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grossly insulted him; that Mr. S. had af- when he asked him to get the letter from terwards sent several people to him with a Harris, that he should not want any money, view to bias him; that he had been sent as Mr. S. and he were old acquaintances; for by Mr. Sheridan in February last to the and he had reason to believe that this mohouse of Mr. Homan, where he had drank ney was offered him to induce him to several bottles of wine; that he had a pri-procure the letter from Harris. Witvate conversation with Mr. S. in a room in ness being further examined, would not the house of a Mr. Edwards, where Mr. S. say that Mr. S. authorized him to offer had offered him money to procure for him any specific sum to Harris to get back the a letter which Mr. S. had sent to E. Har-letter, or that he even ever mentioned ris, a Jew; that Mr. S. had offered to pro-the word money, but insinuated in gevide for him and his father, and told him neral, that every possible means should be to keep out of the way, and offered him used to get it back, observing, that the money, and said that he would settle the getting back the letter was of the most matter about the summons; that he had serious and important consideration. He several communications with Mr. S. ou had, however, offered 30l. to Harris, to the subject of the letter; that no one ex- prevail upon him to return the letter, cept himself was present at the writing which money he would pay out of his own and signing of that letter by Mr. S.; that pocket, and of his own authority. He he had informed Mr. S. that E. Harris had got acquainted with Mr. Pauli, by could procure 6 or 8 votes, but would not means of a letter he had written to him, do it except he signed the letter. The stating the ill-treatment he had received letter had been signed by Mr. Sheridan in from Mr. S. and his servants; but Mr. his own house, 3 or 4 days after the com- Paull had not instigated him by money or mencement of the election, but not in pre- any other inticement to get possession of sence of any person but the witness. The the letter, but merely advised him to tell letter had been signed between 11 and 1 what he knew, but to advance nothing that o'clock in the day, but he could not ex- he would not be ready to swear to. When, actly say on what day of the month. he got possession of the letter, he never He had delivered no other letter, either mentioned the circumstance to Mr. Paull during or since the election, to E. Harris from Mr. S., but had delivered one to him previous to the election, which had been signed also by Mr. S. E. Harris had of fered him a sum of money to procure a letter for him from sir P. Parker, or sir S. Hood. In the interview he had with Mr. S. at Mr. Edwards's, Mr. S. told him that he had acted improperly, in having gone out of town during the election, though he had constantly attended, and sent in the names of the voters he brought up every morning. When he asked Mr. S. what he was to do with respect to the summons he had received to attend the committee, Mr. S. desired him to get out of the way, and to leave the rest to him. Mr. S. said, he would provide for him, as they were old friends, by getting him a situation under government, which he had been promised many years. Mr. Johnson had also asked him to get the letter from Harris, and he had replied to Mr. Johnson, that if Harris did not give it up, " by G-d he'd knock him down." Mr. Homan, also of Frith-street, had said to him that he was wrong in writing to Harris, and that it would be a good thing to get the letter, if possible, from him. Mr. S. had told him,

or to any of his agents, nor, indeed, to any person whatever, before he mentioned it this night at the bar of the house. Yet, upon cross-examination upon this point, he confessed, that he himself had not only. seen the petition that had been presented to the house, but that he had dictated a part of it to Mr. Powell, more particularly that part which referred to the letter, and this he had done a few days before the petition was presented. Mr. Paull certainly expressed a wish that the letter might be got and produced before the committee, but he never promised money, or any kind of reward for that service. He al lowed, however, that his intention was when he got hold of the letter, to use it against Mr. S. He never heard that any suspicion existed that the letter was a forgery; but he destroyed it himself, because he did not conceive it to be of any use. He got a second letter from Mr. S. during the election after the first had been destroyed; did not know the date of it; had seen Mr. S. sign it in one of the rooms, at the Shakspeare tavern; when cross-examined, he said, that the letter was signed in Mr. S.'s drawing-room, while he hmself was in another apartment, and there-)

fore did not see him actually write his name upon it; but verily believed that it was Mr. S.'s hand-writing;- made different anwers, at different times, respecting his means of procuring money; had half-pay as a lieutenant in the navy, and several pensions from the king, and also one from the Patriotic Fund, yet was never confirmed a lieutenant in the navy; never had been examined at Grenwich, nor had ever presented any memorial to obtain his pensions.


During the examination of the witness, frequent questions were started, and discussions naturally arose as to the propriety of the course of examination adopted by the learned counsel. The witness and counsel were of course ordered to withdraw, and await the decision of the house on such points.

