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doubt that he and I would arrange the in the morning totally disqualified for exbusiness. On my part, I stated, that I ertion, I wrote to him a note of which I was afraid he proceeded on the supposi- now inclose a copy (marked B.)-Your tion that I might give way in some of the lordship will perceive, that in this note I points in question, which I thought it fair pressed for an answer in writing, in a manto assure him at once was impossible. Iner as strong and as inoffensive as I could stated to him generally the demands I was devise.-On the morning of the 17th, I to make on the part of England, which wrote to M. Talleyrand a short note would no way vary from the terms we had (marked C.) expressing my desire that he originally understood to have been propo- would come to me any time after three sed; and that he must expect I would be o'clock, which was hardly dispatched be as positive in relation to the conditions for fore I received a letter from his excellency, Russia, with which he was acquainted, as I announcing the arrival of a courier at should be with respect to any point more Boulogne, and the melancholy account of peculiarly of British interest. I then thought Mr. Fox's death. A copy of this, toit right to introduce the subject of my gather with my answer, a copy of which having no powers from Russia, observing (marked D. and E.) I have the honour of that, although there might be some irre- inclosing. In the evening I received the gularity in this mode of proceeding, yet inclosure (marked F,) from which your that, under all the circumstances of the lordship will perceive that I shall at last present case, it seemed unavoidable, be- have a meeting with M. Talleyrand tocause the principle and feelings of his morrow at one o'clock.-I have the honour majesty would never permit him to think to be, &c. LAUDERDALE. of treating, but in such a manner as First inclosure (A.)-Copy of a note from might insure to the court of Petersburgh the Earl of Lauderdale to M. Talleyan honourable peace, at the moment rand; dated Paris, Sept. 13, 1806. that peace should be concluded between The undersigned, plenipotentiary of his England and France; and that unless Britannic majesty, lost no time in transI could be allowed to state the objects mitting to his court the communication of Russia, this could be hardly effect which his excellency the minister for foed. He assured me that they would reign affairs made to him on Thursday the wave all objections with regard to form, 4th inst.; and he now hastens to reply to and that they would be perfectly ready to that communication, by informing his exhear me on the subject of a treaty of peace cellency of the line of conduct his majesty with Russia; his objection to my proposal has thought proper to direct him to pursue being founded, not on the circumstance of under the present circumstances.-His Brimy wanting powers from Russia, but on tannic majesty, ever auxious to maintain the very unusual proposal of concluding a the intimate connection and alliance which treaty, which, when signed, was only to subsist between his majesty and the empetake place in a certain event. I mentioned ror of all the Russias, naturally finds in the to him that the same thing had been done recent conduct of his illustrious ally, and in Paris in 1782, when Mr. Oswald con- in the proofs which he has lately afforded of cluded a treaty of peace with Dr. Franklin the interest which he takes in the welfare and Mr. Adam.-During the whole of this of Great Britain and in the general happiconversation, I had gone even out of my ness of Europe, additional motives not to way to repeat to him the necessity of his separate, in any case, his interests from laying his account with my adhering rigidly those of the court of St. Petersburgh. It to the terms I had detailed; and yet he is not, however, the intention of his maleft me with such expressions as could not jesty to carry this principle farther than the fail to create a belief, that he intended to earl of Yarmouth was instructed to carry accede to my propositions. At the mo- it by Mr. Fox, in his lordship's communiment be quitted me I was much better than cations with the French government. There I had been for some days, and was in is nothing to prevent the interests of Great such hopes that I was about to get well, Britain and of France from being treated that I undertook to write to him next separately: only his majesty does not aumorning, Tuesday the 16th, to say whe- thorize the undersigned to sign any treaty ther I could appoint a meeting in the except provisionally: such treaty not to course of that day. Unfortunately I had have its full effect until peace shall have a miserably bad night, and finding myself been concluded between that faithful ally

