CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS C. F. CLAY, MANAGER London: FETTER LANE, E.C. Coinburgh: 100, PRINCES STREET Baris: THE GALIGNANI LIBRARY Berlin: A. ASHER AND CO. Bombay and Calcutta: MACMILLAN AND CO., LTD Copyrighted in the United States of America by 2, 4 AND 6, WEST 45TH STREET, NEW YORK CITY All rights reserved THE CAMBRIDGE HISTORY OF ENGLISH LITERATURE EDITED BY A. W. WARD, LITT.D., P.B.A., Master of Peterhouse THE present volume, we hope, will shortly be followed by the tenth, dealing with the age of Johnson. As the canvas grows more crowded, we must ask our readers to take note that the grouping of writers, on the principles which we have endeavoured to follow in this work, makes it impossible, even were it desirable, to maintain a strict chronological order as to the inclusion of particular names in particular volumes. Thus, in the present volume, notices of several divines, and, again, of several dramatists, together with the mention of other names, have had to be reserved for its successor. Mr H. G. Aldis has been good enough to contribute to this volume a full and retrospective bibliography of Scottish literature, from the beginning of the seventeenth century onwards, which, though covering wider ground than the chapter to which it is attached, will, we believe, be welcome to students. We have also to thank Mr A. T. Bartholomew for much bibliographical and other assistance, and Mr J. B. Williams for some valuable notes on the history of English journalism. September 1912 A. W. W. A. R. W. |