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but this was not the law. For the former | with long notice of the plan, and with the 12 years, for the latter 7, was the oath of most urgent necessity for its precipitate service required, and it was not decent that adoption? Both the noble lord and the ministers should anticipate the decisions of learned gent. had declared that no steps parliament, and undertake for such altera- had been taken whatever to secure this tions in the term of the service. Then the important acquisition of British courage. wording of the conditions on which the ser- His (lord Howick's) answer to this was, vice was to be obtained, was careless and a positive denial of the neglect so charged inaccurate. If a man obtained the bounty, upon ministers. The moment the capture and it afterwards appeared he was subject was made known here, supplies were proto sudden paroxysms, or any disorder that vided to support it. A line-of-battle ship rendered him unfit for duty; he was to be started with the first fair wind for that allowed to retire with all the benefits of purpose, and troops were ready to depart long service; such were to be the fruits of at the time the report of the capture was his own fraud. The correction of this pal-received, and they actually set sail in Ocpable error should not be long delayed. tober; yet he would not conceal that a As he should have other opportunities of pressing emergency arose to lead to the commenting on the general topics of this change in the destination of that force. debate, he should not, at this time, tres-He had explained thus much on this subpass further oir the indulgence of the com-ject, because it was one on which gentlemittee.

men might reasonably expect some explaLord Howick said, that after the able nation, although it had been unnecessarily statement of his right hon. friend (Mr. introduced into the present debate. The Windham), he should not have occasion hon. and learned gent. enquired, what had to enter much at length into the subject. been done by his majesty's servants, after He would first advert to an objection which all the expectations they bad raised by their had lately been often started, and as often, magnificent exhibitions of future successes? he trusted, satisfactorily answered. Mi-" Compare," said he, "what you have nisters were accused of not having resorted done with what we had promised; we ento the necessary means for the protection gaged to supply 25 or 26,000 men under of Buenos Ayres. The answer given to the former mode of recruiting." It was this charge was, that no supplies could discreet, both in the hon. and learned gent. have arrived in time to prevent the re-cap- and in the noble lord to confine themture, if, indeed, that unfortunate event selves to what they had promised, and not had happened; and this was the only pro- to diverge to what they had performed. per reply to such an accusation. The But even with this prudent limitation noble lord (Castlereagh) asserted, that to their promises, they might have prosuch supplies would have arrived suffici- ceeded much further, and have told the ently early, allowing 10 days for the sail-committee that they had promised 40,000 ing of the transports, after intelligence of men. Why did not they advance a few the capture by his majesty's arms had been steps onward? Here again they conducted obtained. Was the noble lord serious in themselves with prudence; they knew the representing, that 10 days were a sufficient fact would be contrasted with the promise, time for such an undertaking; to prepare and that the disproportion between 15 or an expedition to a distant part of the globe, 16,000, and 40,000 men, would be too conwith the uncertainty that after its arrival siderable. Attending, then, to this inequathe troops could even land there, and lity between the assurances given and the might probably have to proceed to some event, he could entertain no very sanguine other settlement yet more remote? Did hopes of what these gentlemen would have the noble lord recollect, that for such a done, had they the most favourable opproject there could have been no anterior portunity both of multiplying their propreparation? And could he imagine that mises and their exertions. The noble 10 days were enough to provide and dis-lord had dwelt much in complimentary obmiss this effectual aid? While the noble servations on one of the administrations of lord supposed it to be no easy matter to which he was a member. Certainly, it cross the Atlantic with all this host of war did make considerable additions to the in ten days, did he remember, that with him it occupied as many months to fit out an expedition to cross the British Channel,

effective force; and its measures had a much more beneficial operation than he (lord H.) had expected. Thus much it


