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called upon the country for greater mili- to 140,119 men; on the 1st of March, tary exertions than it had ever heretofore 1806, (the nearest period to which the acmade. On the casualties also which, he counts were made up,) it amounted to had last session stated, and he feared too 173,600 men, making an increase, in twenLet the counjustly stated, must amount on the average ty months, of 33,481 men. to 15,000 a year, it was to be observed try compare this with the increase under that, owing probably to his majesty's mi- the right hon. gent.'s management, from nisters having so entirely engrossed them- the middle of February to the present moselves with the negociation with France, ment, of between 4 and 5 thousand men ! they seemed until lately to have dives- an increase too, for which he was totally ted their minds of every idea of carrying indebted to the expiring efforts of the Adon offensive operations against the enemy,ditional Defence act.-But he owned, that no military effort had been made, conse- when he heard the right hon. gent. talking, quently the number of casualties had been in a strain of romantic enthusiasm, of carless; but we must expect that in 86,000 rying the military glory of Britain to a troops now employed in Foreign service, higher pitch than it had hitherto attained, the number of casualties would conside- be anticipated the consequences that had rably ncrease. It was impossible to sup- ensued. The right hon. gent. had been pose, that they would be exempt from the perpetually telling the late administration, natural consequences of battle. Nothing "take away your acts; take away your could be farther from his mind than to useless machinery; and I'll be bound to press an invidious comparison between the get you a better army than you ever had right hon. gent. and other individuals; but before." Had he done so?-He would be trusted that the comparison which he proceed to examine the numbers raised by had made, would have a tendency to rouse ordinary recruiting. It would be found, that right hon. gent.'s exertions, and thus that the produce of 1804 and 1805 had not prove advantageous both to the country differed materially from the average of and to his own character. Did the right former years. Calculating the annual prohon. gent. recollect the declaration which duce of the ordinary recruiting under the he made at the opening of the last session of right hon. gent.'s management, at the rate parliament, that such were the military of the month of December last, which was necessities of the country, that not an the highest in point of number, and, incluhour should be lost to repair the evils with ding a regiment of 658 men, which ought which we were threatened? Let him look not to be taken into the account, as they at the growth of the regular army under were raised under the operation of the former administrations, and compare it measures of a former administration, it with the growth under the present admi- would be found not to exceed 11,800 men. nistration; and the comparison might sug-The numbers raised in 1805 by the ordigest to him a little distrust of his own abi-nary recruiting (when the Additional Delity for military arrangements, and a great fence act was operating against it) was deal of forbearance from the remark on the 11,677: so that, excluding the regiment ability of others. Examine the increase of which he had mentioned, the ordinary rethe regular army, from the 1st of July, 1803, cruiting at present was less productive than to the 1st of July, 1804, during the adminis- in 1805, notwithstanding all the embartration of lord Sidinouth, an administration rassments to which it had then been subso much vilified by the right hon. gent.!ject. It did not appear therefore, that one man On the 1st of July, 1803, the regular army more had enlisted from the temptation of amounted to 99,342 men; on the 1st of the right hon. gent.'s system, and he could July, 1804, it amounted to 140,119 men, not but be convinced that what the counbeing an increase in one year, of 40,777 try had paid to make this unsuccessful atmen. But the right hon. gent.'s magazine tempt, was but the earnest of future more of military sarcasms was not exhausted extravagant and more hopeless disburseduring the administration of lord Sidmouth ments. In the year 1805, the actual num-He continued to vent his reproaches on ber of men that was obtained for the army the administration by which it was suc-by the ordinary recruiting, was 11,677; by ceeded. That administration continued the Additional Defence bill, 8,388; by the in office until the beginning of February enlistments from the British militia, 8963; 1806. He had before stated, that, on the by the enlistments from the Irish militia, 1st of July, 1804, the regular force amounted 4617; making a gross increase of above

