ACHELLEY. Revolution. In Heroick Verse. Lon- ACHELLEY, THOMAS. The Key of Knowledge. Contayning The Almanac on the back of the title is The Military Garden. Or, Instrvctions for ADAM. The complaynte of Adam our greate- A ballett of Adams fearefull fall. Licensed A ballad of y fyrst fall of our father ADAMITES. A Nest of Serpents Discovered. Or, A ADAMS, JOHN. Index Villaris: Or, An Exact Register, The First State of Mahumedism. . . A cup for the Citie, And Her Adherents. A Declaration of a small Society of Bap- A A Fannaticks Letter Sent out of the Dun- ... An admonition to cruell Jaylors. A ballad. Licensed to A. Lacy in 1569-70. An admoniçon to all suche as shall intende hereafter to enter the state of matrymonie godlie and agreable to the lawes, Licensed to John Harison the elder, 2 July, 1578. An Admonition vnto all Plough holders exhortinge them to holde fast, &c. Licensed to John Wolf, 20 Sept. 1588. ADONIZEDEC. A ballad of King Adonized[ec] yt had his handes and towes cutt of. Licensed to R. Jones, 16 April, 1578. ADULTERY. A Tragicall memorye of the plagues of adulterye by a late example of the Death of Foure haynous trespassers, with the Confession of Margaret Doryngton, one of the Foure. Licensed to R. Jones, 25 June, 1578. ADVICE. The Advice. A sheet containing 12 3-line stanzas besides a burden, This is the time. [Circa 1690.] The fifth stanza runs : "Would you with expedition send away Those four dim Lights made Bishops t'other day, To convert Indians in America: This is the time." Advice to the True Representatives of Old England. [Circa 1699-1700.] A folio leaf of verses. ADY, THOMAS, M.A. A Perfect Discovery of Witches. Shewing the Divine Cause of the Distractions of this Kingdome, and also of the Christian World. Justitia Thronum firmat. [Quot. A Registre of Hystories, conteining Martiall exploites of worthy warriours, Politique practises of Ciuil Magistrates, wise Sentences of famous Philosophers, And other matters manifolde and memorable. Written in Greeke by Elianus a Romane: and deliuered in Englishe (as well, according to the truth of the Greeke text, as of the Latine) by Abraham Fleming. Seene and allowed. Speculum vitæ, memoriæq, Thesaurus, Hystoria. Imprinted at London, for Thomas Woodcocke Anno a Messia nato. 1576. 4°. Title, dedication to Dr. Goodman, Dean of Westminster, verses, and errata, 8 leaves A-Yy 2 in fours. At the end this is described by Fleming as his "vernalis partus." ESOP. [The Fables of Esop in English.] At the end occurs: Imprinted at London by Iohn Walley. 8°, black letter, A-S 4 in eights. The only copy I have seen had lost nearly the whole of the title. Unknown to Herbert. The Fables of Esop, in English. Imprinted at London for Andrew Hebb, dwelling at the Bell in Paules Church yard. 1634. 8°, black letter, A-O in eights. Grenv. Coll., Bodleian, and Sion College. The Fabulous Tales of Esope the Phrygian, 1577. Dedicated by R. S[mith] "To Mr. Richard Stonely, Esquire, one of the four tellers of the Q. Maiesties receyt of the Eschecker." A copious account of this book may be found in Laing's edition of Henryson, 8°, 1865. Esopes fables in miter. Mentioned in the Stationers' Registers, under date of 6 November, 1598, as the property of William Wood. This may have been the version anglicized from Henryson, and first printed in 1577. Æsops Fables in English verse by G. D. Licensed to James Boler and Henry Gosson, 30 Nov. 1630. ACHELLEY. Revolution. In Heroick Verse. London, Printed for John Sprint, at the Bell in Little Britain. 1699. 8o, A-L in eights, including 2 leaves of advertisements at end. ACHELLEY, THOMAS. The Key of Knowledge. Contayning sundry godly Prayers and Meditations, very necessary to occupy the mindes of well disposed persons. Imprinted at London by William Seres. [1571.] Sm. 8°, black letter, A-Z in eights. Printed within borders. Lambeth. The Almanac on the back of the title is for 17 years, 1572-88. ACHESON, JAMES. The Military Garden. Or, Instrvctions for all Young Sovldiers, and svch who are disposed to learne, and have Knowledge of the Militarie Discipline. Wherein are set downe the conditions and qualities which are required in every severall officer of a private company. Observed and set in order according to the best Military practise by James Achesone, Gentleman at Armes, Burges of Edinburgh. Edinburgh Printed by John Wreittoun Anno Dom. 1629. Cum privilegio Regali. 