was fair to state. What was the result? service. In July 1804, they were 122,691; It would be seen by the accounts, that in in March following, 142,700; being an exJanuary 1803, about 95 or 96,000 men cess of 20,000, of which 6600 were cavalry was the amount of the public force. On the and 13,400 infantry. Taking, then, the final 1st of July, 1804, it consisted of 230,759 result of the measures of the last adminismen, and 6,000 artillery; constituting an tration, the whole number raised was 5222, augmentation of 140,000 men. No doubt of which 3422 were procured for rank, and could be entertained that the army of re- 1073 were mere boys; leaving only 707 serve act, as well as the regulations of the men as the produce of their boasted exermilitia, were calculated to raise a large ad- tions, which could possibly be considered ditional force; the objections were that the a beneficial acquisition to the army. means were oppressive, and that the effect these vain and illusive attempts be compa was not permanent. When the ariny of red, not with the promises, but with the reserve act was put in activity, he (lord advantageous effects of the measures of his Howick) was in the country, and he had right hon. friend, and he could entertain that experience of its operation which led no fear that the consequence would meet him to wish that the experiment would the wishes of every friend to the military never be again tried unless in circum-strength of the country. The hon. and stances of the most pressing necessity; learned gent. loudly complained that his yet he would not say, that the oc- right hon. friend had changed his opinion: casion on which resort had been had to the before, the Additional Force bill was to measure, was of sufficient urgency to jus- raise money, now it was to raise men. tify its application. Thus, then, were ad- No doubt it was for this duplex object. ded 140,000 men to the national force for If you had the men from the parochial dis limited service. The noble lord, embold-tricts, the force was augmented; if you had ened by this success, became a little incau- not the men, the money was obtained, tious, and asked, what was done in the Such a plan was, in the sequel, found to next administration? To which (fond be destructive of the regular recruiting; always of having "Two Strings to and, if men were procured by it, they were bis Bow") he also belonged. At that either boys, or men deficient in stature, time 33,000 men were added to the and of course not suited to the public serarmy. In this confident appeal, it would vice. With these objections to it, the have been satisfactory if the noble lord scheme had been very properly abandoned. had been able to shew, that this accession In this situation of things it was, that the was derived from the politic measures of prudent expedients of his right bon, friend bis administration. The first step was to were resorted to, which have attracted so abandon the project of the supplementary violent an opposition from the noble lord militia; and the whole increase was to be (Castlereagh). Whatever assistance the attributed to five sources of supply: 1. noble lord should require from the papers, The militia. 2. The army of reserve act. with ministers to assist him in detecting 3. Raising for rank. 4. The admission of their errors, should be supplied; but be boys into the army. 5. The foreign (lord H.) must protest against the charge, corps. The last was principally derived so frequently repeated, that his right hon. from the German legion; however the fo- friend had at any time declared, that any reigners amounted to 8000, and 13.000 sudden and extensive addition to the pubvolunteered from the militia. In July lic force could by such means be acquired. 1804, the increase was 140,000, and the He could confidently appeal to every gen total force 245,090. On Jan. 18, it was tleman who heard his right hon. friend, 258,000, and the increase only 29,172. that no such pretensions were made; on The militia was then reduced 16,000, lea-the contrary, it was urged, that all that ving the augmentation of the regulars and could be expected from the measure was a artillery at 13,185 men. To these add gradual and progressive improvement, de8000 for the accession between the 1st of rived principally from the amelioration of January and the 6th of March, and the the condition of the army, and from the increase would be 21,000. But the fair conviction in the public mind, of the in comparison was not to be made in this way: creased respectability of our military estait should be confined to the native regular blishments. After this explanation, he ho army, exclusive of the artillery, and com-ped he should hear no more of any preciprising troops both for limited and unlimited pitate effects, and that debates in that

house would not be needlessly protracted was a convincing proof of the amelioration by calling for elucidations of subjects both of the condition of the army, and of which had been so often discussed. How, the members who compose it. At a for then, did the real question before the com- mer time, out of 1,878 recruits, it was mittee actually stand? An opportunity of found, one in ten, or about 188, had decomparison could only at present be affor-serted; in 1805, out of 1,208, there were ded from the 20th of October; as the re- 174 deserters, or one in seven; now, out gulations were pursued, more means would of 2,155, only 155, or one in 13. This be supplied. The hon. and learned gent. was no trifling recommendation of the plan had talked of February, March, and April, of his right hon. friend. The opponents and many other periods, but no compari- to it however asserted, that if their two son could be made, as the information be-projects of recruiting were taken collec fore the committee was limited to October.tively, then the advantage was in favour Availing himself, then, of all the intelli-of the former methods. But it should be gence received on the subject, the relative recollected that, under the Additional effect appeared thus: the regular recruit- Force act, age and height were disregarded. ing in 1805, from the 20th of October to Yet, notwithstanding this, including only the 15th of the present month, produced the last 2 weeks, there was an excess in fa1208 men; under the new measures, 2155 vour of the new scheme; in one the numin the same interval were obtained, yield-ber was 221, in the other 225 men. With ing an addition of 947 meu. But the learn- all these facts pressing on the attention of ed gent. said, that this was an unfair com- the committee, he trusted they would conparison, because the recruiting at the for-cur with him that there was an evident immer period was obstructed by the Parish provement, and that the means were fully bill. It would be in the recollection of competent to the end proposed. Only 3 many gentlemen, that the hon. and learned months had been allowed for this experigent. had before said, that there could ex-ment, and the result was obvious; in the ist no such obstruction. He (lord H.) could case of the Parish bill, nearly two years not avoid complimenting the hon. and had been allowed to try its efficacy, and it learned gent. on this unexpected and hap-remained still unproductive. It was not py exercise of his discernment; he would, surprising then, that he should be sanguine for the sake of further illustration, next as to the result, but he would not admit advert to a time when, from the great scar- his good opinion of the measure to conceal eity of the means of subsistence, the re-from him any of its defects. If it were cruiting service was conducted with an- the fact, that the pensions and emoluments usual success; he meant in the year 1800. might be obtained by persons without the Even then, only 1878 men were raised, performance of the duties which should enleaving a surplus of 277 in favour of the title them to such rewards, he should have present time. Was it not under such cir- no difficulty in admitting that such a percumstances correct to say, that the plannicious circumstance should not be allow was progressively improving in its effects, and that, at least as far as it had operated, it had fully answered what had been predicted of the result? But it was said, that now the purchase was a purchase of service for only seven years, then it was for life.

