Examination of Examinations, An [A.], 807. 797; art, 393; Cambridge Higher School, 778; Exploratory Questions (H. Richardson) [C.], 650. Failures, in research and education, 306. Fascistization, 307. Fellowships-Cambridge, 120; Commonwealth Fund 34; experimental physics, 504; research, 402; Finance, educational, 135, 141. Fogerty, E., Careers and Qualifications. III.-The Foyles Educational Limited, 778. Foreign and Dominion Notes, 40, 109, 222, 274, 336, Foreign Language, Free Composition in a, by L. M. Froebel-Trained Teachers in Secondary Schools France-exchange of teachers, 580; secondary French Encyclopaedia, 36; errors in, 639. French Teachers and English Books (J. La Cécilia, French Training Colleges, Life in, by M. M. Pearman. Friends' Guild of Teachers, questionnaire, 604. G. H. C., A Complex Character [A.], 146. Geometry, old and new, 220. Germany-Die Neue Erziehung, 40, 824; Education Bill, 336, 824; exchange of teachers, 581; Girls, education, 136. Glamorgan Education Authority, development Glasgow, psychological clinic, 89. GLASGOW UNIVERSITY, 15, 308; rectorial election, Goethe and Lessing (E. Lehmann) [C.], 797. [A], 498, 581; (K. M. Murphy, A. F. Burdett) Gramophone records, 34, 822, 908; use in schools, Greek influence on culture, 87; teaching, 636. Hadow Report, 137, 305, 519, 721, 876. Haldane, Lord, by T. L. Humberstone [A.] [O.], 814. Harpenden, St. George's School, 442, 605. Hayes, L. M., Free Composition in a Foreign Lan- Headmasters' Wives (Curiosity) [C.], 24. Health, education in, 163; public schools, 13; The Historical Research, Institute of, 238. 404. History in the School, by A Layman [A.], 192; Home and school, 135. Homework in Plymouth, by J. S. Davies [A.], 318. Hull, R. H., Preparatory School Music [A.], 640. Humberstone, T. L., Lord Haldane [A.], 814. Ince, E. L., Mathematics and the Pass Student [A.], India, 276; farm schools, 667. Industry, and education, 517, 661; and universities, Interchange of pupils abroad, 280; Franco-British, International Federation of University Women, 42. Invitation to British Schoolboys, An (D. R. Fox) [C.], Ireland-FREE STATE, education estimates, 526; Irish language, compulsory, 167, 420, 812. Labour Policy in Education, by "Custos "[A.], 587. Latin Translation, On, by A. S. C. Barnard [A.], 578. League of the Empire, 334, 579, 605. LEEDS UNIVERSITY, 269. Legal cases-Bonnybridge R.C. School, 308, 524, Librarianship, Easter School (Rome), 146; training, Libraries-Bodleian, 88, 421; public, 89, 599, use, Life and Letters (W. Gladden) [C.], 758. Little, E. G., Careers and Qualifications. IX.- Liverpool, College for Girls, Huyton, 34. 1926, 89; Health and Cleanliness Council, LONDON UNIVERSITY-Bloomsbury site, 12; build- London, The New University of [A.], 303. Minor Notices and Books of the Month, 61, 111, 186, Music-competition, 577; concerts scheme, 770; Music, Preparatory School, by R. H. Hull [A.], 640. National Union of Students, tours and congress, 194; tuition visits, 276. National Union of Teachers, 305, 876. Newfoundland, travelling library, 795. Norwood, C., Education: The Next Steps [A.], 721, NOTTINGHAM UNIVERSITY, 42, 602. Obituary-Bennett, Mr. J. R. S., 504; Crookshank, 601; Director of Training, 442; expenses of Palestine, 120, 222, 534. Pamphlets, Education of Children over Eleven, 587; Parents' National Educational Union, 141. Parker, J. R., The Interchange of Teachers [A.], 579. Payen-Payne, de V., Careers and Qualifications. X.