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insects.-Name some creeping things. Spiders, lizards, and serpents.― How many legs have these kinds of animals generally? Four.-What are those called that have four legs? Quadrupeds.-What is remarkable in the make of quadrupeds? God has adapted their make to their different natures.—What is remarkable in cattle that graze? They have long necks to enable them to stoop down to the ground, and their fore teeth are made to cut the grass like scissors.What else is remarkable in this kind of animals? They have four stomachs.What is remarkable in wild animals? Those that hunt for their prey have quick scent and long noses-those that lie in wait and spring upon their prey, have their ears turned forwards, and strong legs, paws, and jaws-those that are made for flight, hace ears turned backward, long legs, and are slightly made.—Which are the most numerous animals? Those which are used for food.-Name some of these. The ox, sheep, deer, and goat.-Are any others of use to man? Yes: the horse, ass, mule, camel, and elephant, to work for him.-Which is the most useful animal? The ox.- -Why? Because of its flesh, which we eat; its skin makes leather, its feet make glue, its horns handles of knives, indeed, every part of it is useful, and it works like the horse.-What is that animal called that gives us milk? A cow.- -What is made of the milk? Cream, butter, and cheese. -Which is the most noble animal? The horse.-What does it do? Carries a man, draws waggons, carts, turns mills, drags boats along, and goes to war.— Which is the most patient animal? The ass.— -Is it well used? No.-What do people do to it? Beat it and over-work it.-What did Christ do with an ass? Chose it to ride into Jerusalem.

VER. 26. And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea,


and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon

the earth.

VER. 27. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.


VER. 28. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. What was the last thing God created? Man.—Out of what did he create him? The dust of the ground.-How many parts are there in man?_Two.— What are they? The body and soul.-What is the body? The outward part.— What is the soul? The inward principle.-How did man obtain this? God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul.What will happen to the body? It will die.—Will the soul die also? No: it will live for ever.-What did God do when he had made man? Blessed him.— What is meant by, He blessed him? Wished him to be happy-What will make man happy? Holiness.—What is meant by man being made in God's image? He was made very good and perfect.-Who is very good and perfect? God.You said man had a body, what is it composed of? Bones, flesh, and skin.— Name some of the principal bones, and show me where they are situated. The scull, the back bone, the ribs, the shoulder blade, the arm bone, the breast bone, the hips, the thigh bone, and the shin bone.--What is the use of the bones? To sustain the weight of the body and the flesh.--Do they move? Yes.--What makes them move? The muscles.--What are the muscles? Thick pieces of flesh laid in different parts to move the limbs with --How do they move the limbs? Pull them up or down, the same as the ropes pull the sails of a ship.-What is their shape? Thin and small where they grow to the bone, and thick in

the middle.-How do they pull? They contract, or grow short, in the middle.— What makes them contract? The nerves.--What are the nerves? Small white threads proceeding from the brain through the middle of the back bone, called the spinal marrow.--What makes the nerves do this? When the person wishes and wills it should be done.--What is the brain? All that substance in the middle of the head.--What is the use of the brain? It is the organ of thought.--What is that called which we think with? The mind.--What did God wish man to have over all other things? Dominion.--What is dominion? Rule and power. -What gives man this; is it strength? No; because he is not so strong as a horse.--What is it then? The mind.--What is it then that man has above beasts? Mind and reason. What does he do by this? Builds houses and ships, and acquires all sorts of knowledge-What else can he do with his mind? Recollect things that are past.-What is this faculty called? The memory.-What other advantage has man over brutes? He can talk.--What is the use of speech? To make known our thoughts one to another.-Can we do this any other way except by speaking? Yes, by writing.-How many senses has man? Five: seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, and tasting.-What are the organs of these? The eyes, the ears, the fingers, the nose, and the tongue.-Name some other part of the body. The lungs.--What is the use of the lungs? To breathe with, and to take the vital part of the air for the support of our bodies.—Tell me of some other part? The stomach, the heart, the liver, and the kidneys.—What is the stomach? It receives and digests the food. What is the use of the heart? It throws the blood out into every part of the body.--What is the use of the kidneys? To draw off the saline humours from the blood.-What is the blood contained in? Veins and arteries -What is the use of them? The arteries convey the blood from the heart to the extremities, and the veins bring it back again.— What does this wise arrangement show? The care and goodness of the Creator. -What did God make man for? To praise and glorify him.-How can he do this? By acting according to his will.—Will God reward those that so act? Yes.--How? By making them doers of his will in heaven.--What is heaven? A place of glory.*

We refrain from prosecuting this subject further, only from the circumstance of the scheme of the soul's redemption and salvation by Jesus Christ more properly belonging to the third chapter of Genesis. We would recommend the pious teacher to carry on the subject from the point at which we leave it, with the chapter in question.


