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in not one single instance have we curtailed, siderable expence, one of these factories, or been desired to curtail, the articles and had partially, or not at all, supplied it which have been sent out for the use and with labourers, would not in this case call comfort of the negroes, although, in almost aloud for compensation? and could that every instance, we have done so in respect compensation be justly denied to him? And to those for the use of the whites.- yet, sir, the silk and cotton factor has not -There is not yet, sir, any distinct under-greater legislative authority to plead than standing whether this bill is or is not to be has the West-India planter for his establishaccompanied with a provision of compen-ment; nor is the supposed case which I sation for those whom its operation may have put of the former harder than the real injure; and, unless some pledge to that ef- one of the latter, after this bill passes; fect be given, I must consider that the in-and, independently of the general case, justice it may inflict upon individuals is a there are individual cases of peculiar hardfair argument against its principle. The ship, those of minors, of lessors, and of noble lord (Howick) has stated, that it proprietors of estates under trust, whose has not been usual for parliament on simi-estates, immediately after this bill passes, lar occasions to provide compensation will be either considerably depreciated, or prospectively; and yet, sir, in those recent of no value at all.-There are some, sir, instances in which the legislature judged it who will admit the truth of many of the fit to interfere merely with ancient usages considerations I have urged: they will ad(not with rights established under acts of mit that we are about to make a sacrifice parliament) for the sake of effecting im- that is to cost us much, and to profit others provements in the port of London; little or nothing. "But," say they," there mean in the West-India and London dock is connected with the slave trade much acts-a provision of prospective compensa-abuse and much inhumanity, and, at all tion, most liberal in its extent, is made for events, we will wash our hands of any share every description of persons to whose loss in it; we will have nothing to do with or injury those bills might operate. This, that which is either the offspring or the pasir, is what we have done; and let me state rent of vice." Gentlemen should consider, case which may happen, nay, which pro-sir, how far they would follow this prinbably will happen, if the spirit of reform be ciple, and whither it would lead them: it consistent. There are, sir, in this country, would certainly go the length of supand more especially in the northern coun-pressing the licensing of alehouses, and the ties, many large factories built, where 3 or continuance of lotteries: can the mischiefs 400 persons are often confined together em- with which these are connected in society ployed in the spinning of cotton and silk: be doubted? If, sir, I were inclined to atI am prepared to say, sir, and there are tempt the feelings of gentlemen in th many in this house who can confirm it, house with a pathetic story, I could that those establishments, although highly shew them, and at no great distance advantageous in a commercial view, are from the metropolis, an industrious mother fatal both to the health and to the morals with 6 or 8 children, their countenances of his majesty's subjects: now, supposing pale, their limbs emaciated, and their bothat the philanthropic spirit were to be ex-dies swoln with famine, picking up a scan. tended to them, and their further exten-ty and insufficient subsistence by the only sion at least forbidden; supposing we were labour which such feeble hands can execute, to say, "We pretend not to interfere with what exists already; keep the labourers you have got, we will not emancipate them, they are not fit for emancipation, they are errupted and disordered, and incapable of he regular duties of life; but not one more ruddy-cheeked boy or blooming girl shall you seduce from their ignorant and deluded parents, and immure in your putrid haunts of vice and disease. Tell us not o your ventilators and your artificial gasses; the thing is contrary to first principles, and it must be discontinued." Now, can we believe that he who had just built, at a con

while the father of this family, he who ought to support them, is taking what is called a plunge at the neighbouring alehouse, spending the fruits of one week's labour, and mortgaging that of another; and this after having carried away the lea thern bag from the cottage roof, which contained the pence and sixpences, the hard savings of the year (saved to pay the rent at Lady-day), and having sunk the whole of it with one of those itinerant propagators of ruin who now invade the privacy of your remotest villages with a cart stuck over with lottery bills. This, sir, is not a fictitious nor

an uncommon case, and yet our philanthro- | considered the lottery a very bad mode of pists do not make it the theme of declama-raising money, and would concur in any tion or the object of reform. This is too measure for putting an end to it, if there near and too obvious for them; their aim were any prospect of success in the atis more distant, their scope is larger; the tempt; but he was sorry to see gentlemen spirit of modern reform does not act, sir, reduced to arguments of this sort. They like the rational principle of self-love so searched out every recess of misery and beautifully described by the poet, which vice in their own country, they looked first puts the centre in motion, and then ex- around them every where for evils, and tends itself in progressive circles of bene- hugged them all to their bosoms. With ficence to the extremities; the spirit of regard to the complaints that had been modern reform attacks at once the con-made of his conduct towards the West-Innecting chain of the system, and, if the dia planters, he had always been as just whole do not fall to pieces at its touch, it towards those gentlemen as he could. He works inwards till it shakes the centre. had never behaved to them with any harshI must, for the reasons I have given,ness, but he could never carry complaisance vote against the second reading of the bill.

