Naples-cont. MUSEO BORBONICO-cont. Heydemann (Heinrich), Archaeologist, 1842-89. Die Vasensammlungen des Museo Nazionale zu Neapel. 8vo. Berlin, 1872. See his articles Bullettino dell Instituto, 1869, p. 27; Archaeologisch Terrakotten aus dem Museo Nazionale zu Neapel. 8vo. Fiorelli (Giuseppe), Archaeologist, Keeper, 1823-96. Catalogo del Museo nazionale. 8vo. 12 parts. Conforti (L.), Cavaliere, Secretary of the Museum. Ib. 1882. Napoli, 1863-65. Ib. 1866-73. The National Museum of Naples illustrated. 4to. Naples, 1899. Ib. 1901. Petra (Giulio de). Intorno al Museo Nazionale di Napoli. Antodifesa. 8vo. Ib. 1901. Pais (Ettore), Director, Professor of Ancient History. 8vo. Ib. 1902. Nicolucci (Giustiniano), Professor of Anthropology, b. 1819. Su i Crani della Collezione Chierchia, conservati nel Gabinetto di Antropologia de la R. Università. 8vo. NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM. American Naturalist, xxxii. (1898), p. 701. Ib. 1886. See Santangelo. Napoleon Bonaparte. See Part ii., s.v. "Spoliation of Museums.” Elba. Narbonne (Aude). Description du Musée de Narbonne. 16то. Catalogue du Musée de Narbonne. 8vo. TOURNAL (PAUL), Archaeologist and Geologist, d. 1872. Revue Archéologique, ix. (1864), p. 305. Narbonne, 1847. Ib. 1846. Inscriptions inédites ou peu connues du Musée de Narbonne. 8vo. Reprint from Bulletin Monumental, xxx. (1864), p. 75. Caen, 1864. As to Tournal himself, see Ib. xxxviii. (1872), p. 354. BOUET (GEORGES), Archaeologist. Edicule au Musée de Narbonne. Op. laud., xxxv. (1869), p. 459. RIVIÈRES (EDMOND DE), Baron. La collection Jules Canorge au Musée de Narbonne. FIL (EUGÈNE). Op. laud., xxxviii. (1872), p. 422. A ceramic collection. Catalogue raisonné des objets d'Art et de Ceramique du Musée de Nassau. Narbonne. 8vo. Nauplia. Narbonne, 1877. M. Glymenopulos has presented (1902) a large collection of coins, Greek terracottas, Egyptian bronzes, and other objects to the Greek Government on the condition (which has been agreed to) that they are deposited in Nauplia, his native place, in a Museum erected for the purpose. Navarro (E.). See Malaga. Naville (E.). The Athenaeum, 19th July, 1902, p. 101. See Marseilles. Nebesky (M.). See Prague. Nehring (A.). See Berlin. NELSON MUSEUM. See Manby (G. W.). Nelthropp (Rev. H. L.). See London, Clockmakers Company. Descriptive Catalogue of the Pathological specimens in the Shrubsall (F.), B.A. Notes on Ashanti Skulls and Crania [in the Museum]. Netto (L.). See Rio de Janeiro. Neu-Brandenburg (Mecklenburg-Strelitz). Jahresbericht über das Museum in Neu-Brandenburg. 8vo. Neuburg-on-the-Danube (Bavaria). COLLECTIONS OF THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Neu-Brandenburg, v.y. Kollektaneenblatt für die Geschichte Bayerns. 8vo. Neuchâtel. Contains a Catalogue of the collection. Neuburg, 1894. Neuenstein. The Archaeological collections in the Museums at Neuchâtel are described P.S.A.Sco., xxiv. (1890), p. 488. See also Munro, Lake Dwellings of Europe, pp. 53, 55, 57. As to the Natural History collections, see American Naturalist, xxxiii. (1899), p. 773. See Oehringen. Neuhaldensleben (Saxony). ANTIQUARIAN COLLECTION IN THE GYMNASIUM. Wegener (Philipp), Gymnasium Director. Die Altertums-Sammlung. 