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the nation, are folely caused by the tenor of the new fyftem, and the fubverfion of the rights of the conftitution. His Excellency is fupplicated to be good enough to reprefent this truth to the Auguft So vereign, and to omit no opportunity of perfuading him, that the ftate of fuffering in which circulation and commerce are plunged, cannot cease, until all matters Thall be happily restored to their conftitutional order.

"The States of Brabant again take the liberty of fubmitting to his Excellency, that at the time it was in agitation to fend Deputies to the facred perfon of the Emperor, they were informed by a dispatch, dated the 18th ult.

"That from the moment that the Provinces fent Deputies to the foot of the throne, the embarraffments which have exifted for fome months are regarded as terminated and concluded.

"After the fending the faid Deputies had been refolved upon, aud put in execution, his Excellency informed the refpective States, that his Majefty thought a concentration of troops neceffary; "the conduct of the nation with regard to the concentration in queftion being otherwife looked upon by his Majefly as the touchftone of their confidence and fidelity."

"The States of Brabant, as well as his Excellency being convinced of it, then declared their confidence in this concentration; notwithtanding which, by the faid dispatch of the 18th July, the removal of the troops had been judged unneceffary.

"The States, who, with all the nation, had reafon to think that his Majefty would be fatisfied by these proofs-the States fee with grief, that the Emperor has ftill determined on many points, the execution of which is to take place antecedent to their entering upon any fort of deliberation. His Majefty declares, that his dignity renders all these premises abfolutely indifpenfible, and commands your Excellency to put them in execution.

"The States of Brabant are perfuaded that your Excellency is fufficiently informed, that all thefe premises, the renewal of which is commanded, are contrary to the fundamental laws, confirmed by the oath of the Sovereign; that of courfe, it is impoffible for the faid States to give affifiance directly or indirectly to this renewal, or to relinquish at any time, conformable to the 42d article of the Joyeufe Entree, an extract of which is hereto annexed, the right of making to his Majesty the moít humble as well as

the most preffing reprefentations for the redrefs of thefe infractions of the rights of the Province. The States flatter themfelves, and will never lofe a hope, but that the juftice of the Monarch will favourably attend to their claims.

"With these fentiments of fubmiffion and confidence, the States of Brabant declare, that they have been always abfolutely far, as they ftill are at prefent, from employing against the execution of the premises ordered by his Majefty, any other means than those of representation, and fuch as are confiftent with the dignity of the auguft Sovereign; protesting at the fame time to your Excellency on the other hand, "That if the execution of the premifes, which his Majefty requires, fhould prove the caufe of any diforder or local tumult, neither the States nor the nation can be in any manner refponfi ble.

"With these fentiments, and always adhering to conflitutional means, the States of Brabant find it abfolutely impoffible, in confequence of the 59th article of the Joyeuse Entree, to affent to any fubfidy for the benefit of the Sovereign, as long as the infractions committed shall remain unrepaired and unredreffed; and that, in confequence of the folemn oath which the faid States have taken for obferving the Joyeufe Entree." (A COPY)

Signed "DE COCK."

Sept. 20. A ferious infurrection took place at Bruffels. A plan was formed to difarm the Volunteers and Burghers, and to feize the moft confpicuous characters of the State. The military were inftructed to tear the cockade from the hats of the Patriotic party; feveral fubmitted to the indignity, others refented it. The Burghers, obferving the conduct of the lat ter, ran to the market-place, and forced the drummers to beat the alarm. A formidable affemblage of the people instantly got together. General Murray appeared in Magdalen-freet. Two dragoons that attended his carriage were shot dead. The enraged multitude appeared determined to exterminate the General and his dragoons, and one of the Volunteers attempted to kill him, but was with-held by his comrade. Finding himself in this perilous fituation, the General was reduced to offer terms of accommodation, which were accepted. The States convened at twelve o'clock next day, when the General intimated the Emperor's confent to every propofition, excepting a


Pruffian Army enters Holland.

private article concerning Louvaine, which he would not admit. His Majefty confequently will inftitute feveral new regulations relative to that feminary. Ringing of bells, beating of drums, and all other frantic demonftrations, took place of univerfal confufion; for in the market-place there was an affemblage of more than 50,000 inhabitants.


Sept. 5. M. de Thulemeyer prefented a Memorial to the Prefident of the States General, in which he expreffed the fatisfaction which the King his mafter has received at the requeft of the States of Guelderland and Utrecht, to add his mediation to that of the courts of Verfailles and London, to which he readily aflents, and will zealoufly concur thereto in every thing that can be done on his part for that purpose.

