Melchiorri (G.), Marquis, Keeper of the Capitoline Museum. MUSEUM DITHMARSISCHER ALTERTHÜMER. Meldorf (Holstein). Bericht. 8vo. Established 1872. Meldorf, 1896, ann. sqq. See Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie, viii. (1895), p. 71; ix. Melida (J. R.). See Madrid. Vives (Antonio). MELLE (JAKOB VON), Pastor of Lübeck, Antiquary, 1659-1717. 219, 251 Sylloge Nummorum. 4to. Melun. Museum Mellianum. MS. unpublished. Lubec., 1698. As to his collection, see Brückmann, Epistolae Itinerariae, Cent. i., Nos. Catalogue du Musée départemental de Seine-et-Marne. 18mo. Established by the Archaeological Association and transferred to the MERCATI (MICHELE), of San Miniato, Protonotary Apostolic, 1541-93. Edited by Monsignor Lancisi, with notes by Pietro Assalti. See Rome. MERCER (HENRY CHAPMAN), Archaeologist, b. 1856. Tools of the Nation Maker. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Doylestown, 1897. : Mercerat (Alcides). See Buenos Ayres. Merkel (Joseph). See Mainz. Merriam (Augustus C.). See New York. MERRIFIELD (CHARLES WATKINS), Principal, School of Naval Archi Catalogue of a collection of Models of Ruled Surfaces in S. K. M. tecture, 1827-84. 8vo. Mersen (O.). See Nantes. London, 1872. MERTENS-SCHAAFFHAUSEN (Frau SYBILLA). Urlichs (Karl Ludwig von), Archaeologist, 1813-89. Dreizehn Gemmen aus der Sammlung der Frau S. M. S. 4to. Jahrhunderts. 8vo. JAENNICKE (JOHANN FRIEDRICH), Writer on Art, b. 1831. Metz. The Academy. xxvi. (1884), p. 330. Museums of Metz. See Westdeutsche Zeitschrift für Geschichte und MUSEUM OF ANTIQUITIES. Lorrain ( ), Keeper of the Museum. Catalogue de la Galerie archéologique. 8vo. [HOFFMANN (OTTO ADALBERT).] Der Steinsaal des Altertüms-Museums zu Metz. 8vo. Metz, 1874. Ib. 1889. See Jahrbuch der Gesellschaft für lothringische Geschichte und Alter- KEUNE (J. B.), Director of the Museum. Bericht ueber die Erwerbungen des Museums ... Nebst eine Metz-cont. NATURAL HISTORY COLLECTIONS. Fridrici (Christian), Professor of Natural History, b. 1820. ville de Metz. Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle du Département de la Moselle, There are also Catalogues of the Pictures and Sculpture, and Coins. See Migette. Meunier (L.). See Paris, Museum of Natural History. Supra, vol. i., p. 1o. MEUSCHEN (FRIEDRICH CHRISTIAN), Naturalist, b. 1719, died about 1800. Systematische Catalogus van een Kabinet van hooren Rotterdam, 1766. en doublet schelpen, etc. (Van F. C. M ***, i.e. Meuschen.) Dutch and French. 8vo. Meuschen prepared Catalogues of various other collections. See Meusel, Lexikon der 8vo. MEUX (Lady), of Theobald's Park, Waltham Cross. Budge (Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis), Keeper of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities, British Museum. Some Account of the Collection of Egyptian Antiquities in the possession of Lady M. Second edition. 4to. London, 1896. There is an account of the Museum, pp. 151-162. Anales del Museo nacional de Mexico. 4to. Wien, 1890. México, 1877, ann. sqq. Meyer (A. B.). See Dresden. Moritzburg. Meyer (Heinrich). See London. New York. Part ii., p. 51. MEYRICK (Sir SAMUEL RUSH), K.H., LL.D., Antiquary, 1783-1848. Engraved Illustrations of Ancient Arms and Armour, a series of... Etchings of the collection at Goodrich Court, ... accompanied by Historical and Critical Disquisitions of the possessor, Sir Samuel Rush Meyrick, LL.D. 4to. 2 vol. Oxford, 1830. Engraved by Joseph Skelton, infra, s.v. Skelton. In German. 4to. Berlin, 1836. Catalogue of the Armour and miscellaneous objects of Art known as The Meyrick Collection London, 1869. exhibited at the South ZEEUWSCH GENOOTSCHAP DER WETTENSCHAPPEN. Archaeological Collection. Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie, iv. (1891), p. 291. Middleburg, 1869. Printed Books, MSS., Coins, Birds, Insects, Minerals, Shells. Middleton (John Henry), Archaeologist, Director of the Art Museum, South Kensington, 1846-96. See Cambridge. MIDDLETON (CONYERS), D.D., Controversialist and Collector, 1683-1750. Germana quaedam Antiquitatis eruditae Monumenta Romae 4to. London, 1745. olim maxima ex parte collecta Strawberry Hill sale in 1842. Middletown (Connecticut). MUSEUM OF WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY. Annual Report of Curators. 8vo. 1873, ann. sqq. MIGETTE (KARL JOSEPH AUGUST), Artist, of Longeville bei Cheminot, Metz, 1802-84. COLLECTION. Kraus, Kunst und Alterthum in Elsass-Lothringen, iii., p. 271; Kunst- Migette presented a collection of paintings and drawings to the town of See Bullettino dell' Instituto, 1832, p. 202; Heydemann, Mittheilungen, p. There are three Museums in Milan, (1) The Museo Civico in the Giardini IMPERIAL ROYAL or NATIONAL MUSEUM. Cattaneo (Gaetano), Numismatist, Keeper, d. 1841. Milano, 1819. Equejade. Monumento Antico di Bronzo, del Museo Nazionale Ungarese considerato. 4to. Ib. 1819. Lettera al Sig. Dominico Sestini sopra due medaglie greche del R. Gabinetto di Milano. 8vo. 16. 1811. MUSEO CIVICO. Cornalia (Emilio), Professor, Director of the Museum. Vertebratorum synopsis in Museo Mediolanense extantium. quae per novam orbem Cajetanus Osculati collegit annis 1846-48. 8vo. Illustrazioni della Mummia Peruviana fol. Cataloghi delle collectioni di Storia naturale. Guida alle Gallerie di Storia naturale del Museo 8vo. Ib. 1854. nel Museo di Milano. Ib. 1860. 8vo. Ib. 1870. Civico di Ib. 1871. Ib. 1857. Bazzero (A.). Jan (Georg), Professor. Cenni sul Museo Civico Milano. 4to. ARCHAEOLOGICAL MUSEUM. Le armi antiche nel Museo Patrio archeologico in Milano. 8vo An annual publication giving an account of the monuments added to the collection, |