editions and translations of Greek and Latin classics printed before 1641. Lond. Bibliog. soc. 1911. 119 p. 23cm. 5s. 016.88 Sold only to members of the society. A list of the translations to be found in the British museum, Bodleian and Cambridge university libraries, arranged alphabetically by authors, with references to descriptions in Copinger, Lowndes and other catalogs. Some titles not located in any library are included. Of value to the student of classical literature and of English literature of the 15th, 16th and 17th centuries. BIOGRAPHY Dictionaries of biography are among the most important and most used reference books in any collection, and even a small library will need several books of this class. There are three main types of biographical dictionaries: (1) general, (2) national or regional, (3) special classes, e. g. artists, musicians, etc. Each of these classes may, in turn, be divided as (1) general or retrospective, i. e. not limited to any period, and (2) contemporary. In examining biographical dictionaries, test them for the points enumerated in the general instructions for examining reference books (see Introduction p. xii), and in addition note carefully whether there is any evidence of what is called the "commercial" character about the book. Unscrupulous publishers will sometimes include padded or unduly eulogistic articles on comparatively unknown persons, with the expectation, or on condition, that persons thus written up will subscribe for the book. The inclusion of such articles puts the book in the "commercial" class and casts doubt upon the authority of all articles. Such books are not necessarily to be rejected if they happen to be the only ones in their particular field, but they must always be used with caution, and they have no critical value. GENERAL Thomas, Joseph. Universal pronouncing dictionary of biography and mythology. 4th ed. rev. Phil. Lippincott, 1915. [ 1870-1915] 2550 p. 27cm. $10. 920.01 The most frequently useful of the general biographical dictionaries in English, Comprehensive, includes men and women of all nations and periods, including many still living; names from the Greek, Roman, Teutonic, Sanskrit and other mythol ogies are also included. Articles in general are brief, though there are some long articles, pronunciation is marked and there is some bibliography, though this feature is not important. Appendices: (1) Vocabulary of Christian (or first) names, with pronunciation, and equivalents in the principal foreigu languages; (2) Disputed or doubtful pronunciations. The 4th edition though revised so as to include considerable new material is not reset but is printed from the plates of the 3d edition (1901) with alterations in some of the older articles to bring them to date, omission of some minor articles, and inclusion of new names. Century cyclopedia of names. N. Y. Century co. [1914]. See description under Allusions, p. 110. Chalmers, Alexander. General biographical dictionary. Lond. Whittaker, 1812–17. 32 v. 920.01 o. p. Chambers' biographical dictionary, the great of all times and nations; ed. by David Patrick and F. H. Groome. Lond. Chambers, Phil. Lippincott, 1912. 1006 p. 20cm. 12s. $3. 920.01 A good small dictionary, first published 1897. This latest edition is not printed from new plates, but has many minor corrections and additions to bring the information to 1911. Marks pronunciation of difficult foreign names. Index of selected pseudonyms and nicknames, p. 996-1006. Harrison, Frederic. The new calendar of great men: biographies of the 558 worthies of all ages and nations in the positivist calendar of Auguste Comte. Lond. and N. Y. Macmillan, 1892. 644 p. tab. 20cm. $2.50. 920.01 Hyamson, Albert Montefiore. Dictionary of universal biography of all ages and of all peoples. Lond. Routledge, N. Y. Dutton, 1916. 744 p. 23x22cm. 25s. $7.50. 920.01 A dictionary of the "title a line" type; gives brief information, i. e. only full name, characterizing phrase and dates of birth and death. Includes no names of personages still living. Morris, Charles. Handy dictionary of biography. Phil. Coates, 1901. 607 p. $2. 920.01 Garollo, Gottardo. Dizionario biografico universale. Milano, Hoepli, 1907. 2 v. 16cm. 18 L. 920.01 Gives only brief information but useful because An older work, but still important as the most extended of the general biographical dictionaries. Covers much the same ground as Hoefer, noted above. For account of the relation between the two works, the law suit involved and the points of similarity and difference see Quarterly review, 157:20426. Oettinger, Eduard Marie. Moniteur des dates; biographisch - genealogisch - historisches welt-register enthaltend die personal akten der menschheit von mehr als 100,000 geschichtlichen persönlichkeiten aller zeiten und nationen. Lpz. Denicke, 186973. 