33,000 men, exclusive of above 9,000 |ing, and subsequently, when it produced obtained by foreign levies.—After deduct-300 men a week, and when thus producing ing the casualties, the net increase might at the rate of 16,000 men a year, he had be estimated, in that single year, at above called on parliament not to abandon it. 21,000 men; while the whole amount un-Had the right hon. gent. proposed some der the right hon. gent.'s system, with all auxiliary measure which afforded to the his wonderful vigour and exertion, and cal-country the probability of giving to it the culated in the most favourable manner, did amount of force which it wanted, while not exceed between 13 and 14 thousand! the experiment of his new system was After he had thus shewn that the experi- trying, he might perhaps have been induced ment had fundamentally failed, he wished to accede to the continuation of that expethat the comparison of expence between riment, But the right hon, gent, in anthe right hon. gent.'s system and those swer to a question which he had put to which preceded it, would afford consola- him, on a recent evening, had distinctly tion: but the reverse was the case, At the disclaimed the supposition, that any such outset of the business, the right hon. gent. auxiliary measure was in the contempla stated, that he conceived, out of the new tion of his majesty's ministers. Had such experiment, an expence of 450,000!, would a measure been proposed, he should not immediately arise. He (lord Castlereagh) have been so completely justified as he had calculated it at 493,000. When the now felt himself to be, in opposing a sysestimates were printed, it would be found tem which was not only immediately into be more. This was the first visible ef- jurious, but prospectively destructive to fect of an experiment which had not pro- the British army. It was for the present duced a single additional man to the army! parliament to consider whether they would, But this was not the only new expence ori- for the first time, make themselves parties ginating in this measure. Two-thirds of to this new system of expence and ruin, the increase of expence in the navy esti- For his own part, he felt he abandoned his mates might justly be attributed to it; for public duty, if he did not candidly state to there could be no doubt that it was the the house that, strong as his impression right hon. gent.'s military plan which was of the mischief, disadvantages, and prompted the noble lord at the bead of the dangers arising out of the measure of last admiralty, during the last session of par-year, it was nothing, compared with that liament, to propose an augmentation in the which he felt in considering the effect which pay of the petty officers in his majesty's the new code contained in his majesty's navy; an augmentation which, he allowed, warrant of the 7th day of October, for the became necessary, in consequence of that regulation of the army, and which had been plan, but which certainly increased the an- laid on the table of the house of commons nual expenditure of the country, during during the present session, was calculated the war, on this point alone, to between 7 to produce. It was with considerable regret and 800,000l. The right hon. gent. would that he had heard the right hon. gent. duperhaps say, that the house ought not to ring the last session declare, that he had made pronounce maturely on an experiment of his mind completelyup on all the points of his this rature. He would be the last man to plan; yet this warrant shewed that he had not urge the hasty abandonment of a military ventured to execute what he had stated it measure, if any hope remained of its suc- was his intention to execute. Of this he cess; if any argument could be adduced in certainly did not complain. But it shewed its favour, or if the situation of the coun- conclusively, a distrust on the part of the try was such as to render it eligible to de- right hon. gent. on the very outset of his vote an additional period to its trial, He system; which he must have considered (lord Castlereagh) had twice pressed the likely to fail, or he would not have disaphouse to continue a military measure which pointed the expectations of the soldiers of they were called upon by the gentleman op- 21 years' service. When he had stated to posite to repeal: but this he did on very dif- the right hon. gent. that the annual numferent grounds from those on which the pre-ber of these amounted to 5 or 6 thousand sent system rested. In March 1805, when the men, and that his measure in this respect repeal of the Additional Defence bill was was likely to counteract itself, he listened proposed, at a time when the bill yielded to those statements with unbending firmat the rate of 9,000 men a year, without ness: but when he came to carry the meathe slightest injury to the ordinary recruit-sure into execution, he dreaded the con


