169 Printed for J. Ouvry B. 1680. A broadside in verse. Cat. No. 155. DENMARK. A ballad intituled / howe a blacksmith vsed the rich farmers of Denmark for raising their corne. Licensed to John Danter, 8 Aug. 1594. DENNE, HENRY. The Levellers Designe Discovered: Or The Anatomie of the late unhappie Mutinie: Presented unto the Souldiers of the Army Vnder the Command of his Excellency the Lord Fairfax; for prevention of the like in others. Written by Henry Denne, an Actor in this Tragedy. London, Printed for Francis Tyton,... 1649. 4°, 4 leaves. DENNIS, JOHN. The Secrets of Angling : with many approved Experiments. By W. Lawson. London, Printed by T. H. for John Harrison, and are to be sold by Francis Coles, at his Shop in the Old Bayly, 1652. 8o, A-E 4 in eights, including the woodcut frontispiece. Corser, part 9, No. 175. The Court of Death. A Pindarique Poem, Dedicated to the Memory of.. Queen Mary. By Mr. Dennis. London, Printed for James Knapton, Folio, A-F in twos, and a, 2 leaves. DE PARC, THE SIEUR. 1695. The Comical History of Francion. Satyrically exposing Folly and Vice, in Variety of Humours and Adventures. Written in French by the Sieur de Parc, and Translated by Several Hands, and Adapted to the Humour of the present Age. London, Printed for R. Willington, 1703. 8°. A, 4 leaves: B-lii 5 in eights. The Preface is signed W. A. DE QUEVEDO, FRANCISCO. The Visions of Don Francisco de Quevedo.... The Third Edition Corrected. London, Printed for H. Herringman, 1668. 8°. A, 4 leaves: B-Z 4 in eights. Fortune in her Wits, Or, The Hour of all Men. Written in Spanish by the most Ingenious Don Francisco de Quivedo Villegas, Author of the Visions of Hell. Translated into English by Capt. John Stevens. London, Printed for C. Sare... 1697. 8°, A-K 2 in eights, A 8 blank. Dedicated to Mark Arundell, Esq. DE RIBADENEYRA. DE QUIR, FERDINAND. Terra Australis incognita, Or A new Southerne Discoverie, Containing A fifth part of the World. Lately found out by Ferdinand de Quir, a Spanish Captaine. Neuer before published. London Printed for Iohn Hodgetts. 1617. 4°, A—D in fours, A blank. This appears to relate to the Terra del Fuego. DERBY, HENRY, Earl of. An epitaph vppon the death of the righte honorable Henrie Erle of Derbie. Licensed to Thomas Creede, 22 Oct. 1593. A Remembrance of the late righte honorable Erle of Derby Deceased. Licensed to Thomas Gubbyn, 23 Dec. 1593. A Dolefull adewe to the last Erle of Derby, to the tune of Bonny Sweete Robin. Licensed to John Danter, 26 April, 1594. DERBYSHIRE. To the Kings most Excellent Majesty. Your Maiesties Loyall, and peaceable Subiects, the Barronets, Knights, Esquires, Free-holders, and other Inhabitants of the County and Town of Derby. London, Printed for Andrew Coe. 1642. A sheet. Theeves, Theeves: Or, A Relation of Sir John Gell's proceedings in Darbyshire, in gathering up the Rents of the Lords and Gentlemen of that County by pretended authority from the two Houses of Parliament. [Oxford.] Printed in the Yeare M.DC.XLIII. [May 1.] 4°, 6 leaves. B. M. DE REFUGES, DENIS. A Treatise of the Court. Digested into two Bookes... Done into English by Iohn Reynolds. London, Printed by Aug. Matthewes for William Lee. 1622. 8°. Title in compartments, 1 leaf: printed title, &c., 3 leaves: A, 8 leaves: (a), 4 leaves: B-Gg 3 in eights, Gg 3 having the Errata. Dedicated by Reynolds to Sir Robert Oxenbregge of Husburne, co. Hants. DE RIBADENEYRA, PEDRO, of the Society of Jesus. Historia Ecclesiastica del scisma del Reyno de Inglaterra; En la qual se tratan las cosas mas notables & han sucedido en aquel Reyno, tocantes a nuestra santa Religion, desáe que començo hasta la muerte de la Reyna de Escocia. Recogida de diuersos y graues Autores, por el padre Pedro de Ribadeneyra, de la Com DE RENICHON. pania de Iesus. . . . En Madrid, 1588. 