-The Army, Navy, and Air Force [A.], 719. Pensions, No (B.M./Z.N.M.J.) [C.1, 868. Percy, Lord Eustace, 305, 328, 517, 661, 899, 811, 875. Personal Paragraphs, 20, 96, 176, 252, 322, 402, 502, Photography in Schools, by J. C. B. Carter [A.], 384. Plays, children's theatre, 890; Citizen House, Bath, Post Office, efficiency, 307. Prize Awards-Translation: article in "Le Temps," Prize Competitions-Baby Week, 534; Cecil Peace, Public School, A Suggested New Type of (de V. Public services, shortage of candidates, 238. Raymont, T., American Secondary Education [A.], READING UNIVERSITY, franchise, 599. recruits needed, 11; Reynolds, E. E., Literature in the Schools [A.), 585. Rhondda Community House, 876. Rigby, J., Appreciation of Science in Adult Educa- Schofield, H., Careers and Qualifications. VIII. -Engineering [A.], 575. (long lists), 700, 774; British Empire, 603; 416. (See also Secondary, Public.) Science in Adult Education and in the School, churches, 524; education authorities, 812, 878; Secondary Education, American, by T. Raymont Secondary schools, 136, 517, 722; age of entry, 663; Shuttleworth, A., Art in School Certificate Examina- Solicitor's profession, 259. South America, educational publications, 42. Stockport College, 776. Suffrage, equal, 236. Summer Conferences, Courses, and Tours [A.], 262, Summer Schools, 254, 262, 334, 381, 436, 530, 684, 778, 828, 844. Sunlight, artificial, 346. Sutcliffe, A., School Accidents [A.], 108. Switzerland, Pestalozzi, 750; questionnaires for United States-abnormal children, 811; American University and School Holidays and Functions, 148, University Correspondence College, 914- Varia, 42, 120, 220, 254, 338, 432, 536, 604, 822, 918. V. Wakefield, C., Careers and Qualifications. Welsh language-N.U.T. and, 165; report, 15, 308; Women-accountants, 607; corporate life, 87; York Minster Choir School, 278. REVIEWS AND MINOR NOTICES ART Architect in History, The (M. S. Briggs), 59. Architecture, A Short Critical History of (H. H. Architecture on the Comparative Method, A History of (B. Fletcher), 553. Art and Literature, Eastern (E. D. Ross), 678. Cambridge Ancient History, The, Plates (J. B. Bury, Cathedrals and Churches of Belgium, The (T. F. Crafts for Girls, Simple (N. A. Poole), 607. Industrial Arts, Primary (D. F. Wilson), 61. 553. Metalcraft and Jewellery (E. F. Kronquist), 61. Pen Drawing, Practical (E. G. Lutz), 607. ATLASES AND MAPS Air Route Map of the World, 68. Atlas of Economic Geography, An (J. Bartholomew) Atlas of Universal History, Philips' New School Atlas of Universal History, Philips' New School Map-Book of the British Empire, An Annotated Maps (H. G. Fordham), 68. Maps, Elementary Exercises upon Geological (J. I. Ordnance Survey Physical Maps, 905. Philips' New Large Scale County Maps and Visual BIOGRAPHY Arnold of Rugby, Dr. (A. Whitridge), 606. Comte, August (J. M. Style), 837. France, Anatole (R. L. G. Ritchie), 901. Haydon, The Autobiography and Memoirs of Lincoln, Abraham (H. Withers), 186. Commerce for Commercial and Secondary Schools (A. J. Favell), 62. Co-operation (A. H. Enfield), 62. Costing, The Elements of (G. R. Glover and R. G. Economic System, The (G. D. H. Cole), 62. Economics of Everyday Life (T. H. Penson), 264. Great Britain from Adam Smith to the Present Industrial Production, The Methods and Principle Local Government for Beginners( M. L. Cole), 62. Social Structure of England and Wales, A Survey Adams, The Education of Henry: an Autobio- Adult Learning (E. L. Thorndike, &c.), 902. Celebrations, A New Book of (F. H. Hayward), 361. Christ's Hospital (W. M. D. La Touche), 837. Controversy, The Technique of (B. B. Bogoslovsky), College, The Changing (E. H. Wilkins), 361. Curriculum Making in an Elementary School, 265. Discipline, Changing Conceptions of School (P. E. Economic Life and the Curriculum (H. Harap), 265. Education, Harvard Bulletins in (F. Kellermann), 676. Education in a Democratic World (E. De W. Burton), Educational System, The English (C. Norwood), 361. Educational Year-Book [Columbia University] (I. L. Erziehung, Geschichte der Englischen (B. Dressler), Examination Statistics, Secondary School (J. M. Extra-Curricular Activities (H. C. McKown), 361. Facts (W. O. Brigstocke), 112. Healthy Growth (A. A. Mumford), 60. High-School Principal, The (A. C. Roberts and E. M. Infancy and Human Growth (A. Gesell), 902. Learning and Leadership (A. Zimmern), 837. Little Commonwealth, Homer Lane and