4°. Title and dedication to the Provost, &c., of Edinburgh, 2 leaves : A-E 2 in fours. B. M. ADAM. The complaynte of Adam our greategraunde father. A ballad. Licensed to J. Allde in 1567-8. A ballett of Adams fearefull fall. Licensed to W. Pickering in 1570. A ballad of y fyrst fall of our father Adam and Eve for the breach of Gods commandement and of his Recouerye againe by the promised seede Jesus Christe. Licensed to Edward White, 18 March, 1578-9. ADAMITES. A Nest of Serpents Discovered. Or, A Knot of old Heretiques revived, Called the Adamites. Wherein their originall, increase, and severall ridiculous tenets are plainly layd open. Printed in the yeare 1641. 4°, 4 leaves. With a cut on title. B. M. ADAMS, JOHN. Index Villaris: Or, An Exact Register, Alphabetically Digested, Of all the Cities, Market-Towns, Parishes, Villages, the Hundred, Lath, Rape, Ward, Wapentake, or other Division of each County: The Bishopricks, Deaneries, Churches, Chappels, Hospitals; with the Rectories 3 : ADIS. and Vicarages in England and Wales, and their respective Valuations in the King's Books The Private Seats of the King, Nobility, and Gentry: . . . Hereto is added A perfect Catalogue of the Nobility of England and Wales, to the present Time, May 20.1690. London, Printed for T. Sawbridge, and M. Gillyflower, M.DC.XC. Folio, A-4 P in twos, besides general title, preface, title to Index Villaris, and Table, 4 leaves. ADDISON, LANCELOT. The First State of Mahumedism. Reasons for Setling Admiralty-Jurisdiction, And Giving Encouragement to Merchants, Owners, Commanders, Masters of Ships, Martial-Men and Marines. Humbly offered to the Consideration of His Majesty, and the two Houses of Parliament. Printed in the Year, 1690, 4o, A-C in fours. ADMONITION. A godly admonition for men of eche degre to vse, wherby we are admonysshed these vayne ballettes to refuse. A ballad. Licensed to A. Lacy in 1566. An admonyssion, or a letter of a yonge A ballad. Licensed to T. Colwell man. in 1567. from Prov. 29. 14.] Very profitable to be read by all sorts of People, especially Judges of Assizes, Sheriffes, Justices of the Peace, and Grand-Jury-men, before they passe sentence on those that are condemned for Witch-Craft. By Thomas Ady, M.A. London, Printed for R. I. to bee sold by H. Brome, 1661. 4°. Title and to the Reader, 2 leaves: BX 2 in fours. Br. Museum and Bodleian (Douce). ELIAN. A Registre of Hystories, conteining Martiall exploites of worthy warriours, Politique practises of Ciuil Magistrates, wise Sentences of famous Philosophers, And other matters manifolde and memorable. Written in Greeke by Elianus a Romane: and deliuered in Englishe (as well, according to the truth of the Greeke text, as of the Latine) by Abraham Fleming. Seene and allowed. Speculum vitæ, memoriæq, Thesaurus, Hystoria. Imprinted at London, for Thomas Woodcocke . . . Anno a Messia nato. 1576. 4o. Title, dedication to Dr. Goodman, Dean of Westminster, verses, and errata, 8 leaves A-Yy 2 in fours. At the end this is described by Fleming as his "vernalis partus." ESOP. [The Fables of Esop in English.] At the end occurs: Imprinted at London by John Walley. 8°, black letter, A-S 4 in eights. The only copy I have seen had lost nearly the whole of the title. Unknown to Herbert. The Fables of Esop, in English. Imprinted at London for Andrew Hebb, dwelling at the Bell in Paules Church yard. 1634. 