Moncrieff, A. R. H. Ascott R. Hope, Moore, Mrs. N. H. W., 273 240, 331, 405, 420 Monetary systems, 92 a comedy. Money question, The; a comedy. 388 Moore, S. W., 234 Moore, T. S., 286, 351, 374, 396 Moore, T. V., 37 Moorshead, R. F., 63, 181, 491 Moral education, 146 Morales, A. J., 167 Moran, G. E., comp., 400 Moran, S. A., 150 Moras, E. R., 195 Montagu, J. W. E., 2d baron and Mordell, A., 324 Mecredy, R. J., ed., 219 Montagu, V. M., 450, 463 Montagu-Nathan, M., 306 Montague, C. E., 353 Montague, H., 374 Montaigne, M. E. de, biogr., Sichel, E., 462 More, L. T., 169 L.Se it. More Craftsman' homes. Stickley, G., 302 Moreau-Vauthier, C., 285 Moreton, D. P., 215, 217, 218 Montessori mother. Fisher, Mrs. D. Moreux, T., 173 F. (Dorothy Canfield), 141 Montgomery, D. H., 494 Montgomery, E. G., 239 Montgomery, Mrs. G. G. C., 315 Montgomery, L., 88 Montgomery, R. H., 259 Montluc, B. de L. M. seigneur de, Montrose, J. G., 1st marquis Morgan, A., 155 Morgan, A. P., 218, 227 lin, D. and Abrahams, I., 462 Mosher, E. M., 199 Mosquitoes, disease carriers, 203 Moss, J. A., 224 Moth, A. F. C. M., 13 Mother, The; a play. Phillpotts, E., 375 Motherhood, 199 Motherhood (social aspects), 151 Motherlove (Moderskärlek); a play. Strindberg, A., 378 Mother's day, 156 Morgan, J. E. and Bullock, E. D., Mothers' pensions, 98 of, comp., 86 Moths, 190 Morgan, J. P., biogr., Hovey, C., Motion picture acting, 359 462 Morgan, S. A., 99 Motion picture photography, 293 biogr., Buchan, J., 462 Monuments, 299 Monypenny, W. F., 445 Moody, C. S., 206 Morgan, T. H., 184 Motley, A. Galsworthy, J., 385 Moody, D. L., biogr., Farwell, J. V., Morgan, W. C. and Lyman, J. A., Motley measures. Taylor, B. L.. Motor Boat Publishing Company, New York, 320 Motor boats, 320 Motor cars, 218 Motor cycle, London, 220 402 Hale, Mrs. L. C., Motor rambles in Italy. Harris, C. Motor routes of France. Home, G. C., 408 Motor routes of Germany. Hecht, Motor ship and motor boat, 320 T. W., 421 Mott, F. W., 196 Mott, J. R., 58, 62 Mott, S. M. and Chubb, F., 138 Moule, A. E., 414 Espitalier, A., 462 Murphy, T. D., 402, 404, 426 Murray, G., 25, 50, 73, 337, 340 Murray, Sir J. and Hjort, J.. 179 Moulton, Mrs. E. L. C., biogr., Murray, T., 359 Whiting, L., 462 Moulton, F. R., 173, 174 Moulton, H. G., 262 Moulton, R. G., 324 Mount, C. S., 140 Mountaineering, 321 Murray, M. A., comp., 159 Murray, T. C., 375 Murray, W. D., 46 Moure, J. G. E. and Bouyer, A., Muse in exile, The. 308 Mouvet, M. O. L., 314 Moving picture photography, 293 21 353 Watson, W., Musgrove, C. D., 201 Music, 304 -church, 308 -orchestral, 310 -study and teaching, 306 Music Teachers' National Associa- Musical instruments, 310 Muss-Arnolt, W., 65 Musselman, H. T., ed., 61 Musser, B. F., 69 Musson, S. C., 409 Mutation theory, The. Muzzey, D. S., 494 Washington, D. C., 169 National Assembly of Civil Service National Association for the Study National Association of Audobon National Association of Professional Vries, H. National Board of Fire Underwrit My country, right or wrong. My four anchors. Abbott, L., 54 My little boy. Ewald, C., 