the (E. T. Mass Education in England (J. H. Garrett), 902. Measurement in Secondary Education (P. M. Middle Grades, Materials and Methods in the Nursery, The Happy (E. C. Brereton), 62. Open-Air Schools in India, A Plea for (S. C. Oxford Hall in Medieval Times, An (A. B. Emden), Pestalozzi and His Times, 361. Physical Education, The New (T. Wood and R. F. Pre-School Education (I. Forest), 62. Reminiscences of a Harrow Master (C. H. P. Mayo), School, The Self-Directed (H. L. Miller and R. T. Schoolboy Son and his Secondary Education, Your Schools of England, The (J. D. Wilson), 466. Scottish Education, Rise and Progress of (A. Morgan), Secondary School Curricula (W. L. Uhl), 265. Social Studies, Teaching the (E. Dawson, &c.), 265. Statistical Methods for Students in Education Teaching, The Approach to (H. Ward and F. Roscoe). The Lord's Minstrel (C. M. D. Jones), 112. The Unconscious in Action (B. Low), 672. Then and Now (C. M. Horton), 265. Universities in the United States (E. Deller), 112. University of London, University College, 112. Vocational Guidance, Practice in (F. J. Allen), 361. ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE A Book of Knights (E. D'Oyley), 903. Amazon, Adventures on the (D. English), 608. Anthology, A London (N. G. Brett-James), 903. Aphorisms, A Treasury of English (L. P. Smith), 835 Arnold, Prose Selections from Matthew (E. T. Arthur, Flower of Kings (M. Lomax), 678. Becket, Thomas (Dean Stanley), 555. Breaking Priscian's Head (J. Y. T. Greig), 266. Bunyan, Selections from (W. T. Williams and G. H. Byron, Selected Letters of (V. H. Collins), 903. Character Training, A Guide to Literature for Chaucer, Some New Light on (J. M. Manly), 185. 111. Courtier, The Book of The (B. Castiglione), 462. Deloney's Gentle Craft (W. J. Halliday), 362. Dickens Book, A Second (J. Compton), 556. Dictionary of Quotations from Authors, A, 462. Downright Dencey (C. D. Snedeker), 187. England from Chaucer to Caxton (H. S. Bennett), England in Johnson's Day (M. D. George), 608. English, Intelligence Exercises in (J. Stephenson), English, The Writing of (H. K. Prescot), 555. English Composition, Junior Course of (E. W. English for Junior Scholarships, Ability Exercises in English from Piers Plowman to the Forsyte Saga English Grammar on Historical Principles, A Modern English Letters (E. D'Oyley), 768. English Literary Prose in the Making (C. Bullock), English Literature (M. Widdows), 463. English Literature, A Century of (A. A. Cock and English Literature, A Companion to (D. Ventham English Literature, Classified Questions in (M. M. English Literature, Modern, 1798-1919 (A. J. Wyatt English Literature, Test Papers in (F. W. Robinson), English Literature, The Sources of (A. Esdaile), 362. English Literature in its Foreign Relations, 1300- English Prose Style (H. Read), 900. Elizabethan Story-Book, An (P. Haworth), 463. Essays, More English (G. G. Loane), 462. Essays by Divers Hands (M. L. Woods), 266. Essays by Famous Climbers, Mountain (E. F. Essays of To-day, More (F. H. Pritchard), 555. Essays of To-day and Yesterday (H. Jackson, German Romance, Fiction and Fantasy of (F. E. Pierce and C. F. Schreider), 463. Grammar, The Soul of (E. A. Sonnenschein), 63. Grammar in a New Setting (G. N. Pocock), 266. Hardy, The Short Stories of Thomas, 362. Held to Ransom (V. M. Methley), 463. Lectures, A Lecture on (A. Q. Couch), 551. Life in the Middle Ages (G. G. Coulton), 608. Literature, An Introduction to the Study of (A. X. Literature, How to Read (G. E. Wilkinson), 62. Literature, Twentieth Century (A. C. Ward), 608. Lost Fight, The (H. F. M. Prescott), 903. Lost in London (H. Strang), 903. Loti, Pierre, A Tale of the Pyrenees. A Tale of Luck of Roaring Camp, The (B. Harte), 608. Minstrel Tales (M. Sturt and E. C. Oakden), 362. Mr. Wind and Madam Rain (P. de Musset), 462. New Arabian Nights (R. L. Stevenson), 362. Pater, Selected Essays of Walter Horatio (H. G. Pensées and Letters of Joseph