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No. 56.-Extract from a dispatch from Mr. Arbuthnot to Mr. Secretary Fox; dated Buyukdéré, Aug. 25, 1806.-Received Sept. 29.

seen with no less pleasure, that the tone and the moderation observed in this communication correspond with the sentiments which accompany them. On this subject his excellency may rest assured, that the It was yesterday settled at the Porte, French government could not in any way that the present Hospodars of Moldavia express a stronger desire to see an end put and Wallachia should be recalled, and that to the calamities of war, than that which prince Charles Callimaki, the first dragohis Britannick majesty will invariably feel, man of the Porte, should be named to the whenever peace can be concluded on con-government of Moldavia, and prince Alexditions compatible with the honour of his ander Suzzo to that of Wallachia; at the crown and the interests of his subjects.- same time Mr. Bano Hanchyry was ap The undersigned ought here to conclude pointed dragoman in the room of prince the official answer which he has thought Callimaki.-To give you a perfect idea of necessary to make to the note of his ex- the disrespect with which Russia has been cellency the minister for foreign affairs. treated in this instance, it is necessary that But he cannot pass over in silence one part I should transmit to you an extract from of this note, where his excellency, wishes the regulations respecting Moldavia and to convey the idea, that the British govern- Wallachia, which were published in the ment seems no longer disposed to act ou year 1802. As no accusation whatever the same principles which directed the con- has been brought against either of the Hosduct of the great man whom England has podars who are now removed, there can lately lost. The undersigned, without be- be no excuse for breaking the convention; ing authorized to mention this subject, nor by which it was stipulated with Russia that even to introduce it in an official paper, 7 years should be the period of each prince's trusts in the known goodness and indul-government. You will probably expect gence of his sovereign, when he allows to hear that this measure has originated himself to make the following observations on this subject.-During 26 years of intimate and uninterrupted connection with Mr. Fox, the undersigned, as much as any one, has had an opportunity of coufidentially learning the sentiments of that celebrated man. From his knowledge of them, he is impressed with the strongest conviction, that no minister could give to the instructions of which he was to be the organ, a more perfect assent, or concur more effectually in their execution, than Mr. Fox would have done, in giving to the undersigned, on the part of his Britannick majesty, such orders as the undersigned has in fact received, under circumstances in wirich peace (on the just and equitable conditions which had been proposed to that minister) would have appeared to him impracticable. How much would this opinion have been strengthened in the mind of that minister, on perceiving the French government refuse the just demands of that illustrious ally, who, by his fidelity to his Britannick majesty, has deserved on the part of the king, that his interests should be as dear to him as his own! The undersigned has the honour to acquaint his excellency the minister for foreign affairs, that he this morning applied to his excellency M. de Champagny for bis passports. At the same time be requests, &c. LAUDERDALE,

with the French ambassador; in effect, there
are proofs sufficient that it is his work.
(Inclosure.)-Extract of a regulation re-
specting the principalities of Wallachia,
and Moldavia; dated Sept. 24, 1802.
The term of the continuance of the Hos-
podars in their governments shall from
henceforth be fixed at 7 complete and en-
tire years, to date from the day of their
nomination, and if they are not guilty of
any open offence, they shall not be dis-
placed before that term is expired; if they
do commit an offence during that time, the
Sublime Porte will inform the minister of
Russia of the circumstance; and if, after
due examination is made into the affair on
both sides, it shall appear that the Hospo-
dar has really committed an offence, in
that case only, his deposition shall be


No. 57,Extract, from a dispatch from

Mr. Arbuthnot to Mr, Secretary Fox; dated Buyukdéré, Sept, 29, 1806.-Received Nov. 9.

Sirs On the 18th of this month, the dragoman of the Porte communicated to Mr. Pisani [first dragoman or interpreter attached to the British mission] for my information, a note which had been presented by the French anbassador; a copy of which I have herewith the honour to inclose. (Inclosure.) Note presented by the French

Ambassador at the Porte, to the Reis clare to the Sublime Porte, that not only Effendi; Pera, Sept. 16, 1806.

the principles of friendship, but those of the strictest neutrality, require that the Bosphorus should be shut against all Russian ships of war, as well as against every

