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IF any of you know cause or just impediment why these two may not be lawfully joined together, let him now speak, or else hereafter for ever bold his peace ;-this is the laft time of afking."

Prayer Book.

«For be ye well affured, that fo many as are coupled together, otherwife than as God's “word doth allow, are not joined together by God, neither is their matrimony lawful.". Ibid.

A FEW LOYAL AND LITERARY MEN IN LONDON, confiderably checked the progress of French philosophy and domestic difaffection, by joining in a Periodical Publication, called the Anti-Facobin.

This Work was written with much ability, and held up the principles of disloyalty to conftant deteftation and ridicule.

It is conceived by fome well-wishers to Ireland, that the fuccefs of the Union, now under difcuffion, is intimately connected with the triumph of Jacobinism, Rebellion, and French Fraternity; and therefore, that every man who loves his King and Country is bound to counteract it by all the means in his power. For this purpose, a Periodical Paper, called the ANTI-UNION, will continue to be Published three times a week, viz. every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, fo long as this fatal measure is in agitation.


There is a LETTER Box at the Publifher's Shop.

JAMES MOORE, No. 45, COLLEGE-GREEN; where all Communications from Correfpondents will be received.


-Sed vos, fi fert ita corde voluntas,
VIRG. Æne. lib. 6.

Hoc fuperate jugum.

after we had acquired it, gave to us unexampled profperity, or whether our name is to be blotted out of the catalogue of nations, and our future

THE paffing moment is the moft awful in happinefs be held as a boon from the bounty

the history of our country. A few weeks will determine whether that Legiflative independence fhall continue, which, for fome time

of Great Britain. If ever there was an occafion which imperiously and folemnly demanded the interference of the people, it is the present.

Every tie of public and private obligation, the love we owe to our country, the gratitude we owe to our ancestors, the regard we owe to our connections and ourfelves, the duty we owe to our pofterity, call on us to give the queftion which now agitates the national mind, a deep and mature confideration. Such a question, on which depends, not merely our welfare, but our very exiftence, peculiarly requires the declaration of the public opinion. It behoves the Legislators as well as the people, the governors and the governed, that the public fentiment on this fubje&t be fully and unequivocally expreffed; because it may be queftioned, whether fuch a meafure could otherwife have a legitimate fanction or obligatory force. From the multitude of publications which the prefs has already poured forth, we may derive, at leaft, this confolation, that our recent calamities have not entirely fubdued our national fpirit, or repressed the freedom of political quiry. We may congratulate ourselves that the prefs is ftill free, and before this organ of the public voice become filent for ever, it fhould be employed in the public fervice. Under this impreffion, the Editors have un


dertaken to publish a Periodical Paper, relating entirely to the great question of an incorpo

rated Union with England.

It is generally expected, that the Undertakers of such a work should give some account of themselves and their plan. As to ourselves, we are perfons entirely difinterested in the prefent question, except fo far as our country is interested. As to our politics, we are loyalifts and conftitutionalists; we are Yeomen, still ready to fpill our blood in defence of a limited monarchy, and the British connexion. This we conceive to be a concise statement of the public principles of loyal Irishmen, and thinking fo, we find ourselves bound by all our obligations to thofe principles, to refift a measure that would exchange a limited monarchy for a provincial vice-royalty, and the British connexion for a flavish annexation of our country to another or which would precipitate us unnatural struggle for feparation,

into an

As to the fcheme of this publication, there are a few propófitions upon which we feel a conviction, that we hope to communicate to others. It appears to us demonftrable, that the late calamities of our country, have not flowed from the nature of our prefent connexion with Great Britain; that these calamities would probably have been greater, and lefs curable, had we, until this time, continued in our former dependent ftate; that the connection propofed, in any poffible modification of it, muft, in fubftance and effect, reduce us to our former dependent condition, and that confequently while it holds out an ideal bond of amity and. Union, it really and in effect teems with principles of repulfion and feparation. We conceive it follows as a neceffary conféquence, that this cannot be a mere queftion of terms, and that the introduction. of the measure should, in its outfet, be comhated by every intellectual refiftance, which may have any chance of repelling fo monstrous an innovation.