Joubert (H. P. Précis Writing, New Exercises in (G. Boas), 463. Pip's First Expectations (C. Dickens), 555. Prose, Pattern (R. Wilson), 678. Prose, Plain (W. E. Williams), 903. Raleigh, Sir Walter (J. Buchan), 63. Readers in Literature and Science (J. C. Smith), 903. Readers, The Beacon Study (F. Roscoe), 903. Readers, The New Beacon (M. E. Sullivan, &c.), 608. Reading, Constructive Hints on the Earliest Stages of Teaching (E. H. Grassam and R. D. Morss), Reading and Thinking. Book V (R. Wilson), Reading and Word Meanings (E. W. Dolch), 462. Reading Practice, Nelson's Infant (V. Patmore), 903, Readings (W. de la Mare), 362. Reconsiderations (E. E. Kellett), 608. Romance, The Birth of (R. B. Johnson), 608. Ruskin as Literary Critic (A. H. R. Ball), 768. Russian Literature (J. Lavrin), 111. Sheridan's School for Scandal (E. M. Jebb), 362. Spanish Short Stories (J. B. Trend), 678. Spelling, English (W. A. Craigie), 768. Spiritual Adventures (A. Symons), 462. Tales of Adventure and Imagination (H. A. Treble), Tales from Steele, &c., Some Little (R. B. Johnson), Teaching, Inspirational (G. Mackaness), 266. Test-Papers in English (F. W. Robinson), 266. Thackeray. Selections from Roundabout Papers The Burning Ring (K. Burdekin), 462. The Citizen of the World (O. Goldsmith), 462. The Iceland Fisherman, &c. (Pierre Loti), 555. The Lure of the Hills (F. H. I.ee), 680. Third Leaders, The Times, 555. Three Oxford Ironies (G. Gordon), 111. Through Beds of Stone (M. I.. Haskins), 678. Translations, Broadway. Goethe: Faust, Part I Treasure Island (R. I. Stevenson), 362. Trains, The Book of (A. Williams), 111. Trojans, Greeks, and Romans (T. Bulfinch), 555. Trollope: A Commentary (M. Sadler), 59. Weir of Hermiston, &c. (R. L.. Stevenson), 462. Wintersmoon (H. Walpole), 462. Britain and Abroad (T. Pickles), 682. British Isles, The (A. Wilmore), 682. Climates of the Continents, The (W. G. Kendrew), Climatic Control (I,. C. W. Bonacina), 113. Climograph Notebook, A (G. A. German), 188. Columbus Regional Geographies (L. Brooks and Commerce Between the Roman Empire and India, Commercial Geography, Handbook of (G. G. Episodes 'rom Farthest North (F. Nansen), 188. Gilmour), 363. Exploration, The Romarce of (H. J. Larcombe), 363, France, The Personality of (P. V. de la Blache), 771. Geographical Exercise Book, Longman's, 684. Geographies, Operative (W. F. Morris), 68, 363, 905. Geography, An Intermediate Commercial (L. D. Geography, Test Examinations in (D. Wilford), 684. Geography in Education and Citizenship (W. H. Geography of Western Europe, A (F. D. Laborde) Geography Practice, Nelson's, 682. Geography Study Cards, Pitman's, 684. Great Britain (A. G. Ogilvie), 905. "In India," Chapters from (G. W. Steevens), 188. Lancashire, South (A. Wilmore), 771. Lands and Peoples (F. F. Bunker), 905. Oceans and Rivers (E. G. R. Taylor), 905. Our Own Lands (E. C. T. Horniblow), 682. Physical Geography, A Shorter (E. de Martonne), 113. Products of the Empire (J. C. Cunningham), 682. Seaways and Sea Trade (A. C. Hardy), 113. Stirlingshire (W. D. Simpson), 773. The Thirsty Earth (E. H. Carrier), 905. Through Jade Gate and Central Asia (M. Cable and United States and Mexico (W. J. Glover), 905. Weather, The (C. E. P. Brooks), 113. Ancient History, A Junior (A. M. Dale), 906. Ancient History, Outlines of (D. M. Vaughan), 839. Ancient history, The Cambridge. Plates (J. B. Ancient World and its Legacy to us, The (A. W. F. Approach to History, The (F. C. Happold), 839. Athens (E. H. Warnington), 906. Britain, Pre-Roman (H. J. Massingham), 113. British Civilization, The History of (E. Wingfield- British Constitution, The (S. Low), 906. British Prime Ministers of the Eighteenth Century (F. J. C. Hearnshaw), 769. British History, 1760-1822 (C. R. Cruttweli), 906. Civilization, The Story of (H. Cory), 113. Civilization, A Short History of Western (A. F. Hattersley), 113. Civilizations, Ancient (D. A. Mackenzie), 769. Crete, The Story of Ancient (D. A. Mackenzie), 364. Egypt, Ancient (A. Weigall), 267. England, A Political and Social History of (F. C. England and America (C. H. Van Tyne), 113. F. R. Worts). 