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as, what

Mr. Johnstone contended, that the state-ceeded to enter into an examination of the ments inade on a former evening by the estimates, contending that there was no noble lord (Castlereagh) had hitherto re-proof whatever in them of economy, and mained unanswered. He congratulated, particularly noticing the item of contingenhowever, the gentlemen on the other side, cies, which was stated at 52,000l. Upon on the new discovery they had made re- another point also he wished for some saspecting the merits of the administration of tisfactory information, which a noble viscount (Sidmouth). After ha-were the nature of the duties executed by ving, at a former period, heaped upon that the muster-master general of Ireland, and noble viscount as a minister every term of why it was thought necessary for that office reprobation which their imagination could to be executed by two persons? conceive, they had at length found out Mr. Rose expressed his regret at being that his administration was the most ener-obliged to detain the house at so late an hour, getic of any for these three years past. As but he felt it his duty to make a few observato the boasted measure of the right hon. tions, in consequence of its having been asgent. (Mr. Windham) for recruiting the serted by gentlemen on the other side, that if army, it must be evident that it had com-these estimates had been brought forward by pletely failed. This appeared from the the late administration, the amount would right hon. gentleman's own statement. It have been 5 or 600,0007. greater than their could not be expected that it would produce present amount. He could not avoid, any other result. Was it by frittering however, digressing from this subject, to away the bounty of the country in pen- notice two or three other points. He had nies and twopences that an army was to listened to the panegyric of the hon. barsbe raised? Was it not rather by holding net, sir John Doyle, upon present and out splendid rewards, which, though only former statesmen, and was extremely surfalling to the lot of a few, were induce-prised to hear him praise ministers for ments to the many, that an army was to be their conduct during the late negociation, expected to be created? Ministers how- a measure which, above all others, in his ever, had not recurred to any thing of this opinion, was calculated to hold them up to nature, they had rather chosen to go on in the contempt of the country. The other the old way, and to grant promotions only point was the delay in sending reinforceto favour and to connections. What was ments to Buenos Ayres. It was admitted to prevent them from recruiting from the that ministers received intelligence of sir militia? According to the right hon. gent.'s Home Popham's expedition on the 24th of plau, the militia were to be reduced to June, and yet no reinforcements were sent 40,000 men; from the surplus number, out till October. It had been alleged that therefore, the army might be strongly re- there were no transports. Why were there eruited. Yet, notwithstanding the ease not? During the greater part of the adwith which this mode of recruiting might ministration of his right hon. friend, now no be resorted to, it had not been adopted. more, transports were kept constantly lyWhy, the real reason he believed to be, ing at Spithead, sufficient for three thoubecause ministers were afraid of offending sand men, with victuallers ready to accomthe militia colonels. This, of course, they pany them. It was not to be expected could not state in that house,. but this he that transports were to be ready for a stay of believed to be the real reason. It had four or five years, in any place to which again been stated by a right hon. secretary they might be sent, but certainly transports of the treasury this evening, that he (Mr. J.) were at the disposal of ministers, sufficient had pledged himself to make a motion re-to enable them to send a strong reinforcespecting the conduct of ministers relative to ment to that expedition. His right hon. their professions of economy. He thought friend also constantly took care that there it necessary therefore again to deny, that should be a brigade of three or four thou he had so pledged himself. At the same sand men kept ready for any emergency. time, he conceived that ministers had acted Returning to the subject of the estimates, wholly contrary to their professions of eco- he found that the amount of them was ac nomy, and that all they had done was to tually 47 5,000l. more than those of 1805, give salaries to themselves, and with re- This was a sufficient answer to the asserspect to salary granted to one of them he tion, that the late ministers would have did intend to make it a subject of discus- made the estimates higher. With respect sion in that house. The hon. gent. pro-to the increased allowances in the Chelsea VOL. VIII.

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establishment, he would be the last man to from the one place to the other at that time, object to an increase of the rewards grant- the bearer must, without the convenience ed to those who had spent great part of of stage coaches, have travelled between 3 their lives in the service of their country, and 4000 miles in the course of 72 days, but he dreaded the effect of these increased and that over roads considerably worse allowances in a peace establishment. In than those of the Alps, or the very worst the event of a peace, probably 50,000 men parts of the continent of Europe. would be discharged, and, adding the increased allowances, an additional expence would accrue of 6 or 700,0002.