The undersigned general of division, ambassador of his majesty the emperor of the French, king of Italy, has the honour to lay before his excellency other vessel of that nation, bringing troops, the Reis Effendi the following considera- ammunition, or provisions; and that the tions. He has been positively informed, said passage cannot be opened to them although in an indirect manner, that the without committing an act of hostility Russian legation has delivered a note to the against France, and without giving his maSublime Porte, in which it is said that the jesty Napoleon the Great a right of passage emperor of Russia has refused to ratify over the territories of the Ottoman empire, the treaty of peace signed at Paris by his in order to combat with the Russian army plenipotentiary. This refusal places Eu- on the banks of the Dniester.-Any rerope in the same situation in which she newal or continuation of alliance with the was 6 weeks ago, but it unmasks the pro- enemies of France, such as England and jects of Russia. This treaty of peace Russia, would be not only a manifest viola. stipulated for the independence of the 7 tion of the neutrality, but an accession, on islands; a stipulation which removing the the part of the Sublime Porte, to the war Russians from the Mediterranean, where which those powers wage against France, they had established themselves in order to and his majesty would see himself comattack the Ottoman empire at various pelled to take measures conformable to his points, could not be acceptable to them. interests and his dignity.-The Sublime Ragusa was restored to its independence Porte cannot maintain her relations with under the protection of the Sublime Porte: two missions from Naples, and his majesty this arrangement rendering it impossible the emperor of the French cannot suffer his for the Russians to keep up their intelli-august brother, Napoleon Joseph, king of gence with the Montenegrians and with the Naples and the two Sicilies, to meet with revolted Serviaus, was contrary to their difficulties here which he does not experiviews. Doubtless it is the article which ence from any power in amity with France. stipulates for the independence of the Ot-His majesty the emperor has a large toman empire and the integrity of its ter-army in Dalmatia: this army is collected ritory which has occasioned the rejection for the defence of the Ottoman empire, of the peace at Petersburgh; Russia then unless an equivocal conduct on the part of perceived that she could no longer seize the Porte, and a condescension towards provinces of that empire by force of arms Russia and England, which might again as she seized the Crimea, or extort them throw her into their power, should compel from her in time of peace, as she did with his majesty the emperor of the French, to regard to Georgia and the passage of the bring forward his formidable forces for a Dardanelles. This treaty of peace, in purpose totally opposite to that which he fine, leaving the French in Albania and had in view. His majesty has ordered the Dalmatia, placed upon the frontiers of undersigned to state to the Sublime Porte Turkey her most ancient ally and her in the most friendly though energetic manner most faithful friend, who would have re- these demands, for the purpose of obtainmained and will ever remain ready to de- ing an answer in writing, and it is expected fend her. Such are the motives which that this answer shall be positive and cate have led the cabinet of Petersburgh to this gorical.-No further delay can be allowed; refusal. I do not give way to vain decla-and his majesty has no doubt that the mation; I lay facts before you; I beseech Sublime Porte will give him the assurances you to weigh them with all the attention he desires, and which are so much in unito which they are entitled.-If in these dif- son with the interests of the Ottoman emficult circumstances the Porte does not pire. The undersigned has no wish to form a true estimate of her dangers and of make a vain display of the formidable forher force, if she does not form the deci-ces of the great Napoleon; his friends sion her interests require of her, I shall know how to estimate their importperhaps ere long have to lament her fate. ance; his enemies have felt their power. The undersigned has received the most The genius of his august master is well positive orders from his majesty the empe-known; his determinations are wise and ror of the French, king of Italy, to de- prompt, his personal attachment to his

highness is sincere. He only seeks the in- her unremitted projects of encroachment dependence, the integrity, and the glory and aggression. Her conduct in the reof Turkey. He desires nothing. He asks cent discussions has afforded but too many nothing. What inducements to an union proofs of this disposition.-The negociawith him at the same time what reason tion originated in an offer made by the to apprehend the loss of his good-will by French government of treating for peace adopting a timid, uncertain, or inimical on the basis of actual possession, which line of conduct! Under these circumstan- was stated to admit of mutual compensaces the answer of the Sublime. Porte will tion, and a distinct assurance was added, regulate the conduct of my august master. that his majesty's German dominions, which Let not the threats of the enemies of had been attacked without even the preFrance impose upon the Sublime Porte; tence of any cause of hostility, should be they have been vanquished, and they will restored.-Such a proposal appeared to his ever be so. The great Napoleon will em- majesty to afford a just foundation for neploy all his resources for the glory of his gociating: it was therefore accepted with highness Selim III. his friend; and his re-this reserve, that the negociation should sources are immense, his genius is still be conducted by his majesty in concert greater. This note is of sufficient impor- with his allies.-No sooner had this basis tance to be submitted to the profound wis-been mutually admitted, than it was dedom of his majesty the emperor Selim III. parted from by the enemy, and that too, and your excellency is requested to take the earliest opportunity of laying it before him. The undersigned requests, &c. HoRACE SEBASTIANI.

