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Society for promoting the Abolition of Slavery.

dom to every part of the human race, and in a more particular manner to fuch of their fellow-creatures as are entitled to freedom by the laws and conftitutions of any of the United States, and who, not withstanding, are detained in bondage by fraud or violence. From a full conviction of the truth and obligation of thefe principles from a defire to diffufe them wherever the miferies and vices of flavery exift-and, in humble confidence of the favour and fupport of the Father of Mankind, the fubfcribers have affociated themselves under the title of, "The Pennfylvania Society for promoting the abolition of flavery, and relief of free Negroes unlawfully held in bondage."

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This Society, the President of which is Dr Franklin, have lately prefented the following memorial to the convention of the United States:

To the honourable the convention of the United States of America, now affem bled in the city of Philadelphia, the Memorial of the Pennfylvania Society for promoting the abolition of flavery, and the relief of free Negroes unlawfully held in bondage.

"The Pennfylvania Society for promoting the abolition of flavery, and the relief of free Negroes unlawfully held in bondage, rejoice with their fellow-citizens, in beholding a convention of the States affembled for the purpose of amending the foederal conftitution.

"They recollect, with pleafure, that, among the first acts of the illustrious Congrefs of the year 1774, was a refoJution for prohibiting the importation of African flaves.

"It is with deep diftrefs they are forced to obferve, that the peace was fcarcely concluded before the African trade was revived, and American veffels employed in tranfporting the inhabitants of Africa, to cultivate, as flaves, the foil of America, before it had drunk in all the blood which had been fhed in her ftruggle for liberty.

"To the revival of this trade, the Society afcribe part of the obloquy with which foreign nations have branded our infant States. In vain will be their pretenfions to a love of liberty, or a regard for national character, while they share in the profits of a commerce, that can only be conducted upon rivers of human tears and blood.

"By all the attributes therefore of the Deity, which are offended by this inhuman traffic-by the union of our whole


fpecies in a common ancestor, and by all the obligations which refult from it-by the apprehenfions and terror of the righ teous vengeance of God in national judgements--by the certainty of the great and awful day of retribution-by the efficacy of the prayers of good men, which would only infult the Majefty of Heaven, if offered up in behalf of our country, while the iniquity we deplore continues among us-by the fanctity of the Chriftian name-by the pleasure of domeftic connexions, and the pangs which attend their diffolution-by the captivity and fufferings of our American brethren in Algiers, which feem to be intended by Divine Providence to awaken us to a fenfe of the injuftice and cruelty, of dooming our African brethren to perpetual flavery and mifery-by a regard to the confiftency of principle and conduct which should mark the citizens of republics--by the magnitude and inten fity of our defires to promote the happiness of those millions of intelligent bemenfe Continent with rational life-and. ings, who will probably cover this im by every other confideration that religion, reafon, policy, and humanity, can fuggeft-the Society implore the prefent convention to make the fuppreffion of the African trade in the United States a part of their important deliberations.

Signed, by order of the Society, by' JONATHAN PENROSE, 6 Month 2d, 1787. Vice-Prefident.".


The hemp and flax which is to be cultivated in New South Wales, is from the hemp or flax plant of New Zealand, which is about a fortnight's fail from New South Wales. In Zealand it grows fpontaneously, and is fit for the various purpofes of flax, hemp, and filk, and much easier manufactured than either of them; the threads or filaments are formed by Nature with fuch delicacy, that they may be divided into threads fmall enough for ma king the finest linen; in colour and glofs it refembles a pale green filk, and is of fuch a texture, that a cable of ten inches being made thereof, is equal in durability and ftrength to one of 18 or 20 inches made of European hemp.

Canterbury, Sept. 27. This afternoon, at four o'clock, Powell, the celebrated walker, commenced his journey from Canterbury to London bridge, for a wager of 25 guineas. He was to come from Canterbury and return within 24 hours. He reached the Bridge at half past two

on Friday morning, and was again at Canterbury juft ten minutes before four in the afternoon, The ground is 112 miles; in coming he was ten hours and a half; in returning 13 hours and 20 minutes; fo that he faved his distance only by ten minutes. Powell is 53 years old. London, Admiralty-Office, O&t 7. The King having fignified his pleasure to my Lords Cmmiffioners of the Admiralty, that the uniform cloathing, at prefent worn by the flag-officers of his Majefty's fleet fall be altered in the manner mentioned at the foot hereof; and that Commodores having Captains under them, the firft Captain to the Admiral of the fleet, and firft Captains to Admirals commanding in chief fquadrons of twenty fail of the line or more, fhall be diftinguifhed by wearing the fame frock uniform as RearAdmirals; their Lordfhips do hereby give notice thereof to all flag officers, Commodores having Captains under them, and firft Captains to the Admirals above-mentioned, and require and direct them to conform ftrictly thereto.