The above Memorial was very foon after, viz. on Sunday the 9th, followed by a note delivered by the fame Ambaffador to the Prefident of the States of Holland, of which the following is the purport:

"The King expects that their Noble and Great Mightineffes write a letter to her Royal Highnefs, which they muft fhew to the Minifter of his Majefty before they fend it, containing an acknowledgment of the error of the fuppofition that this Princess had any views contrary to the welfare of the Republic.

"That they must apologize for the oppofition made to her journey, and for the want of that refpect of which her Royal Highnefs complains.

"That their Noble and Great Mightineffes engage to punish, at the requifition of the Princefs, those who appear to be culpable of those offences against her auguft perfon.

That they revoke their injurious and erroneous refolutions which they have taken on account of this journey, the revocation to be accompanied by an invitation,

"That her Royal Highnefs will cometo "the Hague, to enter into a nego"ciation with her, in the name of "the Prince Stadtholder, for conci"liating by a fuitable arrangement the differences which fubfift at "prefent."

"The underfigned is also authorifed to declare to Monf. the Grand Penfioner, that in cafe their Noble and Great Mightineffes, without difficulty, make fuch a moderate fatisfaction, her Royal Highnds


will interpofe with the King, her auguft Brother, to forbear any further requifition for fatisfaction on this fubject.

"He has, moreover, the honour to inform Monf. the Grand Penfioner, that if the fixing of the counsel for negociation at the Hague fhould be attended with difficulties, they may chufe fome neutral town to negociate the bafis of what is to form a conciliation and mediation.

"The undersigned will not diffimulate to Monf. the Counfeller Penfioner, that his Majefty expects, in the most exprefs manner, that, in the interim, the States of Holland will at least let things remain in their prefent ftate; and that they will not proceed to any fufpenfion, deprivation, and other measures offenfive and prejudicial to the perfon of the Prince Stadtholder, Captain and Admiral General, as by fo doing they will render all conciliation illufory, impoffible, and will add to the offences."

Since the above was delivered, the Burghers of Hoorn, in North Holland, have triumphantly depofed nine of the Old Council, and placed the like number of brave Patriots in their room.

The Lords, the States of Holland and Weft Friesland, having met to deliberate on the two laft notes of M. de Thule meyer, refolved not to enter into difcuffion on the points alluded to in the abovementioned notes, but to fend to Berlin two regents, to reprefent to his Pruffian Majefty an exact detail of all that paffed on the occafion. In the mean time, the demand of fatisfaction to the Princefs in four days came by exprefs; and the States inftantly iffued a placart for laying the country under water the moment any foreign troops enter the territories of the Republic.

Sept. 13. The Pruffian army, under the command of his Serene Highness the Duke of Brunswick, paffed the river at Nimeguen, and advanced from thence in three columns. On their approach the Rhingrave of Salm evacuated Utrecht, after having nailed up 140 pieces of cannon, which he was obliged to leave behind him, and destroyed, as far as he was able, the powder and other ftores, retiring with what he could collect of the garrifon, in great diforder towards Amfterdam and Naerden. On the 18th the Prince of Orange's troops entered the towns of Utrecht and Montfort, and the Vaart; and no oppofition was made in any part of the province.

Sept. 19. Intelligence was received at the Hague, of Gorcum, Dort, Schoon


hover, and feveral other of the principal towns of South Holland, having furren dered, without bloodbed, to the Duke of Brunfwick. The States of Holland iflued orders for breaking and difarming the Free Corps; and late this evening the 18th, they paffed a refolution for reftor ing his Serene Highnefs the Prince Stadtholder to all his rights and honours, with the command of this garrifon; and a deputation is appointed to the Duke of Brunswick, and a letter fent off to invite the Frince of Orange to return to his re-,

which appoints the Archbishop of Thouloufe to the title of "Firft Member of State."


A botanical garden has lately been eftablifhed at Bengal, under the directon of Colonel Kydd, whofe fcientific difcoveries are likely to prove of the greatest benefit to the India Company, who have fent out orders to Earf Cornwallis to fpare no expence in rendering his labours effectually beneficial. The cinnamon and fago trees are directed to be particularly attended to--the former mest valuable

Thirty English Eaft-Indiamen, one French ditto, four American ditto, four Dutch ditto, one Swedish ditte, two Danih ditto, and twenty-three country fhips, arrived at China the last seafon.

fidence here. Hogue, Sept. 21. The Prince of Opice, it is thought, may be produced range arrived here yesterday at two o'- nearly equal to that of Ceylon; and the clock in the afternoon, and was received fago trees, if fucceísful, wili prove an in by the deputations from the States Gene- eftimable refource in cafes of famine and ral, and the States of Holland, the Coun- peftilence. cil of State and Committees, the Equeftrian Order, the Court of Juftice, and the different Colleges. The Deputies of fifteen towns were prefent in the Affembly of the States of Holland yefterday, when they unanimoufly voted an address to the Stadtholder; and this day came to a refolution, declaring him re-inflated in all his rights. It is impoffible to defcribe the universal joy that prevails here among all ranks of people upon this e


The revolution is nearly compleat; the town of Amfterdam alone holds out: how long that does it with effect, may eafily be judged, when there is not even the appearance of a French army to give countenance to the few who are ftill adverse to the true conflitution and independence of their country.