of Great Britain and France. It is upon sires.-Lord Lauderdale hopes, neverthethese conditions alone that the undersigned less, that his excellency will be pleased, at is at present authorized to negociate. The this interview, to put into his hands a undersigned has orders to add, that his written answer to his last note.-He enBritannic majesty, fully acquainted with treats his excellency to believe, that it is the desire entertained by the court of St. by no means from a desire of insisting Petersburgh for peace upon conditions re- upon a demand merely because it has been ciprocally honourable and advantageous, once made, that he now renews it, but the and at the same time compatible with the orders of his court are positive in this interests of Europe, has authorized him respect, and lord Lauderdale feels it the to impart to the French plenipotentiaries more indispensable for him to remind his the conditions upon which Russia (accord- excellency of this circumstance at the preing to the full and perfect knowledge his sent moment, since he finds himself called Britannic majesty has of the intentions of upon to treat for a court from which he has that court) would be willing to negociate received no direct powers.-Lord Lauderwith the French government; to reduce dale has the honour, &c. LAUDERDALE. them into the form of a treaty in the event Third inclosure (C.)-Copy of a note from of their being agreed to on both sides; and the Earl of Lauderdale to M. Talleyto insert an article in the provisional rand; dated Paris, Sept. 17, 1806. treaty between G. Britain and France, by Lord Lauderdale, although still too unwhich his Britannic majesty should engage well to leave the house, thinks himself able to employ his mediation, for the purpose to hold a conference with his excellency of obtaining the accession of his majesty M. Talleyrand to-day, if his excellency the emperor of all the Russias to the said will do him the honour of coming to the treaty. The undersigned is aware that he hotel de l'Empire, any time after three ought to make the official communication o'clock that may best suit his excellency.→ of the conditions to the French plenipo- Should this proposal interfere with his extentiaries in the mean time, and for the cellency's engagements, or be in any other satisfaction of his excellency the minister respect inconvenient to him, lord Lauderfor foreign affairs, he has no difficulty in dale hopes to be able to go out to-morrow, telling him that they will be in substance and will wait upon his excellency M. Talthe same as those which have already been leyrand at whatever hour may best suit communicated to his excellency by his ex- him.-He has the honour, &c. LAUDERcellency baron de Budberg.-The under- DALE. signed expects with great impatience the answer to this communication, which his excellency the minister for foreign affairs will have the goodness to send in writing. The prince of Benevento has this moIt is the more necessary for him to receive ment learnt that the messenger, Jobuit in that form, as his court has remarked son, is arrived, and will be in Paris to-day. that the communications the undersigned It is with sincere regret that the prince of has already made, have frequently re- Benevento, at the same time, heard of the mained without a written answer. The death of Mr. Fox, of which event, he has undersigned has the honour, &c. LAU-the honour of informing his excellency lord Lauderdale. Mr. Spencer succeeds Mr. Second inclosure (B.)-Copy of a note Fox provisionally.-The prince of Benefrom the Earl of Lauderdale to M. Tal-vento hopes that lord Lauderdale finds leyrand; dated Paris, Sept. 16, 1806. himself better to-day. He has the honour, Lord Lauderdale has the honour of in- &c. CH. MAU. TALLEYRAND, prince of forming his excellency M. Talleyrand, that Benevento. he has passed a very bad night, and finds himself utterly incapable of entering upon business to-day.-Lord Lauderdale will have the honour of writing to his excellency to-morrow morning, when he hopes the indisposition under which he now labours, will have taken such a turn as may enable him to hold the conversation with his excellency, which he so much de


Fourth inclosure (D.)-Copy of a note from M. Talleyrand to the Earl of Lauderdale; dated Paris, Sept. 17, 1806.

Fifth inclosure (E.)-Copy of a note from the Earl of Lauderdale to M. Talley rand; dated Paris, Sept. 17, 1806.