769. English, History of The, 449-1688 (E. R. Manley), 188. English Constitution, The (W. Bagehot), 560. English Constitutional Conflicts of the Seventeenth English History, Stories in (M. Gould), 839. English People, The (R. Jones), 839. Europe, A History of, 476-1925 (R. B. Mowat), 560. Europe, A History of. Vol. I (A. Hassall), 769. Europe, A Junior History of (D. K. Gordon), 769. Europe, A History of Western (M. Cary), 906. Europe, A History of Western (D. C. Somervell), 906. European History, Outlines of (G. B. Smith), 839. Germany, A History of (W. H. Dawson), 560. Government, Outlines of Central (J. G. Clarke), 906. Great Britain, A History of (H. Robinson), 364. Great Britain, A New History of (R. B. Mowat), Great Venturers (M. Sturt and E. C. Oakden), 859. Greece and Rome, The World of (E. Bevan), 113. History, A Brief Survey of French (A. S. Rappoport), History, The March of. Bk. IV (F. T. Futers and History and Historical Research (C. G. Crump), 551. History of England, A Rational (W. H. G. Milnes), History of England for Schools, A (M. W. Keatinge History of the World, A Child's (V. M. Hillyer), 839. History of the World, An Outline (H. A. Davies), 839. How We are Governed (J. A. R. Marriott), 839. Invasion of Europe by the Barbarians, The (J. B. Italy, A History of (Mrs. G. M. Trevelyan), 267. Japan, A History of (J. I. Bryan), 906. Japan, The Civilization of (J. I. Bryan), 113. Japan and Her People (E. M. Hughes), 769. Joan of Arc, The True Story of (A. B. Paine), 560. League of Nations from Idea to Reality, The (R. Jones and S. S. Sherman), 188. Lincolnshire, A Short History of (C. Brears), 113. Lions Led by Donkeys (P. A. Thompson), 359. Local Government of the United Kingdom, Outlines London, Wanderings in Medieval (C. Pendril!), 364. Macedonian Imperialism (P. Jouguet), 906. Minorities, The Protection of (L. P. Mair), 364. Napoleon, Au Service de (C. A. Roe), 901. Napoleon and the French Revolution, 1799-1814 Ottoman Empire and Its Successors, The, 1801-1927 Queens, The Book of Famous (L. H. Farmer), 364. Roman Empire, The Holy (E .F. Jacob), 560. Roman Municipalities, Last Words on the (W. E. Roman World, The (V. Chapot), 560. Rome in the Silver Age, A Literary History of Social and Political Ideas of Some English Thinkers Tasmania, The Early History of (R. W. Giblin), 839. United States of America, A History of the (R. Wakefield, The Amazing Career of Edward Gibbon Algebra, Practical School (C. V. Durell), 840. Algebra for Juniors, Common-sense (F. F. Potter Algebra for Schools, Elementary (R. C. Fawdry and Analytical Dynamics of Particles and Rigid Bodies, A Treatise on the (E. T. Whitaker), 268. Arithmetics, Bell's Everyday (J. B. Thomson), 840. Arithmetic, Teaching the Essentials of (P. B. Ballard, Arithmetic, The Art of (H. E. J. Curzon), 840. Arithmetic and Algebra, Junior Test Papers in Arithmetic in the Infant and Junior School, The Teaching of (A. Monteith), 610. Geometry, Elements of Practical Plane (P. W. Scott), Geometry: For Preparatory Schools (F. W. Geometry, Junior (A. E. Tweedy), 610. Geometry, Junior Test Papers in (W. E. Paterson), Invariants of Quadratic Differential Forms (0. Mathematical Test Papers, Higher Certificate (A. S. Mathematics, Classified Problems in (L. Herman), Mathematics, Commercial (L. H. L. Davies and Mathematics, Practical (J. Gagan), 840. Mathematics, The Teaching of Junior High School (D. E. Smith and W. D. Reeve), 185. Mathematics for Juniors, Practical (G. W. Manfield), Mathematics for Technical Students (G. E. Hall), Mechanics, The New Quantum (G. Birtwistle), 366. Probability, Theory of (W. Burnside), 610. Ramanujan, Collected Papers of Srinivasa (G. H. Thermodynamics Applied to Engineering (A. F. Trigonometry (A. W. Siddons and R. T. Hughes), Trigonometry, Progressive (F. G. W. Brown), 366. MISCELLANEOUS Athletes, Training for (H. M. Abrahams, &c.), 774. Cricket, Football, and Hockey, Stepping Stones to, Cricket, The Boy's Book of (F. A. H. Henley), 774. 