8°. t, 8 leaves: A-3 B 6 in eights. Hystoria Ecclesiastica Del Scisma del Reino de Inglaterra. Impressa con licencia por Manuel de Lyra 1589. 8°, , 12 leaves: A-Kk in eights. A Lisbon reprint of the Madrid impression of 1588. Historia Ecclesiastica del Scisma del Con Priuilegio. En Madrid; En la Imprenta Real. 4°. T, 8 leaves, including half-title: ¶¶T, 4 leaves: A-Mm in eights. DE RENICHON, M. Michaell de Renichon his araynment and execucon. Licensed to John Wolf, as "a book," 26 June, 1594. DERING, SIR EDWARD. 170 A most worthy Speech of the truly Honourable and worthy member of the house of Commons, Sir Edward Deering, Knight and Baronet, who was chosen Knight of the Shire for the County of Kent. Spoken in the presence of the honorable house of Commons now present in Parliament: Concerning the Lyturgy of the Church of England, and for a Nationall Synod. London Printed for F. C. and T. B. in the yeare 1641. 4o, 4 leaves. DERNYLL, J. A mery pronostication for the yere of our lorde god 1567 by J. Dernyll. Licensed to W. Pickering in 1566. DE ROHAN, LE DUC. A Treatise of the Interest of the Princes and States of Christendome. Written in French by the most Noble and Illustrious Prince, the Duke of Rohan. Englished by H. H. London: Printed by Ric: Hodgkinsonne. 1641. 120°, A-K in twelves, first, second, and last leaves blank. Dedicated by Henry Hunt to Sir John Packington of the co. of Worcester, Bart. DERRICK, JOHN. The Image of Ireland . . . 1581. This book should have a series of twelve cuts at the end separate from the letterpress. A perfect series is in the Edinburgh University copy; but the Advocates' copy has only eight. DESAINLIENS, CLAUDE. The French Schoole-maister, wherin is most plainelie shewed, the true and most perfect way of pronouncinge of the Frenche tongue, without any helpe of DESCARTES. Maister or teacher: set foorthe for the furtherance of all those whiche doo studie priuatly in their own studie or houses Vnto the which is annexed a Vocabularie for al such woordes as bee vsed in common talkes: by M. Claudius Holly bande, professor of the Latin, Dum Frenche, and Englishe tongues. spiro, spero. Imprinted at London, by William How: for Abraham Veale. 1573. 8°, black and roman letter, A-V in eights, V 8 with the colophon only. Dedicated to Mr. Robert Sackville, son and heir to the Lord Buckhurst. The Frenche Schoole-master.... Newly corrected, by C. Hollyband. Dum spiro, spero. Imprinted at London, for Abraham Veale, dwelling in Paules churchyard at the signe of the Lambe. [Col.] London by William Howe, for Abraham Veale. 8°, black letter, AT 4 in eights. The French Schoole-Maister now newly corrected and amended by P. Erondelle, professor of the said tongue. London, Printed by Richard Field for Clement Knight 1612. 8°, A—V in eights, first and last leaves blank. DE SALES, ST. FRANCIS. A New Edition of the Introduction to a Devout Life, Of S. Francis de Sales Bishop and Prince of Geneva. Together with a Summary of his Life, and a Collection of his choicest Maxims now added to this the last Edition. Set forth by the English Priests of Tourney Colledge at Paris. Printed in the Year 1669. 8°. Title and frontispiece, 2 leaves: *, 12 leaves: A-Aa in twelves. DE SANDIVAL, PRUDENCIO. The Civil Wars of Spain, in the beginning of the Reign of Charls the 5th Emperor of Germanie, and King of the Nation. Written originally in the Spanish tongue now put into English by Captain J[ames] W[adsworth.] London, Printed by William Du-Gard... .. 