And cried "Thanks, gentle citizens and friends: [you say? [Gloster.] The tongueless blocks! they would not speak, Will not the mayor, then, and his brethren, come? [Buckingham.] The mayo'r is here at hand: feign you some [Gloster.] My other self! my counsel's consistory' [my lord; [Buckingham.] Hark! the lord mayor's at hand :-away, Nor doubt but yet we reach the point propos'd. [Gloster.] We cannot fail, my lord, when you are pilot.[under tone as aside] - A little flattery sometimes does well. Richard quits the place on one side-the lord mayor and aldermen enter on the other: Buckingham receives them: [Buckingham.] Welcome, my lord!-I dance attendance [Catesby.] My lord, he humbly does entreat your grace, [Buckingham.] Catesby, pray return; Tell him, myself, the mayo'r, and citizens, In deep designs, in matters of great moment, Are come to have some conference with his grace: Ah, my lord mayo'r, this prince is not an Edward; Not dally'ing with a brace of courtezans, [Gloster.] Cousin of Buckingham, I do beseech your grace to pardon me, [Buckingham.] You have, my lord; and we could wish On our entreaties, would amend your fault. [your grace, [Gloster.] Else, wherefore breathe I in a christian land? sign [Buckingham.] Know, then, it is your fault, that you reThe sceptred office of your ancestors, To the corruption of a blemish'd stock: In this just cause, I come to move your highness, But as your own, by birth, and lineal glory. The lord mayor and citizens kneel, and join in the same request: Buckingham renews his instances: and Catesby unites with the rest: after a long pause, Gloster speaks : [Gloster.] I cannot tell, if, to depart in silence, Or bitterly to speak in your reproof, Suits best with your degree, and my condition: To speak in just refusal of your suit, Your love deserves my thanks; but my desert, [Buckingham.] If you refuse us through a soft remorse, [Gloster.] My lord of Buckingham! -Call him again: I am not made of stone, But penetrable to your kind entreaties, Though, heaven knows, against my own inclining. The several persons take the attitude of earnest, expectant listeners, while Gloster seems preparing to proceed: at length he continues : Cousin of Buckingham, and sage, grave men, [say it. [Mayor.] Heaven guard your grace! we see it, and will [Gloster.] My good lord mayo'r, you will but say the truth. [Buckingham.] My heart's so full, it scarce has vent for My knee will better speak my duty now: [words: Long live our sovereign, Richard, king of England ! [cousin: [Gloster.] Indeed, your words have touch'd me nearly, Pray rise, pray rise :-I wish you could recall them. [Buckingham.] It would be treason now, my lord.-To If it so please your majesty, from council [morrow, Orders shall issue for your coronation. [Gloster.] Even as you please; since you will have it so. [jesty; [Buckingham.] To-morrow, then, we will attend your maAnd now, my liege, we take our leaves with joy. [Gloster.] Cousin, adieu :-my loving friends, farewell. I must unto my holy work again. [a pause.] *Why, now my golden dream is out. Nor can the means that got thee, dim thy lustre, Not more survives from good than evil deeds : THE TWO YEARS' REIGN OF RESTLESS ANXIETY, AND THE TROUBLED DEATH OF RICHARD III.; INDICATED BY SCENES SUPPOSED TO OCCUR IN THE PALACE; ON A PLAIN NEAR TAMWORTH, LEICESTERSHIRE; AND ON ANOTHER AT BOSWORTH, IN THE SAME COUNTY HISTORICAL MEMORANDA. Richard assumed the crown June 25, 1483, and was killed Aug. 22, 1485. Henry, earl of Richmond, the conqueror at Bosworth, was of the house of Lancaster: but, admitting the claims of that house to the crown, those of Henry were weak. His grandfather, John duke of Somerset, was only a legitimated grandson of John of Gaunt. Margaret, the daughter of this duke of Somerset, married the earl of Richmond, son of sir Owen Tudor, a Welsh gentleman, by Catherine of France, widow of Henry V. These, namely Margaret and the earl of Richmond, were the immediate progenitors of the conqueror at Bosworth, the first of the royal Tudors; whose title became strong only by reason of his subsequent union with Elizabeth, the daughter of Edward IV., and the surviving legitimate representative of the house of York. Margaret married twice after her first husband's death: her last husband was lord Stanley, who turned the day against Richard in the battle of Bosworth. Richard had about twelve thousand men; Richmond only half that number: Stanley, whose intentions were known by Richmond, and feared by Richard, had about seven thousand; and with these he joined the former when the opportunity seemed favourable. * The spirited conclusion of this scene is Cibber's. |