs. E. M. See Orczy, Baroness.
Bartlett, F. O. The guardian. 1912.
F 10955
-The prodigal pro tem. 1910. F 10954
Bash, Mrs. B. B. R. See Runkle, Bertha.
Bashford, H. H. Pity the poor blind. 1913.
F 10948
Basset, a village chronicle. Tallentyre, S.
G., pseud.
F 13441
Bassett, S. W. The taming of Zenas Henry,
F 10857
-The price of love. 1914.
F 11043
-Whom God hath joined. 1906. F 11039
Benson, A. C. The child of the dawn.
F 11081
F 11084
-The orchard pavilion. 1914.
-Paul the minstrel, and other stories; re-
printed from The hill of trouble, and The
Isles of sunset. 1912.
F 11082
Contents: Paul the minstrel; The isles of sunset;
The waving of the sword; Renatus; The Slype
House; Out of the sea; The troth of the sword; The
hill of trouble; The gray cat; The red camp; The
light of the body; The snake, the leper, and the gray
frost; Brother Robert; The closed window; The
brothers; The temple of death; The tomb of Heiri;
Cerda; Linus.
Beyond the frontier. Parrish, R.
Beyond the law. Alexander, M.
Bianchi, Mrs. M. G. D. The sin
F 12948
F 18201
F 13343
F 16034
F 10490
of angels.
F 11125
F 11080
F 11076
F 11079
F 11078
F 11075
F 11058
F 11061
F 11064
-The history of Richard Raynal,
A translation of Sir John Chaldfield's:
obitus Dni Ricardi Raynal Heremitae.
F 11169
F 11161
Published in Great Britain under title: "Alison's
-Prescott of Saskatchewan.
F 11167
F 11188
Bloem, W. The iron year. 1914. F 11255
The blood of the arena. Blasco Ibáñez, V.
F 14241
The blue arch. Miller, Mrs. A. D. F 15357
The blue wall. Child, R. W.
F 11917
Blue-bird weather. Chambers, R. W.
F 11837
F 11179
-The lost tribes.
-The major's niece. 1912.
-Minnie's bishop and other stories. 1915.
F 11189
Contents: Minnie's bishop; Sonny; Onnie Dever;
Saints and scholars; For the famine of your houses;
Fundamental sociology; Matty Hynes' pig; Bed-
clothes; The child of our hope; Mad Antony; Civil
war; The despatch_rider; The highwayman; Tur-
quoise and pearl; The ghosts; The mysterious en-
velope; The violinist; Passionate kisses; Eleanor's
enterprise; The Careys; This lost land; Mrs. Wil-
liams; "Well done"; Biddy Canavan; The prodigal;
The fate of John Goodenough.
-The northern iron. 1913.
F 11184
Blythe, S. G. The fakers. 1914.
-The price of place. 1913.
Boarding round. Barrows, J. O.
Bobbie, general manager. Prouty,
Bobby. Bell, J. J.
F 11270
O. H.
F 16641
F 11013
-Priscilla's spies. 1912.
Pub. in Great Britain under title: The inviolable
-The red hand of Ulster. 1912.
F 11182
-The search party.
F 11180
Boon. Wells, H. G.
E 6287
-The Simpkins plot. 1912.
F 11178
-Spanish gold. 1912.
F 11176
The bishop's purse. Moffett, C. and Her-
ford, O.
F 15456
The black cardinal. Smith, J. T.
The black hand. Bardeen, C. W.
The Black Pearl. Woodrow, N. M. W.
F 18248
F 10872
F 19727
F 11218
F 11342
F 13432
of happi-
F 11348
F 11349
F 11347
F 11346
Blackwood, A. The centaur. 1911.
-The human chord. 1910.
-Incredible adventures.
Contents: The regeneration of Lord Ernie; The
sacrifice; The damned; A descent into Egypt; Way-
-The listener, and other stories. 1914.
F 11228
Contents: The listener; Max Hensig; The wil
lows; The insanity of Jones; The dance of death;
The old man of visions; May day eve; Miss Slum-
bubble and claustrophobia; The woman's ghost story.
-The lost valley, and other stories. 1914.
F 11226
A prisoner in fairyland (the book that
'Uncle Paul' wrote). 1913.
F 11214
-Ten minute stories. 1914.
F 11225
Blanchard, A. E. Talbot's Angles. 1911.
F 11237
Blasco Ibáñez, V. The blood of the arena.
Blenau, Adele, pseud. of Mrs. W. Schoellkopf.
The nurse's story, in which reality_meets
romance. 1915.
The blind spot. Forman, J. M. Blinds down. Vachell, H. A. Block, R. E. See Lessing, Bruno.
-The woollen dress. 1912.
The borderland. Halifax, R.
Bosher, Mrs. K. L. L. The house
ness. 1913.
-How it happened. 1914.
-The man in lonely land. 1912.
-Miss Gibbie Gault. 1911.
The boss of the Lazy Y. Seltzer, C. A.
F 17912
The boss of Wind River. Chisholm, A. M.
F 11924
Both sides of the shield. Butt, A. W.
F 11520
Bought and paid for. Hornblow, A.
F 14086
Bowen, Marjorie, pseud. of G. M. V. Camp-
bell. Defender of the faith. 1911. F 11586
-God and the king. 1912.
F 11587