licor, cuyo olor trasciende tanto, que da fastidio, y si con él untan algún cuerpo muerto y se lo echan por la garganta, jamás se corrompe. También hay en los templos figuras de grandes sierpes en que adoran; y demás de los generales, tenía cada uno otros particulares, según su trato y oficio, en que adoraban; los pescadores en figuras de tiburones, y los cazadores según la caza que ejercitaban y así todos los demás; y en algunos templos, especialmente en los pueblos que llaman de Pasao, en todos los pilares de ellos tenían hombres y niños crucificados los cuerpos, o los cueros tan bien curados, que no olían mal, y clavadas muchas cabezas de indios, que con cierto cocimiento las consumen, hasta quedar como un puño. They do wind about their arms and legs chains of gold and silver beads, and strings of small turquoises, and white and coloured beads, and cowrie shells, nor do they suffer their womenfolk to have any of these things. In this province the temple doors look towards the east, and are draped with cotton hangings, before which they burn the wood of sweet-smelling trees, that grow in these parts. When their bark is stripped, there issues forth a juice which smells so strong as to give offence, and if therewith any dead body is anointed, and the juice poured down its throat, it will not suffer corruption. Also in those temples are figures of great serpents, which they worship; and as well as those held in general reverence, every man has other special figures, according to his rank and office, which he worships; sharks for fishermen, and hunters according to their quarry, and so for others; and in some temples, especially in the villages called Pasao, on all the pillars are the bodies of men and boys crucified, or the skins so well cured that they stink not, and many heads of Indians nailed, which by a certain cookery they do consume, so that they remain no larger than a man's fist. and "Als ob," further down the list, are also specially commended for the same wit. "" " The phrase which allowed of improvement in both "Torelore's" and Mosella's versions was que con cierto cocimiento las consumen. Mosella calls it a process of boiling, many competitors inclined to this idea, but we prefer the translation a certain decoction, and the following writers are commended for this rendering: Cunctatrix," Esse quam videri," Als ob," "A. F. D." " Chardonne," Copt, Salpensa,' J. E. M.," and "Trina," though the last spoiled her phrase by saying the heads were eaten Bramble "struck out a course for himself and called away. cocimiento a condiment, which gives a cannibalistic atmosphere to the whole question. Translators are reminded that they can never sufficiently know their own language. We chose the passage because of this allusion to the reduced heads. In a recent lawsuit four such heads figured largely, and were spoken of as of great scientific importance and rarity, and we thought our readers might be interested to study a sixteenth-century description of them, and realize for what a length of time and how widely they had been known. In this connexion " J. E. M." writes: "I remember seeing in the Trocadero Museum, Paris, some heads which had apparently been treated in this way—the long black silky hair perfect, but the heads themselves shrunk up almost to nothing." They can also be seen at the wonderful Wellcome Medical Historical Museum in Wigmore Street, London. As suggested by several competitors, hastar was a misprint for hasta. But we are glad to record that this error proved no stumbling-block to our learned competitors. Contezuelas means little beads, and many competitors so rendered it. Those who called it little counters were not so far out because, from the original meaning of prayers, (Continued on page 284) LONDON HOSPITAL MEDICAL COLLEGE AND DENTAL SCHOOL. (UNIVERSITY OF LONDON.) The HOSPITAL is the largest in England. 