ALCIPHRON, OR THE MINUTE PHILOSOPHER. IN SEVEN DIALOGUES. CONTAINING AN APOLOGY FOR THE CHRISTIAN RELIGION, AGAINST THOSE WHO ARE CALLED FREE-THINKERS. By GEORGE BERKLEY, D. D. Author of a Treatife concerning the principles of Human Knowledge, and various They have forfaken me the Fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cifterns, Sin mortuus, ut quidam minuti Philofophi cenfent, nihil fentiam, non vereor ne hunc THE FIRST AMERICAN, FROM THE FOURTH LONDON EDITION. From Sidney's Hrefs. FOR INCREASE COOKE & Co.-NEW-HAVEN. 1803. CHARACTER OF THE WORK. THE MINUTE PHILOSOPHER is an able defence of Divine Revelation. The writer is the celebrated BERKLEY, Bishop of Cloyne; universally confidered as one of the firft Philosophers, who have appeared in any age, or country. For the difcuflion of this fubject he was better qualified than almoft any other man, by his pre-eminent talents, both natural and acquired; particularly by his great learning and fingular powers of reafoning. This work is an illuftrious proof of those talents, and may be confidered as a ftore-house, whence many fucceeding writers have drawn their materials, and their arguments. The Minute Philofopher confifts of a series of dialogues, involving most of the important topics in the debate between Christians and Infidels; the principal arguments by which Chriftianity is defended, and the principal objections with which it has been oppofed. The reasoning is clear, found, and conclufive; and has never been answered. The characters of the difputants are well chofen, and ably supported; and their conversation is fpirited and natural. The work is of course highly entertaining, as well as convincing. In the character of Euphranor, particularly, the writer has given, perhaps, the beft example of the Socratic manner of reasoning, which can be found. Warton obferves, that the club, composed of Pope, Swift, Bolingbroke, &c. regarded this work, in spite of the prejudices of fome of them, as a mafterly performance; not indeed, when first presented to them, for they did not understand it; but afterwards, when thoroughly explained by its Author, who knew more of this, and moft other moral fubjects, than all of them united. In a word, The Minute Philosopher may be confidently recommended, as a performance of the first merit, to all, who love to read the best reasonings, on the most important fubjects. |