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the body in fome place or other while it of filver, amounting to about twenty tacls, continues dark. Upon this he takes a purse Mafter, faid he, I hope you will keep the fe and returning hoftily to the waterman, fair : I muft own. I had a hand in this unforcret, and I will ictruit you with the whole afthan malice: we are both natives of Ouentanate bufmefs, but more thro' imprudence tcheou, and I flatter myfelf that you will ule me like a fellow citizen: would you ruin me for the love of a ftranger; what advantage can you gain by it? is not it betachimowledgment fhall be proportionable to ter to hush up this affair? if you will, my the corpfe, and throw it into fonne by-place; the benefit received from you; take thea the darknefs of the night favours our defign without its coming to the knowledge of any perfon whatever. What place can I chufe, replied the water-man? if by chance any fould difcover the mystery to-morrow, and there fhould be a fearch for the criminal, they will look upon me as an accomplice in the murder, and by doing you fervice I fome-affair. fall equally involve myfelf in this trouble

them to ferve in fupper: fhe began with giving her husband a draught of hot wine to recover him from his fright; he had already regained his fpirits, and his heart was at reft, when he heard a fudden knocking at the door. He was feized with a new read, and taking a lamp, went haftily to fee what was the matter; he found a man called Tcheou-fe, nrafter of the ferry-boat by which they crofled the river; he had in his hand a piece of stuff, and the merchant's basket. As foon as he perceived Quang, he faid with a wild look, What a dreadful affair you have fallen into! loft. What! a fcholar like you to kill a poor you are abfolutely trader! This was like a clap of thunder to the unfortunate Quang: what is it that you say, replied he trêmbling? Don't you know what I mean, an wered Tchcou-fe? I fuprofe you know this ftuff and this basket. Yes, I do, faid he; a dealer in ginger belong ing to Hou-tcheou, came to my houfe, and had this piece of stuff of me to-day, and this basket in which he carried his ginger. How did they fall into your hands? It was almost night, faid Tcheou-fe, when a man of Hou-tcheo, called Liu, wanted a paffage in my boat; he was hardly got in before he Quang, the fepulchre of my father is very You know very well, faid complained of a violent pain in his breaft, near; and is a place not at all frequented; which reduced him to the lat extremity; befides, the night is very dark, and there is then telling me it was the effect of blows which you gave him, he put the bafket and be then fo kind as to fetch the carcafe from no fear of meeting one foul by the way; ftuff into my hands: thefe will be a proof your boat. This is a likely method, replied when you profecute this afair, which I the waterinan, but what will you pay me conjure you to do: for this reafon, go to for the fervice? Then Ouang took the Hou-tcheou as foon as you can to acquaint pure and gave it to the waterman, my relations, and pray them to revenge my finding by the weight that it was not very caufe with the life of rim who deprived considerable, How! faid he, with a fcornwho, me of mine when those words were end- ful air, here is a murder in the cafe; and ed he expired; his body is ftill in the boat, you think to get out of the ferape for fo which I have brought into your port at the full a fum: It was my good fortune that entrance of the river: you may examine conducted this man to my boat; beaveninto the affair yourself, and fo take proper has given me an opportunity of changing measures for your fafety. At this relation my condition for a better, and yon would Quang was fo full of terror he could not put me off with fo little; this bufine is freak one word, his heart was agitated like worth at leaft a hundred tacks. Quang, that of a fawn who is hemmed in on all who was very eager to get rid of the dan fides, and fecks on all fides a paffage to eger as foon as potible, durft rot contradict fcape by. At length coming to himself, he him; he fignified by a nod that he accep endeavoured to diaemble the confufion he ted the condition, and immediately went was in what you relate, faid he boldly, into the houfe, where he hastily took the cannot poffibly be: however he ordered a remainder of his filver, together with ha fervant to go privately to the bark, and ex- bits, his wife's jewels, and such like things amine if what he had faid was true: the and returned speedily to offer all to Tcheou fervant returned very fpeedily, and affured, telling him that what he brought Fim that the dead body was certainly there. 'mounted to about fixty taels, which was Quang was a man of an irrefolute mind, all that his circumftances would permit hire and could not fee very far into tranf- to give, and he befought him to be conactions; he goes back into the houfe, tented almot out of his wits, and told his wife what he had just heard: It is quite over with me, cried he, I am a loft man, the frorm is ready to burst over my head, nor do I know any remedy for my inisfortune, inlefs I can bribe the waterman to conceal

