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" ... the nearer we search into human nature the more we shall be convinced that the moral virtues are the political offspring which flattery begot upon pride. "
Alciphron, Or The Minute Philosopher: In Seven Dialogues. : Containing an ... - Página 51
de George Berkeley - 1803 - 388 páginas
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The Fable of the Bees; Or, Private Vices, Public Benefits: With ..., Volumen 1

Bernard Mandeville - 1728 - 524 páginas
...wary Politicians j and the nearer we fearch into human Nature, the more we (hall be convinced, that the Moral Virtues are the Political Offspring which Flattery begot upon Pride. There is no Man of what Capacity or Penetration foever, that is wholly Proof againfl the Witchcraft...
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The Fable of the Bees : Or, Private Vices, Publick Benefits: With an Essay ...

Bernard Mandeville - 1806 - 572 páginas
...wary politicians; and the nearer we feaich into human .nature, the more we fhull be convinced, that the moral virtues are the political offspring which flattery begot upon pride. There is no man, of what capacity or penetration foever, that is wholly proof againil the witchcraft...
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Remarks on The Fable of the Bees

William Law - 1844 - 224 páginas
...those appetites which they had in common with brutes, &c. This you take to be a sufficient proof that the moral virtues are the political offspring which flattery begot upon pride. I can go no further till I present you with a fine speculation of an abstract thinker upon the origin...
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Phrenology Made Practical and Popularly Explained

Frederick Bridges - 1857 - 236 páginas
...a level with a chest of drawers. Hobbes to self-love. Mandeville to love of praise : he said that " The moral virtues are the political offspring which flattery begot upon pride." l)r. Clarke to the fitness of things. Paley to the hope of eternal reward. Stewart, Brown, Hutcheson,...
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Phrenology Made Practical and Popularly Explained

Frederick Bridges - 1861 - 216 páginas
...on a level with a chest of drawers. Hobbes to self-love. Mandeville to love of praise : he said that "the moral virtues are the political offspring which flattery begot upon pride." Dr Clarke to the fitness of things. Paley to the hope of eternal reward. Stewart, Brown, Hutcheson,...
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Mental and Moral Science: A Compendium of Psychology and Ethics

Alexander Bain - 1868 - 902 páginas
...learned politeness. 3. Pride, Vanity, Honour. Pride is of great consequence in Mandeville's system. ' The moral virtues are the political offspring which flattery begot upon pride.' Man is naturally innocent, timid, and stupid ; destitute of strong passions or appetites, he would...
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Mental and Moral Science: A Compendium of Psychology and Ethics

Alexander Bain - 1868 - 904 páginas
...learned politeness. 3. Pride, Vanity, Honour. Pride is of great consequence in Mandeville's system. ' The moral virtues are the political offspring which flattery begot upon pride.' Han is naturally innocent, timid, and stupid; destitute of strong passions or appetites, he would remain...
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Moral Science: a Compendium of Ethics

Alexander Bain - 1869 - 348 páginas
...learned politeness. 3. Pride, Vanity, Honour. Pride is of great consequence in Mandeville's system. ' The moral virtues are the political offspring which flattery begot upon pride/ Man is naturally innocent, timid, and stupid ; destitute of strong passions or appetites, he would...
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The Works of George Berkeley, Volumen 2

George Berkeley - 1871 - 528 páginas
...First Dialogue. Page 54, line i. Note added under sentence ending 'religion and morality ' — ' * The moral virtues are the political offspring which...flattery begot upon pride. Fable of the Bees, Part I. p. 37.' Second Dialogue. P. 76, 1. 14. Note added under sentence ending 'like all other fashions...
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Essays on Freethinking and Plainspeaking

Leslie Stephen - 1873 - 382 páginas
...of other vile persons by advocating the new maxims. The doctrine is summed up in the aphorism that ' the moral virtues are the political offspring which flattery begot upon pride ' (p. 18). This preposterous caricature of modern utilitarianism is precisely analogous to the ordinary...
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