1652. Folio, A-Ddd 2 in fours. Dedicated to Colonel Herbert Morley, Thomas Chaloner, Esq., and James Chaloner, Esq.; with a short prefatory notice by James Howell. DESCARTES, RENATUS. Renatvs Des-Cartes Excellent Compendium of Musick with Necessary and Judicious Animadversions thereupon. By a Person of Honovr [Viscount Brouncker.] London, Printed by Thomas Harper, for Humphrey Moseley, DE SCUDERY. 1653. 4o. a-b in fours: A-M in fours. DE SCUDERY, MLLE. Conversations upon Several Subjects. Written in French by Mademoiselle de Sevdery. And done into English, By Mr. Ferrand Spence. In Two Tomes. London: Printed for H. Rhodes... 1683. 12o. Dedicated to the Countess of Os sory. DE SCUDERY, M. Cvria Politiæ: Or The Apologies of Several Princes: Justifying to the World their most Eminent Actions: By the strength of Reason, and the most Exact Rules of Policy. Written in French by the Accurate Pen of Monsieur de Scudery, Governor of Nostre-Dame. And now faithfully Render'd into English. With the Figures of many Emperors and Kings. London, Printed for Robert Boulter 1673. Folio, Frontispiece, 1 leaf: A (with the title, &c. )-D in twos: B (repeated)-Aaa in twos: Bbb, 1 leaf. With 11 portraits. Almahide; Or, The Captive Queen. An Excellent New Romance, never before in English. The whole Work. Written in French by the Accurate Pen of Monsieur de Scudery Governour of Nostre Dame. Done into English by J. Phillips Gent. London, Printed by J. M. for Thomas Dring... 1677. Folio. A, 2 leaves : B-Hh in fours: Ii, 6 leaves. Dedicated to Thomas Thynn, Esq. Les Femmes Illustres Or The Heroick Harrangues of the Illustrious Women. Written in French by the Famous Pen of Monsieur de Scudery, Governour of Noster Dam. Translated by James Innes. Edinburgh, Printed by Thomas Broun, James Glen, and John Weir . . . Anno Dom. 1681. 8°, A-B in fours, A blank: B (repeated)-X 4 in sixes. Dedicated to the Duchess of York. DE SERRES, JEAN. ... A Generall Historie of France, written by John de Serres vnto the yeare 1598. Contynued by Peter Mathew to the death of King Henry the fourth in the yeare 1610. And againe continued unto the Peace concluded before Montpellier in the yeare 1622. By Edward Grimeston Sariaunt at Armes. Imprinted by G. Eld & M. Flesher. 1624. Folio, A-Kō in sixes, first leaf blank, the title engraved : [agg] in sixes. The Sweete Thovghts of Death and Æternity. Written by Sieur de la Serre. At Paris. 1632. 8°. à, 4 leaves: A-Y 4 in eights. Dedicated by H[enry] H[awkins?] to Henry Nevill, Baron of Abergavenny. The Mirrour which Flatters not. . London, Printed by E. T. and R. H. for R. Thrale, 1673. 8°, A-K in twelves. With a frontispiece and plates. DE SERES, OLIVIER, Lord of Pradel. The Perfect Vse of Silk-Wormes, and their benefit. With the exact planting and artificiall handling of Mulberrie trees whereby to nourish them, and the figures to know how to feede the Wormes, and to winde off the silke. And the maner to prepare the barke of the white Mulberrie to make fine linnen and other workes thereof. Done out of the French originall... by Nicholas Goffe Esquire. With an annexed discourse of his owne of the meanes and sufficiencie of England for to haue abundance of fine silke by feeding of Silke-wormes within the same. Neuer the like yet here discouered by any. Au despit d'enuie. At London Imprinted by Felix Kyngston, and are to be sold by Richard Sergier and Christopher Purset, with the assignment of William Stallenge. 1607. Cum priuilegio. 