35 My system. Müller, J. P., 201 Myers, A. C., ed., 500 Myers, A. J. W., 61 Myers, C. S., 32, 41 Munger, T. T., biogr., Bacon, B. Myers, F. A., 151 Mumford, J. G., 194 Mundy, P., 398 Mundy, R., 442 W., 462 Municipal art, 118 Municipal government, 115 Municipal ownership, 86 Municipal reference libraries. ser, . B., 12 Myers, G., 81, 125 Myers, P. Van N., 37, 473 Myrick, H., 94 Davis, F. S., 348 Kai- Mystic way, The. Munn, Mrs. M. C., 375 Munro, J., ed., 355, 492 Munro, N., 406 Munro, R., 181 Munro, W. B., ed., 103, 115, 116 Munroe, J. P., 134 Munsey's magazine, 219 Munson, A., 416 Muntz, W. S., 67 Murat, Caroline, princess, 462 27 Underhill, E., Mysticism, ancient philosophy, 25 Mythology, 158 Mythology, Celtic, 159 Mythology, Greek, 158 N Nagle, J. C., 233 Nairne, W. P.. 447 Murat, J., king of Naples, biogr., Nahigian Brothers, 295 Atteridge, A. H., 462 National geographic magazine, 192 National municipal review, 21 1909. National prohibitionist (periodicals), 21 National proverbs, 396 Netherlands, history, 487 Nevill, Lady D. F. W., 463 New Baedeker, Peck, H. T., 397 conscience and an ancient National School of Salesmanship, National Tax Association, 99 Nationalism and nationality, 121 Nature study review, 21 Naval pocket-book, 225 Navarro, A. de, 297 New cosmopolis. Huneker, J. G., 397 New democracy, Weyl, W. E., 109 New England Triangular Debating New freedom. Wilson, W., 112 New Hampshire College song book, 309 New Haven (Conn.). Free Pub New Haven (Conn.). Young Men's New home cook book, 245 New international encyclopædia, 18 New Jersey State Federation of New lives for old. Carleton, W., New Mexico, history, 504 Needlework Guild of America, 129 New Republic (periodical), 21 Neese, G. M., 498 Neeser, R. W.. 124, 225, 496 463 New South Wales. a Bureau of Sta- New spirit in drama and art. sion, 118 (city), Car- Art Commis- -Bureau of Municipal Research, Loane. 117, 142 Neilson, W. A. and Thorndike, H., 355 -Common Council, 117 -Public Library, 13, 17, 117, 207 comedietta. Nelson, H. N., Ist viscount, 463 Nelson, W. E., ed., 503 Nelson touch, The; a play. Fenn, Nelson's perpetual loose-leaf ency- Neptune's isle, and other plays for pital, 437 government, 117 New York (State). Commissioners -Dept. of Education, 17, 443 -Lake Champlain Tercentenary Newark (N. J.). City Plan Commis Newell, F. H. and Murphy, D. W., Newhall, L. C., 303 Newlin, Mrs. R. C. See Warwick, Newman, A. H., 67 Newman, E. L., 375 Newman, J. H., cardinal, 54, 57, -biogr., Ward, W. P., 463 Newmarch, Mrs. R., 307 Newmayer, S. W., 147 Newnes, Sir G., biogr., Friederichs, News, ads, and sales. Opdycke, J. Newsholme, A., 78 North American languages, 168 North Central Association of Col- leges and Secondary Schools, 149 and Buskin Society, 360 North of Boston. Frost, R., 348 Northup, C. S. and others, ed., 392 North pole, travel, 430 Northend, M. H., 302 Northern Pacific Railway. General Passenger Department, 193 Northrup, E. F., 215 Norton, C., 154 Norton, C. E., 463 Norton, E., 459 Norton, E. Q., 310 O'Brien, R. B., 114, 446 O'Brien, S. R., 164 