Lord H. Petty corrected some appre hensions which appeared to have prevailed among gentlemen on the opposite side of Mr. H. Thornton thought the measure of the house. It was stated, that the number the right hon. gent. (Mr. Windham) for of men raised according to the papers on recruiting the army, deserved the highest the table, did not equal the amount of praise as a general and permanent system, what his right hon. friends had stated in but he doubted its effect in providing for their speeches. It was to be recollected, immediate defence. He approved highly however, the papers began the account of converting the service for life into a from the month of March last, and, of service for years. He approved also of the course, they did not contain a year's return. training bill, as tending to diffuse a mili- Now, if gentlemen would have the goodtary spirit throughout the country, but atness to wait until the month of March the same time he thought it was calculated to do any thing rather than provide for immediate defence. The right hon. gent. had on former occasions given them the tone in calling for measures calculated to procure an immediate supply for the army, and he must allow them to give him the tone again, in calling for measures of a si-general Doyle), that the measure of the milar nature. Much time was necessarily lost in preparing great measures, and in carrying them into execution, and he felt anxious for some measure that should in the mean while meet the immediate exigencies of the country.

next, he was confident, from the result of the most minute enquiries which he had made in the best informed quarters, that by that time the numbers would even exceed those stated in the estimate of his right hon. friends; the house had also the testimony of a gallant officer near him

right hon. secretary was already the means of adding to the consideration and character of our army; then, when he considered that it was thought by the noble lord (Castlereagh) and the other gentlemen on the opposite side of the house, to be a most Mr. Jacob made a few observations rela- grievous piece of expence, that some tritive to the capture of Buenos Ayres. fling addition should be given to the solAmong other things, he stated that a most dier who was disabled in the service of his able and intelligent officer, a gentleman country; when he reflected on this, he who had been particularly noticed in the could not say that he envied the feelings dispatches from that place, had informed of those noble and honourable members. him that nothing but the great prompti-Oh miserable thought to their minds, if *tude of general Beresford, prevented the some happy man should, after the faithful army from laying down their arms; and that, if it were not that the most active and spirited exertions were made by that officer, if they were delayed for the space of two or three hours, the whole army must have met with inevitable destruction. An account of the recapture of that place had been put into his hands since he had come into the house; but from a comparison of the date of that communication, and the place it came from, with the date of the original capture, and the situation of the city itself, he found that it was impossible that the fact could then have taken place, and therefore could not suppose from that authority, that it had taken place at all. To have carried the intelligence

discharge of his duty to his king and country, enjoy perhaps some 207. a year! For his own part, he was anxious to reform abuses and diminish expences where the practices were known to be corrupt or the establishments useless; and he would challenge the gentlemen on the opposite side to contradict him when he stated to the house, that in the staff at home, there had been, within the last year, a saving of 43,000, and in the barrack department, notwithstanding there had been last year a retrenchment to the amount of 500,000% there was in this year a further saving of 50,000l. and in the commissariat department there were nine places less than in the preceding year. But to give grud

gingly to the worn-out veteran was a thought.

Mr. Wilberforce, from the letters which which he could not bear; and he was of he had received from different parts of the opinion, that his right hon. friend (Mr. country, could state, that the measure Windham) was entitled to the thanks of before the house, was one which had exthe country for the act, not of generosity, cited a considerable and lively sensation but of humanity and justice, he must call in the country. He agreed in the suggesit, which he had done in their name to ation that had been so ably urged by the most deserving set of men. The volun- hon. gent., for the appointment of a comteer corps had been mentioned on the mittee to consider of the act, before which other hand, with a view of reflecting on all the parties interested might be fully ministers for having made a saving in the heard. expence of that establishment; but, to the Lord Temple wished to say a few words volunteers, he would give the credit that just to acquit himself of the charge of prebelonged to them, and say he knew that cipitation in bringing forward this measure. they were not to be looked upon as a mer-The clause of the act which it was desenary body; he was well convinced that signed to repeal, had lain dormant, and had they would not lock with a magnifying never been acted upon, till, in the course glass at every little saving that was made of last sessions, prosecutions had been inin the public expence attendant on their stituted for the receiving of penalties inestablishment. When he looked at the to-curred under it. He had thought it netal of the estimates, and heard gentlemen cessary in that instance to bring forward opposite say, "Oh, but if you had let us a bill to suspend these prosecutions, and stay in another year, you should have seen had then given notice of his intention to what vast savings we should have made !" produce the present measure to the house it reminded him of what was said of a man, early in this session. But, whatever his who wished to become celebrated for a wit: feeling of the necessity of the measure That his wit was very good, but that it might be, he was alive to the parawas all borrowed from yesterday; in speak-mount necessity of procuring every posing of those gentlemen, he must reverse this sible help to enable the house to judge observation, and say that all their clever-upon the question, and was therefore reaness was borrowed from to-morrow.-After dy, with the permission of the house, to some further observations, the resolutions were read a second time and agreed to.