feeined to be mollified; I will not, faid he,
therewith in effect Tcheon-fer
man of letters, I hope hereafter you will
over-rate the misfortune, but as you are a
have a regard for me. Quang began to be
revived from this moment, and became
little eafy : he get a collation for the watɗ—

an, and while it was preparing fent two Ilaves for fhoveis and mattocks; the name of one of the two was Hou; he was a brutal fellow, for which reafon he had the furname of Hou the Tiger. The company fet out foon after; and when they were come over against the fepulchre, they chofe a place that was foft and eafy to dig, where they made a grave and buried the carcafe; after which they returned to the houfe. However, this labour took up the greatest part of the night, and the day begun to break before they came home: after break fafting, the waterman took his leave. Ouang fent away his fervants, and went into his wife's apartment to bewail their misfortene. Is it pollible, cried he, that a man of my profeilion, and of fo ancient a family, hbuld be reduced to fubmit to a wretch to whom, upon any other occafion, I fhould not condefcend to fpeak? At thefe words he shed a flood of tears. His wife endeavoured to mitigate his forrow, faying, Inftead of murmuring as you do, praise heaven that has protected you in this misfortune; compofe yourfelf for reft as well as you can, for you have need of it after the troubles and fatigues of the night. Ouang followed her advice, and went to bed. As for the waterman, he fold his boat, and with the money the fcholar had given him opened a fhop, and applied himfelf to trade.

The common laying is true, that misfortunes ride poft, and fuccced one another : The daughter of Onang whom I mentioned before, entered on her third year, when fhe was attacked with the fmall pox of a malignant fort; they prayed heartily for their only daughter, and procured the best physicians to come to her allittance: the parents fpent days together, weeping by her bedfide at length they learnt that there was a phyfician in the city called Siu, great ly experienced in thefe diftempers, and who had faved a great number of children that were given over. Ouang wrote a very preffing letter, and gave it to Hou the Tiger, his flave, charging him to make all poflible hafle; but Hou did not return home till Dxt day at noon. The flave ftopt at a public henfe, where he got drunk, and returning home told his mafter the phyfician was not at home, and that he waited for him all day to no purpose; which greatly asginemed the father's grief. Some days t' ereafter the father difcovered the trick by meats of fome of the domestics. At this news, Quang being tranfported with anger, called the reft of his flaves: Be quick, faid he, take this rafcal, and lay him on the ground, and give him fifty hearty blows with a bartoon, and be fure to lay them Bandfonely on. When the correction was over he withdrew, full of grief, into his apartment. The flave got up with great

difficulty, greatly bruifed with the strokes he had received, and crawled to his room as well as he could. There, full of rage, and debating with himself like a madman; Cruel maker, faid he, you fhail pay dear for your brutality. I'll be revenged for this. Then, after he had confidered a moment, I need not go far, fays he, to feck for an opportunity, it is near at hand, and I will not let it flip; as foon as my wounds are healed, you fhall know what I can do, I shall teach you, according to the old proverb, Whether it is the bucket hung by the rope that goes down into the well, or whether it is the water out of the well falls into the bucket.

