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F 18240 1913.

F 15150 1912. F 15157

Mason, E. H. The great plan. 1913.

Mascarose. Smith, G. A.
Masefield, J. A mainsail haul.

F 15149 Contents: Don Alfonso's treasure hunt.-Port of many ships.-Sea superstition.-A sailor's yarn. -The yarn of lanky Job.-From the Spanish.The seal man.-The western islands.-Captain John Ward.-Captain John Jennings.-The voyage of the Cygnet.-Captain Robert Knox.-Captain John Coxon. In a castle ruin.-A deal of cards.-The devil and the old man.

-The street of to-day. 1911. Mason, A. E. W. The turnstile.

-The witness for the defense. 1914. F 15158 F 15166 Mason, Mrs. G. S. and Hilliard, J. N. The bear's claws. 1913. F 15169

Master and maid. Harker, Mrs. L. A.

F 13494 Master Christopher. De La Pasture, E. B. F 12375 Stanley, Mrs. F 18331 Rohlfs, Mrs. A. F 17403

The master of "The Oaks." C. A.

Masterpieces of mystery. K. G.

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-In cotton wool. 1912. -Mrs. Thompson. 1911. The Maxwell mystery. Wells, C. May Iverson's career. Jordan, E.

F 15187

F 15186

F 19127

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F 15195

F 14833

F 10931

1910. F 15204

The measure of a man. Barr, Mrs. A. E. H.
F 10816
The measure of a man.
Duncan, N. F 12582
The mediator. Norton, R.
The mediator. Steiner, E. A.

F 15711

F 18367

Melchior of Boston. Earls, M.

F 12621

F 15220

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-The man who understood women, and other stories. 1911. F 15260

Contents: The man who understood women; The suicides in the Rue Sombre; Little-flower-of-thewood; Dead violets; The danger of being a twin; Hercules and Aphrodite; The child in the garden; The assault in the Rue des Cendres; Time, the humorist; An invitation to dinner; "Pardon, you are Mademoiselle Girard?"; The last effect; The lady of Lyons'; How Tricotrin saw London; A miracle in Montmartre; The fairy poodle. -The man who was good. 1912. -One man's view. 1913.

-The position of Peggy. 1911. Published also under the title: The Peggy Harper.

-The quaint companions. 1903. -This stage of fools. 1913. -When love flies out o' the 1914.

F 15265

F 15288

F 14869

The mighty friend. Loutil, E.
Millard, F. B. The Sea Hawk. 1910. F 15351
Mille, P. Under the tricolour; being the
authorized translation, by Bérengère
Drillien, of Barnavaux et quelques femmes.
F 15355
Miller, E. (Mrs. Oren S. Hack). The blue
arch. 1910.
F 15357
Miller, E. (Mrs. Oren S. Hack) Daybreak;
a story of the age of discovery. 1915.
F 15364

Miller, H. R. The ambition of Mark Truitt.
F 15374
F 15373

-His rise to power. 1911.

-The man higher up; a story of the fight, which is life and the force, which is love. 1910.

The miller of Old Church.

F 15257

F 15261 position of

A. G.

F 15372 Glasgow, E. F 13299

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F 15256 window.

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F 15255

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Minnie's bishop. Birmingham, G. A., pseud.

F 18318

F 11189

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-Whispers about women. Merrilie Dawes. Spearman, F. H. Merriman, Seton, pseud. of H. Young Mistley, 1899. F 17852 Mertins, G. F. A watcher of the skies. 1911. F 15268

-The charmed life of Miss Austin.

Merwin, S. Anthony the absolute. 1914. F 15292 1914. F 15288 1912. F 15291

-The citadel; a romance of unrest.

-The honey bee; a novel. 1915. A mésalliance. Tynan, K. The messenger. Brown, K. H. Mezzogiorno. Ayscough, J., pseud. Michael. De la Pasture, . E. B. Michael O'Halloran. Porter, Mrs.

Contents: The ghost-ship.

F 10755

The minor chord. Chapple, J. M.
The mintage. Hubbard, E.
Mirandy. Dix, Dorothy, pseud.
Miriam Lucas. Sheehan, P. A.
The misadventures of Joseph.

Bell, J. J.
F 11014
The misadventures of three good boys.
Shute, H. A.
F 18062

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F 15289

F 13912 F 11449

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F 12442
G. S.
F 16551

Middleton, R. The ghost-ship, and other stories. 1912. F 15335 A drama of youth. On the Brighton road. A tragedy in little. Shepherd's boy. The passing of Edward. The bird in the garden.

The new boy.

The story of a book.

Children of the moon. The coffin merchant. The soul of a policeman. The conjurer. The poet's allegory. Who shall say?

The biography of a superman. Blue blood. Fate and the artist. The

great man. A wet day.

The Midlanders. Jackson, C. T.

F 14305

F 17165 Miss Livingston's companion. Dillon, Mrs. F 12478 M. C. J.

Miss Minerva and William Green Hill. Calhoun, F. B.

Miss Mystery. Baker, E. A.

Miss Philura's wedding gown.

Mrs. F. M.

F 11574

F 10841


F 14565

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The midnight guest. White, F. M. F 19332 Mighels, P. V. As it was in the beginning.


-Hearts of grace. 1913.

A revision of "When a witch is young."

Miss Selina Lue and the soap-box babies. Daviess, M. T.

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Miss Wealthy, deputy sheriff. E. H.

Neff, Mrs. Moffett, C. and Herford, O. The bishop's

Mr. Achilles. Lee, J. B. P.
Mr. Bingle. McCutcheon, G. B.
Mr. Carteret and others. Gray, D.
Mr. Dooley says. Dunne, F. P.
Mr. Grex of Monte Carlo.

1913. F 15456 purse. Moir, D. M. The life of Mansie Wauch, tailor in Dalkeith, written by himself and edited by D. M. Moir. 1912. F 5229b

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F 14798

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The money master. Parker, Sir G. The money moon. Farnol, J. Monksbridge. Ayscough, J., pseud.

F 15996

F 12835


F 10759

F 14172

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1913. F 15405 Mitford, M. R. Our village. 1906. F 15413 -Sketches of English life and character. 1910. F 15412 Contents: A great farmhouse; A country cricket match; A village beau; Tom Cordery; Bramley maying; A country apothecary; The copse; Whitsun eve; The rat-catcher; The old gipsy: The birdcatcher; A visit to Lucy; Hannah Bint; Doctor Tubb; A country barber; Our maying; The hard summer; The mole-catcher; Matthew Shore; Old Master Green; Patty's new hat; Nutting; A new married couple; A Christmas party; Tom Hopkins; A widow gentleman; My godfather; My godfather's manoeuvring.

Mixed grill. Ridge, W. P.

The mixing. White, B.

Montgomery, F. Behind the scenes in the schoolroom; being the experiences of a F 15464 young governess. 1913.

Montgomery, L. Mrs. Mahoney of the

tenement. 1912.

F 15469

F 15465 Montresor, F. F. The strictly trained mother. 1913. Moonglade; a novel, by the author of The martyrdom of an empress. 1915. F 12718 The moonlight sonata. Nordling, J.

F 15691
Moore, F. F. The conscience of Coralie.
F 15478

-The devil's admiral. 1913.
-Discovering "Evalina";


F 15480 old-fash

ioned romance; a companion book to "The Jessamy bride." 1913.

F 15479 Published in England under title: Fanny's first


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Modern short-stories, Ashmun, M. F 10685 Moroso, J. A. The quarry, 1913, F15504

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