Such flag officers, however, as are provided with the uniforms in prefent ufe, are permitted to wear the fame, if they think fit, for one year from the date hereof. Uniforms of the Flag-Officers of his Majefty's fleet to be hereafter as follows: full drefs.-Admirals. A blue cloth coat, laced with gold lace, and loops of the fame, on both fides regular; three on the flap; ftand-up collar, with two laces; white cloth cuffs, with three laces; white filk lining; gilt buttons, with a small anchor in the center, encircled with a laurel: -white cloth waistcoat, plain; three buttons to the flap-white cloth breeches.


North Britain,

Northumberland, Cumberland, and Weftmorland,


Vice-Admirals.-The fame, with only two laces to the cuffs.

Rear-Admirals.-Ditto, with only one lace to the cuffs.

Undrefs.-Admirals.-A blue cloth coat, with blue lappels, cuffs, and collar; embroidered button-holes like thofe now in ufe, regular alfo the lappel; three to the flap, three on the cuff, and three behind; buttons fame as above. White cloth waistcoat and breeches, plain.

Vice-Admirals.-Ditto, with buttonholes, three and three.

Rear-Admirals.-Ditto, with buttonholes, two and two.

N. B. Patterns of the lace and buttons

above-mentioned may be feer at the Admiralty-office and Navy-Office,

October 9. This morning one of his Majefty's meffengers, difpatched by the Right Hon. William Eden, his Majefty's Envoy Extraordinary and Minifter Plenipotentiary at the Court of France, arrived at the office of the Marquis of Carmarthen, his Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for foreign affairs, with the moft Chriftain King's ratification of the convention, figned the 31st of Auguft last, for explaining the extent and meaning of the thirteenth article of the last Definitive Treaty of Peace, which was exchanged with Mr Eden against his Maje fly's Ratification, on the 28th of September laft at Versailles, by his most Christian Majefty's Plenipotentiary.

25. and 26. The Commiffioners of Stamps met at their office, pursuant to an act paffed laft feffions of parliament, to farm the duties on horfes let to hire for travelling poft, and by term of 3 years. Produce toGovern

ment for the laft
twelve months.



Sums given.

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Lancashire, Cheshire, Derby

fhire, and Staffordshire,

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Lincoln, Nottingham, and Lei


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Northampton, Rutland, and

not fold.


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Wilts, Worcestershire, & Glou


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Norfolk, Suffolk, Effex, and


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Bedford and Buckinghamshire,

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Huntingdon and Herts,

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Middlefex, including London

and Westminster,

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Kent and Suffex,

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no bidder.

Trial of Maj. Brown.-Press at Leith.

The other four lats were fold, but we are not perfectly correct in the fums, or the names of the purchafers;-therefore have not inferted them.

The gentleman who was preferred as the highest bidder for farming the duties on poft-horfes for North Britain, is George Smith of Broomhill, Efq; near Aberdeen, after above an hour's conteft with ten other gentlemen of North Britain. He was accordingly declared Farmer-General of the whole of Scotland, being the first that ever had that title in this kingdom. 27. A court-marrial has been fitting fome time at the Horfe-guards, on the trial of Major John Browne, of the 67th regiment, upon a complaint exhibited by the Members of a court-martial at Antigua, of difrefpect to them, and on a charge of cruelty to Thomas Edwards, a private foldier. And yesterday the court-martial delivered their fentence, that the Major was fo far guilty of the difrefpect laid to his charge, in that he had disclaimed the authority of the Antigua court-martial to put him in arreft, refufed to pay obedience to them as a Court, and fubmitted to the arreft on the fole ground of the President being an officer of fuperior rank to him. But for this contempt it was judged, that the very long period of the Major's arreft was a fufficient punishment. With refpect to the private foldier he was found guilty, not of cruelty, but of oppreffion, and was fentenced to be fufpended from pay and duty 309 days, the time during which he had confined the faid foldier without trial, and he was alfo fentenced to pay the foldier 401. The Court alfo declared, that all courts-martial, are entitled to obedience, how low foever the rank of the Members that compofe it; and that an attempt to depreciate the military character of a commanding officer, when not in the exercife of his command, was not an injury of a mere private nature, but within the cognizance of a court-martial.