Observations, astronomical, 174 Occult sciences, 35 Occupations, choice of, 145 Occupations, dangerous, 202 Occupations (primary education), 139 Ocean transportation, 262 dette, R. J., 395 Bur- Old Time Telegraphers' and Histor- Old world in the new. Ross, E. A., 107 Oldfather, W. A. and Cantor, H. V., 474 Oldham, J. B., 477 Olin, C. H., 35 Olin, W. H., 233 Oliveira Martins, J. P. de, 487 Oliver, C. A., 61 Oliver, D. E., 354 Oliver, E., 315 Oliver, Mrs. M. C., comp., 346 Ollard, S. L. and Crosse, G., 68 Ollone, H., vicomte d', 414 Olmsted, E. W. and Gordon, A., 167 O'Connor, E. P. (Mrs. T. P. O'Con- Olsen, J. C., 203 nor), 424 O'Connor, H., 269 R., 387 Le Gallienne, Odgers, W. B., ed., 125 O'Donnell, F. H. M., 114 Oelrichs & Co. (New York), 250 Norton, Mrs. C. M. and others, 353 Official basket ball rules, 318 Official South African municipal year book, 116 Olympic games, 312 Omaha (Neb.). Public Library, 18 Oman, C. W. C., 482, 486 On anything. Belloc, H., 383 On board the good ship Earth. On everything. Belloc, H., 383 On the court and off. Wilding, A. On the threshold; a play. W. W.. 369 Gibson, On the Tibur road. Whicher, G. M. games, 201 Orchard farming, 234 Orchestral music, 310 Orchestration, 310 Orcutt, W. D., 331 Ordinary man and the extraordinary Ordway, E. B., 312, 396 Ore deposits (economic geology), Oregon. Library Commission, 13 Instruction, 137 Organic chemistry, 177 Orr, J., 51, 53 Orr, T. V., 33 Orsi, P., 447 Orth, S. P., 100 Our northern domain, 427 Our sentimental garden. Castle, Our town. Wood, E., 395 Our vanishing wild life. Hornaday, Our world. Strong, J., 77 schools, 142 Overlock, M. G., 206 Ovidius Naso, Publius, 338 Owen, D., 262 Owen, F. S., 375 Painting, fine arts, 284 -history, 285 -industrial, 279 -landscape, 285 -portrait, 285 -technique, 285 Painting, American, 287 -French, 286 -German, 286 -Italian, 285 Paints, manufacture, 270 Pair of spectacles, Grundy, S., 370 Pakes, W. C. C., 202 A; a comedy. Palaces (architectural), 303 Palamon and Arcite; a play. Bar- Paleontology, 180 Owen, R., biogr.. Podmore, F., 465 Palestine, ancient, religion, 75 Owen, R. L., comp., 104 Palestine, history, 489 Palette and bench (periodical), 21 Paley, W., 329 Palgrave, F. T., ed., 337, 346 Palin, F. G. and Martin, E., 108 Oxford (Eng.). Hospital of St. John Palmer, A. de F., 175 Palmer, A. S., comp., 157 Palmer, C. I., 171 Owen, W. Á., 121 Owen, W. B., 135 261 Ownership, public, 86 Oxford, A. W., comp., 244 the Baptist, 482 Oxford. University, 479 Palmer, A. W., 42 Palmer, G. H.. 37. 136. 355 Oxford book of American essays. Matthews, J. B., 382 Palmer, H. R., 336 Oxford book of ballads. A. T. Q., comp., 345 verse. Lu- Orthography, 162 Orton, G., 317 O'Ryan, J. F. and Anderson, W. D. Osaka Shosen Kaisha (Japan), 250 Osborn, A. S., 132 Osborn, Mrs. L. R. D., 57 Osborn, H. F., 180 Osborne, A. A., 95 Oxford book of Canadian Oxford book of Italian verse. cas, St. J. W. L., comp., 345 Palmer, F., 52 Palmer, H., 421 Palmer, J., 354, 359, 467 Palmer, J. O., 353 Palmer, L. L., 505 Palmer, M. D., 204 Palmer, O. R., 51 Palmer, R., 416 |