562. Food and Health (A. B. Callow), 190. Hygiene, A General Course in (A. E. Ikin and G. E. Hygiene for Women, Personal (C. D. Mosher), 190. Manual Activities, Education Through (A. M. Nutrition, The Foundations of (M. S. Rose, 190. Paton's List of Schools and Tutors, 690. Phase Rule and its Applications, The (A. Findlay), Physical Training (M. B. Davies), 116. Roads, The Story of the (C. H. Hartmann), 116. Rugger (W. W. Wakefield and H. P. Marshall), 552. Swimming in Twelve Lessons (S. G. Hedges), 844. Writing Cards, The Dudley (M. Richardson), 844. Al Margen de los Clásicos (Azorin), 907. Alhambra, Leyendas de la (C. Matienzo and L. B. Barbier de Séville, Le (Beaumarchais), 611. Bayart, Histoire du Seigneur de (Loyal Serviteur), Bordeaux, Henry. La Nouvelle Croisade des Capitaine Pamphile (A. Dumas), 611. Cécile Pommier (G. Geffroy), 901. Chérau, Gaston (A. M. Gibson), 561. Cinto Escenas Matritenses (R. de M. Romanos), 907. Colomba (Prosper Merimée), 561. Contes, Trente-Deux Petits (M. Ceppi), 114. Contes Mythologiques (M. Ceppi), 611. Correspondence Commerciale, Nouveau Guide de Courteline, Georges (B. Elliott), 901. Daudet. Contes Alsaciens et Provençaux (R. Scott), Defoe, Daniel (A. Wilson-Green), 611. Deutsche Zeitwort in Bewegung, Das (S. Tindall), Die Biene Maja und ihre Abenteuer (W. Bonsels), Dore, Cuentos Escogidos (M. Olivar), 907. En Riant (F. A. Hedgcock), 611. France (R. Michaud and A. Marinoni), 770. France Laborieuse, La (F. C. Roe), 114. French, Free Composition in (C. E. and H. B. Mills), French, Higher Test Papers in (E. T. Griffiths), 770. French, Junior Translation from (R. L. G. Ritchie French Anthology, Sixteenth Century (S. H. Bush French Composition, Advanced (H. B. S. Postgate), French Composition, Certificate (W. R. Flex and French Course, Fifth Form (E. F. Horsley and French Course, Nelson's First (R. L. G. Ritchie and French for Examinations (C. G. Bateman), 770. French Formroom Plays (F. M. Forrest), 770. French for Young Beginners (M. Ceppi), 189. French Grammar (W. F. R. Goodridge), 907. French, Junior Test Papers in (E. T. Griffiths), 907. French Novel, The (H. Ashton), 907. French Phonetics, An Introductory Course in (E. E. French Prose, Modern (C. I. Wilson), 901. French Reader, Nelson's First (R. L. G. Ritchie and French Town and Country (T. B. Rudmose-Brown), Italian, First Book in (L. Covello and A. E. Giacobbe), La Bruyère, Selections from (H. Ashton), 611. La Semeuse (B. M. Woodbridge), 770. Le Théâtre du Petit Monde (M. Manusset), 770. Lesage: Turcaret (E. E. Brandon and M. Baudin), Lettres de Mon Moulin (A. Daudet), 611. Lettres Françaises, Petite Histoire des (G. Chinard), Littérature Fran, aise, Histoire de la (A. Noblet), 770. Los Cuatro Viajes de Cristobal Colón (J. D. and W. J. Maîtres Conteurs (A. M. Gibson), 561. Maurois, Selections from André (J. H. Brown), 901. Norse Reader, An Early (G. N. Garmondsway), 907. Paginas Escodidas (P. Batoga), 907. Petit Cours Préparatoire (L. H. Allison), 561. Phonetics without Symbols (G. C. Bateman), 268. Spanish Commercial Reader (R. Lusum), 770. Spanish Reader (G. Wacker), 268. Spanish Reader for Beginners (S. W. Brown), 907. Spanish Vocabulary, A (E. E. Lontz), 770. Sully, Memoires de (W. D. Monro), 611. Talín y Otros Cuentos (C. Espina), 907. Un Pedagogo Terrible (S. Nuñez), 189. Counterpoint and Canon, Invertible (C. H. Kitson). Dictionary of Music and Musicians, Grove's, 110, 359, March Tune. Canzonetta (C. Jaffray), 908. Music (lists), 114, 274, 471, 553, 610. Music Course, A First School (W. J. R. Gibbs), 908. Music Stories for Girls and Boys (D. Cross), 908. Novice Corner (Gramophone, Ltd.), 610. Operatic Translations (H. F. V. Little), 610. Rudiments of Music (C. H. Kitson), 471. Song Book, The Celtic (A. P. Graves), 610. Song Book, The Oxford (T. Wood), 553. Songs for the Higher Divisions, Seven Unison, 908. Songs for Junior Classes, Twelve Unison, 908. Songs, Seven Easy Unison, 908. POETRY AND DRAMA Anthology of School, An (C. S. Holder), 904. Bunyan," The Pilgrim's Progress," of John (W. Rix), Dekker's Shoemaker's Holiday (J. R. Sutherland), Drama (J. R. Williams), 904. Drama, A History of Restoration, 1660-1700 Drama, The English (F. F. Rubenstein), 363. French Poetry for Students (A. W. Bain), 184. Miscellany of Tracts and Pamphlets, A (A. C. Ward), 63. Myrtella (B. More), 904. Nets to Catch the Wind (E. Wylie), 187. Pippa Passes (R. Browning), 110. Plays of To-day, One-Act (J. W. Marriott), 363. Plays, Six Craft (W. R. Cooper and A. Dunning), 609. Poetic Values (E. A. G. Lamborn), 904. Shakespeare in the Eighteenth Century (D. N. Smith), Shakespeare" Purged " Jonson, How (A. Gray), 363. Shakespeare to Hardy (A. Methuen), 609. Shakespeare's Twelfth Night (S. Davis), 609. Sheridan, Three Plays of (G. Boas), 267. Stage, The English (A. Nicoll), 904. The Bird that is Blue (F. G. Fidler), 609. The Grey Pedlar (M. de Camera), 680. The Litigants (W. R. Dunstan), 680. Valéry, Paul (H. A. L. Fisher), 63. Verse, A Book of Victorian (V. H. Collins), 556. Verse, English (W. Peacock), 556. Verse, Silver Books of Children's (F. Jones), 904. Verse, The Laws of (J. C. Andersen), 466. Verse, The Middlesex Book of, 111. Verse for Schools and Festivals, Spoken (T. Hender- With Pipe and Tabor (R. Moorhouse), 904. Bisexuality (T. J. Faithfull), 556. Character and the Conduct of Life (W. McDougall), Child in Primitive Society, The (N. Miller), 909. Criminology (H. Wyndham), 612. Diogenes (C. E. M. Joad), 909. Emotion and Delinquency (L. Brimberg), 909. Error, The Standardization of (V. Stefansson), 476. Fitness for Work (T. H. Pear), 909. Habit-Craft, Adventures in (H. P. Schauffler), 66. How We Behave (A. E. Heath), 112. Human Nature, Understanding (A. Adler), 556. Hygiene of Instruction, The (L. A. Averill), 842. Impotence of Man, The (C. Richel), 909. Judgment and Reasoning in the Child (J. Piaget), 612. Laughter, The Springs of (C. W. Kimmins), 556. Memory, The Basis of (W. R. Bousfield), 476. Mental Hygiene (D. W. La Rue), 269. Mental Life, The (C. A. Ruckmick), 556. Mental Tests (F. N. Freeman), 112. Mind, Motive Forces of the (A. Raven), 909. Mind, The Kingdom of the (J. E. Downey), 269. Mind of Yours, That (D. B. Leary), 556. Music, The Beautiful in (M. Schoen), 842. Myths, The Story of (E. E. Kellett), 66. Personality, A Mirror of (J. G. Vance), 66. Philosophical Bases of Education, The (R. R. Rusk), Philosophical Theology (F. R. Tennant), 837. Philosophies of the World, Great (C. E. M. Joad), 612. Philosophy of Education, A Sociological (R. L. Philosophy To-day (E. L. Schaub), 551. Plato and the New Psychology (T. J. Faithfull), 909. Plato's Theory of Ethics (R. C. Lodge), 672. Psychological Care of Infant and Child (J. B. Watson), Psychology, A.B.C. of Adler's (P. Mairet), 612. Psychology, An Introduction to (J. J. B. Morgan and Psychology, Ancient and Modern (G. S. Butt), 909. Talks to Parents and Teachers (H. Lane), 269. Terror-Dream, The (G. H. Green), 66. Tests of Intelligence, Performance (J. Drever and The Cave Man's Legacy (E. H. Hankin), 612. The Great Forerunner (J. S. Hoyland), 909. A Mind for the Kingdom (H. T. Jacka), 368. Amos, The Book of (R. M. Gwynn), 472. Apostles, The Twelve (R. Harris), 472. Beliefs, A Manual of Christian (É. Lewis), 472. Bible, Concerning the (C. A. Skinner), 368, 472. Bible? Do You Know Your (G. A. Birmingham), Bible, The Children's (A. Nairne, &c.), 910. Bible, The Clarendon (Bishop of Oxford, &c.), 910. Bible, The Living (B. Hall). 