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" ALLAYS the DUST and DIRT for 2 to 12 months, according to traffic, not only daring each Sweeping (without Sprinkling of any kind), but also throughout all the intervening periods — which is of greater hygienic importance. "
The Journal of Education - Página 167
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Bibliography of Library Economy: A Classified Index to the Professional ...

Harry George Turner Cannons - 1910 - 498 páginas
...LIBRARIES For the Anhydrous and most effective LAYING of DUST and DIRT, not only DURING EACH SWEEPING, but also THROUGHOUT ALL THE INTERVENING PERIODS — which is of greater hygienic importance — USE the unequalled ODOURLESS, or powerful GERMICIDAL FLORIGENE (A Registered Name suggested by...
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Library Association Record, Volumen 12

Library Association - 1910 - 780 páginas
...For the Anhydrous, Economic, and Effective LAYING Of DUST and DIRT. not only DURING EACH SWEEPING, but also THROUGHOUT ALL the INTERVENING PERIODS Which Is Of GREATER HYGIENIC IMPORTANCEUSE the unequalled ODOURLESS, or powerful GERMICIDAL FLORIGENE (A Registirul Name suggested...
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Library world, Volumen 12

1910 - 680 páginas
...* • DUSTLESS LIBRARIES For the Anhydrous LAYING of DUST and DIRT, not only DURING EACH SWEEPING, but also THROUGHOUT ALL the INTERVENING PERIODS— which is of GREATER HYGIENIC IMPORTANCEUSE the unequalled ODOURLESS, or powerful GERMICIDAL FLORIGENE (A Keniitered Namt tuggented...
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The Library

Sir John Young Walker MacAlister, Alfred William Pollard, Ronald Brunlees McKerrow, Sir Frank Chalton Francis - 1912 - 470 páginas
...IB IMPORTANT TO NOTE that ONE APPLICATION ALLAYS the DUST and DIRT for 2 to B months, according to traffic, not only during each Sweeping (without sprinkling...throughout all the intervening periods— which is even of greater hygienic importance. " Florigene" is an aid to the Prevention of Throat and other Diseases,...
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The Educational Times, and Journal of the College of Preceptors, Volumen 65

1912 - 444 páginas
...SCHOOLS For the Anhydrous, economic and effective LAYING of DUST and DIRT not only during each Sweeping, but also throughout all the intervening periods — which is of greater hygienic importance — the Unequalled ODOURLESS, or POWERFUL GERMICIDAL FLORIGENE (A Registered A'ame suggested by FLOOR-HYGIENE)...
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The Library

Sir John Young Walker MacAlister, Alfred William Pollard, Ronald Brunlees McKerrow, Sir Frank Chalton Francis - 1913 - 498 páginas
...IMPORTANT TO NOTE that ONE APPLICATION of " Florigene " effectively allays the dust and dirt for a to 12 months, according to the traffic, not only during...sprinkling of any kind), but also throughout all the interven1ng periods— which is even of greater hygienic importance. " Florigene " Is an aid to the...
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Library World, Volumen 15

1913 - 528 páginas
...Is IMPORTANT TO NOTE that ONE APPLICATION ALLAYS the DUST a id DIRT for 2 to 12 months, according to traffic, not only during each sweeping (without sprinkling...throughout all the Intervening periods— which Is even of greater hygienic Importance. " Florigene " is an uiil to th» prevention of Thront aud other...
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School Hygiene: A Quarterly Review for Educationists and Doctors, Volumen 5

1914 - 444 páginas
..."Florigene" effectively allays the dust ami dirt fur 2 to 12 months, according to the traffic, not on'.y during each sweeping (without sprinkling of any kind),...throughout all the. intervening periods— which is even of greater hygienic importance. These sanitary, labour-saving and economic benefits are not attained...
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The Library

Sir John Young Walker MacAlister, Alfred William Pollard, Ronald Brunlees McKerrow, Sir Frank Chalton Francis - 1914 - 488 páginas
...DIRT for a to 13 months, according to traffic, not only during each Sweeping (without Sprinkling of my kind), but also throughout all the intervening periods— which is of greater hygienic importance. It costs little, is easily applied, and not sticky, the ordinary dally dry sweeping alone required....
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The Library

Sir John Young Walker MacAlister, Alfred William Pollard, Ronald Brunlees McKerrow, Sir Frank Chalton Francis - 1915 - 448 páginas
...NOTE that ONE APPLICATION of " Florigene " ALLAYS the DOST and DIRT for 2 to 12 months, according to traffic, not only during each Sweeping (without Sprinkling of any kind), but also throughout all the ihtervening periods — which Is of greater hygienic importance. It costs little, is easily applied,...
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