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Rector out, they were all tilted down together; and what between the groanings of the Rector, and the laughing of the spectators, to see him and the old woman, with her bundle of sticks, and the servant, all sprawling together on the ground, such a sight, I suppose, was never exhibited in that court yard before.

Madam Toog. I am afraid this will make a sad talk about the town, especially as Mr. Dolittle made such a fine sermon, last Sunday, proving that our clergy were the successors of our Saviour and his apostles. Spitef. Aye, and all this will be nuts for Lovegood and his schismatical crew.

Consid. Indeed, Sir, you ill know the character of that good man; no person can be more grieved at the improper conduct of the pretended ministers of the Gospel than himself; and if all acted as he does, I am sure, the blessed cause of Christianity would not suffer half the jeer and contempt it now sustains on account of the bad lives of its professors, especially of its professing ministers, however denominated; and, instead of a set of people belonging to any church, urging the foolish boast that they are the successors of our Lord and his apostles, it would be much more to the point, if they would but preach their doctrines, and imitate their examples. Good and bad there will be of all parties; but these things prove to me, the reality of the Christian dispensation, since nothing but its own native simplicity and purity could have preserved it in existence, while placed in the hands of such teachers, whose lives are so contrary to its holy designs.

[Mr. Spiteful being wanted at Mapleton, in haste, and sought for his hat and cane.

rose up

The cane

being mislaid, he scolded Madam Toogood's maid, and according to an accustomed expression of his, called upon the devil to know where it was, and when found, trudged off to administer the sacrament to Mrs. Formal, as fit for the office as was another of the same stamp, who was called from a puppet shew on a similar occasion. After this the rest of the company speedily dispersed.]

A very favourite mode of speech with Mr. Spiteful. See the AntiJacobin Review, passim.

The reader may easily judge from this hint and from the spirit and temper of the Rev. Mr. Spiteful, who had a deal of leasure time, that he was a very great scribbler for the Anti-Facobin Review, the Orthodox Churchman's Magazine, the Porcupine, and some other publications of the same stamp; and any one may, naturally suppose, from the low and scurrilous style of his conversation, that his productions were greatly admired by all the editors of that class of periodical publications.





EDWARD, the landlord of the Golden Lion,

whose conversion was noticed in a former Dialogue, comes to Mr. Lovegood, and begs his advice. Edward. Sir, if I don't interrupt you, I should be glad to lay before you the case of an unfortunate, but, I believe, a really penitent young woman, now at our house.

Lovegood. You know, Edward, I always love to attend to every circumstance relative to poor penitents. Sit down, and tell me your story.


Edw. W., Sir, you may have heard that a gentleman, at least by his looks, took lodgings, at a private house in our village, with a very fine gay looking young woman, and every one thought she was his wife. They came about a fortnight ago to our church; and, a few days after that, she came to our house in much distress, and without the gentleman with whom she lived. This made me think it necessary to tell her, that we were very cautious who we took into our house, and then pointed her to our rules. She looked at a few of them, threw herself back in the chair and quite fainted away.

Mrs. Loveg. Oh! my dear, how I was struck, at


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her appearance, when she first came to our church! You no sooner began to preach, than she was all attention; and was oftentimes melted into tears; and, since then, though she has come without the gentleman, she has constantly attended; even last Wednesday she was there at the lecture, though it rained so hard. I cannot but hope, that God has sent a signal blessing home to her heart! how thankful I am, that the Lord continues to make your ministry such a blessing among us.

Loveg. Why, my love, you know I have often said, that, independent of the preacher, however fecble his abilities may be, nothing is attended with such a glorious efficacy as the simple preaching of the Gospel of Christ. (To Edward.) But, Edward, what is her story?

Edw. O Sir, she tells me the most affecting story I ever heard in all my life: how she was seduced from her husband, by the artful wicked man who has brought her into these parts; and as soon as she was convinced of her evil ways, he left her; and she has been at my house ever since, crying and sobbing enough to break one's heart, and when my wife attempts to comfort her, she begins weeping again, twice as much as before; and vys, you have been a faithful wife to a kind and an affectionate husband; but, O! what a wicked and ungrateful monster I have been! She will then ask us if she can do any thing for us, if it was only to work at her needle, stand at the washing tub, or even weed in the garden, as she fears, since the gentleman has left her, she shall not be able to pay for her board? But, with your leave, Sir, she wishes she may lay her unhappy case before you; as she much desires your advice.

Loveg. With all my heart, Edward, but it will be necessary to have other evidence, to hear what

she may have to relate on such a story; and I have no doubt but Mr. Worthy, always ready for every good word and work, will attend and assist me with his wise and good advice. I will call upon him tomorrow morning, and send you word directly when she shall attend. But what is her name?

Edw. Her proper name, it seems, is Chipman, though she came into these parts under the name of Lady Dash; but if ever that name is mentioned to her, she cries, O, let me never hear of the horrid name of Dash any more.

Loveg. Well, Edward, in a day or two you shall hear from me again; in the interval present her with this book for her perusal. [Mr. Lovegood gives him "Doddridge's Rise and Progress of Religion in the Soul," and retires.

On the following day she was sent for to Mr. Lovegood's. Mr. Worthy attended: the young woman was introduced by Edward, agitated and in deep distress.]

Loveg. Come in, my unfortunate fellow-sinner, sit down until your mind is a little composed, and tell us of your calamities.

[She falls into strong hysterics, and at intervals cries: O my dear husband, his heart will be broken! O my lovely forsaken babe! what a brute! O my most dear and tender father! what a monster! She afterwards a little recovers, and cries, How can you admit so vile a wretch into your doors? what an ungrateful monster have I been before God and man!]

Loveg. But the vilest of sinners may be savedBe caim; and let us hear the cause of your distress. [After several attempts Mrs. C. thus begins her story.]

Mrs. Chipman. Ah, Sir, I have grieved the best of parents; forsaken the tenderest of husbands; have

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