EVERY project that is in accordance with Philanthropy claims our recognition, and our commendation. We rejoice to see the opulent and refined turning their regards towards "the brethren of low degree, " and ministering to the mental necessities of those whom fickle fortune has not smiled upon; helping them to endure a lot of labour and privation, and cheering them, through the medium of literature

It would be advisable here to show the pupil the joints of the bones as exhibited in some animals: the ball and socket joint of a leg of mutton, the hinge joint in the fore leg, and to give them an idea of the wisdom of the Creator in the formation of the animal structure.

adapted to their stations and capacities. With no small degree of satisfaction, we place before the notice of the public an excellent Institution, established by a lady of rank, whose delicacy of feeling forbids her name to be mentioned in this scheme of benevolence, while she spreads around her the benign influence of taste, and provides the means of self-instruction to her poorer neighbours. This lady has furnished, at her own cost, a Reading Room in the Colonade, Grenville-street, Brunswick-square, the Rules of which are as follows; and they exhibit a general attention to the interests of the establishment, to the promotion of order, and of a kindly social feeling among those who belong to it :

"Rule 1. The right of admitting and of dismissing members belongs exclusively to the proprietor; but any person may be recommended for admission by the signature of two members not of the same family to a paper drawn up in the following form :—

"We, the undersigned, from our personal knowledge of A. B. of recommend him (or her) to become a subscriber to the Colonade Reading Room, believing that he (or she) will conform to the rules and regulations of the Institution. (Signed.')

"2. The subscription is 6d. a month, or 1s. 6d. a quarter, and all subscriptions are to be paid in advance.

"3. From the members so admitted a committee is to be chosen by ballot every three months, to consist of six persons, to keep the keys, give out what is wanted, collect all at night, put out the fire and candles, and maintain general order and propriety.

"4. One of the members of the committee shall collect subscriptions, take an account of all donations, and pay over the money received to the proprietor when required, and the account book shall lie on the table for the inspection of the members.

"5. One of the committee must be present every evening, both at the opening of the room at half-past five, and at the closing at half past ten.

"6. No book shall be taken out of the room but by permission of one of the Committee, who must make an entry of the same in a book kept for that purpose; the request being made in writing, stating the title of the book, with the subscriber's name.

"7. No book shall be kept longer than a week with renewed permission and entry.

"8. The utmost quiet and decorum are to be observed, such being essential to the free enjoyment of the advantages of the Reading Room by every individual.

"9. For the same reason, the utmost care must be taken to preserve the neatness of the room, and to avoid marking, or in any way disfiguring the books, maps, or any other property belonging to the Institution.

"We promise to observe the above regulations,

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An Address was delivered by Dr. Boot, at the opening of the Reading Room, August 4, 1834, which has since been printed (published by Mardon, London); and the nature and objects of the Institution

are most pleasingly described in it. We have not room for many extracts, but cannot decline inserting the following passages :—

"This little Institution has been formed for the promotion of knowledge, for the cultivation of a taste for reading, and for the purpose of offering a rational enjoyment to those who, without its encouragement and advantages, might resort to irrational means for passing an occasional or an habitual idle hour. Its object is to afford the use of books to those who do not possess any great variety of them, and to offer a comfortable room for their perusal, under advantages superior to those that might be enjoyed amidst the unavoidable interruptions even of a happy home.

