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" For those that fly may fight again, Which he can never do that's slain. "
The letters of Horace Walpole [ed. by J. Wright]. - Página 311
de Horace Walpole (4th earl of Orford.) - 1840
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Samuel Butler - 1861 - 394 páginas
...chosa This stratagem t' amuse our foea To make an hon'rable retreat, And wave a total sure defeat : For those that fly may fight again, Which he can never do that 's slain. Hence timely running's no mean part Of conduct in the martial art, By which some glorious feats achieve....
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The Works of the English Poets: Butler

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 376 páginas
...t* amufe our foes, 440 To make an honourable retreat, And wave a total fure defeat £ For For thofe that fly may fight again, Which he can never do that 's flain. Hence timely running 's no mean part 445 Of conduft, in the martial art ; By which fome glorious...
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The Monthly magazine, Volumen 27

Monthly literary register - 1809 - 752 páginas
...chote This stratagem to amuse our roes, To make an lion'ruble retreat. And wave a total sure defeat; For those that fly may fight again, Which he can never do that's slam." Your'i, &c. A CONSTANT ULAIJI к. For the Morning Herald. No. III. Mr. EDITOR,' — I...
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Bell's Edition, Volúmenes 33-34

John Bell - 1797 - 722 páginas
...ftratagem t' amufe our foes 440 To make an hon'rable retreat, And wave a total fure defeat : For thofe that fly may fight again, Which he can never do that 's ilain. Hence timely running's no mean part 445 Ot condudb, in the martial art, By which fome glorious...
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The Port Folio, Volumen 2

1809 - 572 páginas
...found in Hudibras. They are, however, only an amplification of a couplet actually in that book : " For those that fly may fight again, " Which he can never do, that's slain." Fame and Merit dinfirofiortionrd. It is a truth, humiliating in a high degree to human...
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The Poetical Works of Samuel Butler: In Three Volumes. Collated with the ...

Samuel Butler, Thomas Park - 1808 - 506 páginas
...chose This stratagem to' amnse onr foes To make an hon'rable retreat, And wave a total snre defeat : For those that fly may fight again, Which he can never do that's slain. Hence timely rnnning's no mean part Of condnct, in the martial art, By which some glorions...
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The Works of the English Poets, from Chaucer to Cowper: Including ..., Volumen 8

Alexander Chalmers - 1810 - 654 páginas
...chose This stratagem t' amuse our foes, To make an honourable retreat, And wave a total sure defeat ; For those that fly may fight again, Which he can never do that V slain. Hence timely running 's no mean part Of conduct, in the martial art ; By which some glorious...
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Hudibras, in Three Parts: Written in the Time of the Late Wars

Samuel Butler - 1809 - 448 páginas
...chose This stratagem t' amnse onr foes ; To make an hononrable retreat, And wave a total snre defeat ; For those that fly may fight again, Which he can never do that's slain. Hence timely rnnning's no mean p< rt Of condact in the martial art; By which some glorions...
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Hudibras: Poem, Volumen 1

Samuel Butler - 1812 - 876 páginas
...This stratagem, t' amuse our foes, !MO To make an honourable retreat, And wave a total, sure defeat; For those that fly may fight again, Which he can never do that 's slain. Hence timely running '$ no mean part 245 Of conduct in the martial art : By which some glorious feats...
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Hudibras,: poëme de Samuel Butler,

Samuel Butler - 1819 - 390 páginas
...chose This stratagem t' amuse our foes ; To make an honourable retreat , And wave a total sure defeat ; For those that fly may fight again , Which he can never do that's slain. Hence timely running's no mean part Of conduct in the martial art ; By which some glorious...
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