910. Buddhism in Pre-Christian Britain (D. A. Mackenzie), Child Psychology and Religious Education (D. F. Essays, The Way of Modernism and Other (J. F. Eucharistic Origins (R. Harris), 472. Fathers of the Church (F. A. Wright), 910. Grace Abounding, and The Life and Death of Mr. Hebrew Grammar, Beginners' (H. L. Creager), 771. Islam, The Expansion of (W. W. Cash), 842. Liturgical Study of the Psalter, A (C. C. Keet), 910 Joshua, The Book of (P. J. Boyer), 472. Judges, The Book of (A. R. Whitham), 368. Realities, Back to (S. H. Mellone), 910. Religious Education (T. G. Soares), 472. Roads to the City of God (B. Matthews), 771. Saint Giles (F. Brittain), 842. Scriptures in the Making, The (A. Pearce), 368. Bird Lover, The Ramblings of a (C. E. Raven), 270. Botanic Terms, A Glossary of (B. D. Jackson), 473. Botany, An Introduction to (S. Mangham), 562. Botany, Matriculation (M. A. Johnstone), 473. Botany Really Means, What (J. Small), 562. Botany Students, Introductory Science for (K. A. Carthage, Excavations at, 1925 (F. W. Kelsey), 190. Chemistry, A Classbook of Practical (J. Moir), 912. Chemistry, A School Certificate (A. E. Foot), 616. Chemistry, An Introduction to (J. Morris), 118, 270. Chemistry, Calculations in Inorganic (J. R. Partington and S. K. Tweedy), 912. Chemistry, Elementary (N. N. Evans), 118. Chemistry, Elementary Organic (H. Adkins and S. M. Chemistry, Higher Test Papers in (E. J. Holmyard), Chemistry, Inorganic (G. H. Bailey and D. R. Chemistry, Introduction to Physical (J. Walker), 118. Chemistry, Junior (R. H. Adie), 843. Chemistry, Junior Test Papers in (E. J. Holmyard), Chemistry for Junior Forms, Theoretical (H. Chemistry, Organic (J. B. Conant), 912. Chemistry for School Certificate Examinations Chemistry for Schools, Introductory. Part II, 60; Civilization, The Origins of (E. N. Fallaize), 616. Crystal Analysis, An Introduction to (W. Bragg), 912. Culture (G. Elliott Smith), 616. Earth, Secrets of the (S. Craig), 473. Electricity and Magnetism, Intermediate (R. A. Electricity, Modern Conceptions of (C. R. Gibson), Electron, Beyond the (J. J. Thomson), 686. Engineering Workshop Manual (E. Pull), 912. Geology Manua! (R. M. Field), 272. Heredity (F. A. E. Crew), 368. Hermes, or the Future of Chemistry (T. W. Jones), Higher Certificate Chemistry Test Papers (J. Morris), Hive, The Story of the (C. Williams), 473. Huxley Memorial Lecture (G. E. Smith), 616. Infinite Series, Theory and Application of (K. Insects (F. Balfour-Browne), 190. Laboratory Manual of Elementary Physical Chemis- try, A (E. Mack and W. G. France), 912. Life-Force in the Plant World, The (E. Hughes-Gibb), Light, The Theory of (T. Preston), 772. Light and Colour, The Alchemy of (O. L. Reiser), 473. L. A. Scipio), 688. Man a Machine (J. Needham), 270. Matter, The Structure and Properties of (W. A. Meteorology, Manual of (N. Shaw), 616. Medicine, A Short History of (C. Singer), 562. Metanthropos or the Body of the Future (R. C. Natural History: Animals (G. Jennison), 190. Nature Readers, The Reason Why (F. M. and L. T. Duncan), 688. Nature Study, First Lessons in (E. M. Patch), 190. New Worlds for Old (R. G. Lunnon), 562. Open-Air Guide, The (J. R. Ashton and F. A. Stocks), 772. Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, The Our Living World (E. R. Downing), 473. Physical Science, An Introduction to (J. Rice), 616. Physical Science, Elementary General (W. R. Physics, Classified Problems in (D. B. Briggs), 270. Plant Ecology (M. A. Johnstone), 562. Qualitative Analysis (W. Wardlaw and F. W. Qualitative Analysis for the Rare Elements, A Races of Mankind, The (H. J. Fleure), 270. Relativity, A Debate on the Theory of (R. D. Science, Classics of Modern (S. Knickerbocker), 190. Science, Elementary (F. Bray), 473. Science, Experimental. Part II. Chemistry (S. E. Science, General (E. J. Holmyard), 272. Science for You (J. G. Crowther), 368. Stone Age, The (E. O. James), 270. The Corridors of Time (H. Peake and H. J. Fleure), The Master Thinkers (R. J. Harvey-Gibson), 616. Universe, Our Wonderful (C. A. Chant), 843. Water, The Composition of (J. R. Partington), 368. 473. Wireless Principles and Practice (L. S. Palmer), 272. |