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when he deems it necessary; and to examine each of them, with all possible exactness, at least once a quarter, concerning his method of leading a Class.

§ 3. To receive persons on Probation, and into Full Membership after Probation; to receive and dismiss Members by Certificate; and to administer the Discipline within his Charge.

§ 4. To read and explain the General Rules at least once a year in every Congregation.

§ 5. To enforce vigorously but calmly the rules of the Church.

§ 6. To appoint Prayer Meetings wherever advisable in his Charge.

§ 7. To arrange the appointments, wherever practicable, so as to give the Local Preachers regular and systematic employment on the Sabbath.

§ 8. To license such persons as he may deem proper to officiate as Exhorters in the Church, according to the provisions of the Discipline. ¶ 203.

§ 9. To hold Watch-night Meetings yearly, and Love Feasts quarterly; suffering no Love Feast to last above an hour and a half; to hold Quarterly Meetings in the absence of the Presiding Elder, and of the Traveling Elder appointed by him as his substitute.

§ 10. To take care that every Society be supplied with our Church literature.

§ 11. To form Classes of the larger children, youth, and adults for instruction in the word of God; and to attend to all the duties prescribed for the training of children. TT 46, 347, 348.

§ 12. To catechise the children publicly in the Sunday School, and at special meetings appointed for that purpose, and also privately; to report to each Quarterly Conference the extent to which he has done this work.

§ 13. To organize, if possible, and to maintain, if practicable, Chapters of the Epworth League.

§ 14. To examine the accounts of the Stewards.

§ 15. To see that the Stewards provide whenever practicable unfermented wine for use in the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper.

§ 16. To appoint a person to receive the quarterly collection in the Classes.

§ 17. To see that public collections be made quarterly, if need be.

§ 18. To call the Committee on Temperance together at least once in three months for the purpose of considering the best means to be employed for promoting the cause of Temperance in the community.


§ 19. To recommend everywhere decency and cleanliness. § 20. To attend to all the duties enjoined upon Pastors in reference to Education, Sunday Schools and the Sunday School Union, Missions, Church Extension, the Freedmen's Aid and Southern Education Society, and the distribution of Tracts, forming societies and taking collections to aid these objects in such manner as the Annual Conference shall from time to time direct.

§ 21. To take a collection or subscription, if the Annual Conference shall not give other directions on the subject, the proceeds of which shall be at the disposal of the Pastor for the distribution of Tracts.

§ 22. To take an annual collection in behalf of the American Bible Society.

§ 23. To take a collection previous to the session of each General Conference to aid in defraying the expenses thereof; and the sums so collected shall be brought up by the Delegation to the General Conference, and applied to the object above specified in proportion to the expenses of the several Delegates.

§ 24. To register carefully Marriages and Baptisms. § 25. To give an account of his Charge every quarter to his Presiding Elder.

§ 26. To make a written report at each Quarterly Conference in the order, and covering all the items, set forth in the following form:

[blocks in formation]

I. Sunday Schools and Religious Instruction.

1. Number of Sunday Schools..

2. State of the Schools..

3. Average Attendance...

4. Number of Sermons preached by the Pastor to the children....

5. Number of times the Pastor has catechised the Chil


6. Number of Classes of Children formed for religious instruction

II. Changes in Membership.

[NOTE.-Enter under each item the names of persons concerned.] 1. Admitted from Probation....

2. Enrolled by Certificate..

3. Granted Certificates

4. Deceased..

5. Withdrawn

6. Excluded....

III. Pastoral Labor.

1. Number of Pastoral Visits..

2. Other Items...

IV. Benevolent Collections this Quarter.

1. Missions.

2. Church Extension.

3. Education...

4. Freedmen's Aid and Southern Education.. 5. Sunday Schools and Sunday School Union. 6. Tracts..

7. American Bible Society.

8. Other Objects...


V. Subscribers for our Periodicals.

[NOTE.-To be reported only at Fourth Quarterly Conference.]
...Christian Advocate....

2. Methodist Review....

3. Sunday School Journal.

4. Sunday School Advocate. 5. The Classmate.

6. Epworth Herald

7. Other Periodicals.

Preacher in Charge.

§ 27. To make an exact report to the Annual Conference of all the items embraced in the Statistics of the Conference, and to deliver to the Conference Treasurer all moneys raised for our benevolent causes, or satisfactory vouchers for the same. T 82-85.

§ 28. To make at the close of each Conference year a Visiting List of the Members in Towns and Cities, by streets and numbers, and to leave it to his successor, together with a particular account of his Charge and a list of subscribers for our Periodicals.

§ 29. No Pastor shall engage an evangelist other than those appointed by the Bishop of his Conference, without first obtaining the written consent of his Presiding Elder.

§ 30. No preaching-place shall be discontinued in the intervals between the sessions of the Annual Conference without the consent and advice of the Quarterly Conference and of the Presiding Elder; and when thus discontinued the names of the Members shall be transferred to such contiguous Classes as the Members may select.



Supernumerary Ministers.

¶ 194. A Supernumerary Minister is one who, because of impaired health, is temporarily unable to perform full work. He may receive an appointment, or be left without one, according to the judgment of the Annual Conference of which he is a member; and he shall be subject to all the limitations of the Discipline in respect to reappointment and continuance in the same Charge that apply to Effective Ministers. In case he has no Pastoral Charge, he shall have a seat in the Quarterly Conference, and all the privileges of membership, in the place where he resides. He shall report to the Fourth Quarterly Conference, and to the Pastor, all Marriages solemnized and all Baptisms administered. In case he resides beyond the bounds of his Conference he shall forward annually a Certificate similar to that required of a Superannuated Minister. He shall have no claim on the Conference funds except by vote of the Conference.

Superannuated Ministers.

¶ 195. Every Superannuated Minister, who is not employed as Pastor of a Charge, shall have a seat in the Quarterly Conference, and all the privileges of member

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