General Phipps observed, that when counsel and witnesses were ordered to withdraw from the bar, it was not to be allowed that a petitioner should take the advantage of an indulgence which the house granted in such case, not to insist on the witness withdrawing more than a foot or two below the bar, instead of outside of the door; it should not be permitted that a petitioner should lay hold of such an opportunity for conversing with the witness, or making observations on whatever might fall from any hon. member of that house. Mr. Paull, from below the bar, lamented that he had not an opportunity of fairly answering what was said in that house with reference to himself. But when he heard an observation so gross as that which had been made by the hon. general Here the petitioner was prevented from proceeding any further, by the authority of the chair, and was ordered to withdraw.

The Speaker observed, that the house would judge for itself what it was proper for it to do after the proceeding that had just taken place, and which appeared to him so extraordinary that he should abstain from denominating it. He wished also to collect the sense of the house as to its practice, in the case of petitioners who prayed to be heard by themselves or their counsel, whether having made their election to be heard by their counsel, they did not relinquish their right to be heard by themselves.

Lord Howick had been so surprized at the extraordinary conduct of the petitioner, that he had only been prevented by his

feelings from calling the attention of the house to the gross, insolent, and outrageous proceeding. He thought the house was called upon to adopt some measure, in vindication of its own dignity; and recomniended that the petitioner should be brought to the bar, and acquainted by the Speaker with the sense entertained by the house of the impropriety of his conduct.

Lord A. Hamilton urged in mitigation, not in justification ofthe petitioner, the feelings that must have been excited by the statement made by the hon. member under the gallery.

Mr. Whitbread had never had his eye off that part of the house since the commencement of this investigation, and assured the house that Mr. Paull had never gone out.

Mr. Baker submitted whether it would not be better that the house should not have any direct communication with him, but that whatever was to be done on the occasion should be done through the serjeant at arins.-The motion of lord Howick was then agreed to, and the pe titioner and his counsel having been called in,

The Speaker addressed him in the fol lowing terms: "Mr. Paull, I am directed by the house to acquaint you, that, in its judgement, you have been guilty of great impropriety of conduct, and committed a gross outrage upon the privileges of the house. I am also directed to acquaint you, that you having made your election to be heard by your counsel, are no longer entitled, according to the practice of this house, to be heard by yourself. I am also again directed to inform the counsel that they confine their examination to matters of fact respecting the tampering with witnesses, and suppressing of evidence.”

T. Weatherhead was next examined. He stated, that he had been long acquainted with Drake, who had been a shipmate of his. Drake and he called at Mr. Sheridan's, in Somerset Place, on the 19th of Feb. He there saw a very motley crew, such as he had never met before, and such as he wished never to meet again, He waited some time in a large room with this company; when Mr. S. came in. Mr. S. addressed himself principally to Drake, with whom be continued in close conversation, elbow to elbow, for above ten minutes. They were at the opposite side of the room from where witness stood. He did not hear any part of their conversation, nor did he think it was audible to any other person in the room,

the 12th of Feb. at Mrs. Drake's, and heard Johnstone complain of Mr. Drake's misbebaviour towards Mr. Sheridan, and state that Drake was in a carriage with Johnstone the night before. Witness admitted that be had been discharged by capt. Trollope, under whom he served; but denied that any crime was imputed to him. His discharge was merely the result of the captain's