4o, A-Q in fours, Q 4 blank. With cuts. Dedicated to King James by the translator, with complimentary verses by Drayton, George Carr, and Robert Goodwin. Goffe's own portion has a separate title. On Q3 occurs an address to the Reader, dated from Bacon House, London, 20th May, 1607, in reference to the errors of the press. DE SILVA, DON SILVES. The first parte of the Hystorye of Don Silues de Silva. Licensed to Williamı White, 29 May, 1609. DESINUS, RAPHAEL. Merlinvs Anonymvs. An Almanack, and no Alman[a]ck. A Kalender, and no Kalender. An Ep[h]emeris (between jest, and earnest) for the Year 1654. . . . By Raphael Desinus Philologist. London: Printed by F. Neile in Aldersgate-street. 1654 [Nov. 18, 1653.] 8°, A-C in eights. Dedicated to Henry Vernon, and his generous son, George Vernon Esquire, of Fernham, in Surrey. B. M. DESOLATIO. same Voyage, by Dr. Thomas Sprat, Done into English from the French Original. London . . . 1709. 8°. "Samuel Sorbiere who, after studying divinity and medicine at Paris, travelled in different parts of Europe, and published his Voyage into England described by Voltaire as a dull, scurrilous satire upon a nation, of which the author knew nothing."-Note in Pepys's Diary, 13 Oct. 1664. A Journey to London, In the Year, 1698. After the Ingenuous Method of that made by Dr. Martin Lyster to Paris, in the same Year, &c. Written Originally in French, by Monsieur Sorbiere, and Newly Translated into English. The Second Edition Corrected. London, Printed,__and sold by A. Baldwin,... 1699. 8°. Title, half-title, preface, and contents, 4 leaves: B-D 2 in eights. Dialogues of the Dead. Relating to the present Controversy Concerning the Epistles of Phalaris. By the Author of the Journey to London. London: Printed, and Sold by A. Baldwin,... 1699. 8°. Title, preface, verses, and contents, 4 leaves B-M 2 in fours. DESPAGNE, JOHN. Anti-Dvello. The Anatomie of Dvells, With the Symptoms thereof. . . . London, Printed by Thomas Harper for B. Fisher,... 1632. 4°. Title, 1 leaf: A, 2 leaves, with the dedication to Robert Earl of Carnarvon: B-I in fours. B. M. DE THIGNONVILLE, GUILLAUME. The Dictes and sayings of the philosophers. . . 1528. Collation: A-M in eights and fours, and N, 6 leaves, with the colophon and mark on N 6, the latter repeated on the verso of the leaf. DE VAIX, MONSIEUR. The Morall Philosophy of the Stoicks. Written Originally in French by that Ingenious Gentleman Monsieur de Vaix. Esq; London, Printed for Henry Mortlock... 1671. 8°, A-H in eights, H 8 blank, and A occupied by the Frontispiece. Dedicated to John Ferrers, Esq. DE VARILLAS, THE SIEUR. The Secret History of the House of Medicis. Written originally by that Fam'd Historian, the Sieur de Varillas. Made English by Ferrand Spence... London. Printed by R. E. for R. Bentley and S. Magnes 1686. 8°. A, 4 leaves: a- d in eights: B-Hh 3 in eights. Dedicated to Thomas, Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery. DEVIL. The Hee Divell. A ballad. Licensed to F. Grove, 12 March, 1629-30. DE VILLE DIEU, M. The Unfortunate Heroes: Or, The Adventures of Ten Famous Men, Viz. Ovid, Lentulus, Hortensius, Herennius, Cepion, Horace, Virgil, Cornelius Gallus, Crassus, Agrippa. Banished from the Court of Augustus Cæsar. In Ten Novels. Composed by that Great Wit of France Monsieur de Villa Dieu. Englished by a Gentleman for his Diversion. In the Savoy Printed by T. N. for Henry Herringman, 1679. 