Manilla. UNIVERSITY MUSEUM. Casto de Elera (R. P. F.). Catálogo sistemático de toda la Fauna de Filipinas... de la colección zoológica del Museo de PP. Dominicos del ColegioUniversidad. 4to. 3 vol. PHILIPPINES MUSEUM. Boletin del Museo Biblioteca de Filipinas. 8vo. Manilli (G.). See Borghese. Mannheim. Manila, 1895-96. Manila, 1895, ann. sqq. THE UNITED COLLECTIONS OF THE ANTIQUARIUM AND OF THE THUMSVEREINS). Archaeologischer Anzeiger, 1900, p. 27. Gräff (G. Fr.). Das Grossherzogliche Antiquarium in Mannheim; Beschreibung der antiken Bildwerke. ... 8vo. 2 parts. Mannheim, 1837-39. Haug (Ferdinand), Archaeologist. Gives an historical account of the Antiquarium. Baumann (K.), Professor; Keeper of the Antiquarium. Karlsruhe, 1882. Römische Denksteine und Inschriften des vereinigten Altertüms-Sammlung in Mannheim. 4to. Mannheim, 1890. The accessions are recorded in most of the annual volumes of the Westdeutsche Zeitschrift für Geschichte und Kunst, in the division "Museography." See Caumont (A. de). MANNHEIM (CHARLES). Objets d'art; Catalogue rédigé par Émile Molinier. fol. Mans. See Le Mans. MANSKOPF (F. NICHOLAS), Frankfort-on-the-Main. The Athenaeum, 10th November and 29th December, 1900. Paris, 1898. MANTELL (GIDEON ALGERNON), Physician and Geologist, 1790-1852. His collection of fossils was purchased for £5000 by the British Museum in 1839. See Carus, England und Schottland, i., p. 130, Berlin, 1845. Mantovani (G.). See Oderzo. Mantovani (Pio). See Leghorn. Mantua. Dütschke, Antike Bildwerke in Oberitalien, iv., Introduction, p. xxiv. and p. 278. A short account of the history of the Museum is given in the Introduction to Borsa's work, infra. The Museum was destroyed in 1631 and restored in 1773. See Heydemann, Mittheilungen, p. 8. [BORSA (MATTEO), Litterateur.] Museo della Reale Accademia di Mantova. 8vo. Mantova, 1790. LABUS (GIOVANNI), Archaeologist, 1775-1853. Museo della Reale Accademia di Mantova. 8vo. 3 vol. With additional engraved title pages bearing date 1837. Ib. 1830-34. Relazione intorno alla istituzione del Patrio Museo in Mantua ed ai Monumenti sin qui raccolti. 8vo. [PORTIOLI (ATTILIO), Litterateur.] Relazione intorno ai monumenti pervenuti 1b. 1853. negli anni 1866 е Ib. 1868. MAINARDI (ANTONIO), Litterateur. Relazione intorno al Museo antiquario di Mantova. 8vo. Ib. [1872]. See Heydemann. Mantua and Montferret (Prince of). See Groom. Marburg. Ein Rückblick auf die Marburger Versammlung. Correspondenz-Blatt des Gesammtvereines der deutschen Geschichts- und Alterthums-Vereine, 1879, No. 9. The Marburg Collection of Cypriote Antiquities. Journal of the American Oriental Society, xx. (1901), p. 18. MARCELLO MUSEUM. See Fribourg. Marchesani (L.). See Vasto d'Aimone. MARCHESI (JOSÉ MARIA), Brigadier of Cavalry. Catalogo de la real armeria mandado formar por .. M. 4to. Marchi (G.). See Rome. Marcille (E.). See Orleans. Sr. D. J. M. Madrid, 1849. MARGARITIS (PHILIPP), Professor at Wurzburg. Catalogue de la collection de médailles. 8vo. Katalog einer Sammlung griechischer Vasen, Marienburg. ... 8vo. A Sale Catalogue. Paris, 1874. Terrakotten, Mar- Das Schloss der deutschen Ritter zu Marienburg. 4to. Führer durch das Schloss Marienburg. 8vo. Berlin, 1823. Ib. 1896. The Schloss contains a considerable collection of objects of Industrial Mariette (F. A. F.). See Boulak. MARIETTE (PIERRE JEAN), Virtuoso, Comptroller-General of the Grand Mariette-Bey (Auguste Edouard), Egyptologist, 1821-81. See Boulak. Marioneau (Ch.). See Verton. Maritzburg, South Africa. The Museum is described by E. W. Swanton in Museums Journal, i. (1901-2), p. 329. Markland (James Haywood). See London, Society of Antiquaries. Marks (M.). See Thomson (Sir Henry). MARLBOROUGH GEMS. The collection was formed by George Spencer (1739-1817), fourth Duke of Marlborough, principally from the collection of Zanetti of Venice, and the Cabinets of Lady Betty Germaine and William Ponsonby (1704-93), second Earl of Bessborough. 15 Gemmarum antiquarum Delectus. [Latin and French.] fol. 2 vol. 100 plates by Bartolozzi after Cipriani. Reissued. Londini, 1781-90. Ib. 1845. The Latin text of the first volume was written by Jacob Bryant and of the second by Dr. W. Cole. The French version of the two volumes was by Dr. Maty and L. Dutens respectively. [Thomas (Vaughan), Antiquary, 1775-1858.] Thoughts on the Cameos and Intaglios of antiquity, suggested by a sight and survey of the Blenheim collection. 8vo. Oxford, 1847. Maskelyne (Merin Herbert Neal Story), Keeper of the Department of Mineralogy, British Museum. The Marlborough Gems. 4to. London, 1860. See Michaelis, Ancient Marbles in Great Britain, p. 212; C. W. King Marseilles (Bouches de Rhône). GROSSON (JEAN BAPTISTE BERNARD), Archaeologist, 1733-1800. Marseille, 1773. FAURIS DE SAINT-VINCENS (ALEXANDRE JULES ANTOINE DE), Antiquary, 1750-1819. Many later editions. Notice des Tableaux et Monuments antiques qui composent la 12mo. Marseille, 1827, 1833, 1849, and many later editions. Marseilles-cont. PENON (C.). NAVILLE (ÉDOUARD), Egyptologist, b. 1844. 4 plates. Marseille, 1876. 4to. Lyon, 1880. MASPÉRO (GASTON-CAMILLE-CHARLES), Egyptologist, b. 1846. LE BLANT (EDMOND), Archaeologist, 1818-79. Paris, 1889. Marseille, 1894. FROEHNER (WILHELM), Archaeologist, b. 1834. DERENBOURG (HARTWIG). Les Monuments Sabéens et Himyarites. Revue archéologique, xxxv., p. 1. Ib. 1894. Ib. 1867. 16. 1897. LAUGIER (JACQUES). Collection des monnaies du Musée numismatique. 8vo. Ib. 1884. BOUILLON-LANDAIS. Nomenclature des objets d'art composant le Musée de Marseille suivie d'un essai historique sur ce Musée. Second edition. 8vo. Coup d'oeil sur le Musée de Marseille. 8vo. Ib. 1875. Ib. 1867, 1896. A part of the Choiseul-Gouffrier collection is in this Museum. NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM. Roux (Jean Louis Florent Polydore), Naturalist, 1792-1833. Annales du Musée. 4to. Ib. 1883, ann. sqq. There are several special Catalogues of Coins, Pictures, and Works of As to the history of the Archaeological Museum of the Chateau-Borély, GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. As to their Ethnographical collections, see Internationales Archiv für |