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Of comparing the Celestial Appearances in different Places of the Earth.

ROM the Confideration of the Agreement and Difagreement of the celestial Appearances in different Places, there arise different Denominations of the Inhabitants, tho' they are not of different Sorts; fome being Antaci, others Periæci, and others Antipodes.

ANTOECI are those that live in the fame Semicircle of the Meridian; but on different Sides of the Equator, and at equal Distances from it.

PERIOECI are in the fame Parallel, but in different Semicircles of the Meridian: fometimes all the People in one Parallel are called Periaci ; but we fhall not take it fo, to avoid Confufion.

ANTIPODES are those that are diametrically oppofite to one another.

NOTE, these three Names do for the most part fignify the People in both Places, as we explained them; tho' fometimes they denote only those of one Place, as when we fay fuch People are antaci or antipodes to others.



Thofe that live in the fame Semicircle of the fame Meridian, bave all the fame Hours at the fame Time.

FOR when the Sun comes into that Meridian, 'tis twelve at Noon, in all the Places in that Meridian; and therefore they must have all other Hours at the fame Time; feeing the Sun's going from their Meridian to another Meridian fifteen Degrees from it makes an Hour; which is the twenty fourth Part of the Revolution to them both.


They that live on different Sides of the Equator, bave different Seafons of Summer, Winter, Spring, and Autumn, at the fame time.

FOR the Summer begins in a Place according to the Sun's Course, when the Sun is neareft to it's Zenith and the Winter begins when the Sun is furtheft from it and because the Sun goes from the North Hemisphere to the South: contrariwise, as it leaves the one, it comes nearer to the other; and therefore 'tis Summer in one Place, the fame Time that 'tis Winter in the other. The Changes in the Seafons in the Torrid Zone have fomething peculiar to them, as in Chap. xxvi.


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They that are in the North Hemifphere have, as they look to the Equator, the East on the right Hand, and the West on the left, the South before them, and the North behind them; but they that are in the fouthern Hemisphere, have the Stars rifing on their right Hand, and fetting on the left, as they turn their. Face to the Equator.

THEY that live on the Equator have the East on their right Hand, and the Weft on the left while they look to the North, but contrariwife if they look to the South.

THEY that are in the North Hemisphere when they look to the Equator, the Sun will feem to rife and set behind them, while 'tis in the northern Signs; but when in the fouthern Signs, it will appear to rife and fet before them: and the contrary will happen if they turn their Faces to the Poles.

SAILORS, and others who understand not these things, wonder at them; when they come to the South Hemifphere: but they appear plain from the Globe.


The Celestial Appearances to the Antœci are these.

1. THEY have Mid-day and Mid-night, and all the Hours at the fame Time; as in Prop. 1. of this Chapter.

2. THEY have contrary Seasons at the fame Time; when 'tis Summer with the one, 'tis Winter with the other; and fo as to Spring and Autumn.

SECT. VI. 3. THE Days of the one are equal to the Nights of the other; and the Nights of the one to the Days of the other.

4. WHEN the Days of the one increase to the longeft, the Days of the other Place decrease to the fhorteft; for the Days that are oppofite to one another in the Calendar, they have them equal; that is, the twentieth of April in the one, to the twentieth of October in the other.

5. ON the equinoctial Days the Sun rises and fets at the fame Time, but on other Days fooner to one than the other; and these two Days the Sun hath the fame Altitude in both Places: but each Hour in the Day on other Days, the Altitude differs.

6. WHEN they look towards one another, the Sun and Stars feem to rife and fet on different. Hands.

7. WHEN the Sun rifes and fets before the Face of the one, it doth fo behind the other; and contrariwife.

8. THEY have different Poles elevated equally.


9. THE Stars that never fet to the one, are never seen by the other; and contrariwife. are all plain on the Globe.


The Inhabitants of the Equator have no Antoci, and their Perioeci are the fame with their Antipodes.

THIS is plain from the Definitions we gave of




A Place being given on the Globe, to find who are the Antoci, Perioci, and Antipodes to the Inhabitants there.

FIND the Latitude of the Place by bringing it to the Brass Meridian; and their Anteci will be in the fame Latitude, on the other Side of the Equator.

BRING the Index of the lower Circle to 12, and mark the Point in the Meridian above the Place given; and alfo mark the Point above the Anteci of that Place: then turn the Globe till the Index point to the other twelfth Hour, and you will have the Periæci under the first marked Point of the Meridian, and the Antipodes under the other.


They that live in the fame Parallel, have all the Days and Nights of the Year equal; and each Star continues the fame Time above their Horizon: and the fame Stars never rife to them, and the fame never fet. The Sun and Stars all rife and fet on the fame Point, and each Star is at the fame Hour equally under or above the Horizon: they have the fame Pole equally elevated, and the Stars rife and fet on the fame Side to both, when they turn their Face to the Pole or the Equator, and have the fame Seafons at the fame Times, excepting fome Things peculiar in fome Places.

THESE Things are manifeft from the Confideration of the Stars, and the Situation of the Places on the Globe. If you elevate it to the Latitude of one Parallel, the wooden Horizon will be the Ho

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