6 v. in 1. 32cm. o. p. 920.01 Articles are brief, but work is very comprehensive and includes some names not easily findable elsewhere. Moniteur des dates, contenant un million de renseignements biographiques, génealogiques et historiques. Supplément, commencé par Édouard-Marie Oettinger, considérablement augmenté et continué jusqu'à nos jours, rédigé et édité par dr. Hugo Schramm. Lpz. Hermann, 187382. 3 v. in 1. 32cm. o. p. A supplement to the above, volumed as of whole work and v. 1-3 of supplement. INDEXES 920.01 v. 7-9 Arranged alphabetically, giving under each name (1) brief biographical data, i. e. characterizing phrase and dates of birth and death, and (2) references to books, periodicals, society transactions, etc., where some account of the personage may be found. The most complete and important work in this field, very useful for out of the way names, or for complete lists of references on more familiar names; less useful for quick reference work on more familiar names, because too much material is given for the ordinary reader. For the large and university library. V Phillips, Lawrence Barnett. Dictionary of biographical reference. New ed. enl. by Frank Weitenkampf. Phil. Gebbie, 1889. 1038 p. 25cm. $5. 016.92 Not a biographical dictionary, but an index to biographical reference books. Arranged alphabetically, giving under each name brief characterizing phrase, dates of birth and death and reference to biographical dictionaries, etc, in which fuller accounts are to be found. Indexes 40 works of ref erer.ce. CONTEMPORARY International who's who, 1912; a biographical dictionary of the world's notable men and women. N. Y. Inter. Who's who pub. co. 1912. 1133 p. 21cm. $5. 920.01 Contains a few names not found in the national who's whos. Not of great importance. Pratt, Alfred T. Camden. People of the period. Lond. Beeman, 1897. 2 v. in 1, 24cm. 25s. 920.01 Vapereau, Louis Gustave. Dictionnaire universal des contemporains. 6. éd. Paris, Hachette, 1893. 1629 p. 25cm. 35 fr. 920.01 A useful work, now unfortunately not suffi ciently up to date. Main work and supplement usually bound together. Supplément à la sixième édition. Paris, Hachette, 1895. 105 p. 25cm. 2 fr. 920.01 NATIONAL AMERICAN There is, unfortunately, no American dictionary of national biography of the first rank. The nearest approach is Appleton's Cyclopædia of American biography, but this, though a reliable and serviceable work as far as it went, was never from the point of view of either authority and length of articles or amount of bibliography, in the same class as the English Dictionary of national biography. Appleton's cyclopædia of American biography; ed. by J. G. Wilson and John Fiske. N. Y. Appleton, 1888-1900. 7 v. illus. ports. 28cm. $36. 920.07 Contents: v. 1-6, A-Z, suppl. A-Z, analytical index; v. 7, suppl. A-Z; Pen-names, nicknames, sobriquets; List of deaths in v. 1-6; Signers of the Deciaration of Independence. Presidents of the Continental congress, Presidents, vice-presidents, unsuccessful candidates for those offices, cabinets, 1789-1897; analytical index to v. 7. "Includes names of native and adopted citizens of the U. S., including living persons, 'from the earliest settlement. Also eminent citizens of Canada, Mexico, and all other countries of North and South America. Also names of men of foreign birth who are closely identified with American history." Preface. On the whole, the best of the general American biographical dictionaries. Contains generally accurate and fairly long articles, little bibliography, many portraits, principally small but clear cuts in the text, and many facsimiles of autographs. A peculiarity of arrangement to be remembered is that under each family name arrangement is not alphabetical, but by seniority in the family. The analytical index is useful for subjects and for names not treated separately. National cyclopædia of American biography. N. Y. White, 1892-1916. v. 1-15 in 16. illus. ports. 