8°, black letter, A-O in eights. Grenv. Coll., Bodleian, and Sion College. The Fabulous Tales of Esope the Phrygian, 1577. Dedicated by R. S[mith] "To Mr. Richard Stonely, Esquire, one of the four tellers of the Q. Maiesties receyt of the Eschecker." A copious account of this book may be found in Laing's edition of Henryson, 8°, 1865. Esopes fables in miter. Mentioned in the Stationers' Registers, under date of 6 November, 1598, as the property of William Wood. This may have been the version anglicized from Henryson, and first printed in 1577. Æsops Fables in English verse by G. D. Licensed to James Boler and Henry Gosson, 30 Nov. 1630. ESOP. The Fables of Esop. With His Whole Life: Translated into English Verse, and Moralliz'd. As also Emblematically Illustrated with Pictures. By W. B. London, Printed by Richard Oulton, for Francis Eglesfield at the Signe of the Marigold in S. Paules Church Yard. 1639. 8°, A—Q in eights. Bodleian. The preface is signed by W. Barret, to whom there are some copies of verses. A Booke called Esops fables translated out of Latyn into English. The fables in prose and the Morall in verse with Pictures by H: P: M: of A: Licensed to Thomas Walkley, 28 January, 1638–9. The Fables of Esop Paraphras'd in Verse, and adorn'd with Sculpture. By John Ogilby. London, Printed by Thomas Warren for Andrew Crooke 1651. 4°. Title, 1 leaf: dedication to the Earl of Nottingham and Lord Beauchamp, 2 leaves: verses by Davenant (written from the Tower) and Shirley, 3 leaves: Imprimatur, 1 leaf: B-H4 in fours. With a frontispiece and 81 engravings numbered from 1—81. Fables of Æsop and other Eminent Mythologists: With Morals and Reflexions. ... The Third Edition Corrected and Amended. London, Printed for R. Sare, 1699. Folio, A-N 2 in fours, and (a)-(d) in fours, besides title and portrait: Fables and Storyes Moralized. Being a Second Part of the Fables of Esop, and other Eminent mythologists. By Sir Roger L'Estrange, Kt. London: MDCXCIX: A-Hh in fours, and a-b, 2 leaves each. Fables of Esop. By Sir Roger L'Estrange, Kt. The Fifth Edition Corrected. London: . . . 1708. 8°. A, 8 leaves, besides engraved title and frontispiece: a-c 4 in eights: B-Nn 4 in eights. Esop's Fables. With Instructive Morals and Reflections. Abstracted from all Party Considerations, Adapted to all Capacities; and design'd to promote Religion, Morality, and Universal Benevolence. Containing Two hundred and Forty Fables, with a Cut Engraved on Copper to each Fable. And the Life of Esop prefixed. London. Printed for J. Osborn Junr... MDCCXL. 8°. Title, 1 leaf: A, 12 leaves: a, 6 leaves: B-I in twelves. With 25 leaves of engravings in compartments. In the Douce Collection occurs a mutilated copy of some early unidentified im pression of the version printed by Caxton; Mr. Douce ascribed it to William Middleton's press, but there is no certainty. Lord Ashburnham's catalogue mentions a copy of Caxton's version of the English Esop, printed by W. Powell, 8vo, 1551. A new name in our poetical annals seems to be ANTHONY ROUS, who executed a metrical version of the Æsopian series of fables not known to exist in print, but preserved in a 4to MS. of the early part of the seventeenth century, which was sold by auction in 1872. The earliest specimens of the application of the Æsopian fables in English art (if that can be so called) are to be seen in the Bayeux tapestry. Esop at Richmond, Recovered of his late Illness. A Poem in Burlesque. Dedicated to His Royal Highness the Duke [Duke Humphry]. -HUDIBR. "One for Sence and one for Rhime I think 's sufficient at a time." London, Printed in the year, 1698. 4o. A 2 leaves: B-D 2 in fours. Esop Naturalized: In a Collection of Fables and Stories from Æsop, Locman, Pilpay, and Others. The Third Edition; with the Addition of above 50 New Fables. London: 1711. 8°. A, 4 leaves: B-L in eights. In verse. AFRICA. An Answer of the Company of Royal Adventurers of England trading into Africa, To the Petition and Paper of certain Heads and Particulars thereunto relating and annexed, exhibited to the Honourable House of Commons by Sir Paul Painter, Ferdinando Gorges, Henry Batson, Benjamin Skutt, and Thomas Knights, on the behalf of Themselves and Others concerned in His Majesties Plantations in America. Anno Dom. 1667. 4o, 10 leaves. A View of the State of the Trade to Africa: Wherein is laid down The present Condition of the English Settlements there; . . . In a Letter to a New Subscriber. London, Printed for A. Baldwin in Warwick-Lane, 1708. 4o, A—B in fours. |