As Ouang was walking in his gallery, one day, he obferved a company of officers enter. who put a cord about his neck, and carried him away to the Mandarin. In vain did he plead he was one of the learned, and deferved better treatment. When he came to the tribunal, he perceived his flave was become his accufer, and immediately conjecured it proceeded from revenge. The Mandarin accefted him thus, You are acrufed of having killed a merchant of Houtcheou; what do you fay to the accufation? Sir, replied Ovang, you are the reprefentative of righteous heaven, do not liften to the calunnies of this wretch. My accufer is one of my flaves whom I catched in a fault, and for which I feverely corrected him, and in revenge he has formed a defign to ruin


Hou the tiger, thiking his forehead against the ground, Sir, as you act in heaven's tead, I conjure you not to regard what this learned perion has faid, who has an excellent talent at counterfeiting. It is cafy to clear up this matter; fearch, and you will find the bones of the murdered perfon in his fepulchre.

The Mandarin gave orders to fearch the fepulchre, and the bones were found. The crime is plain, fays the Mandarin, and was going to put Quang to the torture, when he made this defence: "It is plain thefe are

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the bones of a perfon murdered long ago, "why did not my accufer appear against me "fooner? He has procured this fkeleton to "fix the calumny upon me." But Houreplied, “It is true, this perfon was killed long

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ago, and I have connived at it too long.

I hoped my mafter would have corre& d "his paffionate temper, but he is growing "every day more brutal, and I was afraid I "fhould have at lait shared the fame fate : "But let his fervants and neighbours be "fent for, and they will teftify concerning "this affair." They were accordingly ordered to appear, and they declared, that about a year ago, Quang beat a dealer in ginger till he fainted away, but he came to humfelf again, and we know not what hape pened afterwards. This fruck Quang fo, that he contradicted himfelt in his exuinina

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tion, and he was ordered to be bastinadoed. Immediately two lufty fellows belonging to the Tribunal feized the scholar, threw him down, and laid on him twenty ftrokes of the battoon. This had fuch an impreflion upon Quang, whofe conftitution was tender and delicate, that he made no feruple of confefling whatever they pleased. The Mandarin faid, It is no longer a doubt that you deferve to die, yet as no friends of the murdered perfon appear to demand juice, your execution fhall be delayed for fome timeQuang was conducted into a dungeon, and the flaves, returning home, acquainted their Lady with all the tranfactions. She fainted away for fome time, and when she came to herself, the made the neighbourhood echo with her cries. Her grief being fomewhat abated, the dreffed herself in another habit, and fet forward, with what filver she could command, with one of her flaves following her; fhe crofled the city, and came to the gate of the prifon, where obtaining entrance, he gave her husband the money to diftribute to the jailor and keepers, that they might treat him with more mildness during his confinement. For fix months Quang led this folitary life in a dungeon, which produced a diftemper that was likely to baffle all the phyficians art; and which filled his Lady's heart with grief. While fhe was wholly taken up with the diftrefs and melancholy fituation of her husband, the fervants in the lower part of the bouse saw a man, advanced in vears, enter, carrying a prefent, and afking for the master of the house. When they had looked at him a little, they ran all off crying, "A ghost! A ghoft!" The stranger took hold of one of them by the arm as he was running off, and faid, "Are you all mad, why do you miftake me for an apparition?" The lady, hearing the noise, came haftily out to fee what was the matter. The good old man advanced, and made her obeisance, faying, you have doubtless forgot the old man of Houttcheou called Liu, who dealt in ginger ;'tis I myself, and I fhall always have a grateful remembrance of your husband's entertainment, and the prefent he made me of a piece of stuff. I have now brought fome trifles from my own country, that I take the liberty to make you a prefent of. I cannot comprehend what could induce your people to take me for an apparition? One of the domeftics who lay fnug in a corner called out, "Madam, take heed what you do, for he has certainly affumed this fantastic body to embroil your affairs, and complete my mafter's deftruction! The Lady Lieou filenced the fervant, and addreffing herself to the franger, faid, "As far as I can comprehend, there is no reafon to believe you have rifen from the dead; but my husband has fufiored greatly on your account.