"It purports to have only a local range, and to be dedicated to the inhabitants of this neighbourhood. But it is hoped, if it should succeed-if it should be found to maintain a social feeling among those benefited by it-to be conducted with order and regularity-to exhibit in its members a high sense of honour-respect to each other, and the property belonging to it-to encourage diligence-to excite a love of books-to form habits of reading and promote self-instruction--it is hoped, I say, that similar institutions will be formed in other parts of this parish, and in fact throughout the metropolis, and thus that much good may be done to society at large by the good which will be done to the individuals composing it. * * * * * * * * It is this source of knowledge that is offered to you by this Institution; and if you rightly appreciate it, you will avail yourselves of its advantages, and induce others to do so. It asks nothing from you, but what you are willing to grant. It asks of you only to form the habit of devoting occasionally an hour of leisure to reading: instead of passing time idly and without profit, to pass it in the gentle and rational enjoyment of self-instruction, that you may exercise, strengthen, enlighten, and enlarge your minds; and by so doing, make your dispositions better, purify your tastes, cultivate a habit of reflection, and more distinctly, because more calmly, perceive the relation in which you stand to each other, to society at large, to the world around and above you, and to God."

The conclusion is too beautiful to be omitted, and we shall doubtless be excused for trespassing a little longer upon our readers.

"It is then a religious obligation upon us all to refine and elevate our characters, not only for our own good, but the good of our children, and all dependent upon and connected with us; and when we know that our happiness is within our own power, and that happiness depends on virtue and knowledge, we shall all feel that it is a duty most urgently imposed upon us by the Divine Author of our religion, to seek those means which are essential to our welfare here and hereafter. This sense, my friends, of religious obligation and moral responsibility, is the great secret of individual and universal good. * * * * You will find that virtue and knowledge are happiness and power, and by applying steadily to them, you will become all that this world can make any of us-if not rich and powerful, at least wise, good, and contented; and I would say, if rich and prosperous, it will chasten your prosperity, and make you duly sensible of the wants of others, who are below you in the possession of those things which are needful in their necessities.

"If you agree with me in these views, you will understand the advantages which are aimed at in this institution, and you will avail yourselves of the facilities which it offers for instruction and innocent amusement. Cherish it for its benevolence and usefulness; respect the property that belongs to it; and respect yourselves as its members, that peace, and harmony, and good fellowship may prevail among you. Recollect, that if its beautiful object is attained -that if it can be shown to promote order, virtuous habits, kindly affections,

the love of reading and self-instruction, the reformation of idle and vicious courses, it will be imitated in other parts of this city, and, perhaps, of the kingdom; and that you, through the imitation of your example, will thus become the benefactors of your country and of mankind.”

Who is there that will not unite with us in wishing that this may indeed be shortly the case; especially on learning that the kind Patroness is at present well satisfied with the result of her experiment. There are now nearly sixty subscribers, who conduct the affairs of the Institution with unanimity and propriety, some of whom have formed classes for writing, arithmetic, and drawing.

It appears that the expense is very moderate, and there are few modes by which a benevolent person could exercise a more salutary influence on those around him. A clean, quiet, and cheerful room, is the first desideratum, with light, warmth, and intellectual amusement,—these, when shared in this way with decent and intelligent neighbours will excite a feeling of obligation without dependence, and will prove powerful and gentle correctives of the vacant indolence, the coarse and riotous pleasures, that lead insensibly to crime and degradation.

We have, in a former part of the present number, suggested the formation of a society which would embody the one we here would recommend. The necessity of such a plan of raising the lower class to intelligence and virtue, appears to be too self-evident to be attended to, which is the only excuse we can make for the culpable apathy which prevails on the subject. We often find ourselves leaving some good, which is immediately within our reach, for some far inferior, which happens to be at a distance, and passing over the essential and necessary for that which is problematical and uncertain, merely because it is farther off. The same sort of carelessness to what falls under our very noses is observed in the citizen, who, without seeing one of the many wonders found in his own metropolis, flies off to Paris, or some other place, thinking that the farther he goes the greater and more extraordinary must be the wonders of which he is in search. He will mount up the Column Vendome, but it never occurred to him a fine sight could be obtained from the top of St. Paul's. He will stand and gaze in wonderment on the inferior scenery of France, leaving the land of flood and fell, and all the romantic and classical association of his own country, in the north, with the most supreme scorn. Just in the same manner we find that people are blind to the great and essential means of popular improvement, while they are zealous beyond comparison, in some puny partial mode of action, whose influence is unfelt beyond the narrow bounds of their own particular exertions. We do not wish to discourage the good plans of any, but we do wish that people would look more at the root of the evil, and would dig up and trench the soil about it, that the tree may gather general health and strength, rather than rest contented with pruning this twig, or lopping off this and the other excresence.

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