Imágenes de página

Sequenze, Offertori, Mottetti, Salmi, Inni, Responsori. Volumes III.,
IV., V. and VI. only, containing the undermentioned works of

Palestrina, in score. folio

Rome, 1842-45.

Hymni totius Anni. Quatuor vocibus. [Printed at Rome, 1589. See No. 355.]
Lamentationum, Quatuor vocibus, Liber primus. [Printed at Rome, 1588.]
Idem. Libri II. et III. [From inedited MSS.]

Offertoria totius Anni. Quinque vocibus. [Printed at Rome, 1593. See No. 312.]
Mottetti, Responsori, Antifone, Salmi, Sequenze, a sei, setti a otto voci.

52. Allen (George), Mus. Bac. Fifteen Anthems. In score. folio.

London [1855].

53. Andre (Antonn). Mass for four voices. In full score. oblong folio. Offenbach.

54. Andre (Antonn). The same. In vocal score. oblong folio. Offenbach. This, and the foregoing, were presented to the Society by Mr. George French

Flowers, Mus. Bac.

55. Andre (Antonn). The same. In vocal score. oblong folio. Offenbach. Presented to the Society by the Rev. F. J. Stainforth.

56. Andre (Antonn). The same. In separate parts, viz.: four sets vocal and two sets instrumental parts.

Presented to the Society by Mr. G. F. Flowers, Mus. Bac.

57. Anthems (Six Easy) for two voices, chiefly adapted for ladies, by an

eminent Master.


Presented to the Society by the Rev. F. J. Stainforth.


58. Anthems (Ten Full), collected from the works of several eminent

composers; published principally for the use of country Churches.

[blocks in formation]

59. Antiphonarium Romanum Juxta Breviarium Sanctæ Romanæ Ecclesiæ ex Decreto Sacro-Sancti Concilii Trident. Restitut. quarto.

Lyons, 1760.

60. Arnold (John). The Complete Psalmodist, or the Organist's, Parish Clerk's, and Psalm-singer's Companion. [Containing Chants, Anthems, Psalm tunes, Hymns, Canons, &c. In score.] The sixth edition. octavo London, 1769.

61. Arnold (John). A Supplement to the Complete Psalmodist; containing a new set of capital Anthems, composed by John Arnold, with a new set of Psalm tunes. In score. octavo London. 62. Arnold (Samuel), Mus. Doc. Cathedral Music, being a collection in score of the most valuable and useful compositions for that service by the several English masters of the last 200 years; selected and revised by. 4 vols., folio London, 1790.

The fourth volume contains a separate organ part to the compositions included in the other three volumes.

63. Arnold (Samuel), Mus. Doc. The same (wanting the Organ part).

3 vols.

Presented to the Society by Miss Emily Gregg.

64. Arnold (Samuel), Mus. Doc. The same. Edited by E. F. Rimbault, with an arrangement for the organ, by the editor, subjoined to the vocal score. 3 vols., folio London.

65. Arnold (Samuel), Mus. Doc., and Calcott (John Wall), Mus. Doc. The Psalms of David, for the use of Parish Churches. The words selected by the Rev. Sir Adam Gordon, Bart., M.A.; the music selected, adapted, and composed by. In score. folio. London, 1791.

66. Atkinson (G. G.). The Abbey Bell; a collection of Psalm and Hymn Tunes, with Chants, Responses, Glorias, and a Sanctus. In score. London [1861].


67. Attwood (Thomas). "O Lord, grant the King a long life!" Anthem composed for the Coronation of King William IV. In full score. folio. London, 1831; and, "I was glad," Anthem composed for the Coronation of King George IV. In full score (wanting the title-page). folio. London, 1821.

68. Attwood (Thomas). Cathedral Music. Four complete Services, Eight Anthems, &c. Edited, and the organ accompaniment arranged, by Thomas Attwood Walmisley, M.A. and Mus. Doc. In score. Portrait of the composer. folio


69. Attwood (Thomas). Evening Service in F; Dirge for the organ. See Nelson's (Lord) Funeral Music, No. 339.

70. Ayrton (Edmund), Mus. Doc. "Begin unto my God," an anthem for voices and instruments, in full score, composed as an exercise for the degree of Doctor in Music. folio

See another copy, No. 336.


71. Bach (Johann Sebastian). Six Motetts, in score, with German and English text (the English version by W. Bartholomew). Portrait of the composer. folio

London, 1851.


72. Bach (Johann Sebastian). The same, in separate parts. Eight books. London. 73. Bach (Johann Sebastian). Kirchen Musik. In vocal score. oblong Bonn.


74. Bach (Johann Sebastian). 371 Vierstimmige Choralgesänge. oblong Leipsic.


75. Bach (Johann Sebastian). Choräle mit bezifferten Bass, herausgegeben von C. F. Becker. oblong quarto Leipsic. 76. Bach (Johann Sebastian). Mehrstimmige Choralgesänge und Geistliche Arien. In score. Leipsic, 1850.

oblong folio

77. Bach (Johann Sebastian). Magnificat, a cinque voci, due violini, due oboi, tre trombi, tamburi, basson, viola, e basso-continuo. In full folio Bonn.


At the end is a Chorus for 5 voices, violin, and basso, to the words, "Gloria in excelsis Deo," &c.

78. Bach (Johann Sebastian). Messa, a 8 voci reali e 4 ripieno, coll' accompagnamento di due orchestre. No. 1. In full score. folio. Leipsic.