Whitehall Oct 30. Mr Frafer requests the Mafter of Lloyd's Coffee-houfe will give immediate notice, that a Messenger arrived this morning with an account that a Declaration, and Counter Declaration, was figned and exchanged at Verfailles, on the 27th inftant, between the Duke of Dorfet and Mr Eden, on the part of is Majefty; and the Count de Montmorin, on the part of his Moft Chrif tian Majefty; by which it was agreed, that the armaments, and all war-like preparations, fhould be difcontinued on both fides. [This important Intelligence was confirmed by the Gazette.]



On Monday night, Sept. 24, and early on Tuefday morning, there was a very hot prefs at Leith and Newhaven, when, it is faid, upwards of 300 men were feized, and fent on board the tenders in Leith roads. The prefs-warrants arrived late on Monday night, by Capt. Manly of the royal navy, who came feveral hours fooner than the poft fo that there was not the smallest suspicion of such an event taking place, till the orders were actually put in execution, by which means many more hands were picked up than otherwife could have been procured. The first information the captains of the men of war in Leith roads received of this bufinefs, was an order to fend the prefs-gangs afhore, which was inftantly complied with.-The city of Edinburgh was likewife put in great alarm on Tuefday morning, by fome of the failors and marines having come up, without any authority from their officers, and under the pretence of promoting the fervice, preffed feveral of the inhabitants, fome of whom they extorted money from, and others they ill used and hurt. Thefe fellows had even the audacity to parade the ftreets of the city, with drawn cutlaffes, in broad day-light, and to behave in a moft riotous and diforderly manner, infulting every perfon they met, till by order of the Lord Provost and Magifirates, they were apprehended and committed prifoners to the city-guard. They were afterwards taken to the council-chamber, to be examined; but the fellows appeared fo much intoxicated with liquor, as to render any inquiry at that time altogether impoffible; they were therefore remitted back to the guard.-A precognition was afterwards taken, when nothing criminal having come out against any of them, except one, they were fent aboard again. It appears that the fellows who really did the mifchief had got down to Leith, and by that means eluded difcovery.

The Magiftrates of Edinburgh, on Oct. 1. offered a bounty of two guineas to every able and one guinea to every ordinary feaman, who on or before the 31. Oct. fhould voluntarily enter to ferve in the Royal Navy, fuch feamen being not above fifty nor under twenty years of age, and refiding in or belonging to the city, Leith, Newhaven, or the other liberties of Edinburgh.

Confiderable alterations and improvements on the outer parliament houfe, Edinburgh, under the management of the


Faculty of Advocates, are now carry ing on. The magiftrates and town council have agreed to concur with the Faculty in this ufeful work, and to bear the expence of putting the fabric itself into proper repair. The part of the hall to be occupied in future by the outer houfe will be above 90 feet long, and 42 feet wide, and is to be accommodated with benches for the judges, feating for the counfel, fire-places, &c. on a moft commodious and elegant plan.

Edinburgh, October 2. This day the Magiftrates for the enfuing year were elected, when the government of the city was vefted in the following Gentlemen,


The Right Hon. JOHN GRIEVE, Lord

approbation they had expreffed of his conduct there. His Lordship afterwards acquainted the Meeting, that, on account of his health, he should not again offer them his fervices; but if they should put in nomination a worthy fucceffor, by which means the peace and harmony of the county could be preferved, he fhould be happy to give the moft speedy effect to their wishes.

"Lord Monboddo then moved, That the thanks of the Meeting hould be given. to his Lordship, which was unanimously approved: and Sir Alexander Ramfay, their Prefes, thanked his Lordship as fol



"My Lord,

"I am defired by this Meeting to re "turn your Lordship our beft thanks for your fervices in Parliament, and for "your unwearied attention to the intereft Bailies. of this county during all the time you "have reprefented, it. I am likewife "defired (fince you are determined to "take leave of us) to return you thanks "for the care your Lordfhip has taken "to preferve the peace and harmony of "the county in the choice of a fucceffor, "by giving us an opportunity deliberate"ly to nominate a gentleman who is ac

Provoft, continued.
JAMES GORDON, Efq; Dean of Guild.
JAMES MANSFIELD, Efq; Treasurer.
Thomas Elder, Efq; Old Provoft.
Thomas Cleghorn, jun. Efq;
David Willifon, Efq;
Alexander Walker, Efq;
John Gloag, Efq;



Wil.Galloway,Efq; OldDean of Guild.
James Eyre, Efq; Old Treasurer.
Meff. Andrew Bonnar,

Robert Forrefter.