Monday, January 26. [OAK BARK BILL.] On the motion of lord Temple, that the Oak Bark bill be read a second time,

put off the second reading of the bill to this day fortnight, under an understanding, that if the committee should not report in the intermediate time, the second reading should then be deferred to a more distant day.

Mr. Rose thought that the committee could not report in a fortnight, nor, possibly, Mr. W. Herbert said, he was sorry to in two months. He was of opinion, that oppose any measure proposed by his no-the repeal ought to extend to a great part ble friend, but could not agree to the bill of the act of James, though not to the in its present forin. If the act of James I. whole of its provisions. was to be revised, he thought that all the Mr. Sheridan thought it would be a great penalties imposed by that statute should hardship to tanners, if this clause were to be repealed. It appeared to him to be an be repealed, whilst the penalties under the act of injustice to repeal the clause that other provisions of the act were to be conwas the object of this bill, and to leave the tinued. As the suspension act of last rest of the penalties imposed by that mea-session was to be in force only till 40 days sure in force. The repeal of the whole after the commencement of the present act was necessary to the comfort of the session, he submitted to his noble friend different classes of tradesmen, whose in-whether it would not be better that the bill terests were concerned, and it would not be prejudicial to the public. He begged to suggest to his noble 'friend the propriety of putting off the second reading of the bill, Mr. Corry highly approved of the propoand of appointing in the mean time a com-sal of the noble lord to put off the second mittee to consider of the propriety of the reading of the bill, only from time to time, revision, or repeal of the whole act. and not for any long period at once.

should go into a committee in order to prevent the renewal of the prosecutious on the expiration of the suspension bill.


was of opinion, that the committee might | house in the last session of the last parliareport in a short space of time. ment numbered 3, with its six supplements, Mr. Whitbread observed, that the mea- and also the papers numbered 4 and 5, be sure had excited great interest in the coun-re-printed for the use of the house." try, and the manner in which his noble Lord Howick said, that as he now friend had conducted himself with respect clearly understood that the noble lord to it, would prove satisfactory to the country. He thought that the committee would be able to report in a short time, because the whole of the clauses of the old act were inapplicable to the present time; and trusted that the second reading would not be deferred for any considerable time.

moved for the papers, for the purpose of grounding some motion which he intended to bring before the house with all convenient expedition, he could have no objection to the motion. It must be the desire of the house that the noble lord should persevere in the business he had undertaken. He should, however, be glad that the noble lord would give the house some general idea of the line he meant to pursue upon the documents for which he moved, and inform the house whether he meant to bring forward any motion on the Mahratta and Carnatic papers?

Mr. Grattan was happy to find that the particular clause in the act of James was to be repealed. When the present bill had been brought forward, it had excited great alarm amongst the tanners of Dublin, who had done him the honour to send a deputation to him on the subject. If this particular clause were not to be repealed, it Lord Folkestone thought it hardly fair to would be necessary to have some Irish tan- expect that he should, in this early stage ners examined before the committee, which of his proceeding, be called upon to state would require time.-The second reading precisely the course which he might deem of the bill was put off to Monday se'n-it adviseable to pursue. But yet he was night. willing to give all the information in his [CONDUCT OF LORD WELLESLEY.] Lord power, wishing it however to be underFolkestone,in submitting the motion of which stood, that he would not hold himself bound he had given notice to the house, begged by what he might now say. His purpose to state the reasons upon which he founded was, as far as his mind was made up, to that motion. Certain proceedings had move a resolution or resolutions, expresbeen instituted in the last parliament, sive of the opinion of the house as to the founded on papers that had been laid be-conduct of lord Wellesley relative to the fore the house, preparatory to the impeach-nabob of Oude; but without moving for ment of marquis Wellesley; which pro-any impeachment or criminal proceeding. ceedings had fallen to the ground by the With respect to the other charges against dissolution of parliament. The gentleman that noble lord, he felt a difficulty in anwho had instituted these proceedings, swering the question of the noble secretary was not at present a member, though he of state, because he had devoted much was a petitioner to that house, with confi-less of his attention to them than to that dent hopes of being stated in it. The ob- to which his motion referred. As to the ject of his motion was, that the papers re-charge which related to the Carnatic, a lating to the Oude Charge should be re-right hon. gent. (Mr. Sheridan) stood printed, and be laid on the table of the pledged to support it, if taken up by any house as early as possible, as considerable other person; and the opportunity of redelay had taken place last session on this head. This would be a convenience to all parties. When sufficient time should be allowed for the consideration of the papers, after they should be on the table, if the gentleman who had originally brought the subject before the house, should not be a member, he should certainly bring forward the business himself. He thought it right, however, to state, that he did not meau to Sir John Anstruther thought it would be push the question to an impeachment. extremely satisfactory to the house, if the Reserving himself to reply to any objec-noble lord could answer more decidedly as tions that should be made to his motion, to the course he meant to pursue, should he moved, "That the papers laid before the the papers be granted; he also wished to