ed, and some provision should be made to prevent it. But was it perfectly clear that this was the fact? The learned gent. said, that by fraud a man might obtain these advantages. Was he a lawyer, instructed in all the erudition of his profession? and No doubt the proper allowance was it necessary to inform him, that by the should be made for any reduction in the laws of England no man can sustain any term of duty; and on the contrary side were demand founded upon a fraud. The hon. to be placed, the other facilities in and of and learned gent. supposed a case where a the service, and the enrolling at reduced man inlisted when he was subjected to fits bounties. Again, his right hon. friend as-or sudden derangement. Did not that serted, that a superior order of men was learned gent. know the form of the oath obtained, and, what was most material, administered, and that perjury must be that the number of desertions was greatly perpetrated to procure admission under reduced. It was yet more satisfactory, such circumstances? and, indeed, there that the diminution of these desertions was were prosecutions grounded on this violaapplicable to the time between the enlist-tion of moral and religious duty. The ing and joining the respective corps, which hon. and learned gentleman further com

plained, that the Training bill had not, was necessary for him to detain the house on the present occasion, been made a sub-for a few moments. The estimates he alject of discussion. If it were intended to luded to were those of the commissariat examine this act, it would be easy to and barrack departments, the first of which bring the matter before the house, but could not be included in the army extrawhen the Army Estimates were under ordinaries, and therefore stood in a sepadeliberation, it seemed improper to rate estimate. The sum to be voted unblend with that enquiry, what was so fo- der this head was the same as last year, reign and irrelevant. He should in this amounting to 841,5267.; 50,0001. of which respect certainly follow the example of sum was to defray the expences of the royhis right hon. friend, except by making a al military canals. This was the last issue single remark upon it, that fit measures to be made for that purpose, consequently, were taken to carry it into effect, and a very great reduction would take place he entertained no doubt of its salutary ope- in that expenditure. The only additional ration. sum for the barrack department which he meant to move for, was 57,000/. for erecting and completing new works. At the same time, he observed, that it was not the intention of government to undertake any more new works, but such as were found to be absolutely necessary. The barracks at Portsmouth were the principal object of this grant; they were considered as essentially necessary, and, it was possible, might not cost more than 47,000l., for al though, technically speaking, they were denominated new works, yet they were in a considerable state of forwardness. He had the satisfaction to state, that, the year before last, the expences of that depart ment amounted to 1,100,000l. which had been reduced to 550,000l. and there would this year be a further saving of 50,000% The resolutions were then read and agreed to.-Adjourned.

Sir John Doyle said, it was his intention to have delivered his sentiments on the present subject, but at that hour, after the very ample explanations which had been made by the noble lord and the right hon. gentleman, he should be ashamed to trespass on the time of the house; and, as he understood a further discussion would take place on the subject, he would reserve

himself for that occasion.

Mr. Johnstone begged leave to correct an error, which the secretary at war had fallen into in the course of his speech. The right hon. gent. had said, that he had pledged himself to make a charge against his majesty's ministers. He certainly wished to see how far the pledges made by those ministers had been fulfilled, or had, or had not been released. He did not pledge himself to make such a charge, but he professed an anxiety to examine the papers, and see how far those who had been so willing to bring forward charges of want of economy against former ministers, had themselves acted upon that principle. The Secretary at War replied, that it would appear, from the papers before the house, that since the present ministers came into office, they had uniformly observed the strictest economy.-After some conversation between Mr. Windham, sir J. Doyle, lord Castlereagh, and Mr. Rose, upon the subject of whether the returns from the inspector-general's or the adjutant-general's department, were the most correct to go by, upon the future discussion of this question, the original resolution was read and agreed to, without further opposition.

Lord Henry Petty then rose, and having apologised for troubling the house at that late hour, observed, that as some of the present estimates came more particularly within the department of the treasury, it


Thursday, January 22.