834 beds in constant use. Last year, number of in-patients, 16,840; out-patients, 114,509; dental patients, 6,276. Its position in the neighbourhood of the extensive docks, factories, and workshops of the East of London renders it for accidents one of the largest Hospitals in the world. The Wards, Out-patient and Special Departments present a wide field for clinical instruction, and afford exceptional opportunities for acquiring an extensive and practical knowledge of all phases of disease. The MEDICAL COLLEGE and DENTAL SCHOOL are essentially modern, with large Laboratories equipped with the latest and the most approved appliances. THE STAFF is so large as to permit of individual attention being paid to all students. SCHOLARSHIPS and PRIZES amounting to £963, including four Entrance Scholarships, are awarded annually. RESEARCH FUNDS to the value of approximately £90,000 permit of financial assistance being given to Students and Graduates engaged in medical research. RESIDENT APPOINTMENTS.-Over 170 Appointments are made annually from Students of the College recently qualified. SPECIAL COURSES are held for all the University Examinations and for the Primary and Final Fellowship Examination of the Royal College of Surgeons. HOSPITAL PRACTICE.-Exceptional opportunities are offered to qualified Practitioners wishing to attend the General Practice or the Practice of a Special Department of the Hospital. Clubs, Union, Athletic Ground of over thirteen acres, Students' Hostel, &c. (Men Students only are eligible for admission.) For Prospectus and Particulars apply to the Dean (Professor WILLIAM WRIGHT, M.B., D.Sc., F.R.C.S.), who will be pleased to make arrangements for any one wishing to see the Medical College and Dental School. MILE END, E.1 REMEDIAL PHYSICAL TRAINING, GYMNASTICS, &c. DENMARK HILL PHYSICAL TRAINING COLLEGE AND SCHOOL OF MASSAGE, LONDON. 41 Alleyn Park, S.E. 21, and Sunray Avenue, S.E. 24 A residential College. A few non-residents admitted. Scholarships, £50 and £25, awarded annually. Educational Department. Swedish System. LING'S SWEDISH SYSTEM Complete training for Teachers' Diploma (open to girls of good education) in Theory and Practice of Swedish Educational Gymnastics, Medical Gymnastics, and Massage, all branches of Games and Dancing, Swimming. The Theory includes the study of Anatomy, Physiology, Hygiene, Elementary Psychology, &c. Students prepared for the Conjoint Examination of the Chartered Society of Medical Gymnastics and Massage. THREE YEARS' COURSE Two Scholarships of £50 are offered annually for proficiency in Games, Gymnastics, or Dancing. For Prospectus and particulars of Scholarships, apply SECRETARY. THE LING ASSOCIATION OF TEACHERS OF SWEDISH GYMNASTICS (And Affiliated Gymnastic Societies.) FOUNDED 1899. E Offices: 10 Mecklenburgh Square, London, W.C. 1. held for the Swedish Gymnastic Teachers' Diploma. The Association keeps a list of certified Gym. nastic and Games Mistresses, and Medical Gymnasts -and publishes "Good and Bad School Postures," 5s.; Net Ball Rules, 31d.; Game of Net Ball and How to Play it, 1s.; Rounders Rules, 34d.; Scandinavian Dances (Series I, II, and III), 3d.; Music to Dances, 8d.; Folk Dances from Many Lands, Music and Notes, 1s. All post free. For these, and Terms of Membership, Conditions of Examinations, Entrance Forms, Syllabus, &c., applications should be made to the Secretary, Miss MARY HANKINSON. XAMINATIONS CHELSEA COLLEGE OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION Manresa Road, London, 8.W. 3 PRINCIPAL: S. SKINNER, M.A. (Camb.) Three Years' Diploma Course of University There are three well-equipped gymnasia and play- Apply for prospectus to the HEADMISTRESS. THE INCORPORATED BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR PHYSICAL TRAINING Offices: 25 Chalcroft Road, London, S.E. 13. THE HE Association is an Examining Body for Teachers (Men and Women) of Physical Education, and admission to Membership is by Examination only. It holds Examinations in the Theory, Practice, and Teaching of Swedish Educational