deeming his pledge would, he rather thought, be afforded him. Upon the subject of the Mahratta papers, he was disposed to think that they unfolded some transactions which would form good ground for a charge. But upon this point he had formed no resolution, nor would he at present pledge himself to any other than the Oude charge.


know, how soon he proposed to make the | hon. friend Mr. Paull. Then, of course, motion that was to be grounded on the pro- he disapproved of his hon. friend's mode of duction of these papers.

Lord Folkestone found his difficulty increased instead of diminished, by his readiness to give the noble lord every explanation that was in his power upon the subject. All that he would pledge himself to was the Oude charge, and, he supposed, that, about a month or 5 weeks after the printing of the papers he should be ready to make his motion. The Mahratta and Carnatic questions floated at present but loosely in his mind, and he was not prepared to say how he should act upon them.

Sir John Anstruther declared himself to be perfectly satisfied with this explanation, and allowed that the noble lord had answered with great fairness and candour every thing which could be expected for him to answer.

Mr. Whitshed Keene considered, that it was for the honour and dignity of the house that the proceedings of the last session should not now be dropped.

Mr. Bankes wished for some further explanation. He considered the noble lord as acting as a substitute for Mr. Paull. If that gentleman should succeed in his petition, (how probable or desireable such an event would be he should not say), theu the impeachment was not to go on; should he fail, then there were only to be resolutions of the house. He should always disapprove of impeachments for Indian of fences, seeing that there was a conrpetent jurisdiction appointed to try them by the act of 1784.

proceeding. It was rather surprising that
the noble lord did not, in the course of the
last, or preceding sessions, advise his hon.
friend to abandon that mode. It was not
quite so friendly not to have given him a
hint. But, a word or two as to the pledge
to which the noble lord had alluded. If
that noble lord had been present, he might
have heard him two or three times, state
distinctly to the house, the reasons which
had produced the delay he complained of,
and also the grounds upon which he had
brought forward this question. He, how-
ever, utterly denied that he had ever for-
feited the slightest pledge on this business.
He defied any man even to catch him
tripping. All that he ever said, and the
grounds upon which he had acted, he was
ready to repeat again and again, and upon
that repetition he would confidently rest
for the justification of his conduct.
ever that conduct was fairly represented
and clearly understood, he would have no
fear of censure. He was now prepared
to declare, that if any other person, who-
ever that person might be, should bring
forward the Carnatic question, he would
most distinctly pledge himself to give that
person his most zealous, active and cordial
assistance; and to exert as much of his
humble ability in support of the motion,
as if it had been actually brought forward
by himself.


Lord Folkestone replied, that he would not enter into a controversy with the right hon. gent. upon the subject of his former pledges. But he recollected very accuMr. Sheridan said, that the motion had rately that the right hon. gent. did prohis approbation, and he hoped that the mise to bring this question of the Carnatic noble lord would not consider his having before the house. As to the grounds updeclined to notice the allusion which he on which he had been induced to abandon had thought proper to make to him as the that question, he really was not apprized effect of any disrespectful inattention. The of them. He had heard something of the noble lord, in announcing his conditional right hon. gent.'s unwillingness to excite notice, had expressed his hopes, that the unpleasant sensations among his colleagues original mover of these papers would suc-in office-that is, in plain English, that he ceed in his petition. ["No," said lord was not willing to lose his place. The noFolkestone," I stated that such was the ble lord was, however, glad to hear the hope of Mr. Paull."] Oh! that Mr. right hon. gent.'s fresh pledge this evenPaull had such hopes, (continued Mr. She-ing: for his strenuous and sincere assist ridan,) was extremely probable. He was, ance, wherever he would be strenuous and no doubt, a very active canvasser and a sincere, would, no doubt, be a most imsanguine politician; but he must excuse portant acquisition indeed. The noble him (Mr. S.), if he declined to sympathize lord repelled the idea, that he was the in his hopes. But, as to the noble lord, he substitute of Mr. Paull or of any man. announced his resolution to pursue a dif- He was actuated solely by a sense of duty, ferent course from that followed by his and even the friends of lord Wellesley

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