27cm. $10 per vol. 920.073 Articles are not of a very high order but the entire work includes a great many names and is therefore useful, especially for names not given in Appleton. Includes living personages. Not arranged alphabetically, so must be used through the index; v. 14-15 are supplementary volumes published 1910 and 1914-16; not indexed in the Conspectus noted below. Issued in several editions, or printings, which vary somewhat, later issues showing some additions and rearrangements. Numbering of volumes is somewhat irregular, i. e. in some sets 14 is suppl. v. 1, and in others v. 14, and two different volumes numbered as v. 15 have been issued, one in 1914 and the other 1916. The first v. 15 is not found in all sets. A conspectus of American biography; being an analytical summary of American history and biography, containing also the complete indexes of the National cyclopædia of American biography; comp. by George Derby. N. Y. White, 1906. 752 p. 27cm. $10. 920.073 Contains both a personal and a topical index to v. 1-13 of the above, and in addition the following chronological lists: Delegates to the colonial congresses, Presidents and vice-presidents, Cabinets, Candidates for presidency, Senators, Congressmen, Ambassadors, Heads of government departments, Judiciary, Presidents of religious organizations, College presidents, Bishops of the Protestant Episcopal church, Roman Catholic hierarchy, Bishops of other denominations, Presidents of scientific societies, Directors of astronomical observatories, Commanders of army and navy in war, of G. A. R., U. S. Commissioners, Founders of religious sects. Public statues in the U. S.. Pseudo nyms and sobriquets, Notable sayings, etc. The personal index is not absolutely complete and accurate, and must sometimes be supplemented by indexes in the separate volumes. Lamb's biographical dictionary of the United States; ed. by J. H. Brown. Bost. Federal book co. 1900-03 [c 1897-1903] 7 v. il. port. 27cm. $7 per vol. 920.073 Volume 1 was issued in 1897, with title Cyclopedia of American biographies. The later edition was revised but not sufficiently to make it necessary to have both. Published also as The twentieth century biographical dictionary of notable Americans; ed. by Rossiter Johnson (Bost. Biographical society, 1904, 10 v. $40) with some corrections. Alphabetically arranged. Includes some of the recent and minor names not given in Appleton. CONTEMPORARY Who's who in America, a biographical dictionary of notable living men and women of the United States, v. 9, 1916–17. Chic. Marquis, 1916. 2900 p. 20cm. $5. 920.073 Issued biennially; first ed. 1899. An excellent dictionary of contemporary biography containing concise biographical data, with addresses and, in case of authors, lists of works. Additional sections are, (1) Lists of pronunciation of difficult names; (2) Educational statistics; (3) Geographical index. The present volume contains 21,922 biographies with cross references to names omitted there but included in v. 7-8; v. 7 has similar cross references to names in v. 1-6. The total of different names given in the set and easily ac cessible, either from the latest volume or through these cross references, is 33,724. Men and women of America; a biographical dictionary of contemporaries. N. Y. Hamersly, 1910. 1592 p. 22cm. $10. 920.073 A second edition of Men of America, 1908, including many new names, mostly those of women, but omitting some important names. Articles are somewhat longer than those in Who's who in America. Who's who in New England; a biographical dictionary of leading living men and women. Ed. by Albert Nelson Marquis. 2d ed., 1916. Chic. Marquis, [1915] 1192 p. 24cm. $12.50. 920.073 First ed. 1909. Duplicates only small portion of the names in Who's who in America; includes 12,844 biographies of which 10,065 represent names not included in the more general work. Who's who in New York city and state; a biographical dictionary of contemporaries. 6th biennial ed. N. Y. Who's who in N. Y. city and state, Inc. 1914. 920.073 796 p. 27cm. limp leather $10. Who's who in Pennsylvania, a biographical dictionary of contemporaries; ed. by J. W. Leonard. 2d ed. N. Y. Hamersly, 1908. 596 p. 21cm. $5. 920.0748 Books of the same kind have been published for other states and cities. Among them are: Marquis' Book of Minnesotans (Chic. Marquis, 1907. $5.50) Leonard's Book of Chicagoans (Chic. Marquis, 1911. $8.50) Marquis' Book of Detroiters, 2d ed. (Chic. Marquis, 1914. $12.50) Leonard's Book of St. Louisans (St. L. Republic. $12.50) District of Columbia; concise biographies (Wash. D. C. Potomac press, 1908. $6) American Catholic who's who, comp. and ed. by Georgia Pell Curtis. St. Louis, Herder, 1911. 710 p. 23cm. $3. 920.073 Short sketches of prominent American Catholics, including all members of the higher rank of the priesthood but none below the rank of Very Reverend unless noted as author, scientist, or missionary or distinguished in some other line of work. Vol. 1-21, ed. by Leslie Stephen; v. 22-26, by Leslie Stephen and Sidney Lee; v. 27-63 and Supplement, 3 v., by Sidney Lee. - Index and epitome; ed. by Sidney Lee. Lond. Smith, Elder, N. Y. Macmillan, 1903. 