so far towards them, or any set of men alive, as to compliment away the rights Mr. Wilberforce replied to the principal and happiness of millions of human beings. arguments which had been urged against The hon. gent. pronounced an eulogium the bill. He observed, that ever since he upon the display of character and talent had engaged in this discussion, he had al- which the house had that night witnessed ways endeavoured to avoid any expres- on the side of humanity and justice, partision which might be considered unjustly cularly on the part of the younger meminjurious towards those who opposed him. bers; whose lofty and liberal sentiments But it was not to be expected that the recommended and enforced by the eleva friends of the abolition were to overlook tion of their rank, and the purity of their the general effect of human passions. form, must tend to produce the happiest efDespotic power could not be possessed fects upon all classes of the community. without much abuse in the exercise of it. Such an indication of mind and feeling All that he imputed to the West-India must afford gratification to any reflecting planters was, that they had yielded to the man, and diffuse the most salutary lessons circumstances under which they existed. throughout the country; must shew to the The children in the islands were accus-peopie, that their legislators, and especially tomed to see an order of beings around the higher order of their youth, were forthem which they were taught to consider as inferior. Thus their prejudices were formed. It was not them, therefore, that he blamed, but those who, though not placed in a situation to be misled on the subject of this traffic, and who had the opportunity of seeing its horrors in their true colours, who possessed the power of putting an end to the evil, and yet had suffered it to exist. He referred to Mr. Parke's book, to shew the evils which the slave trade created in Africa. It had been contended that Mr. Malthus, in his Essay on Population, had favoured the slave trade; the fact, however, was not so. Indeed, Mr. Malthus had called upon him Mr. Manning was convinced that the that day, and expressed his surprise to abolition of the African slave trade would have learned, that in some publications of not be attended with the injury apprehendthe day he was regarded as a favourer of ed to the West-India planters. The nethe slave trade; and stated that he had gro population of our colonies would, he written an appendix to his work, to remove was sure, be kept up without it. He had no that impression. It was said, why not put estate in the British colonies. But in the an end to the lottery, and other evils in Danish island of Santa Cruz he had an this country? He acknowledged that he estate; and there his Danish majesty, by VOL. VIII. 3 S

ward to assert the rights of the weak against the strong; to vindicate the cause of the oppressed; and that where a practice was found to prevail, inconsistent with humanity and justice, no consideration of profit could reconcile them to its continuance. The generous and humane principles which bad been that day unfolded, were worthy of a British parliament to teach, and of a British people to learn.

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Sir John Doyle, in explanation, stated, that the instances of oppression and cruelty which he had cited, had taken place in Carolina, when under the government of this country.

an edict in 1783, put an end to the impor | British property was at stake, the security tation of slaves, after the lapse of ten of which depended on passing the bill with years; and ever since then the negro promptitude; for if any of the valuable population required no aid from African ships that had been freighted to Buenos importation. Ayres should chance to be lost before the Mr. Hiley Addington could only be in- bill should be so passed, the underwriters duced to assent to the measure upon one would not be responsible. The bill had principle, namely that of the modification been brought in with the consent of the proposed to be introduced in the commit-company; for when it was first discovered tee by his right hon. relation (Mr. Ba-that the voyages to South America were thurst), for postponing to a more distant pe- illegal, his majesty's ministers had thought riod the final abolition, and for a gradual it their duty to bring in a bill in order to progress in the measure. render them legal. In December last, a Earl Percy suggested, that a principle draft of the bill was sent to the directors of which he should wish to introduce into the South Sea company for their opinion, the bill, towards the final emancipation of and in January a committee of the directhe negroes, would be to declare every ne-tors attended the privy council, when a gro child free, who shall be born in his discussion of the principle of the bill took majesty's dominions after the 1st of Janu-place. Several alterations suggested by ary, 1810.-The question was now loud- the directors were agreed to by the privy ly called for, and the house divided. council, and the directors then signified Ayes 283, noes 16, majority 267. The house then resolved itself into a committee pro formá, and at half-past four adjourned.