sequences, and altered his resolution.-Iwas to receive an addition to his pay, of a But there were other points in this code of halfpenny a day, or 15s. a year; and anoregulations which had caused the appre-ther addition of a halfpenny a day, on eve-' hensions of danger in his mind to swellry succeeding year in which he might into the utmost magnitude: he pledged choose to continue in the army. Now, it himself to bring this subject before the would be found that the men who had house in a detailed discussion, although served 21 years, were generally under 50' he had not determined whether to avail years of age. If, therefore, they contihimself of the introduction of the Mutiny nued in the army, it was probable that on bill for that purpose, or to move a specific the average they might do so for 17 years, resolution on those points, which, in his The first additional 15s. to their yearly pay opinion, seemed likely to involve the couu- would therefore be worth between 127. and try in fundamental military ruin. In cau- 137. sterling. The next year's 15s. would dour to the right hon, gent. he would be only fractionally less valuable, and so state three or four of the leading points to on. The effect of this system would be to which he objected. The first (which was crush the country with the enormous extowards the close of the warrant), went pence, unless it was arrested by the hand to the complete subversion of the situation of parliament, Let the house also consiof a soldier, as it had hitherto existed in der the effect of this system of pensions on the British army, and to the total de-the men sent early in life to the East and struction of all order and subordination. West Indies: it ordained, that the soldier The right hon. gent. had placed the claim who had served 14 years in India, should of the soldier to a pension on a legal be entitled to his discharge, and the same right, and not on the recommendation of pensions as the man who had served 21 his superior officer, on which alone it years in other circumstances. The climate could with safety rest. These pensions of the East-Indies was healthy. Suppose were from 6d, to 1s. 6d. a day; and it that a soldier went out at 18 years of age. was true, a discretionary power was vested At 32, according to the right hon. gent.'s in the Board of Kilmainham, as to the in-view of the subject, he would become a dividual amount. But the warrant went veteran, and be entitled to retire on on to declare, that no non-commissioned pension of 187. 58. which, on the average, officer or soldier should be allowed to he would probably receive for 28 years. claim of right any such pension, whose Now, he would put it to the house, how it disability arose from vice or misconduct. was possible, under such a system, to conIt followed, therefore, that every one tend with the evils by which we were threatwho was not discharged from the conse- ened? He would trace the operation one quences of vice or misconduct, had a step farther. A great number of these claim which a court of justice must con- men would stay in the army, suppose for firm; and this without any limitation of 8 additional years; he would then be entime, without any consideration whether titled to an accumulated pension of 271.78. he had served 2 days or 21 years. What 6d.; and the probable duration of his life, the effect of pensions granted by right, and being 22 years, a bounty to the amount of not on the recommendation of his superior that sum of 271. 7s. 6d. would thus be giofficer, would have on the mind of the ven on every year that he had served. soldier, and what effect the disbursements But he wished to know what would be the of such large sums would have on the fi- situation of the right hon. gent. when he nances of the country, it was unnecessary came to disband the army, or to reduce for him to point out. The next objec-it to the peace establishment? Did he tionable point in the Warrant arose out of consider the nature of the discretion which the answer to the question proposed that he would then be called upon to exercise? night by him to the right hon. gent. The He would have three classes into which to right hon. gent. stated that none of the sol- distribute his discharges; but how, withdiers who had served 21 years had been out saddling the country with an expense discharged, but that he considered them which it was not equal to pay, could he as entitled to all the advantages of his avoid making his discharges out of the first measure. By that measure, a soldier who class, and yet, by doing that, he would had served 21 years, was entitled to re-discharge the flower of the army. Among tire on a pension of 1s. a day, or 187. 58. the regulations of the Warrant, it was staa year. If he remained in the service, heted, that those who were discharged should

receive their pensions; but that they should | them, at the moment when energy would be bound to obey the directions of Chel- have been particularly serviceable. His sea hospital, and come to serve in the ve- lordship concluded by declaring, that he teran battalions when they were called up- should not oppose the passing of the resoon. In the course of a few years, howe-lution, but that he had deemed himself ver, these veteran battalions would be bound to state to the house, what he thought composed of men in the prime of life, and of the present military establishment of possessing a complete knowledge of their the country, and the dreadful evils which, profession. How could government then he was convinced, would result from a avoid considering those battalions as most perseverance in the right hon. gent.'s mili fit for active service, for foreign service, tary plans. and more particularly for West-India ser- Mr. Secretary Windham, in rising to revice, for which they were peculiarly fit-ply to the speech of the noble lord, felt ted? And thus, all the motives held out, that there were many of his charges which and by which men were to be seduced into it was impossible for him to retaliate. the army, would cease to operate. Ile Two hours ago he was ready to remove that repeated, that he was little disposed to part of the noble lord's accusation, which consider the situation of this country in a reproached him with taciturnity; and cergloomy point of view. He had great con- tainly the mass of extraneous matter which fidence in its strength; he had great confi- the noble lord had introduced into his dence in its resources; and he was happy to speech, had increased the subject of refind that the gentlemen opposite began to proach; because, it was impossible for him think with him on this latter subject. But if to follow the noble lord through the ever there was a moment in the history of whole of his arguments. From all that any country in which pecuniary economy had been said by him in former debates, was more indispensably necessary than in he did not conceive that it would be neany other, this was the moment, and cessary for him to express himself much Great Britain the country. The right hon. at length, and should therefore in this gent,, he was sorry to observe, had shewn instance adhere to taciturnity by being as himself indifferent, not only to the eco-brief as possible. It would generally seem, nomy of money, but also to the economy that one long speech imposed the necessity of time. Adverting to the capture of Bue-of another nearly as long to answer it: os Ayres, he expressed his anxiety to but here the noble lord had imposed know why so long a period had been suf- upon him the taciturnity he complained fered to elapse before the reinforcements of, because he was not at that late hour had been sent to secure the possession of that so much to consider the time that might valuable province? Early in June, govern- be spent in a reply, as the time that rement received advices from St. Helena, mained to be spent. When he had opened that the expedition had touched there, on his measure in detail to the house, he had its way from the Cape. He was convinced been obliged to do so in a speech of conthat within ten days of the time, when siderable length, a thing to which he althose advices were received, three regi- ways felt a reluctance, but the noble lord's ments of infantry might have sailed; and, incidental speech of three hours kept that whether the place was tenable or not, it in countenance. The noble lord had only would not have embarrassed his majesty's touched lightly upon the topics which he service to have sent that reinforcement, as had intimated his intention of discussing it was necessary that troops should go to more at length on some future day. In India: unless they sent a letter of recall replying to what had been said incidento the forces at Buenos Ayres, ministers tally by the noble lord, he should first rehad no option but to send a reinforcement. cur to that which was still fresh in the reInstead of doing this in the middle of collection of the house, and which the noJune, they did not send a man until Oc-ble lord had no right to advert to, because tober; that was, until lord Lauderdale's it did not belong to the question before return to this country: thus plainly shew- the committee. He should refer to that ing that his motions were the governing point as a specimen of the noble lord's principles of their actions, and evincing a -culpable neglect of their duty, by abstaining from a vigorous exercise of the power and resources of the country entrusted to