79. Bach (Johann Sebastian). Missa [Kyrie et Gloria], à 4 voci, due flauti, due violini, viola ed organo. No. 1. In full score. folio.

Presented to the Society by Mr. Francis Deffell.

Bonn & Cologne.

80. Bach (Johann Sebastian). The same. In vocal score. oblong folio.


81. Bach (Johann Sebastian). Missa [Kyrie et Gloria], quatuor vocibus cantanda, comitante orchestra. In full score. oblong folio. Bonn.

Presented to the Society by Mr. Francis Deffell.

82. Bach (Johann Sebastian). Messe in H moll (the Kyrie and Gloria Zurich & Bonn.

only). In full score. folio

83. Bach (Johann Sebastian). Die Hohe Messe in H moll. In vocal score, oblong folio; and three sets of separate voice parts. octavo.

Presented to the Society by Mr. G. F. Flowers, Mus. Bac.


84. Baetens (Charles M.). Mass of the Assumption, for four voices, with an accompaniment for the organ or pianoforte. In score.

Presented to the Society by Mr. A. Durlacher.



85. Baetens (Charles M.). Mass of the Annunciation, for four voices, with an accompaniment for the organ or pianoforte. In score.


London [1857].

Presented to the Society by the composer. 86. Banks (Ralph). Te Deum, Jubilate, Sanctus, Kyrie Eleison, Nicene London.

Creed, Anthems and Chants, in score.


87. Bassani (Giovanni Battista). Messe concertate à 4 e 5 voci, con Violini e Ripieni; Opera Decima Octava: et Messa per li Defonti, concertata à quatro voci, con Viole e Ripieni; Opera Vigesima. In separate parts, bound in one volume. small folio. Bologna, n.d.

88. Bassani (Giovanni Battista). Resi Armonici in Motetti, a voce sola con violini; Opera Ottava.


Amsterdam, n.d.

Amsterdam, n.d.

Motetti, a voce sola, con doi violini, ad libitum; Opera Duodecima.


Harmonia Festiva, being the Thirteenth Opera of Divine Motetts, for a single voice, with proper symphonies. folio

London, n.d.

The above three sets of Motetts (which are bound together) are in separate parts, viz.: the Voice part, Violino primo, Violino secondo, and Basso.

89. Bassani (Giovanni Battista). Harmonia Festiva, being the Eighth Opera of Divine Motetts, for a single voice, with proper symphonies, wherein are the celebrated Motetts of Quid Arma, Quid Bella, and Allegri Amores. In vocal score; and

Harmonia Festiva, being the Thirteenth Opera of Divine Motetts, for a single voice, with proper symphonies. In vocal score. In one vol. London.

small folio

Presented to the Society by the Rev. F. J. Stainforth. 90. Bassano (Christopher). Six select Anthems, in score. folio. London. Bound up with Alcock's Anthems, No. 49.

91. Battishill (Jonathan). Six Anthems and Ten Chants. In score. Portrait of the composer. folio London, 1804.

92. Battishill (Jonathan). See also Nos. 189 and 353. 93. Beckwith (John), Mus. Doc. The first verse of every Psalm of David, with an ancient or modern Chant in score, adapted as much as possible to the sentiment of each Psalm, by. folio. London, 1808.

94. Bellamy (Richard), Mus. Bac. Te Deum, for a full orchestra; also a set of Anthems composed by. In full score. folio. London, 1788. Bound with the preceding number.

95. Bedford (Rev. Arthur), M.A. The Excellency of Divine Music, a Sermon. To which is added a specimen of easy, grave [Psalm] Tunes, instead of those used in our profane and wanton ballads. London [1734?].


Bound up with Smith and Prelleur's Harmonious Companion (See
No. 427).

In vocal score, with arranged


96. Beethoven (Ludwig Van). Mass in C.
accompaniment by Vincent Novello.
97. Beethoven (Ludwig Van). Missa in D. In full score. folio.
Presented to the Society by Mr. Vincent Novello.

Mainz, 1827.

98. Beethoven (Ludwig Van). The same. In vocal score, with pianoforte arrangement by C. H. Rinck. oblong folio. Mayence et Paris.

99. Beethoven (Ludwig Van). The same. In vocal score, with arranged accompaniment by Vincent Novello. folio London.

Presented to the Society by Mr. Vincent Novello. 100. Benedetti (Pietro). Antifone della Beata Vergine terminative dell' officio divino per tutti tre i tempi dell' anno, à solo à due e à tre voci, con violini e senza. In separate parts, bound in one volume. quarto Venice, 1716.

101. Berlioz (Hector). Te Deum à trois chœurs, avec orchestre et orgue concertants. Œuvre 22. In full score. folio Paris, 1855.

102. Bernier (Nicolas). Motetts à une, deux à trois voix, avec symphonie et sans symphonie, au nombre de vingt-six. In full score.

folio. Paris, 1703.

103. Bertoni (Ferdinando). Il Miserere, concertato a quattro voci. In

full score.

oblong folio
Presented to the Society by the Rev. F. J. Stainforth.

Venice, 1802.

104. Best (W. T.). Morning and Evening Service. In score. folio. London. Presented to the Society by Mr. A. Durlacher.

105. Bexfield (W. R.), Mus Doc. Church Anthems. In score. Portrait London.

of the composer. folio

106. Binfield (John Bilson). The Choral Service of the Church, consisting of Chants, Services, and Anthems, harmonized for four voices: selected from the works of eminent composers.

octavo. London, 1846.

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