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“The waterman Tcheou-se brought a drad "body to our door, and produced the basket " and the piece of ftuff that we gave you, faying, that you had delivered it to him "as a proof you was killed by my husband. "We prevailed on him by money to conceal "it, and he affifted in burying the dead bo " dy. But about a year thereafter, Hou in"formed against his mafter at the tribunal, "and by torture my hufband was obliged "to confefs all, in confequence of which he "was caft into a dungeon where he still "lies."

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At the Lady Lieou's relation, Liu violently beat his breaft. "Ah, madam," faid he, is it poffible there should be a man "under heaven capable of fo black an ac"tion. When I left you last year, I went directly to the bark to cross the river. "The waterman feeing the piece of stuff in my hands, demanded where I had it. Having no fufpicion of his villainous defign, I informed him, that being thrown down by your trufband, and lain fome "time fenfelefs, I was afterwards kindly en"tertained, and received the piece of stuff "as a prefent. He defired me to fell it to "him, which I did; he defired likewife my "bamboo basket, which I gave him for my "paffage, but could any one have gueffed "the horrid villainy intended ?"" My "good friend," replied the Lady, “I could "not be certain before I fpoke to you, that "the accufation against my husband was a "forgery; but where had he the dead ho"dy" Liu, having confidered a moment, faid, "I now recollect, that while I was in "the boat, I faw a dead body float near the "bank of the river; which I fuppofe he "has used for his diabolical purpose; but "in this affair there is no time to lofe."The Lady took the prefent, ordered dinner, and fet out for the Mandarin's palace, at tended by her flaves, and followed by the old man.

She informed the Mandarin of all that had contributed to her husband's disgrace, and ended with faying, that this was the very dealer in ginger her hufband was accufed of killing The Mandarin having heard her attentively, made Liu draw near in his turn to be examined. Liu related the beginning and end of the difpute in which he was hurt by the fall: he explained the manner in which he was prevailed upon to fell the piece of stuff, and gave entire fatisfaction to all the questions that were asked him. "But (faid the Mandarin) has not "this woman prevailed upon you by money "to give this evidence ?' Liu, ftriking his forehead against the ground, immediately replied, "Such a trick is impracticable; I "am a merchant of Hou-tcheou, and have "traded in this city for feveral years; I am "known by a great number of perfons→→


f how then can I carry on an impofture? if "that which they have feigned concerning "my death was true, do you think when I "was ready to die, I fhould not have order "ed the waterman to fetch some of my acquaintance to give them a commiflion to "demand juftice? was it likely that I fhould "give this charge to a perfon unknown?

but if I had been really dead, would none "of my relations at Hou-tcheou, when they "found I was a long while abfent, come and "make an enquiry after me? If I had been "killed, as has been faid, would they not "have carried my accufation to your tribu"nal? how then comes it to pals, that for "a whole year together no body has appear"ed; and inttead of one of my relations, a "flave fhould take upon him to accufe his "mafter? I returned to the city but this "day, and therefore could be informed no "fooner of this horrid fcandal: in fhort, "though I have co atributed nothing to the "mifery of this unfortunate fcholar, yet as "Jam in fome fort the occasion of his fuffer"ing, 'twas not poflible for me to fee innocence opprefied without emotion; and "this is the only motive that has brought "me to your foot-ftool: give orders, Liveferch you, that enquiry may be made concerning what relates to me, for nothing "can be more eafy." "Since you are known here by many (replied the viandarin) "mention fome, that I may examine." Liu mentioned to the number of ten, whofe names the Mandarin took down, but fixed ou the four lath whom he fent for. When they entered the hall of audience, it was ob Tervable, that as foon as they perceived the old man Liu, they said one to another,→→ "Ah! here is our antient friend Liu, of the "eity of Hou-tcheou; he is not dead then, "as was given out." The Mandarin ordered them to draw nearer, that they might take the better notice of him. "Are our ** eyes inchanted? (added they) no; 'tis he hmfelf: this is the dealer in ginger that "was faid to have been killed by the feho "lar Quang," The Mandarin gave orcers to fome of the officers to inform themselves fecretly where the waterman Tcheou-fe lived, and to amufe him with falle hopes, that he might come directly to the tribunal, without having the leaft fulpicion of the business in hand. As for Hou the Tyger, who had given in the accufation, as he had a perfon bound for him, he was cafy to be found: the order was given that they fhould both be brought into court in the af. ternoon; the officers replied with a fhout that teftified how readily they obeyed, and feparated immediately to go to different parts of the city. In the mean time the Lady Licou, who had orders to be there with old Liu at the fame hour, went to the prifon, where the informed her husband of

