tent. And earl of Richmond; and this rich fair town The gates of the town are opened; the kings, princes, and others of rank, enter with their attendants: a messenger moves in a different direction toward King Philip's Faulconbridge stands in gaze on the passing multitude, and, when left alone, breaks out in exclamations: [Faulconb.] Mad world! mad kings! mad composition! John, to stop Arthur's title in the whole, Hath willingly departed with a part: And France whose armour conscience buckled on, Whom zeal and charity brought to the field As heaven's own soldier, -rounded in the ear With that same purpose-changer, that sly devil, That broker who still cracks the pate of faith, That daily break-vow, Interest; ay, that rogue, That smooth-fac'd gentleman, tickling commodity, That bias of the world, which of itself Is poised well to run on even ground, Till this Advantage, this vile drawing Bias, Makes it take head from all indifférency, From all direction, purpose, course, intent; This bias, clapp'd upon the eye of France, Hath drawn him from his own-determin'd aid, From a resolv'd and honourable war, To a most base and vile concluded peace. And why rail I upon Commodity, But for because he hath not woo'd me yet? As a poor beggar raileth on the rich. Well, while I am a beggar I will rail, And say there is no vice but to be rich: And being rich, my virtue then shall be, To say there is no vice but beggary, And break my faith, like kings, upon Commodity. THE DESERTION OF ARTHUR'S CAUSE; THE GRIEF AND ANGER OF CONSTANCE; THE INTERPOSITION OF PAPAL POWER; THE EXCOMMUNICATION OF JOHN; AND THE SERVICES OF KING PHILIP ENGAGED IN FAVOUR OF THE POPE; REPRESENTED BY SCENES WHICH ARE IMAGINED TO OCCUR IN KING PHILIP'S TENT IN SEQUENCE OF THE FOREGOING. HISTORICAL MEMORANDA: The events here brought together occurred in different parts of John's reign. Lewis and Blanche were married in 1200. The services of King Philip were secured by Innocent III. in 1213. It was in the same year at Dover that cardinal Pandulph had an interview with John, after the spirit of that King's opposition to the Church had been abated, and he was beginning to give way to the cowardice which was at the bottom of his character. The tent discovers three persons, the Messenger from the two Kings, who has just delivered his tidings; the Lady Constance; and her Son. [Constance.] Gone to be married! gone to swear a peace! [Messenger.] As true, as, I believe, you think them false, That give you cause to prove my saying true. [Constance.] O, if thou teach me to believe this sorrow, [Arthur.] I do beseech you, mother, be content. [Constance.] If thou that bidst me be content, wert grim, [Messenger.] Pardon me, Madam; I may not go without you to the kings. [Constance.] Thou mayst, thou shalt; I will not go with thee; Here is my throne; bid kings come bow to it. While Constance, in the madness and majesty of her sorrow, is seated on the ground, the two kings, with the dauphin and princess newly married, the duke of Austria, Faulconbridge, and others of rank, with numerous attendants, enter; the kings declaring that, in their respective dominions, the day which they celebrate shall never return but as a holiday. Constance rises at this declaration, and speaks : A wicked day, and not a holy day, A day of shame, oppression, perjury. Arm, arm, you heavens, against these perjur'd kings; Let not the hours of this ungodly day The Kings, taken by surprise, are mute; Austria, little delicate in his perceptions, and forward to recommend himself to those in power, advances to her. [Austria.] Lady Constance, peace! [Constance.] War! war! no peace! peace is to me a war. [Faulconb.] And hang a calf's skin on those recreant limbs. [Austria.] Thou dar'st not say so, villain, for thy life. [Faulconb.] And hang a calf's skin on those recreant limbs. King John interposes, telling Faulconbridge that he likes not his behaviour-that he forgets himself: and the two frowning warriors retire. The pause which ensues is soon broken by the approach and entrance of a personage new upon the scene, the cardinal Pandulph, who, without any preface which may give opportunity for a guarded reply, at once begins his address. [Pandulph.] Hail, you annointed deputies of heaven! To thee, King John, my holy errand is. [John.] What earthly name to interrogatories, [Pandulph.] Then, by the lawful power that I have, [Constance.] O, lawful let it be To join a woman's curse to that of Rome! [Pandulph.] There's law, ay warrant, lady, for my curse. |