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of Heaven upon a whole Nation, very charitably recommends him to their Care.

Confidering the length of this Epistle, and that it is not wholly levell'd at me only, I thought at firft to have made fome Extracts from it of what related to my felf; but finding, on a nearer Enquiry, that what concern'd me was so blended and interwoven with what did not, I was oblig❜d to trouble the Reader with it entire; not without Hopes that, prolix as it is, the Extravagancy of it will be entertaining to those who have perused the Treatise it condemns with fo much Horror.

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KNAVES turn'd Honeft.

Spacious Hive well stockt with Bees,
That liv'd in Luxury and Ease;

And yet as fam'd for Laws and Arms,

As yielding large and early Swarms;
Was counted the great Nursery
Of Sciences and Industry.
No Bees had better Government,
More Fickleness, or lefs Content:
They were not Slaves to Tyranny,
Nor rul'd by wild Democracy;

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But Kings, that could not wrong, because
Their Power was circumfcrib'd by Laws.


THESE Infects liv'd like Men, and all
Our Actions they perform'd in small:
They did whatever's done in Town,
And what belongs to Sword or Gown:
Tho' th' Artful Works, by nimble Slight
Of minute Limbs, 'fcap'd Human Sight;
Yet we've no Engines, Labourers,
Ships, Caftles, Arms, Artificers,

Craft, Science, Shop, or Inftrument,

But they had an Equivalent:

Which, fince their Language is unknown,

Must be call'd, as we do our own.

As grant, that among other Things,

They wanted Dice, yet they had Kings;

And thofe had Guards; from whence we may

Juftly conclude, they had fome Play;

Unless a Regiment be shewn

Of Soldiers, that make use of none.

VAST Numbers throng'd the fruitful Hive; Yet thofe vaft Numbers made 'em thrive; Millions endeavouring to supply

Each other's Luft and Vanity;
Whilft other Millions were employ'd,
To fee their Handy-works deftroy'd;
They furnish'd half the Universe;
Yet had more Work than Labourers.

Some with vaft Stocks, and little Pains,

Jump'd into Business of

great Gains;


And fome were damn'd to Sythes and Spades,

And all those hard laborious Trades ;
Where willing Wretches daily sweat,
And wear out Strength and Limbs to eat:
(A.) Whilft others follow'd Mysteries,
To which few Folks bind 'Prentices;

That want no Stock, but that of Brass,
may fet up without a Cross;

As Sharpers, Parafites, Pimps, Players,

Pick-pockets, Coiners, Quacks, South-fayers,

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And all thofe, that in Enmity,

With downright Working, cunningly

Convert to their own Use the Labour

Of their good-natur'd heedlefs Neighbour.

(B.) Thefe were call'd Knaves, but bar the Name, Industrious were the fame:



All Trades and Places knew fome Cheat,
No Calling was without Deceit.

THE Lawyers, of whofe Art the Bafis Was raifing Feuds and splitting Cafes, Opposed all Registers, that Cheats

Might make more Work with dipt Estates;

As wer't unlawful, that one's own,

Without a Law-Suit, fhould be known.

They kept off. Hearings willfully,
To finger the refreshing Fee;
And to defend a wicked Cause,
Examin'd and furvey'd the Laws,

As Burglars Shops and Houfes do,

To find out where they'd beft break through.


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