Gymnastics and Fencing. Preliminary Examination admits to Studentship. and Final Diploma Examination admits to Membership of the Association. The Final Examination Certificate is approved by the Teachers' Registration Council as satisfying the conditions for Registration in regard to attainments. Applications for qualified Teachers, or for the Syllabus of Examinations should be made to the Secretary, Mr. T. WILLIAMS. ELPHIN'S CHURCH OF Fees: Daughters of Clergy, £30 a term; Daugh- NEW JUNIOR WING, with class rooms on Open-air Bursaries available for Clergy daughters fulfilling H IGH School for Girls, Ashford, Kent.-Private Secondary Boarding and Day School, recognized by the Board of Education; healthy situation in fifteen acres of ground, within eleven miles of sea coast. Preparation for public examinations and university entrance. Music, Dancing, Painting, Physical Training, Games, Swimming. Preparatory department for girls under 11. Accommodation for 160 boarders. Illustrated prospectus and list of successes and references on application to the PRINCIPALS. BEDFORD PHYSICAL TRAINING COLLEGE. THE DOWNS SCHOOL, Seaford, LING'S SWEDISH SYSTEM. Principal: Miss STANSFELD. The object of the College is to train Students to enable them to become Teachers of Gymnastics and Games in Schools. The Course of Training extends over three years, and includes the Theory and Practice of Educational Gymnastics, Massage and Medical Gymnastics, Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene, Dancing, Lacrosse, Lawn Tennis, Hockey, Net Ball, and Cricket. An educational centre like Bedford affords special facilities for practice in Teaching and professional coaching in Games, Swimming, and Boating in the summer. Fees: £165 per annum. For prospectus apply-SECRETARY, 37 Lansdowne Road, Bedford. SUSSEX. THE A Prize of Two Guineas is offered for the best Translation into English of the following Extract from " De la Présidence à la Prison," by Ferdinand Ossendowski. Un prisonnier me disait un jour: Ne désespérez jamais, car demain vaut toujours mieux qu'aujourd'hui. Si la vie est dure à présent, les épreuves plus pénibles encore qui nous attendent SCHOOLS FOR SALE PARTNERSHIP, with a view to succession, in old-established Boarding School for Girls in the South-West of England. 50 pupils. Fees, about £100 per annum. Should be Church of England. Price for half-share in Goodwill and Furniture, £1,000.No. 5,757. seront moins douloureuses à celui qui s'est déjà habitué à la souffrance. Si les mauvais jours se prolongent, de tout votre être vous aspirez à la mort, et cette fin de tout, qu'on a coutume de considérer comme la menace plus redoutable, deviendra la plus désirable des délivrances. Si quelque période de malheurs est suivie d'une amélioration de votre sort, si légère soit-elle, ce soulagement vous apportera un véritable sentiment de bonheur. Oui, demain, toujours, vaut mieux qu'aujourd'hui ! Pour des hommes d'action, prêts à la lutte, ceci est évidemment un raisonnement servile, une force aveugle qui guide, sur la route de la vie, l'esclave sans volonté et sans ambition, dominé par le destin. Pour le Russe, dans les terribles conditions d'existence auxquelles il a été soumis par les systêmes de gouvernement qui se sont succédé, cette mentalité d'esclave, si paradoxale que la chose puisse sembler, a été comme un évangile sauveur. Si vous demandez à un paysan: Avez-vous le temps de rentrer votre foin avant l'orage? Avos, répond-il. Il y a dans ce mot plus que dans le peut-être " par lequel nous serions tentés de la traduire. Avos implique l'idée de quelque chose de fatal, chargé d'un profond et presque terrible mystère, quelque Destinée redoutable, quelque Karma vengeur. Initials, or a nom de guerre, must be adopted by ALL competitors, but the prize-winners, and the competitors awarded the second place, will be required to send real names for publication if necessary. No competitor will be awarded a prize more than ONCE during a given year, though the name of the competitor gaining first place will be published each month. All entries, which must be accompanied by the Coupon printed on page 283, must reach the office by the first post on April 14, 1928, addressed "PRIZE EDITOR," The Journal of Education, 3 Ludgate Broadway, London, E.C. 4. AND PARTNERSHIPS RANSFER of House for Boarders, in connection with an old 15 boarders. Gross Receipts, £570. Fees could be raised. Freehold Premises, £1,800. Part left on mortgage at 4 per cent.