reasoning. It would make the house distrust similar assertions which the noble lord might again make the foundation of the most extraordinary conclusions. The no

ble lord had set out with a fact which was on the details of the expence of the new not founded. He had stated, that his system, and upon this expence he founded majesty's ministers had received the ac-his principal objections to it; but the noble counts of the destination of the expedi- lord had certainly forgot, that most of the tion to Buenos Ayres, from St. Helena, gentlemen in that house had heard him beearly in the month of June, and then he fore speak at great length upon that subwent on to argue what great things might ject, but with very little success; for after have been done if ministers had acted in arguing at great length, that the expence the manner he would have pointed out. of raising men by that means would be In answer to this argument he should first ruinous, he, in the very same breath, consay, that it was not early in the month, as the tended, that no men would be raised by it. noble lord stated, but it was upon the 24th of This was a circumstance which was cerJune that government received this informa-tainly fresh in the recollection of many tion, and it certainly was a piece of informa- gentlemen in that house. He had often tion that nobody could have expected them heard it said, that there was nothing so to anticipate. The noble lord might speak fallacious as an account; he thought that of preparing expeditions, and sending them he might also say, there was nothing more to sea in 10 days, but it must be recollected fallacious than a calculation. He therethat the 3 regiments he spoke of must go fore should not follow the noble lord in all over in ships, and that those ships must his calculations; he should content himhave ample stores and provisions on board, self with shewing the fallacy of the basis and be vessels proper to send troops in to upon which the noble lord had formed his such a distance. If the expedition was calculation. He began by reckoning the only across the channel, there were plenty life of a soldier discharged from service, of vessels that might have been easily got and who had encountered hardships, and ready for that purpose; but when it was the variety of climates, to be worth 21 recollected that they were to cross the At-years, according to the calculation of the lantic, to look for another expedition; and insurance offices for the lives of those who if they could not find it,. or should disco- had lived at home and in a different manver that it had been unsuccessful, to re-ner. If the house would but grant the cross it again, to look for a place of safety; noble lord his basis, his arguments and his it would not be supposed that such a descrip- calculations might be very well; but when tion of ships could be got ready and fitted the basis was removed as fallacious, they out in so short a time. The noble lord must fall with it. In arguing about the would perhaps have sent them over in air-expences of the new system, the gentlemen balloons, or some such other expeditious on the other side always appeared to coninode of conveyance. The noble lord was sider, that this increase of expence had equally incorrect in this statement about been merely adopted for the purpose of the passage of the Narcissus: he had pla- obtaining recruits; he, however, had alced the capture of Buenos Ayres at the ways stated that it was a bare act of justice end of the month of July, instead of the due to the brave men who had spent their beginning of it, and had made the Narcis- lives in the service of the country. Exsus arrive in England at the beginning of pence, however, was merely a relative term, the month of September, instead of the and must be considered in relation to the end. He believed it would be found, upon object of it. A hundred pounds might be examination, that the Narcissus was 8 a great deal for one object, and a hundred weeks on her passage, instead of 5; and, thousand nothing for another object. The as she was a single frigate, a good sailer, argument of expence, however, did not apand coming with good news (which would pear to have so much weight with the geninduce the captain not to make any devia-tlemen on the other side when it was contion in his course), it was not probable that nected with the Volunteer establishment, any force could by possibility have been which was a greater favourite with them, sent from England, which could have arrived there before the 12th of August, if it was to be believed that the place was then retaken. These were tolerable specimens of the sort of facts upon which the noble lord grounded his reasoning.-The noble lord had, however, dwelt at very great length

from supposing that it was one of their own measures. No reduction had been proposed in the number of the Volunteers, but merely in certain expences, which were exorbitantly extravagant. The great body of the volunteers must have themselves perceived the extravagance of the

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