It is the defign of the editors to contribute mind to a fenfe of its danger-and in pursuing their efforts to awaken and roufe the public their plan, they do not difdain to solicit friendly affiftance; nor fhall they deem themfelves excluded from the use of any weapons which the laws of literary controverfy warrant. rant. Their firft endeavour fhall be, to convince the understanding of their country, by the force of reafon and argument; their fubordinate object shall be, to fecure friends, or encounter adverfaries, by the affiftance of wit, and fancy, and ridicule. It is unneceffary on fuch a fubject, to befpeak the public attention; and the editors confidently expect abundant literary communication. Indeed that intelle&t which has ever exercised itself in confidering the course of human events, or in reafoning on the concerns of human fociety, must be funk in criminal apathy, if it refufes all its energy to fuch a question. Let no liberal mind hoard its literary talent, and fordidly withhold what fhould receive public circu

It is with unfeigned and heartfelt concern the editors forefee, that in the progrefs of their work it will be neceffary to difcufs queftions from which they would most willingly abftain. It is their comfort and confolation, that this is not a neceffity of their own creating, but that it has been forcibly and wantonly imposed on them. Feeling as they do, that at this feafon their country required only repofe, they are aware how criminal they would be to shock and convulfe her frame, by the renovation of political conteft; nor would they perhaps, at this time, encourage the public difcuffion of any queftion lefs important than that, which presents to their native country the alternative of existence or annihilation.

That question is now propofed-and among the novelties of the day, it is perhaps not the leaft furprising, that the intended introduction of a political measure is announced to the public, at least without the discountenance of government, in a publication which profeffes to detail the advantages which may be expected to refult from carrying it into execution. Thus the controverfy has commenced in the Caftle, and it is but candid to acknowledge, that government has, by its example, invited a public and unrestrained investigation. If the editors required any excufe for the honeft discharge of what they conceive to be a facred duty, and the exercise of a conftitutional right-they would find it, if not in the invitation, at least in the implied permiffion of the government. In availing themselves of this invitation, and exercifing their birth-right of openly canvaffing a public question, the editors will be equally folicitous to exprefs their fentiments with manly freedom, and to avoid the slightest infringement on the laws of the land. They too well know the excellence of thofe laws, and the admirable principles of our conftitution, not to hold them both in reverence-and their habits of thinking lead them as much to abhor the licentioufnefs. of the Prefs, as to deplore and defpife its flavery. They write not for literary fame; from this they are precluded by the nature of their publication. They wish not to become the advocates or fomenters of fedition; against this they have before and are

ftill ready to bear arms. They harbour no refentment, and feel no oppofition against government. They have praifed its clemency, and fupported its meafures-and while they difclaim every unworthy and difhonourable feeling, it will not be imputed to the editors as too much arrogance to declare, that the motive of their undertaking is a pure and difinterefted defire to rescue from degradation and ruin, that country which they have ever cherifhed as their parent, and which contains all their prefent comforts, and their future hopes.

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It would be inconfiftent with the defign and limits of this introductory paper, to enforce any argument, or defcend to any detail. There is, however, one topic on which we cannot refrain from making a few obfervations. It has been fuggefted, that your prefent peculiar condition, instead of being a conclusive argument against disturbing the tranquillity which you have but begun to enjoy, is the operating motive for introducing at this time the measure which we deprecate. Without adopting this conje&ure, it would be abfurd to deny its poffibility, and imprudent not to guard against its ill confequences, if true. If a defign fo wicked and infidious has been in contemplation; if the languor and lofs of blood which you fuffer from having fought the battles of the Conftitution and of your King; if your prefent fatigue and apathy; if your fear of infurrection, and horror of treafon; if terror, proceeding from your anxious loyalty, be the reafons for attempting to cajole you out of your liberties-as you are reasonable men, with honourable and spirited feelings, we im plore you to counteract this deteftable project,

oppose it with your wifdom and firmness; carefully examine all the promised advantages, and if malignant reports are industriously circulated, and addreffed to your fears, let no unbecoming timidity prevent you from affembling in your capacity of electors, aud inftru&ing your reprefentatives-it is a duty warranted by the law, and demanded by the conftitution.

We are deeply and feriously convinced that there is no advantage promised by the measure of an incorporated Union with England, which

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