in points of so great importance, as to call for an immediate declaration on the part of his majesty, that unless the principle proposed by France herself was adhered to, the communications which had been opened between the two governments must at once DECLARATION OF THE KING OF GREAT be closed.-This produced new professions BRITAIN; DATED OCTOBER 21, 1806. of the dispositions of France to make conThe negociations in which his majesty siderable sacrifices for the attainment of has been engaged with France having ter- peace, if the discussions were suffered to minated unsuccessfully, his majesty thinks proceed; at the same time that a difficulty proper to make this public declaration to was started on account of the want of full his subjects and to Europe, of the circum-powers in the person intrusted by his mastances which have led to an issue which jesty with this communication. Steps were his majesty deeply regrets. He has no thereupon taken by his majesty for opening object nearer to his heart than the conclu- a regular negociation by ministers duly ausion of a secure and permanent peace. He thorized, in order to ascertain, in a manlaments the continuance of a war affect- ner the most satisfactory and authentic, ing the happiness of so many nations, and whether peace could be obtained on terms which, even amidst all the successes that honourable to the king and his allies, and attend his arms, is so burthensome to his consistent with the general security of Eufaithful and affectionate people. But he is rope.-During these proceedings, a miconfident that there can arise on this occa-nister sent by the emperor of Russia to treat sion no other sentiment, either in his own for the same important object, in concert dominions, or in any part of Europe, with his majesty's government, was induced than that of an increased conviction, that by the artifices of the enemy, to sign a the restoration of general tranquillity is separate treaty, on terms equally repugretarded only by the injustice and ambi- nant to the honour and interests of his imtion of the enemy.-The French govern- perial majesty. Unmoved by this unexment, unsatisfied with its immense acqui-pected event, the king continued to negositions on the continent, still openly perse-ciate precisely on the same principles as veres in a system destructive of the inde- before. He relied, with a confidence which pendence of every other power. War is experience has amply justified, on the pursued, not for security but for conquest; good faith and steadiness of an ally, in and negociations for peace appear to be concert with whom he had begun to treat, entered into for no other object than that and whose interests he had maintained of deluding the neighbouring powers into a throughout with the same firmness as his state of false security, while France is her own.-The French government, on the self preparing, arranging, and executing contrary, elated by this advantage, of VOL. VIII.


which it boasted as equal in importance | took the most effectual method to avoid all to the most decisive victory, departed in appearance of delay, and to accelerate, if every conference more and more widely possible, the favourable issue of the negofrom its own offers and engagements. Not ciation. The confidential intercourse which only did it take upon itself to change at he had constantly maintained with Russia, its own will the basis of the negociation enabled his majesty to specify the terms on with Great Britain, but violated, in points which peace with that power might be obstill more important, every principle of tained; and his minister was accordingly good faith with Russia. The chief in-instructed to state to France, in addition ducement offered to that power as the to the king's demands, those of his ally, price of all the sacrifices extorted from her to reduce them into distinct articles, and minister, had been the preservation of even to conclude on those grounds a proGermany. Yet, before the decision of visional treaty, to take effect whenever Russia on this treaty could be known, Russia should signify her accession.-This France had already annihilated the whole form of negociating was, after some obframe and constitution of the German em- jection, acceded to by France; terms were pire; had reduced under her own yoke a now offered to his majesty more nearly aplarge proportion of the states and provin- proaching than before to the original basis ces of Germany; and, not content with of negociation; but these were still far this open contempt of obligations so re-short of what his majesty had uniformly cently contracted, had, at the same time, insisted on, and was now more than ever instigated the Porte to measures directly entitled to expect; and the decisive rejecsubversive of her subsisting enagements tion of the just demands of Russia, as with Russia.-While such a conduct was well as of the conditions proposed by his pursued towards his majesty, towards his majesty in behalf of his other allies, left allies, and towards all independent powers, to his majesty no other course than that of there appeared so little hope of any fa- ordering his minister to terminate the disvourable issue to the negociation, that his cussion, and return to England.-The fore'majesty's plenipotentiaries demanded their going short and simple exposition of facts passports to return to England.-This de- stands in need of no comment. The first inand was at first eluded by an unusual and overtures which led to negociation were unexplained delay, and the French govern-made by the enemy, and they were acceptment afterwards, by some material con-ed by his majesty in the sincerest spirit of cessions, accompanied with intimations peace. Every opening which secured to that others of still greater consequence afford the most distant prospect of accommight be the result of further discussion, modation has been anxiously embraced, procured a renewal of the conferences, nor was the negociation finally broken off, which were protracted from day to day, while any hope of a favourable issue could 'till at length it was announced at Paris that be entertained. His majesty's demands the emperor of Russia had indignantly re- were uniformly just and reasonable; dijected the unauthorized and separate treaty rected to no objects of personal aggransigned by his minister.-In consequence of dizement, but to such only as were indisthis important event, the strongest assu- pensably required by the honour of his rances were given to his majesty's minister crown, his engagements to his allies, and that France was now prepared to make a due consideration of the general interests sacrifices to a great extent, in order, by of Europe. It is with heartfelt concern securing peace with Great Britain, to re- that his majesty contemplates the contiestablish the tranquillity of the world.nuance of those evils always inseparable The object of these assurances appeared however to be, that of engaging his majesty in a separate negociation, to the exclusion of his allies; a proposal which his majesty had rejected in the outset, and which he could still less admit of at a time when the conduct of Russia had imposed on him an increased obligation not to separate his interests from those of so faithful an ally. To these insidious overtures, his majesty steadily refused to listen; but he