Lord Lauderdale received the note that his excellency the prince of Benevento sent him this morning, at the moment when he had just dispatched the note in which he proposed to hold a conference with his excellency this day. Lord Lauderdale

presumes that, considering the state of his object, and that they were even ready to health, and the approaching arrival of the make any sacrifice to secure it; he produmessenger, his excellency will agree with ced the paper to which he had alluded him in opinion, that the conference may be (marked A.); and. which I had at first unpostponed till to-morrow.-Lord Lauder- derstood he meant to transmit to me when dale thanks his excellency the prince of he should go home.-Before he opened it, Benevento for his attention in acquainting he looked at me, and said, that there was him with the arrival of the courier. The a mixture in it of what perhaps I should death of Mr. Fox occasioned him no sur-not like, but that I must take the evil with prise; and it appears from what his excel- the good. He begged that I would allow lency mentions in his note, that the seals bim to read it through without interrupting of the foreign department (as is usually him. When he had finished, I said that I the case) have been provisionally entrusted should of course send such an answer as I to lord Spencer, secretary of state for the thought becoming and proper. I told him, home department, until a successor is ap- and, I trust, with perfect temper and seempointed. Lord Lauderdale, has the ho-ing indifference, that the most important nour, &c. LAUDERDALE.

Sixth inclosure (F.)-Copy of a note from M. Talleyrand to the Earl of Lauderdale; dated Sept. 17, 1806.

thing for me to know was, whether these concessions would be to the extent of allowing us to retain what they had originally proposed? He answered, that the emThe minister for foreign affairs, on his peror would leave every thing open to the return from St. Cloud, found the note plenipotentiaries.-On his going away I which his excellency lord Lauderdale had felt myself so extremely fatigued, in consedone him the honour of writing to him.quence of the weak state in which my late He regrets extremely the continued indis- illness has left me, that I was obliged to lie position of his excellency. To-morrow down and recruit my strength before I could being the day of his official attendance at turn my mind to the formation of what I St. Cloud, he cannot have the honour of conceived to be a proper answer to his seeing his excelleney, but he will not fail to note. I trust your lordship will approve wait upon him the next day about 1 o'clock. of the answer I have sent, a copy of which -He has the honour, &c. CH. MAU. TAL-I have the honour of inclosing, (marked B.) LEYRAND, prince of Benevento.

My object in framing it, was to facilitate as No. 50.-Copy of a dispatch from the much as possible the immediate progress Earl of Lauderdale to Earl Spencer; of the negociation, and, at the same time, dated Paris, Sept. 19, 1806.-Recei-to let the government of France feel that I ved Sept. 22.

My lord; At one o'clock this day, M. Talleyrand called upon me according to the appointment which I announced to your lordship in my last dispatch. I immediately perceived, that his plan was to exhibit extreme civility, which no one knows better how to execute. After some time spent in compliments, and in condolence on the great loss the world had sustained, he told me, that as I insisted on an answer in writing, one was prepared, which contained a declaration consonant to what he supposed me to wish on the two most material points. 1st, That the emperor was willing to admit of an article being introduced to answer the objects I had in view in relation to Russia, and to instruct his plenipotentiaries to hear me with respect to the interests of that power.

was alive to what, in point of dignity, belonged to the plenipotentiary of his Britannick majesty. I have, &c. LAUDERDALE. First inclosure (A.)-Copy of a note deli

vered by M. Talleyrand to the Earl of Lauderdale; dated Sept. 18th, 1806. The undersigned, the minister for foreign affairs, has laid before his majesty the emperor, king of Italy, the note which his excellency the earl of Lauderdale, minister plenipotentiary from his Britannick majesty, did him the honour to address to him on the 13th of this month.-His majesty the emperor and king sees with regret that the negociation seems to take every day a retrograde course, and he is at a loss to discover what point the English government wish to attain. In the first instance, obsolete forms were brought forward and urged 2dly, That France for our acceptance, the text and the subwould be ready to make great concessions stance of which had never been admitted, for the purpose of obtaining peace.-After nor even discussed, by the French governsome conversation, all tending to impress ment, and when this difficulty appeared to me with the idea that peace was their main be removed, and the French plenipoten