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John Milne

William Forrester,

Robert Moncur,

David Stewart,

John Donaldfon,

William Jamiefon,"
George Jollie,



ceptable to every body: And I am "happy in having this opportunity of "expreffing my own fentiments and my "own feelings, which fo exactly corre "fpond with the voice of the public.";

Immediately after, Robert Barclay Counsellors. Allardice, Efq: of Ury, was propofed, and unanimoufly approved by the Meeting, and invited, by all the Gentlemen, prefent, to offer his fervices to reprefent them, as foon as their prefent worthy re prefentative fhould vacate his feat."



William Murray,? Council Deacons.
Patrick Mellifs,

Thomas Millar,

Alex. Ferguffon,

Dumfries, October 11. At the Michaelmas Head Court of this county, held here. upon the 2d inf.the Meeting being unanimoufly of opinion, that it is a most defireable cbject to obtain an alteration of the prefent laws with regard to freehold qualifications in Scotland, and being inform ed, that there was a plan in agitation for that purpose, appointed Lord Elliock, Charles Sharpe of Hoddom, Robert Dalziel of Glenae, Robert Riddel of Glenrid

Andrew Bonnar, Captain of the Orange del, Alexander Fergufon of Craigdarroch,


Stonehaven, October 2. At a meeting here of Freeholders of the county of Kincardine, after the ufual county bufinefs was over, our reprefentative, Lord Adam Gordon, thanked the Meeting for the honour they had repeatedly done him, in fending him to Parliament, and for the

William Copland of Colliefton, Patrick
Miller of Dalfwinton, John Maxwell of
Terraughty, James Stewart Monteith of
Clofeburn, George Maxwell of Carru-
chan, George Hogan of Waterfide, James
Carruthers of Wormanby, and George
Johnftoun of Cowhill, Efquires, a com-
mittee of their number to meet at Edin-,



burgh with any committees that may be named by the other counties of Scotland upon this bufinefs; and particularly to meet or correfpond with any committee named by the Gentlemen of the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright for that purpose; and appointed Mr Ferguson of Craigdarroch to be convener of the committee; and they recommended it to the committee always to have it in view, that the abolition of liferent and wadfet qualifications, and a reduction of the extent of the prefent qualification by valuation of 400 l. Scots, are particular objects to be attended to in any new law to be brought into Parliament upon this bufinefs.'

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The fhips fitted out from England this feafon are upwards of 200, and their burden exceeds 70,000 tuns,



THE Declaration of war, published by the Ottoman Porte, and the imprifon ment of the Ruffian Minister at Conftantia nople having reached the Court of Pe tersburg, her Imperial Majefty caused a fhort manifefto to be drawn up, and de livered to the Foreign Minifters, in which

List of Ships fitted out from Scotland for the declares, that ever fince the peace of

the Whale Fishery, 1787.

Tons. Fifh. Seals Butts
234 3 600 118
1322 170

236 6

45 128

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399 3
319 I 100
301 clean




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230 158


Kainardgi, to the prefent moment, the Porte has fhewn, in all her conduct, the moft manifeft want of faith, and a difpofition to render the effential ftipulations then made of no effect. After all differences had been adjusted, and every thing feemed to promife a durable peace, the next Turkish minifter who fucceeded to that under which all thofe friendly negociations had paffed, difcovered difpofitions diametrically oppofite to their fpirit; and ill-founded pretenfions foon arose refpecting the exportation of falt, which had been granted by treaty to the inha bitants of Oczaków. Ruffian confuls were denied entrance to the ftipulated parts; protection and encouragement were publicly given to the Lefgis and Tartars of the Caban, to make their incurfions on the States in amity with her Imperial Majefty: and, as if that was not fufficient to effect the rupture in view, 70 they excited the Tartars to penetrate into the Frontiers of her Imperial Majesty's dominions, where they robbed, pillaged, and carried off whatever was not defended by regular troops.

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342 5 1420 160


Peace and Plenty, 273 5










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286 3

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237 clean


Eliza Swan,

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Six Brothers

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295 5 1400 135
290 8

George Dempfter, 287 one

Countess of Hopet. 336 1




After reciting thefe, and other enor mities of the like kind, the manifefto concludes in the following manner:

"Provoked by a conduct fo offenfive, the Emprefs is obliged, much against her will, to have recourfe to arms, as the only means which remain, to maintain her rights, which fhe has acquired at the price of fo much blood, and to avenge her wounded dignity by the violence done to her Minifter. Entirely innocent of all thofe evils which the war is going to 280 kindle, and will be accompanied with, fhe has a right to reckon, not only on the Divine protection and the fuccours of her friends, but alfo on the wishes of all the Chriftian world, for the triumph of 3 L a caufe


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