The ballot for a committee to take into consideration the Petition complaining of an undue return for the borough of Weymouth, standing for to-day, at 4 o'clock the Speaker counted the house, when, only 64 members being present, the house necessarily adjourned.


Friday, January 23. [MINUTES.] On the motion of the archbishop of Canterbury, the lord bishop of St. David's was requested to preach before their lordships on the Fast Day.-The duke of Clarence presented five Petitions against the bill for Abolishing the Slave Trade; three from Liverpool, one from the Agents for Jamaica, and one from the Merchants in general concerned with the West-India trade. Ordered to lie on the table.-The Annual Indemnity bill went

through the committee, and was reported. Itary, if any provision had been made forex


Friday, January 23.

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tending the additional pay granted last year, to the officers of the regulars, to the officers of corresponding ranks in the Militia service, [MINUTES.] At four o'clock a ballot that was, from the lieut. colonel down to took place for a committee to take into the subalterns. The Secretary at War reconsideration the Petition complaining of plied, that no such provision had been an undue return for the borough of Wey-made. Lord Castlereagh hoped that a nomouth. Soon after, Mr. White appeared ble lord (whom he did not see now in his at the bar, and presented the reduced list, place) would bring this subject under the which was as follows:-W. H. Freemantle, consideration of the house, more especially esq.; right hon. C. Yorke; W. Taylor, as he had himself stated that in his opinion, esq.; J. Osborne, esq.; sir W. W. Wynne; the increase of pay ought to extend as far G. Porter, esq.; sir T. H. Liddell; sir G. as the captains of the Militia. The report Cornwall; sir E. Knatchbull; sir W. Milner; was then received. sir J. Frederick; A. Browne, esq.; R. Vyse, [CRIMINAL AND PAUPER LUNATICS.] esq.; nominees, W. Baker, esq. sir J. An- Mr. W. Wynne moved, that a select struther.-Mr. Whitbread gave notice, that committee be appointed to enquire into the on the 12th of Feb. he would move state of the Criminal and Pauper Lunatics for leave to bring in a bill to amend in England and Wales, and of the laws the existing Poor Laws. It was his in-relative thereto, and to report the same tention to give gentlemen all possible with their observations to the house. It time to examine this subject with the at-was a year and a half since he had called tention which it merited. If therefore the the attention of the house to this subject, house would, at the period which he had which demanded immediate interference. mentioned, permit him to bring in the bill, The consequence of the attempt made by and would allow it to be read a first time, Hatfield on the life of his majesty, was an he would then move that the second read-act empowering the judges in cases of acing should lie over till after the Easter quittal on the ground of insanity, to order holidays. The lord advocate of Scotland, the person so acquitted to be detained in after a prefatory speech, in which he en-custody, until his majesty's pleasure retered into an historical detail of the vari-specting them should be known. Under ous regulations relative to the stipends of this act, several unfortunate persons were the Scottish Clergy, and in which be ex-now lying in public jails; of all places, the pressed the highest regard for that respecta- most improper for their abode. He reble body of men, moved for leave to bring in a bill to suspend for a certain time the powers granted to the lords of session and council in Scotland, by an act of the Scotch parliament, in the 4th session of the first parliament of queen Anne, so far as they went to the augmentation of the stipends of the clergy in Scotland. His view was, that during the suspension, those sti-requisite for lunatics, committed another pends should be rendered adequate to the purpose for which they were originally intended.-Lord A. Hamilton gave notice, that on Monday se'nnight, he would make a motion relative to the Third Report of the commissioners of the Military Inquiry. -Mr. W. Wynne brought in a bill for more effectually preventing depredations on the river Thames and its vicinity, which was read a first time.


[MILITIA OFFICERS.] On Mr.W.Wynne's moving that the order of the day be read for receiving the report of the Irish Militia Service bill, Lord Castlereagh rose for the purpose of asking the right hon, secreVOL. VIII.

ferred to an instance in the county which he had the honour to represent, of a person who, having been tried for murder and acquitted, on the ground of insanity, had been imprisoned in the public jail, in which all possible care was taken of him that could be expected from persons ignorant of the mode of treatment, peculiarly

murder on a felon in the same prison. Pauper lunatics, as the law then stood, were maintained by the parish, so that it became the interest of overseers that these unhappy people should commit some outrage by which the parishes might be relieved from the burthen of them. There were not less than 1700 pauper lunatics now in confinement. How to proceed, whether asylums should be erected to comprehend more than one county, or in what other way relief should be afforded, would be a proper subject of consideration for the committee which he proposed to institute. Mr. S. Bourne asked why the hon. gent. 2 L

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