two. There is the ghost of the Virgin Mary in Ruprecht's tower, and the Devil in the dungeon." "Ah! that is grand," exclaimed Flemming, with evident delight. "Tell me the whole story quickly. I am as curious as a child.” "It is a tale of the times of Louis the Debonnaire," said the baron, with a smile; "a mouldy tradition of a credulous age. His brother Frederick lived here in the castle with him, and had a flirtation with Leonore von Luzelstein, a lady of the court, whom he afterwards despised, and was consequently most cordially hated by her. From political motives he was equally hateful to certain petty German tyrants, who, in order to effect his ruin, accused him of heresy, But his brother Louis would not deliver him up to their fury, and they resolved to effect by stratagem what they could not by intrigue. Accordingly, Leonore von Luzelstein, disguised as the Virgin Mary, and the father confessor of the Elector, in the costume of Satan, made their appearance in the Elector's bedchamber at midnight, and frightened him so horribly, that he consented to deliver up his brother into the hands of the two black knights, who pretended to be ambassadors from Vehm Gericht. They proceeded together to Frederick's chamber, where luckily old Gimmingen, a brave soldier, kept guard behind the The monk went foremost in his Satanic garb; but no sooner had he set foot in the prince's bedchamber than the brave Gemmingen drew his sword, and said quaintly, Die, wretch!'-and so he died. The rest took to their heels, and were heard of no more. And now the souls of Leonore and the monk haunt the scene of their midnight crime. You will find the story arras. in Grainberg's book, worked up with a kind of red morocco and burnt cork sublimity, and great melodramatic clanking of chains, and hooting of owls and other fallow deer." "After breakfast," said Flemming, "we will go up to the castle. I must get acquainted with this mirror of owls, this modern Till Eulenspiegel. See what a glorious morning we have. It is truly a wondrous winter. What summer sunshine!-what soft Venetian fogs. How the wanton treacherous air coquets with the old greybeard trees. Such weather makes the grass and our beards grow apace. But we have an old saying in English, that winter never rots in the sky. he will come down at last in his old-fashioned mealy coat. We shall have snow in spring, and the blossoms will be all snow-flakes; and afterwards a summer, which will be no summer, but, as Jean Paul says, only a winter painted green. Is it not so?" So "Unless I am much deceived in the climate of Heidelberg," replied the baron, "we shall not have to wait long for snow. We have sudden changes here, and I should not marvel much if it snowed before night." "The greater reason for making good use of the morning sunshine then. Let us hasten to the castle, after which my heart yearns." CHAPTER VII. LIVES OF SCHOLARS. The forebodings of the baron proved true. In the afternoon the weather changed. The western wind began to blow, and its breath drew a cloud veil over the face of heaven, as a breath does over the human face in a mirror. Soon the snow began to fall. Athwart the distant landscape it swept like a white mist. The storm-wind came from the Alsatian hills, and struck the dense clouds aslant through the air, and ever faster fell the snow, a roaring torrent from those mountainous clouds. The setting sun glared wildly from the summit of the hills, and sank like a burning ship at sea, wrecked in the tempest. Thus the evening set in, and winter stood at the gate wagging his white and shaggy beard, like an old harper, chanting an old rhyme-"How cold it is! how cold it is!" "I like such a storm as this," said Flemming, who stood at the window, looking out into the tempest and the gathering darkness. "The silent falling of snow is to me one of the most solemn things in nature. The fall of autumnal leaves does not so much affect me; but the driving storm is grand. It startles me— it awakens me. It is wild and woful, like my own soul. I cannot help thinking of the sea. How the waves run and toss their arms about, and the wind plays on those great harps made by the shrouds and masts of ships. Winter is here in earnest. Whew! how the old churl whistles and threshes the snow. Sleet and rain are falling, too. Already the trees are bearded with icicles, and the two broad branches of yonder pine look like the white moustache of some old German baron." "And to-morrow it will look more wintry still," said his friend. "We shall wake up, and find that the frost-spirit has been at work all night building Gothic cathedrals on our windows, just as the devil built the gathedral of Cologne. So draw the curtains, and come sit here by the warm fire." "And now," said Flemming, having done as his riend desired," tell me something of Heidelberg and is university. I suppose we shall lead about as solitary and studious a life here as we did of yore in little Göttingen, with nothing to amuse us save our own day-dreams." 66 Pretty much so,” replied the baron; "which cannot fail to please you, since you are in pursuit of tranquillity. As to the university, it is, as you know, one of the oldest in Germany. It was founded in the fourteenth century, by the Count Palatine Ruprecht, and had in the first year more than five hundred students, all busily committing to memory, after the old scholastic wise, the rules of grammar versified by Alexander de Villa Dei, and the extracts made by Peter the Spaniard From Michel Psellus's Synopsis of Aristotle's Organon, and the Categories, with Porphory's Commentaries. Truly, I do not much wonder that Eregina Scotus should have been put to death by his scholars with their penknives. They must have been pushed to the very verge of despair." "What a strange picture a university presents to the imagination. The lives of scholars in their cloistered stillness;-literary men of retired habits, and professors who study sixteen hours a day, and never see the world but on a Sunday. Nature has, no doubt, for some wise purpose, placed in their hearts this love of literary labour and seclusion. Otherwise, who would feed the undying lamp of thought? But for such men as these, a blast of wind through the chinks and crannies of this old world, or the flapping of a conqueror's banner, would blow it out for ever. The light of the soul is easily extinguished. And whenever I reflect upon these things I become aware of the great importance, in a nation's history, of the individual fame of scholars and literary men. I fear that it is far greater than the world is willing to acknowledge; or, perhaps I should say, than the world has thought of acknowledging. Blot out from England's history the names of Chaucer, Shakspere, Spenser, and Milton only, and how much of her glory would you blot out with them! Take from Italy such names as Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio, Michael Angelo, and Raphael, and how much would still be wanting to the completeness of her glory! How would the history of Spain look if the leaves were torn out, on which are written the names of Cervantes, Lope de Vega, and Calderon? What would be the fame of Portugal, without her Camoens; of France without her Racine, and Rabelais, and Voltaire; or Germany, without her Martin Luther, her Goethe, and Schiller? Nay, what were the nations of old, without their philosophers, poets, and historians? Tell me, do not these men, in all ages and in all places, emblazon with bright colours the armorial bearings of their country? Yes, and far more than this; for in all ages and in all places they give humanity assurance of its greatness; and say-call not this time or people wholly barbarous, for thus much, even then and there, could the human mind achieve! But the boisterous world has hardly thought of acknowledging all this. Therein it has shown itself somewhat ungrateful. Else, whence the |