Sept. 13. The President of the Parliament of Paris arrived at Court from Troyes, being deputed to reprefent to the King the ruinous fituation his country muft inevitably be reduced to from the measures he had been advised to purfue that public bufinefs must be at a ftand from the abfence of fome of the officers who compofed the Parliament and that they hoped he would take the matter again into confideration. On his arrival, a negociation was fet on foot for their recall; the refult of which was acquiefcence on the part of the King.

The preliminaries of this negociation are faid to be thefe: "The King confents to the impofs he had infifted on being withdrawn, and that the Parliament fhould receive every fatisfaction. On the part of the Parliament, they have agreed to the registering of the patent


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The Congrefs have it in contemplation to fend fome veffels of force into the European feas, particularly into the Mediterranean, to protect the trade of the United States. Capt. Hopkins, who made fome figure during the late war, will have a command, and is now at New York for that purpofe. The Hancock of 36 guns, Roanoque of 28, Charlef town of 28, Beaver of 26, Rawleigh 26, and Independence of 26 guns, with the Subtil, Convert, and Sable flocos, are intended for this fervice, and will be equipped for the purpofe in the compleateft manner. The Commiffioners having returned to America, without being able to conclude a treaty with the Barbary States, but on fuch terms as Congrefs are neither able nor willing to comply. with, is the caufe of the measure.

The fhips fent by the Americans to the Eaft Indies, have produced fo much profit, that a fubfcription is opened at Philadelphia, for forming a Company for Eat-India Commerce.

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Letter from a Lunatic to the Princefs-Royal.-Duel.


The Directors of the India Company have prefented the Society for promoting Chriftian Knowledge with one hundred reams of fuperfine paper, for the purpofe of enabling the Society to compleat a verfion of the Bible in the Malabar language, for the use of the natives of India.

One Thomas Stone underwent a long examination before several of the Faculty and fome Juftices of the Peace, when evident marks of infanity appeared in many parts of his late conduct, he was ordered to be confined till further orders in Bedlam Hofpital.

Some days before this her Majefty received a very extraordinary letter from Stone, mentioning a very warm paffion which he had conceived for her eldeft daughter; and hoping, if their Majefties approved of the idea of his marrying her, he and the Princefs Royal would be a very happy couple! After this, the man appeared at St James's, and begged leave to be introduced in form, as, from not having had an anfwer, he conceived his propofal was acceded to. Silence gave confent! This, however, was not much attended to by the people to whom he fpoke. On his going afterwards to Kew, he was feized, and confined till he could be taken to the public office in Bowftreet to be examined, where he confe fed to have conceived an attachment for

her Royal Highnefs; alfo that he had conceived the fame for him. A great many papers on the fubject of love were found upon him, addreffed to her Serene Highnefs the Princefs Royal.


Stone is a heavy-looking man, about 33 years of age: he is a native of Shaftfbury, and his father is a floor-cloth painter. He was brought up an attorney, has an uncle of the name of Sutton living in Iflington. He wrote a letter to Mr Delaval, of Pall-Mall, faying, he propofed a plan for paying off the national debt. His converfation is truly that of a lus natic. He fays, his heart was flole from him three years ago, and till laft March he did not know who was the robber, till being at the play, he faw the Princefs Royal look up at the two fhilling gallery. The following are the lines which at the time of the above examination, were fubmitted to the critical examination of Dr Munro, and which Stone aknowledged to be his production:

To her Highness the PRINCESS ROYAL. Thrice glad were I to be your willing flave, But not the captive of the tool or knave; APPEND. to VOL. VI.


With woe on woe you melt my fighing breast,

Whilft you reject your humble would-be
August 22.
T. S.

A private board was this day held at the Treafury, for the purpose of examining the answer to the circular letter, written fome time fince by the Chief Magiftrates at different ports to confider of fome alterations in the Custom-house degiven to Mr Rofe has been, that they partment. From many places the answer prefer the prefent mode, believing it to be more conducive to the welfare and fecurity of commerce, than any new plan hitherto propofed.