-No. 5,935. TR RANSFER of Boarding and Day School for Girls in a bracing and healthy resort in the Midlands. Established twenty years. Principal wishes to retire. Long lease of Premises to be transferred. About 60 pupils. Gross Receipts for 1927, £2,616. Profit, about £500. Price for Goodwill, £1,000. Furniture at a valuation.-No. 5,938. RANSFER of old-established and successful Boarding and Day About 100 pupils, twenty to thirty of them boarders. Attractive Freehold Premises, in 11 acres of ground, £6,600 (£5,000 on mortgage). Profit, over £700.-No. 5,939. U NIVERSITY GRADUATE required as Partner in flourishing TRA About Boarding School for Girls in the Western Midlands. 100 pupils. Magnificent leasehold premises. Gross Receipts, about £15.000. Large profit. One-third share in the first instance with a view to increasing to a one-half share in a few years.-No. 5,824. RANSFER of small recently-established Day School for Girls in an attractive Country Town near London. 22 pupils. Gross Receipts, about £750. Leasehold School Premises: Rent and Rates, £50. Principal must give up owing to illness. Goodwill, one term's fees. School Furniture, about £20.-No. 5,940. For further Particulars apply to Messrs. GABBITAS, THRING & CO., 36 Sackville Street, London, W. 1. UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS Next Session begins October 1, 1928 Candidates for admission in the Session 1928-29 should apply at once to the REGISTRAR OF THE UNIVERSITY, from whom copies of the General Prospectus or special Departmental Prospectuses may be obtained. BIRKBECK COLLEGE (UNIVERSITY OF LONDON) Principal: GEORGE SENTER, D.Sc., Ph.D., F.I.C. EVENING COURSES specially adapted for Teachers and others engaged during the day who desire to study for the degrees of the UNIVERSITY OF LONDON in the Faculties of Arts and Science and for the Geography Diploma. Facilities are also provided for Post-Graduate and Research Work. Studentships to the value of over £800 are awarded annually to students of the College. Calendar, Is.; by post, Is. 4d. Prospectus free. For full particulars apply to THE SECRETARY, BIRKBECK COLLEGE, FETTER LANE, E.C. 4. Patron His Majesty the King. "SCHOOL" EXAMINATIONS (Syllabus B) Held throughout the British Isles three times a year, viz. March-April, June-July, and OctoberNovember. Entries for the June-July Examinations close Wednesday, May 9 (Irish Entries, May 2), or, with extra fee, May 17 and May 10, 1928, respectively. ELOCUTION EXAMINATIONS will be held at certain fixed centres in March-April, June-July, and November-December each year. For full particulars see Special Elocution Syllabus. The Board offers annually SIX EXHIBITIONS tenable at The R.A.M. or The R.C.M. for two or three years. Syllabuses A and B, Elocution Syllabus, Entry Forms, and any further information, will be sent post free on application to-THE SECRETARY, 14 and 15 Bedford Square, London, W.C. 1. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED LONDON, MAY 1, 1928. THE PUBLISHED FOR THE PROPRIETORS ON THE FIRST OF EACH MONTH BY PRICE EIGHTPENCE. ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION (PREPAID)— COLLEGE OF PRECEPTORS, University Examination Incorporated by Royal Charter, 1849. DIPLOMA EXAMINATIONS. Important alterations, some of which are now in force, have been made in the Regulations for the Examinations of Teachers for the Diplomas of A.C.P. and L.C.P. A Statement of the alterations and copies of the Regulations for 1929, 1930, and 1931 may be obtained from the Secretary. PROFESSIONAL PRELIMINARY EXAMINATIONS. Preliminary Examinations for intending medical, dental, and phar maceutical students are held in March, June, September, and December. The Regulations may be obtained from the Secretary. University Correspondence College FOUNDED 1887. WILLIAM BRIGGS, LL.D., D.C.L., M.A., B.SC. Students are prepared for B.A., M.A., B.Sc., B.Sc.(Econ.), B.Sc.(Eng.), FREE GUIDES ΤΟ MATRICULATION, Any of these Guides, and a Special Prospectus University Correspondence College CONFERENCE ON EDUCATION in connection with A WORLD CONFERENCE will be held by members of the Anthroposophical Society, at the LECTURES AND DEMONSTRATIONS will be given Enquiries to the SECRETARY, World Conference, 46 Gloucester Place, HALLS OF RESIDENCE, Hostels, WILLIAMS'S PRIVATE HOTEL, 22 and 23 Torrington Square, London, W.C. 1.-Central, comfortable, quiet, and inexpensive. Terms, 6s. 6d. each, bed and breakfast. Recommended by hundreds in scholastic profession. OXFORD RE ESIDENCE fee, from £65 per SEVERN and WYE VALLEYS: AUGUST.-To be let, furnished session of about 33 weeks. All degrees, &c., granted by the University are open to women. Application to be made to the WARDEN, University Hall, Fairfield, Liverpool. BEAUTIFUL HOLIDAY HOME (600 ft. up); LA LONDON, W. 2 bedrooms, bath, gas-cooker, electric light, &c., in ST. MARGARET'S-ON THAMES ADIES' INTERNATIONAL COMFORT men in nice home; good cooking. CLUB, 74 Prince's Square, Bayswater.- women. rooms. Students FEES, 50 to 62 guineas per session of about 32 weeks, according to accommodation. pursue Degree Courses in Arts, Science, or Law. Complete Courses of Secondary and Elementary Training of University Graduates in preparation for Teachers' Diplomas, Preparation for Diplomas in Geography, Biology, Music, and Agriculture. Early application should be made to the SENIOR WARDEN, Mrs. GUTHKELCH, B.A. ABERDARE HALL, CARDIFF. — Residence for Women Students of the University College of South Wales and Monmouthshire. Principal: Miss KATE HURLBATT, Somerville College, Oxford. Fees, £75, £70, and £65 per annum. College tuition fees, Arts, £15, and Science, £20 per annum. Scholarships of £25 awarded on the result of Entrance Scholarship Examination of University College, Cardiff, held annually in the Spring. Students prepared for the B.A., B.Sc., and Degrees of the University of Wales. Departments for Elementary and Secondary Training are attached to the -SECRETARY. Near park, river; also good train service, buses, &c. CONTINENTAL NEUILLY, PARIS HE LODGE, 1 St. George's Square, "LES CHARDONS BLEUS," THE S.W. 1. A very attractive Restaurant highly recommended for excellence of food and service. Terms very moderate. Bedrooms can be obtained in annexes close by, 4s. a night single,or 7s. 6d. double. This arrangement is very suitable for visitors in town for sight-seeing, &c. For particulars apply to THE SECRETARY, 21 St. George's Square, S.W. 1. LONDON, W.C. 1 HACKERAY Hotel, opposite College. Students with recognized academic qualifi- THA cations can enter in October for one year Secondary Training Course. In the Medical School the composition fee varies from £20 to £35 per annum.Apply to the PRINCIPAL. British Museum, Great Russell Street.-Bedroom, Breakfast, and Attendance, from 8s. 6d. per night. Telegrams: "Thackeray, London." Telephone: Museum 1230 (2 lines). 69 Boulevard de la Seine, Neuilly. Small Finishing School for five or six pupils only. Delightful situation, close to the Bois de Boulogne. Excellent references. A few ladies wishing to perfect their French also taken during the vacation.-Madame MANRY. HOME School for Girls near Paris (20 minutes by train), exceptional educational advantages, best situation, all modern comfort; girls wishing to spend holidays in France are received from June. Prospectus on application, 5 and 7 Avenue Fontaine René, Montmorency (S.O.). For "Pensions see page 295 |