tiaries held out a prospect of sacrifices his Britannick majesty, peace is still wished which proved more and inore the desire of for in England, peace may be made, and their government for peace, points antece-that without delay. The emperor will not dent to the negociation were recurred to, hesitate to make some sacrifices in order to and a question was started again which had accelerate it, and to render it durable; but been three times decided; 1st, by the if the dispositions for peace should have powers given to M. d'Oubril, with which changed in London, if the wise and liberal his Britannick majesty's plenipotentiaries views manifested in the first communicawere acquainted, afterwards by the powers [tions which took place with the illustrious given to the earl of Yarmouth, and lastly, minister, whom both nations lament, should for the third time, by those of the earl of no longer prevail, a vague discussion, imLauderdale. One might have supposed moderate pretensions, and ambiguous prothat a discussion, terminated before the posals, wide of that tone of frankness and first conference of the respective negocia-dignity necessary to conduce to a real retors, and decided even by the very fact of conciliation, would only have the effect of their negociation, would not again be producing more irritation, and would be unbrought forward.-His majesty the emperor worthy of both nations. France does not wishing however to give a fresh proof of his pretend to dictate either to Russia or to uniform desire for the re-establishment of England, but she will be dictated to by peace, adheres to the following proposal; neither of these powers. Let the condi That the negociations between France and tions be equal, just, and moderate, and the England shall continue; that the minister peace is concluded; but if an imperious and plenipotentiary of his majesty the king of exaggerating disposition is evinced, if preG. Britain shall be at liberty to introduce eminence is affected, if, in a word, it is into the treaty, either as a public or a secret meant to dictate peace, the emperor and the article, or in any other form which would an- French people will not even notice these swer the same end, whatever he may conceive proposals. Confiding in themselves, they would tend to reconcile the existing diffe-will say as a nation of antiquity answered rences between France and Rrussia, and its enemies, " you demand our arms, come would procure for the latter a participation and take them."-The undersigned, &c. in the benefits of peace, it being well un- CH. MAU. TALLEYRAND, prince of Benederstood, that no proposals shall be admit-vento. ted except such as are respectively honour- Second Inclosure (B.)-Copy of a note able, and are not injurious to the real from Lord Lauderdale to M. Talleyrand; power and the dignity of the two empires; dated Sept. 19th, 1806. and that we shall not see again brought forward the extraordinary proposals which M. de Novosiltzoff was charged to make the official note of his excellency the mion the part of Russia, and which having marked the origin of a coalition conquered and destroyed in its birth, ought equally to be forgotten with the coalition itself. There are proposals which, being only the result of blind confidence, and of a species of infatuation, and, being founded neither on the real force of the parties, nor on their discussions of a nature to lead him to forget geographical situation, are deprived of a pa- that tone of moderation which it is his duty cific character, and carry with them their to observe in the whole course of his misown condemnation.-France ough tneither sion. He will thus maintain the line of to abandon the interests of the Ottoman conduct which is conformable to that love empire, nor a position which enables her to of peace, which characterizes all the proceesustain that empire against the aggressions dings of the king his master. When the with which she is openly menaced by Rus- undersigned reflects, that he came to Paris, sia; but as all the objects destined to enter authorized to conclude peace upon terms into the arrangements of the treaty, must understood to have been proposed by be reserved for discussion, the undersigned France; that notwithstanding the refusal will not seek to anticipate the result which of his imperial majesty of all the Russias to it may produce.If, after the changes ratify the treaty signed by M. d'Oubril, which have taken place inthe cabinet of and the splendid successes obtained by bis