all that had paffed. This relation fo trans ported him with joy, that one would have thought the mot fpirituous effence was poured upon his head, or the sweetest dew fallen upon his heart, and the saine moment his diftemper left him "I was chiefly pro"voked (faid he) at the vile flave, whom I "looked upon as a monfter, and did not be"lieve there was a more wicked man to be "found; but the villainy of the waterman "far exceeds his: is it poffible to carry wic"kednefs to fo great an excefs? If this good "old man had not appeared himself, I fhould "never have known whether I had died for "a real or a fuppofed crime; but at length "the truth is manifeft."

The Lady Licou did not fail to be at the audience with old Lin, whom the had handfomely régaled at her own houfe: they had by cunning prevailed upon Tcheou-fe to be there, who, after he had quitted his boat, opened a fhop, and was become a ftuff-merchant; the officers of the tribunal had per fuaded him that their mafter would make a good purchase, fo that he entered the hall of audience with an air of fatisfaction, however the juftice of heaven was on the point of difcovering itself. When he thought leaft of the matter, and was turning his head here and there in a confident manner, he perceived old Lu: in an inftant, by an emotion of his mind which he could not com mand, his ears became as blood: old Liu called to him with a loud voice, Well, Mr Boatman, how have you done fince the day that I fold you the piece of stuff and the bamboo basket? has the traffic been lucky?" At thefe words Tchou-fe hung down his head and made no reply, but his counte nance fuddenly appeared like the branch of a tree that is withered by the fan: they introduced at the fame time Hou the Tiger: this wretch, after he had betrayed his mafter, did not return back to his mailer's house, but lodged in another place as if he had cealed to be a flave, and was coming that day to the audience for the fake of diverfion, and to fee what was doing; the offers of the tribunal met him very lockily near the Mandarin's palace. We were looking for you, faid they to him, becaufe to-day fertence is to be paffed on your matter; the relations of the murdered perfon protecnted the caufe, and there is nobody wanting but you, who are the informer, to condemn him to the punishment his crime def rves.--Hou the Tiger, tranfported with joy, followed the officers and knecked down at the foot of the tribunal. When the Mandarin ftw him, Doft thou know that man? said he, pointing to old Liu with his finger. Hou the Tyger, after he had beheld him a little earnelly, was immediately in fuch confafion and aftonishment that he could not speak a word. I be Mandarin perceiving the em barrafiment

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"of stuff and the bamboo basket; and as “foon as Liu was landed, I took the corple "out of the water, put it into my boat, and "rowed to Ouang's door: contrary to all appearance he believed what I said concerning Liu's death, and gave me a good fum "not to divulge it, and I went with fome "of his fervants to bury the body, who "took it for the corps of old Liu: there is nothing but what is true in this confellion "that I have made, and I am ready to fuf"fer any thing if the leaf particular is falfe." what I know already, but there is one arAll this, faid the Mandarin, agrees with ticle feems very dark: Is it poffible that at that very inftant a dead body should be found near the bank? Befides, is it credible that this corpfe fhould refemble old Liu ?— fome other place, and thy defign was to Without doubt thou haft killed this man in make Quang pals for the author of the murder. “Ah! Sir, cried Tchequ-fe, if I had