Tuesday, February 24

their approbation of the bill, of which the bill then before the house was a copy, word for word, with the exception of those changes of expression which the recapture of Buenos Aytes required. If any claim could hereafter be made out for compensation, the justice of the house would induce [MINUTES.] The following is a list of them to listen to such claim with the atthe committee appointed to take into cou-tention which its merits demanded.—On sideration the petition complaining of an the other hand, it was maintained by Mr. undue return for the county of Mayo: J.Cripps, sir T. Turton, and Mr. H. ThornWoolmore, A. H. Holdsworth, W. E. ton, that the petitioners ought to be heard Lockhart, hon. G. Elliott, hon. C. II. But- by counsel, and that the petition could ler, hon. T. C. Onslow, P. C. Bruce, C. not throw any obstacle in the way of the Leigh, J. D. Porcher, G. Skene, T. D. plans of government, or the commerce of Drake, lord R. S. Fitzgerald, T. Tyrwhitt; the country. The directors of the South nominees, hoi. J. Butler, hon. T. Knox. Sea company had a great duty to fulfil On the motion of lord Temple, the They were the guardians of the property house resolved itself into a committee of the holders of their stock to the amount on the South Sea Trade bill. Counsel of above 26,000,000/ The statement being declared to be in attendance on the inade on a late evening, that for 65 years part of the South Sea company, Mr. Cripps the company had allowed their right to lie moved that they be called in. This pro-dorinant, was untrue: for during the whole duced a long discussion. On the one of that period they had been in the habit hand, it was contended by lord Temple, of granting licences, although it was allowMr. Jacobs, Mr. Corry, Mr. Courtenay, ed that those licences were not of much and Mr. C. Wynne, that no case had been made out to prove the necessity of the delay, which the hearing of counsel must occasion. The petition from the South Sea company did not state, that they sustained any injury from the bill. Without a clear proof of injury could be shewn, they were not entitled to be heard by counsel. Their charter had been granted to them with this express limitation, that they should trade to the possessions of the king of Spain alone, as was demonstrated by the exceptions in that charter. One million and a half of

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value. The right which their charter conferred upon them was valuable and transferable, and were it offered to the ports of London or Liverpool, might doubtless be exchanged for a large consideration. During the last week the directors had received numerous letters from proprietors, in different parts of the country, urging them, should Buenos Ayres again fall into the hands of the English, to avail themselves of their privileges. With regard to remuneration for the loss of these privileges, a very moderate one was desired.

The duty on goods exported to and im- " To the honourable the commons of ported from Buenos Ayres was 12 per cent. This duty might easily bear the addition of an eight per cent. which would afford the small remuneration required.The motion for hearing counsel was then negatived without a division. The blanks in the bill were filled up, and the report was ordered to be received on Thursday.


the united kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland in Parliament assembled: The humble Petition of James Paull, esq. one of the candidates to represent the city of Westminster at the last election for members of Parliament to serve for the said city,

"Sheweth, That at the said election the right hon. R. B. Sheridan was returned a member to serve in parliament for the said Thursday, February 26. city. That your petitioner presented a pe[MINUTES.] This day a ballot took tion to this hon, house, against the return place for a committee to try and determine of the said R. E. Sheridan, charging him, the merits of the petition complaining of among other things, with having procured an undue election for Malmsbury, and the the same by means of undue and illegal following members were chosen: R. Fer-influence, by threats and menaces, and by guson, lord Mahon, James Dawkins, T. divers acts of bribery and corruption. That P. Symmonds, W. Wingfield, M. P. Au- the said petition was appointed to be tadrews, S. Boddington, R. Morris, H. Swaun, ken into consideration on the 24th of this W. Jacob, viscount Newark, J. Buller, T. instant month of February. That this hoStanley; nominees, viscount Marsham, H.nourable house thought fit, at the instance Joddrell, esq.-Sir E. Knatchbull stated, of the said R. B. Sheridan, to postpone that some circumstances had occurred which the consideration of the said petition until had induced him to abandon the notice he the 14th of April now next ensuing. That had given for that day, relative to the con- [your petitioner has lately discovered that duct of a certain witness before the Sand-the said R. B. Sheridan, in defiance of the wich road committee. The hon. baronet standing orders of this house, and to the matook occasion to disclaim any other mo-nifest subversion of every principle of justice, tive in the proceeding than that of a desire to maintain the dignity and character of that house. At the same time that he made this statement, he could not suppose that any member would be inclined to suspect him of being actuated by any other view.

has, by divers nefarious ways and ineans, tampered with and endeavoured to corrupt, and has attempted to persuade and to deter and hinder, certain persons whom your petitioner intended and still intends to examine, and who are and will be material witnesses upon the trial of the said peti[MR. PAULL'S PETITION RESPECTING tion, from appearing on the day when the THE WESTMINSTER ELECTION.] Lord said petition shall be heard, and from gi Folkestone called the particular attention of ving their unbiassed, or any, testimony on the house to a petition which he held in behalf of your petitioner, and against the his hand from James Paull, esq. the peti said R. B. Sheridan.-That one Wm. Drake tioning candidate for Westminster. The was and still is a material witness sumnoble lord stated, that the petitioner com- moned on behalf of your petitioner, and plained of a breach of the standing order that the said W. Drake having, on or of that house which regarded witnesses, about the 10th of this instant February, inand requested that it might be read. formed the said R. B. Sheridan that he had It declares, “That if it shall appear that any been so summoned, and having enquired of "person hath been tampering with any wit- him the course he was to pursue, the said "ness, in respect of his evidence to be given R. B. Sheridan told him to leave that bu"to this house, or any committee thereof, or siness to him, that he would procure hin "directly or indirectly hath endeavoured a situation abroad, and he would also pro"to deter or hinder any person from ap-vide for the father of the said W. Drake, "pearing, or giving evidence, the same is "declared to be a high crime and misde"meanour; and this house will proceed "with the utmost severity against such of"fender."-The noble lord then presented the following Petition, which was read by the clerk at the table:

and added, that the said W. Drake might have any money he pleased, and wished the said W. Drake to keep out of the way, and endeavoured to persuade the said W.Drake not to give, and to intimidate, and deter, and hinder him from giving, complete and unbiassed testimony before the select com

nittee of the facts known to him relative and partisans, aforesaid, with divers others, o the said election, and did offer to give have conspired together, in manner aforemoney to the said W. Drake for him to said, and in divers other ways, for the purprocure for the said R. B. Sheridan a pose of depriving your petitioner of his just certain letter, in the possession of one right, and preventing him from establishing Emanuel Harris, and which letter the said by his witnesses before a committee of E. Harris had been required by an order of your honourable house, his claim to reprethe right hon. the speaker to produce be- sent the said city of Westminster.-All fore the said committee; and that the said which transactions of the said R. B. SheR. B. Sheridan did also, on or about Thurs-ridan, his agents, and partisans, are to the day, the 19th of Feb, instant, again offer great injury of your petitioner, in the mathe said W. Drake money, and a situation nifest violation of the standing orders of of profit, with the same view, and did this hon. house, in defiance of justice, in likewise on the last mentioned day, endea-breach of the law, and to the utter devour to persuade one Tho. Weatherhead, struction of equal trial. Your petitioner not to give an unbiassed testimony on the therefore prays that he may be permitted trial of the said petition. And that one to prove the facts above stated, at the bar Alex. Johnston, one Frederick Homan, one of this bon. house, that be may be heard Edwards, and divers others the agents and by his counsel at the bar, and that this partisans of the said R. B. Sheridan, did hou. house will take his witnesses under also tamper with the said W. Drake, and its protection, and give such relief as in endeavour to persuade and to deter, and justice shall to this hon. house seem fit. to hinder him from giving unbiassed testi-And your petitioner shall ever pray, &c.” mony before the said committee; and the-Upon the motion that the petition should said A. Johnston and F. Homan did also lie on the table, endeavour to persuade and induce the said W. Drake to procure the aforesaid letter from the said E. Harris.-That the said R. B. Sheridan, by one Henry Burgess, one James Wallace, and one John Gallant, and divers others his agents and partisans, did also tamper with divers other witnesses Lord Folkestone replied, that he meant summoned by your petitioner to give testi- the next day to ground a motion upon this mony on his behalf; and in particular that petition, of which he took that opportunity the said James Wallace and John Gallant to give notice.-The petition was then did inform one Wm.Sperring, cne Wm. War-ordered to lie on the table.

Mr. Sheridan rose to ask the noble lord, whether it was his intention to follow up this petition by any grave proceeding, because, if so, he would reserve what he had to state upon this subject, until such proceeding should be proposed?

The Speaker observed, that as the motion of the noble lord referred to a breach of privilege, it naturally took precedency of every other question.

ren, one Jeremiah James, one Johu Pul- Mr. Wilberforce reminded the noble len, one Daniel Richardson, one John Ba-lord, that a question of considerable imJam, and one Christ. Rich rdson, whom portance stood for the next day. he knew had been so summoned, that it was intended to move this bon. house to postpone the consideration of the said peution until a future day, by which means the orders to attend the said committee, with which they had been served, would be invalid and of no use; and that if it were postponed but for one day, there would be time for them all to get out of the way to avoid their being served a second time; and added, that when they had succeeded in putting it off, each person should have money to go out of the way to prevent his being summoned; and your petitioner has been informed and verily believes that the said W. Sperring, D. Richardson, and W, Warren are now out of the way, and have been persuaded and induced so to do by the means aforesaid.-That the said R. B. Sheridan, and the several persons, agents,

Lord Howick concurred with the opi nion the house had just heard from the chair, that it had always been usual to proceed to the consideration of any charge connected with a breach of privilege with all convenient expedition. Indeed, the prompt investigation of such an important point was so desirable, that he should wish it to be gone into that night. If the noble lord were inclined to proceed, he could not suppose that there existed on any side of the house the slightest indisposition to hear him.

Lord Folkestone, after all that he had heard of the doctrine of notices, was not prepared to expect that the house would be willing to entertain a question of this

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