from a state of war; but it is with his enemies that this awful responsibility rests; and for the issue of the contest his majesty trusts, with confidence, to the justice of his cause; to the resources and bravery of his people; to the fidelity of his allies; and, above all, to the protection and support of the Divine Providence.-In contributing to the great efforts which such a contest must unavoidably require, his faithful and affectionate subjects will not forget


that all their dearest interests are at stake; | and as tending to illustrate the position, that no sacrifices they can be called on to that wherever the British troops had been make, are to be compared with the certain equal in point of numbers to their adverdisgrace and ruin of yielding to the inju-saries, or even where they were not greatly rious pretensions of the enemy; that with inferior, that native and characteristic vathe inviolable maintenance of the good lour for which they were so eminently faith and public honour of their country, distinguished, failed not to display itself, its prosperity, its strength, and its inde- and to secure the palm of victory. In this pendence, are essentially connected; and view, he knew not where, in all the milithat in asserting the rights, and upholding tary annals of this country, to look for a the dignity of the British empire, they de- more signal or brilliant example than that fend the most powerful bulwark of the li- which gave rise to his present observations. berties of mankind. In viewing this operation, the first consideration that presented itself was the great disparity in the number of troops on Monday, December 22. the side of the British: these were consi[MINUTES.] The earl of Aylesford stated, derably less than 5000 men. Of the enemy that his majesty had been waited on with there were certainly many more. What the Address of that house, to which his was the result? that the number of killed, majesty had been pleased to return a most wounded, and taken prisoners, either in gracious answer, thanking the house for the action at Maida itself, or in its aptheir determination to concur in every mea-proximate consequences, considerably exsure which the exigency of affairs might re-ceeded the number of the victorious army! quire. Lord Grenville presented, by his He knew of no occasion which could majesty's command, the Papers respecting more forcibly call upon them for the testithe late Negociation. In moving, his lord-mony of their thanks, by affording which ship said, to fix a day for the discussion, it the assurance would be held out to them, was his wish, with every regard for their lordships' convenience, that, on the one hand, sufficient time should be given for the consideration of this very important subject; whilst, on the other, that no longer delay should take place than was absolutely necessary, in the expression of the opinion of that house, with respect to the result of the negociation. His lordship concluded by moving, that the papers be taken into consideration on Friday the 2d of January. -Ordered.

that while his majesty's troops were risking their lives and combating for their country, no part of that country was insensible to their merits, or would hesitate to express its grateful sense and approbation of them. Upon these grounds it was, that he then moved, 1st, "That the thanks of this house be given to major-general sir John Stuart, K. B. and also to the hon. brigadiergen. G. Lowry Cole, and brigadier-gen. W. P. Ackland, for their gallant and meritorious conduct in the action with the French [BATTLE OF MAIDA-VOTE OF THANKS troops at Maida on the 4th of July last, TO SIR J. STUART, &c.] Lord Grenville and to the officers under their command. rose for the purpose of moving the Thanks Secondly, That the Thanks of this house of the House to sir John Stuart, and the be given to the non-commissioned officers officers and soldiers by whose valour the and private soldiers serving under the same, victory of Maida was obtained. His lord- for their bravery and good conduct, and ship said he had ever been of opinion that that this vote be signified to them by the the high honour conferred by a vote of officers of the respective corps.” On the thanks of that house, ought to be reserved question being put, these motions were for great occasions; for deeds of valour of voted, nem. diss. and the thanks were ordera superior description, for actions which ed to be communicated to the general offitended to throw a lustre around the British cers in the usual way. The house then adname, or materially to benefit the interests journed for the Christmas recess till Wedof the country. Of this general descrip-nesday the 31st instant,

tion and character he conceived the instance to be on which he should presently move their lordships to come to a vote of thanks; and on that principle he proceeded. -The case before them was most distinguishable for its display of heroic valour,


Monday, December 22.

[MINUTES.] Lord Ossulston stated, that his majesty had been waited upon with the Address of this house upon his majesty's

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