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local Church may be vitalized; to promote the organization of groups of men in the local Church for fellowship and larger service, and to work in harmony with the plans of the General Board. It shall further be the duty of this Board to plan other work for the laity of the Church, with the ultimate end in view of having an active working force in every local Church. This Board shall so plan its work as to coöperate with all other Boards, and promote lay activities and leadership in executing their plans.

¶539. The General Conference shall elect a General Secretary. Such associate secretaries as are necessary to execute its plans shall be elected by the General Board of Lay Activities. The Board shall have authority to fill vacancies. occurring ad interim, including that of General Secretary.

¶540. The work of this Board shall be considered a benevolent interest of the Church, and the Commission on Budget shall include in the assessments recommended for adoption by the General Conference such sum as may be necessary for the proper support of the Board.

4541. This Board shall have authority to regulate its own proceedings and shall report to the Commission on Budget its estimate of the amount needed annually for its work.

542. The Board shall report quadrennially to the General Conference.

¶543. The Board shall assemble within ninety days after the adjournment of this General Conference at the call of the President and General Secretary of the Laymen's Missionary Movement as now constituted, and these officers shall continue as such until the organization of the General Board of Lay Activities. This Board shall be organized by the election of a President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, and Treasurer.



¶544. There shall be in every Annual Conference a Conference Board of Lay Activities composed of the Conference Lay Leader, who shall be chairman of the Board, the District Lay Leaders, and Associate District Lay Leaders from each Presiding Elder's District. The Conference Lay Leader shall be elected by the Annual Conference on nomination of the Conference Board, which shall also have power to fill vacancies in that office. It shall be the duty of this Board to consider, promote, and execute plans for larger activities of laymen in all the work of the Annual Conference and to coöper ate with all other Conference Boards in executing their plans for larger service in the work of the Church.



¶545. There shall be in every District a District Board of Lay Activities composed of the District Lay Leader, who shall be the chairman of the Board, two Associate District Lay Leaders, the Presiding Elder of the District, and the Charge Lay Leaders of the District. The District Lay Leader and Associate Lay Leaders shall be elected by the District Conference on nomination of the District Board. It shall be the duty of this Board to consider, promote, and execute plans for larger activities of laymen in all the work of the district and to coöperate with other district boards and committees in executing their plans for larger service in all Church work.



¶546. There shall be in every charge having two or more Churches a Charge Board of Lay Activities composed of the Charge Lay Leader, who shall be chairman of this Board, and the pastor of the charge, together with each Church Lay Leader in the charge. The Charge Lay Leader shall be elected by the Quarterly Conference on nomination of the pastor. It shall be the duty of this Board to consider, promote, and

execute plans for larger activities of the laymen in all the work of the charge and to coöperate with all other boards and committees of the charge and of the local Churches therein.



¶547. There shall be in every Church a Church Board of Lay Activities composed of the Church Lay Leader (who shall be elected by the Church Conference in circuits and by the Quarterly Conference in stations and who shall be chairman of the Board), together with the pastor of the charge, and the chairmen of the Evangelistic, Social Service, Missionary, Christian Education, Stewardship and Tithing, and Lay Speakers' Committees. These several comImittees shall be elected by the Church Conference and shall be utilized in every Church. It shall be the duty of this Board to promote evangelism, social service, missions, Christian education, stewardship and tithing, lay speaking, and lay organizations (such as Methodist men's clubs, brotherhoods, organized classes, etc.), and to coöperate with the pastor and official board in making the every-member canvass.



9548. It shall be the duty of the Conference Lay Leader to call together during the session of the Annual Conference, and as often as necessary, the Conference Board of Lay Activities, which shall plan and outline a Conference program relating to its work. The Conference Lay Leader shall report to the Annual Conference during its session, and to the General Secretary of the Board of Lay Activities once a quarter during the Conference year.

¶549. It shall be the duty of the District Lay Leader, after consultation with the Presiding Elder, to call together, immediately after adjournment of the Annual Conference, the District Board of Lay Activities to plan and outline a district program relating to the work of the Board. The District Lay Leader shall report to the District Conference, and shall also report to the Conference Lay Leader quarterly during the Conference year.

¶550. It shall be the duty of the Charge Lay Leader for charges of two or more Churches, after consultation with the pastor, to call together, immediately after the adjournment of the District Board of Lay Activities, and as often as necessary, the Charge Board of Lay Activities to plan, outline, and promote a program

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