Sept. 1o. A duel took place in HydePark, between Sir John Macpherson, Bart. and Major Browne. The parties met near Grofvenor-gate about eleven o'clock. The piftols were loaded on the ground, and it was agreed they both hould fire at the fame time: they did fo; Sir John received the Major's fecond fire; but his own piftol miffed fire. Col. Murray, fecond to Sir John, then requefted Major Roberts, who was fecond to Major Browne, "If his friend was fatisfied." He did fo; and Major Browne faid, "He was fatisfied that Sir John had behaved with great gallantry, and like a man of honour;" but fome further explanation being required on the part of the Major, a third hot was exchanged; and then both parties quitted the ground, came up to each other, faid a few words, and parted with falutations of civility.

Major General Meadows attended the Directors of the Eaft India Company, and was fworn into his office of Governor-General and Commander in Chief of Bombay.

derably, on the report that his moft Chrif Sept. 17. This day stocks fell confitian Majefty, as friend and ally to the Republic of Holland, had called upon his Britannic Majefty, as guarrantee to the conftitution of the Republic, cordially to join his moft Chriftian Majefty to repel any force that may be employed by any States to measures contrary to their longpower whatever to compell the United eftablished Conftitution; that their prefent unfortunate difputes may be fettled. by mediation.

21. This evening at nine o'clock, the Lords of the Admiralty figned warrants in the ufual form, to imprefs feamen for his Majefty's fervice, which were issued at one in the morning with the utmost fecrecy. It should feem, that the necef




Preparations for War.-Proclamation refpecting the Gold Coin.

fity for men is urgent; for, befides fweeping both fides of the river, they ftript every veffel of all hands, except the Captain; nor would any remonftrances fave either mates or apprentices. Before nine o'clock on Saturday morning they had impreffed upwards of 2000 men, none of whom were examined, as was ufual, by a regulating captain. Prefs-warrants have fince taken place at every port in the kingdom; and it is fuppofed, that before the end of the prefent month 20 fhips of the line will be manned.

Two floops, the Pylades and another, are ordered out to fea; the captains are not to open their inftructions until they are in a certain latitude weft of the Lizard.

The Mafter-General of the Ordnance on the fame day gave notice to the corps of artillery to hold themfelves in readinefs at an hour for Tervice; and the Victualing-office received their inftructions for the quantity of provifions and fupplies that might be wanted.

The fame day alfo the Secretary at war, by his Majefty's commands, iffued circular orders for an increafe of the army, by the addition of two companies to each regiment, in order that each regiment shall, inflead of eight, confift of ten companies.

24. Circular letters were iffued at the War office, for agumenting the regi• ment of infantry on the British establishment, by adding one ferjeant, one drummer, and 14 privates to each company. Two companies are alfo to be aded to each regiment, confifting of one Captain, one Lieutenant, one Enfign, and three ferjeants, three corporals, two drummers, and 56 privates; with one company more for the fpecial purpose of recruiting, to confift of one Captain, one Lieutenant, one Enfign, eight ferjeants, eight corporals, four drummers, and 30 privates.

Among other arrangements at the Admiralty, a promotion of Flag Officers took place: a progrefs rank was given to all the officers now on the lift below the Duke of Cumberland. Sixteen Captains were also promoted to that rank; this arrangement began with Commodore Elliot, and ended with Sir Charles Douglas; and was done with the particular and exprefs concurrence of his Majefty.

Sir Charles Middleton, being included in the above promotion to a flag, will neceffarily relinquifh his fituation as Comptroller of the Navy.

22. This nighi's Gazette contains a

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24. Twenty-three fail of the line were this day put in commiffion, viz. Chatham. Portf Plymouth. Prin. George London Alexander Alfred Arrogant Robust Venerable Refolution

Impregnable Cumberland


St George







Warrior Valiant.

Coal-Brook Dale, in Shropshire, in the The fpring of tar lately difcovered at eftate of Richard Reynolds, Efq; ftill continues to emit its ufual quantity of 55 barrels week, which, at the preper fent low price of tar, viz. 16s. bar rel, muft bring in to its owner the ama per fing fum of 22881. annually. It has an aromatic fmell and tafte, and bids fair to if not many more.-De Luc, reader to anfwer every purpose of vegetable tar, the Queen, and a very ingenious philofopher, fays, that it is fometimes found m Germany; he fufpects it to be produced by marine acid and peat rnofs; but yet the fubject is but little understood, though it is in a fair way to be fully inveftigated.

The London Gazette contains a proclamation, fetting forth, that there is reafon to believe, that little attention is paid to the royal proclamation iffued in April 1776, refpecting the gold coin. It is therefore declared, as it was in that proclamation, that gold more deficient than is fpecified in the following table, fhall not país current, viz.


Half guineas, Quarter guineas,

Davts. Grs.

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And all pieces more deficient than the above are ordered to be cut and defaced, agreeable to the acts of parliament, chap. fect. 7. 14th year of his prefent Majesty. and chap. 92. fect. 4. of the


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