There was a confused noise among the persons present, some of whom stood betwe him and Mr. S., and prevented that gentleman from addressing him, as he several times attempted. At length, however, Mr. S. did address him, and talked to him about the motion which he meant to propose in the house of commons, for postponing the trial of the election, saying, he knew he had rascals to deal with, and would act accor-pleasure. The first letter for the use of dingly. Witness told Mr. S. at this time, Harris was written by him; but the second, that what was said of the letter in possession which was much stronger in its terms, was of Harris, was unfounded, and that Mr. S. written by Drake himself. The first was was misinformed, for that he was sure Drake objected to by Harris, principally because would have nothing to do with a spurious it had the letters M. P. annexed to Mr. S.'s letter. Drake wrote the second letter in signature. He did know who wrote these the presence of himself and Harris. Wit-initials; though he wrote the letter, he had ness saw this letter before it was signed, nothing to do with the insertion of M. P.; and afterwards, and the words "treasurer when Drake brought him this letter signed of the navy" were attached to the signature. by Mr. S., he saw, for the first time, the All but the signature was in the hand-writing letters M. P., and they, as well as the sigof Drake. Mr. S., after finding that he was nature, were quite wet. Harris did cerunemployed, promised him (witness) an ap-tainly propose to Drake to give him some pointment at the interview of the 19th of money if he would procure him a letter Feb. He desired him to call at Somerset from sir H. Parker or some other flagPlace about two o'clock on the next day. officer, recommendatory of him in his He did so call, conceiving it very improper business of slop-selling. He never saw any to make an appointment and not keep it. money paid on this score, but was aware In this call he was accompanied by Drake. of the contract. He really did believe the When they entered the room, they found an signature to the first letter was that of Mr. old woman in black, an old man also in black, S., but he thought M. P. quite absurd, as and a young man strutting about the room. no parliament existed at the time. He By-and-by another character appeared, advised Drake to destroy the first letter. and soon after Drake called him, saying, Drake thanked him for the advice, after he "you are not aware of what suspicious com- had acted upon it. He never gave this advice pany you are in here: that fellow, who is under any impression that the signature just come in, is a Bow-street officer." Upon was a forgery. He entertained no such unthis, he and Drake withdrew from the room; charitable suspicion. He had no more but, on their way out, he was met by a disposition to suspect the genuineness of man of the name of Burgess, whom he un- the second than that of the first letter. derstood afterwards to be Mr. Sheridan's Witness was asked by Mr. S. whether solicitor. This man immediately saluted there were not 4 or 5 witnesses present at the him with great familiarity, and claimed an only time that be ever happened to see him? acquaintance with him. But what struck Yes.-Did I not say in your presence, that him was, that the man could not point out I never conversed with any one upon the any place where he had ever met him, and subject of the Westminster election unless he could not remember to have ever seen the three or four witness were present? A. man before in his life. While Burgess was Something to that effect.-Q. Were you in conversation with Drake and himself, not introduced to me by Drake, upon that Harris came up and joined them; and told the only time I ever spoke to you, as a Drake that Mr. S. meant to take him up clergyman? A. No, I am no cushionon a charge of forgery. Drake was indig- thumper.-Q. Did not Drake describe you nant, and he and witness went away, and j as the Rev. Mr. Weatherhead? A. It at the first convenient tavern Drake took might be so, but I did not notice it.-Witout his pencil and sent a very sharp note of ness further deposed that Drake was to be reproach to Mr. S. Witness received the remunerated in money for his trouble in Speaker's warrant to attend the committee getting the second letter from Mr. S., and on the 24th of Feb., and received another that Harris promised his vote and interest summons since. He met Mr.Johnstone about for Mr. S. at the election. Witness was pre

the extent of 6 or 7 guineas would be given to those who would go out of the way. Wallis had given 5s. a day to her husband, James, &c. for the loss of their time the days they met him; but at last he declined making them any more allowances, as, he said, he had lost 77. in the lottery.-J. Balam said he had seen Wallis on the Sth of Jan., who had requested him to speak to Sperring to keep out of the way, and that Mr. Sheridan would find the money. He

sent at the supper given at the Bath Hotel in Piccadilly,where Harris, Daws, and Drake were. He heard no conversation about the letter in the possession of Harris. He did not hear any sum of money offered by Drake to Harris, to induce him to give it, nor any request whatever, upon the subject. John Richards stated that he had been employed in the election by Mr. Downes, and that he had received money from Burgess by recommendation of Downes, for his services and expences. On being cross-exa-hadbeen at the house of Burgess withWalmined by Mr. S., he said he had never seen lis, Pullen, and Sperring; that Burgess gave Mr. S. with Mr. Burgess. He had not him 57. for his loss of time. Sperring had written a threatening letter to Mr. Downes, told him, that he had voted for Paull and but he was obliged to acknowledge that he Hood, on the first day in his own name, had, since the election, written a letter to and on a subsequent day had voted for S. Mr. T. Sheridan, complaining that he bad in the name of Bryan, giving a different not been sufficiently remunerated, and description of his abode. Sperring said, he threatening to go to Mr. Paull's side, and received 10s. from Stephen Taylor, in the to do every thing in his power against Mr. presence of Burgess. Wallis said, he was S., unless his demands were complied with. employed by Burgess. When pressed to Being examined by the petitioning counsel, state why he was to keep away, or make he stated,that he had been present at conver- others do so, he could state no particular sations in which Wallis had stated, that the reason. He said, he had given information warrants of the Speaker would be out when to Mr. Paull's agent, of what he had menthe consideration of the petition was post-tioned. He had seen Mr. Powell frequentponed, and those who chose might go out ly, had told him what had passed when he of the way, and would receive money to saw Burgess, and Powell had taken down that purpose.-Jeremiah James likewise what he had to say.-Christ. Richardson spoke, to different meetings at the Peacock, knows Balam. He had gone to see Bur-, and afterwards at the Barley Mow, Drury-gess, and met Wallis coming out of Burgess's lane, where Pullen, Richards, and Sperring, had met Wallis, who, he said, had treated them with a dinner at the Barley Mow, and allowed them money for their loss of time in meeting him on the days mentioned. Wallis had told them that the warrants would be out in consequence of the peti-ness had no reason to keep out of the way. tion being postponed, and that those who He said, he had communicated to Mr. went out of the way would get money to Powell what he did in trying to see Burdo so. W. had asked him what he meant gess, and in meeting Wallis. It was one to do; but he would not tell him. W. John Balam that took him to look for Bursal, every one in danger might go away. gess; and the object was to see whether Witness being asked what be meant by Burgess would offer them any money to that? he said that he imagined the danger keep out of the way. They did not see referred to was of those who had voted be- Burgess. He had seen Mr. Powell a day or ing bad votes.-Daniel Richardson, spoke two after, and Powell had given him 10s. to the same circumstances. He himself had for his loss of time the two days he went no occasion to go out of the way. The with Balam to Curzon-street. He had witness was pressed to explain what he gone from Carey-street, where Mr. Paull's meant by that danger; or, why it should committee sat. He had seen one Percy at have been proposed that any should go out the committee in Carey-street, who knew of the way. He gave no precise answer. he had been at Burgess's, and who, after he At last he dropped down overcome with fa- had gone the first day, encouraged him to tigue or agitation, and was carried out. go back to see what Burgess would say. Ann Richardson spoke to the conversation Being asked whether it was his object to get of Wallis, at the Peacock and the Barley money from Burgess? he said: "No:" but Mow. She added, that he said money to a former answer being read to him, in