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any thoughts of killing any body, could' "not I have killed Liu fooner than any o"ther perfon, fince he was alone with me "in the boat in a dark night? What I have "faid is true; feeing a body float in the wa"ter I thought it would be easy to make "ufe of it to deceive Ouang, for which rea"fon I purchased the stuff and basket of Liu; "but that which perfuaded me most that I a fhould fucceed was, that I knew Quang to "be a fearful and credulous man, and I "knew likewife that he had never feen Liu "but this once, and that when it was night "and by the light of a lamp; I procured "the piece of ftuff and the bamboo basket, "that they might immediately bring to his "mind the dealer in ginger.'

barraffment and concern of these two vilJains, took about a moment for confideration, then holding his hand towards Hou the Tyger, Thou dog of a flave, faid he to him, what has thy mafter done to thee that thou fhouidit contrive his ruin, with the waterman, and invent fo black a calumny?→→→ Nothing is more true, replied the flave, than my maiter has killed a man, nor was it a ftory of mine own invention. How, faid the Mandarin, are you so obftinate as to continue in this falfehood? let the wretch be taken and put to the torture till he owns his crunc. Hou the Tyger, in the midft of his torment, cried aloud, Alas! Sir, if you reproach me for conceiving a mortal hatred against my mafter, and becoming his accufer, I plead guilty; but if I am killed, I will never own that I have confpired with any per on whatfoever to invent what is called a flander: Yes, my matter having one day a difpute with Liu, ftruck him fo hard that he fell down fenfelefs; immediately they gave him fomething to drink, and he came to himfelf; then they regaled him and made him a prefent of a piece of fluf: Liu went from thence to cross the river, and the felf fame night, about the fecond watch, the boatman Tcheou-fe brought a dead body in his boat as far as our door, and to make it evident that it was Liu, he fhewed the piece of ftuff and the bamboo basket, and there was not one of the domeftics but what took it for fact; the money and the jewels which my mafter gave the waterman ftopt his mouth, and he promised to conceal the murder; I was one of those who helped to bury the corpfe, and afterwards my mafter using me ill, I refolved to revenge myfelf, and acrufed him at this tribunal: as for this man that died, I fwear I have not the least knowledge of him; nay, if I had not feen old Liu here, I fhould never have thought my matter was falfely accufed in having this murder Jaid to his charge. It is not in my power to tell what bedy it was, or whence it canic; none but the waterman can give an account ot it. This examination being taken by the Mandarin, he made Tcheou-fe draw near to be interrogated in his turn; this man made various pretences to difguite his crime; but Liu, who was prefent, immediately dif covered his knavery, and the Mandarin puť him to the torture, which quickly made him couffs the truth. "I declare (fays he) that the laft year, in fuch a month and fuch a day, Liu came to me for a paftage in boat, holding in his hand a piece of ftell; my I accidentally afked him who had made him that prefent, upon which he related." "the whole hory, and at the fame time there appearing a dead body near the bark, "which was thrown by the current, it came "into my head to make use of it to deceive

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Crang; this made me purchase the piece

"Thefe were the realons that made me
"think the trick would fucceed, and that
"he would fall into the fnare that I had
"laid for him: As for the dead body. I
"fwear that I know nothing of it, and E
"make no doubt but the perfou fell acci-
"dentally into the river and was drowned,
"though I can fay nothing certain as to
"this point." Then old Liu, falling on
that when I palled over the river in his
his knees, faid thus, "It is certainly true
"boat, there appeared a dead body floating
darin gave credit to what he had faid, and
"in the water. Upon which the Man
committed ail thefe depofitions to writing.
Tcheou-fe falling into tears, cried out,
"Take pity, Sir, on this poor wretch who

lies at your feet, for I had no other defign
"by this artifice than to get a little money.
therefore mitigate the punishment I be
"without thinking of any further harm
"feech you." The Mandarin railing his

"How audacious wretch! (faid he
"can't thou expect favour when thy pa
brought him within a hair's breadth of
"fion for another perfon's wealth bas


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