8o, A-T in eights, but only the title and Imprimatur under A. The last seven pages are occupied by advertisements. DE LA PERRIERE, GUILLAUME. The Theatre of fyne Devyses conteyninge an hundred morrall Emblemes translated out of French by Thomas Combe. Licensed to Richard Field, 9 May, 1593. DEVONSHIRE, CHARLES BLOUNT, Earl of. The souldiers lamentation for the Deathe of the honorable minded man the Lord Mountjoy. Licensed to Thomas Pavier, 14 April, 1606. A Mournefull and newe ballad Declaringe the order of the late Erle of Devonshires funerall. Licensed to George Vincent, 9 May, 1606. DEVONSHIRE. The sudden death happeninge at Exeter sises 1586. A ballad, Licensed to E. White, 1 Aug. 1586. A booke intituled / To the righte worshippfull grave and prudente Senators, master John Periam maiour of the cytie of Excester and to the aldermen and his brethren of the common counsell of y same. Entered to John Windet, 1 Feb. DIALOGUE. 1587-8, but no sum named. A ballad of the Devill of Devonshire and A most strange reporte of twoo mon- A ballad of the burning of Tyverton. the A True Relation of those sad and Lamentable Accidents . . . 1638. On the 17th November, 1638, R. Harford entered the first edition of this tract, and on the 19th further additions, consisting of a preface, &c. The second edition or sequel was subsequently registered by itself on the 27th. See Arber, iv. 418-19. A most true Relation of divers notable Passages of Divine Providence in the great deliverance and wonderfull victory obtained by the Parliaments Forces under the command of the Earle of Stamford in the County of Devon, against the Army of Cavaliers, raised by Sir Ralph Hopton and his adherents, rebels and traitours, Cornish-men, and others: upon Tuesday the 23. of April. 1643. . London, Printed for Lawrence Blaikelocke, . 1643. 4°, 4 leaves. Witchcraft Discovered and Punished, Or, The Tryals and Condemnations of three Notorious Witches, who were Tryed the last Assizes, holden at the Castle of Exeter, in the County of Devon: where they received sentence of Death for bewitching several Persons, destroying Ships at Sea, and Cattell by Land, &c. To the Tune of Doctor Faustus, or Fortune my Foe. A broadside with three cuts. B. M. DEY, RICHARD, Minister of the Gospel. Two Looks over Lincolne, Or, A view of his Holy Table, name, and thing, &c. discovering his erroneous and Popish Tenets and Positions London: Printed by T. Paine and M. Simons. 1641. 40, A-E 2 in fours, E 2 blank. DIALOGUE. Dialogus de fundamentis legum Anglie A proper dyaloge / betwene a Gentilman Printed without any regular title. The Dialogue ends on B 4 recto, and is followed by a prose piece called "an olde treatyse made aboute the tyme of Kynge Rycharde the seconde," which extends without interruption to C 3 verso, where there is an exchange of remarks between the original interlocutors, and the Treatise continues to C 5 verso, On C 8 recto commences: 66 A compedious olde treatyse / shewynge howe that we ought to haue the scripture in Englisshe," which occupies the rest of the volume. Dispvtatio inter clericum et militem super A Dialogve betwene a knyght and a eights, and C, 10 leaves. A Dyaloge betwene youghte and age. A ballad. Licensed to John Arnold in 1569-70. A Dialogve or Familiar talke betwene two neighbours, cocernyng the chyefest ceremonyes, that Were, by the mightti power of Gods most holie pure Worde, suppressed in Englande, and nowe for our vnworthines. set vp agayne by the Bishoppes, the impes of Antichrist: right learned, profitable, and pleasaunt to be read. for the comfort of weake cosciences in these troublous times. Read first, and then iudge. From Roane, by Michael Wodde, the. xx. of Eebruary. Anno, Domi. M.D.L.IIII. 8°. A-E in eights. Lambeth. A Dialogue betwene Deathe and youghte. |