1456 p. 24cm. 25s. $6.50. Errata. Lond. Smith, Elder, N. Y. Macmillan, 1904. 299 p. 24cm. Ed. by Sidney Lee. Second supplement. Lond. Smith, Elder, N. Y. Macmillan, 1912. 3 v. 24cm. 45s. $12.75. Ed. by Sir Sidney Lee. Second supplement, index and epitome, ed. by Sir Sidney Lee. Lond. Smith, Elder, N. Y. Macmillan, 1913. 129 p. 24cm 3s. 6d. $1.25. The most important reference work for English biography, containing signed articles by specialists, and excellent bibliographies. Articles are adequate, i. e. important names treated at great length, minor names more briefly, and are generally reliable and scholarly. Scope includes all noteworthy inhabitants of the British Isles and the Colonies, exclusive of living persons; includes noteworthy Americans of the colonial period. The first supplement includes biographies of those omitted from the main part and of those who died before Jan. 22, 1901; the second supplement carries the record to December 31, 1911; the entire work includes. 30.935 biographies. The index and epitome serves a double purpose i. e. it is both an index to the main work and the first supplement, and also an independent biographical dictionary, as it gives abstracts, each about one-fourteenth of the length of the original article. The main work and first supplement are published in two editions, the original edition in 66 volumes, and a re-issue, 1908, on slightly thinner paper, compressed into 22 volumes. This reprint incorporates in the articles the corrections noted in the volume of Errata and is, to that extent, to be preferred to the original edition. Libraries buying the work now are recommended to purchase the reprint, but libraries having the original edition and the volume of Errata do not need the reprint. Price of re-issue, Smith, Elder & co. 15s. per vol., Macmillan $4.25 per vol. Boase, Frederick. Modern English bi ography, containing many thousand concise memoirs of persons who have died since 1850. Truro, Netherton, 1892-1912. v. 1-5. 29cm. 30s. per vol. 920.042 v. 1-3, A-Z; Index; v. 4-5, (suppl. v. 1-2) A-K. A useful work, particularly for minor 19th century names not included in the Dictionary of national biography. Good subject index, including lists of pseudonyms, fancy names, class lists, e. g. actors, poets, pugilists, masters of hounds, suicides, etc. Gillow, Joseph. Literary and biographical history, or, Bibliographical dictionary of the English Catholics from the breach with Rome in 1534 to the present time. Lond. Burns, N. Y. Catholic pub. soc. [1885-92] 5 v. 23cm. £3 15s. $22. 920.042 Gives 2,000 biographies. Useful for names not given in the Dictionary of national biography, and for fuller information about some names included there. Especially useful for the bibliographies which arc very full. Ward, Thomas Humphry. Men of the reign; a biographical dictionary of persons of British and colonial birth who have died during the reign of Victoria. Lond. Routledge, 1885. 1020 p. 19cm. 15s. 920.042 Lond. v. 1-13. Who's who year-book, 1904-16. Black, N. Y. Macmillan, 1904-16.* 18cm. 1s. per vol. 35 cts. per vol. 920.042 A supplement to Who's who, giving many miscellaneous lists which before 1904 were included in Who's who itself. Contains: Lists of ambassadors, government officials, etc., Clubs, Colleges, Peculiarly pronounced proper names, Pseudonyms, Societies, Specialists and experts, Steamship lines, University professors (subject lists), etc. Catholic who's who and year-book; ed. by Sir F. C. Burnand. Lond. Burns, 1908-16.* v. 1-9. 18cm. 3s. 6d. per vol. 920.042 Methodist who's who, 1910-15. Lond. Culley, 1910-15.* v. 1-6. 20cm. 2s. 6d. per vol. 920.042 ANCIENT Smith, Sir William. Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology. Lond. Murray, Bost. Little, 1880. 3 v. illus. tables. 24cm. £4 4s. $18. 920.038 AUSTRALIAN Johns, Fred. Johns' notable Australians and Who's who in Australasia; a dictionary of biography containing records of the careers of men and women of distinction in the Commonwealth of Australia and the Dominion of New Zealand. 2d ed. Ade920.09 laide, Author, 1908. 370 p. 10s. Contains a Greatly enlarged from 1st ed. 1906. supplement p. 333-35, a list of notable Australasians who have died since 1900, and various classed lists, especially lists of editors of principal Austra lian and New Zealand newspapers, p. 43-44, 53, Australasian Rhodes scholars, p. 54, etc. Supplement to 2d ed. Adelaide, Author, 1911. 18 p. Contains additional biographies, obituary list and new list of government officials. |