house in Curzon-street. He went with one Gallant and Wallis to a house in Halfmoon street, when Wallis told them that when the petition was postponed their services would be of no force, and those who chose might go out of the way. The wit

which he had said the contrary, he admit-vance of 80,000, the minister employedted, the object was money. He had gone in that transaction, was, it was well known, a not to ask, but to see if Burgess would offer member of that house, a nobleman distinany money. Being examined by Mr. Sheri-guished by his military exploits in the serdan, he denied that he had lately been locken vice of his country; distinguished also by up with a parcel of pickpockets, in the is great talents and capabilities of mind. black-hole, Catharine-street; but he had That nobleman had, in consequence of the not very lately been at Marlborough-street pressing exigency of affairs in those counoffice. There not being any more witnes-ries which were the theatre of war, and in ses to be examined, the learned counsel the exercise of the discretionary power enwere informed that on Thursday next they trusted to him by his majesty, advanced might proceed with their summing up, be- money to the amount of about 80,000l. ing mindful, however, that, as they had This was not the exact sum, the payments beer directed to do in their opening, they having been made in foreign money; but it should confine themselves to such matters was about that sum. He thought there only as went to support the allegations in could be little difference of opinion in that the petition. house, as to the expediency of entrusting Mr. Whitbread observed, that, in a case to the nobleman to whom he had alluded where a wish was expressed to punish others a discretionary power to advance a limited for impeding or preventing the regular sum,in case circumstances should require it; course of justice by tampering with witnes- their lordships would, also, he thought, reases, he had never heard of a set of witnesses dily believe that there might have existed who more justly merited the censure of the that pressing exigency of affairs, which tribunal before which they gave their testi- would have rendered the advance of this mony, than those who had then been exa-sum in the way stated, highly adviseable mined at the bar of the house, particularly the witness Richardson.

Sir J. Anstruther thought that the hon. gent. was too limited in his idea of censure; he (sir J.) was of opinion that Balam was the principal man: it was he that employed Richardson; and it was necessary, for the ends of justice, that some means should be taken to secure the witnesses, as was usual in a court of criminal judicature, to answer for their scandalous prevarication.

Mr. Sheridan intimated that, if he should think it necessary to go into any evidence on his case, it would amount to a recrimination against those who brought the present charge before the house.-Adjourned.


Tuesday, March 3. [PRUSSIA. The order of the day having been read for taking into consideration his majesty's message,

Lord Grenville said, with respect to that part of the message in which his majesty informed the house of the conclusion of a treaty with Prussia, as it was also stated that a copy of the treaty would be laid before the house as soon as the ratifications were exchanged, he thought it unnecessary then to enter into any detail respecting it, the proper time for discussing the subject being when the treaty should be before the house. With respect to the other part of his majesty's message, relative to the ad

and expedient; and he was persuaded their lordships would be of opinion, that such a discretionary power could not be entrusted to better hands. He should therefore merely move,That an humble address be presented to his majesty, thanking his majesty for his most gracious communication, and expressing the readiness of that house to concur in such measures as might be necessary to enable his majesty to make good the said sum.-Ordered.


Tuesday, March 3.

[FINANCE RESOLUTIONS.] Sir James Pulteney rose for the purpose of moving his Resolutions on Finance, pursuant to his foriner notice. He did not propose to enter into any detailed observations on his plan, till his calculations should be before the house, and should then content himself with shewing that a considerable saving would accrue from the adoption of his views, without any inconvenience whatever. The necessity stated by the noble lord, on a former ocasion, of giving an advantage to the stockholder, by increasing the amount of the sinking fund, would be met by his plan. If it should be necessary to increase the sinking fund, that might be done at any time, and any to amount, by a loan, which would bring a large sum into the market, and keep up the price of stocks. If he could shew this, he should hope to

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