8vo. n.p. 1897. Neuhaus (Bohemia). A Festschrift. HISTORICAL AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL MUSEUM. Richlý (Heinrich), Keeper Bericht ueber seine Thätigkeit während des Sommers 1899. Mittheilungen der anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien, xxx. (1900), Sitzungsberichte, p. [144]. Neu-Ruppin (Brandenburg). See Verhandlungen der Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, etc., 1894, p. 162. FELDMANN (BERNHARD), Physician and Naturalist, 1704-79. du feu Docteur B. Feldmann; Verzeichniss des D. Feldmanns zu Neu Ruppin nachgelassenen Naturalienkabinet Mineralien, Steinen, etc. 8vo. an Ruppin, 1781. In German. See Schröter's Journal, v. pp. 492, 558. ZIETEN MUSEUM. Begemann (Heinrich), Gymnasium Director. Die vorgeschichtlichen Altertümer der Zietenschen Museum. 8vo. 1892. The Museum, established by Count Friedrich von Zieten, belongs to the Mittheilungen über das Zietenschen Museum. 8vo. Neus (J. K.). See Vienna. Neuss (Rhenish Prussia). Ruppin, 1895, ann. sqq. MUSEUM OF THE HISTORICAL AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Described Westdeutsche Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Kunst, i., p. 273; Neuss (Vaud). See Nyon. Neuwied (Rhenish Prussia). Beschreibung und kurze Geschichte der Städt N. 8vo. Archaeological Museum at p. 39. Neuwied, 1838. NEUWIED (ALEXANDER MAXIMILIAN), Prince, Traveller and Naturalist, 1782-1867. His large zoological collections are now in the American Museum of Sur un Musée Catholique du Nivernais. 8vo. GOUELLAIN (GUSTAVE). Le Musée céramique de Nevers. 8vo. Nevers, 1839. 8vo. Ib. 1873. Rouen, [1861]. Nevers, 1863. DE SEGANGE (L. DU BROC). La Faïence, les faïenciers et les émailleurs de Nevers. 4to. Nevers (Nièvre)-cont. REINACH (SALOMON), Archaeologist, b. 1858. Statues antiques du Musée de Nevers. Revue Archéologique, xxiii. (1898), p. 166. See Caumont (A. de). NEVILLE (RIchard CornWALLIS), afterwards BARON BRAYBROOKE, Archaeologist, 1820-61. Catalogue of Rings in the collection of R. C. N. Saxon Obsequies. fol. 8vo. [? 1856.] London, 1852. The Hon. Mr. Neville formed a Museum at Audley End, in which he collected the numerous antiquities which he found in the course of numerous excavations. These are partly described in this work. Archaeological Journal, xi., pp. 51, 61. He made a collection of fossils which he presented to the museum at Newcastle-upon-Tyne. See vol. i., p. 184; Art Journal, xxii. (1870), p. 377; Museums Association (Newcastle), p. 7 sqq. An Illustrative and descriptive Catalogue of the inscribed & sculptured stones of the Roman period, belonging to the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle-on-Tyne, preserved in the Museum in the Castle. 8vo. Illustrations. Newcastle, 1857. FOX (GEORGE TOWNSHEND), F.L.S. 185 Synopsis of the Newcastle Museum, late the Allan, formerly the Tunstall, or Wycliffe Museum. 8vo. MUSEUM OF THE NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. Guide to the Collection of local Fossils. 12mo. Lebour (G. A.), Professor. Catalogue of the Hutton Collection of fossil Plants. 8vo. See Allan (George). Hutton (William). New Haven (Connecticut). Leisure Hour, 1882, pp. 547-9. YALE UNIVERSITY. Ib. 1827. Ib. n.d. Ib. n.d. Catalogue of the Cabinet of Coins. 8vo. collection. 8vo. By Jonathan Edwards. Catalogue with descriptive notices of the portraits, busts, etc., |