The undersigned plenipotentiary of his majesty the king of G. Britain, in answering

nister for foreign affairs, dated the 18th inst., which has been received to-day, begins by remarking, that he purposely ab stains as much as possible from all observation upon those points contained in it, which are foreign to the immediate object in question. By this means, he will ayoid

majesty's arms in Spanish America, he was | 23d, being anxious that the negociation authorized to give assurances (as he had the should proceed as soon as possible, I took honour of deing to his excellency the mi- the opportunity of M. de Champagny's nister for foreign affairs) that the demands sending to enquire after my health, to urge of his court, in its own favour, would not him, in writing, to renew the conferences in consequence of these successes be mate- without farther loss of time, Your lordrially increased; the undersigned had ship will find a copy of my letter (marked reason to be surprized at finding his go- C.), together with his answer (marked D.) vernment charged with manifesting an enclosed.-On the 24th I received from M. "imperious and exaggerating disposition." Talleyrand an answer to the demand I had He is not less astonished, that his excellen- made for an explanationon the subject of ry, in replying to a note in which lord Lau- passports, in my letter of the 22d. This derdale had the honour of explaining dis- communication (marked E.) I think it protanctly to him, that the conditions pointed per also to transmit to your lordship.-On out by his excellency baron de Budberg, the 25th at 1 o'clock, M. de Champagny were in substance what would be insisted called on me, as had been previously agreed, upon by G. Britain in favour of Russia, for the purpose of renewing the conferences. should have thought it necessary to repro-After the usual interchange of civilities, bate so strongly conditions proposed by M. he proceeded to say, that, to secure peace, de Novosiltzoff under totally different cir- the emperor had determined to make great curnstances, and of the nature of which, the sacrifices.-1st, That Hanover with its deundersigned is entirely ignorant.-Never-pendencies should be restored to his maj. theless, after the explanations given by the-2d, That the possession of Malta should undersigned to his excellency the minister be confirmed to Great Britain.—3d, That for foreign affairs, and the declaration made France would interfere with Holland to by him to his excellency, that the under- confirm to his majesty the absolute possessigned is not authorized to negociate other- sion of the Cape.-4th, That the emperor wise than so as to ensure the conclusion of would confirm to his majesty the possession a peace with G. Britain and with Russia at of Pondicherry, Chandernagore, Mahee, the same moment; and, after having recei-and the other dependent comptoirs.-5th, ved, in the official note of yesterday's date, That as Tobago was originally settled by assurances that the French government the English, it was meant also to give that does not refuse the admission of an article, island to the crown of Great Britain.-To the design of which shall be to provide for all this be added, that what he had now this indispensable object, the undersigned said, proceeded on the supposition, that Siwill make no difficulty in resuming the con- cily was to be ceded, and that the French ferences with their excellencies the French government proposed that his Sicilian maplenipotentiaries, as soon as their excel-jesty should have as indemnity, not only lencies shall be duly authorized for this the Balearic islands, but should also receive purpose. The undersigned, &c. LAUDER-an annuity from the court of Spain to ena


No. 51.-Extract from a dispatch from the Earl of Lauderdale to Earl Spencer; dated Paris, Sept. 26, 1806.-Received Sept. 28th.

ble him to support his dignity.-I here interrupted him, expressing my surprise after the full explanation I had with M. Talleyrand on that very point, that the possibility of our giving up Sicily should be Nothing material happened after the mentioned again; that the guarantee of it conference with M. Talleyrand, which I to the king of the two Sicilies was as much detailed in my dispatch of the 19th inst. an object with England as M. Talleyrand till the 22d, when I received from him a knew it to be with Russia; and that I was communication, informing me that the em- happy to take that opportunity of stating peror having thought gen. Clarke's services to him fairly, that I felt myself bound to near his person necessary in a journey he consider the obtaining for Russia the arwas about to undertake immediately, M. rangement which she desired, as an object de Champagny would be instructed to con- more interesting if possible to England, duct singly on the part of France the bu-than those points which might be consisiness of the negociation in future.-This dered as peculiarly connected with her own communication was made in a letter which interests. He informed me, that there I enclose (marked A.) together with a was no clause in his instructions empowering copy of my answer (marked B.)-On the him to hear me on the part of Russia; but VOL. VIII.

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