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fil His word to the very tittle. He can do exceedingly and abundantly, above all that you can ask or think; and He will do more than thou canst at present give lim credit for. Measure not His heart by thine, but remember that as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are His thoughts higher than thy thoughts, and His ways than thy ways.

He is faithful and just to forgive (1 John life, confess her sins, and fly to the Lord i. 9); and the Holy Spirit gives him to Jesus as a poor sinner. I told her it was a see that by the Cross the debt of this con- proof that God was faithful to His word, fessed sin also has been paid, and perfect "If ye walk contrary to me, I will walk peace resumes her welcome reign within contrary unto you." I pointed out her his breast. And as long as the Holy malady, set before her the remedy, and Spirit, the Comforter, sustains him in endeavoured to guide her to the Cross. the belief of the blood being the entire But what are man's efforts, unless aided payment of all debt, it is impossible for by the Spirit of grace? I read God's him to have anything but the truest, Holy Word, I prayed with her and for The Foundation on which True Peace of happiest peace of soul and spirit before her, but all was dark-dark! She grasped God, whom he calls "Abba, Father." my hand and held it fast, and it was with foundation, A STONE, a tried stone, a precious corner-stone, Yea, triumph fills him, and he says, "We are more than conquerors!"

Mind before God rests.

"Therefore saith the Lord God, Behold I lay in Zion for a

a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste."-Is. xxviii. 16.

THAT thing which stands against us, and which would hinder us from having

But the believer does not stop short at knowing that his Jesus died. He feels

difficulty that I got her to loose it. She

called me back, after I had left the room, and appeared restless, wretched, and distressed. When I called next, she was

peace of mind, is the sin which we have he has a living Jesus, and that his Jesus gone, she died on the morning of the already committed, together with the in-will come back again, and he holds a day I called, but without the manifestaward experience of the sinfulness of the present communion with his unseen but tion she sought, or the assurance she so flesh, which at times makes a Christian living Jesus (1 Pet. i. 8) in service, in evidently desired. She was put to bed in feel, "I'm always sinning." It is impos- praise, and in prayer, and in shewing the dark. Yielding to temptation, giving sible for us to deny the fact, that we have forth His death, by eating the bread and way to sin, her lamp went out, and the drinking the wine, and in waiting until Lord refused to light it again.

sinned against God.


But, on the other hand, that which is that day when his Jesus will drink the valley of the shadow of death was dark. fruit of the vine new with him in His Father's kingdom.

Dying in the Dark.


I HAVE recently been called to visit the
dying bed of an old professor, who was
dying in the dark, and it was a mos:
affecting scene. Many years ago, she

As she stood shivering on the banks of Jordan, all was dark. It was indeed a death not to be desired. Her transgressions were visited with the rod, and her iniquities with stripes.

for us, or in our favour, is THE BLOOD of JESUS, who was dead, but now liveth. Sin is compared to a debt. When I view my debt without looking at the blood which was shed as the payment of that debt, I am put in despair. But when I Reader, are you a professor of religion? consider this payment,-when I turn to Are you a young Christian? Have you it and look upon it,-no other feeling joy and peace in believing? Do you can be in my mind but the very peace of believed she was brought as a poor sinner enjoy a good hope through grace? Take heaven; because I know that God sees in to the Saviour, and found peace through heed lest you fall. Satan will lay snares the blood of Jesus a payment, a full and the blood of the Cross. She made a in your path. He will spread a net a complete payment. My happiness comes profession of Christ, and joined a Chris- for your feet. Walk cautiously. Walk from knowing that God is perfectly satis- tian church. For a time she walked carefully. Walk closely with God. As a fied with the death and sufferings of well, and was happy. At length the stranger and a pilgrim, abstain from Jesus, that these were put down op- hour of temptation arrived. She yielded fleshly lusts, which war against the soul. posite my sins, as it were, and that in to the solicitations of a carnal man, and Maintain your character as an imitator them God sees an entire atonement for became his wife. This was the com- of Christ. Come out, and be separate

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my whole transgressions. And in con-mencement of her downward course. from the world. Preserve a tender consequence of knowing that in this way She never gave up her profession of re-science. Live in close communion with God reckons my debt as settled for ever ligion, but her heart was not stedfast God. Keep eternity, and death, and the by the blood of Jesus, I have perfect peace with God. She did not live up to her coming of Jesus in view. Be zealous of mind. A man whose debts are paid privileges, nor walk as the gospel re- for God, doing all you can to promote is not a debtor, and cannot have his mind quires. Then came troubles; she lost His cause, and glorify His name. troubled about debts. When a debt is her husband, she lost her property, she jealous of your own heart, trust not your paid, the debt is out of existence. When lost her evidences, and she lost all real own judgment, but make the word of I see that the awful debt of my sins has enjoyment of Divine things. Providence God your guide in all things. As buried been paid, I see that my sins are out of raised her up kind friends who cared for in baptism with Christ, as risen with existence. "As far as the east is from her body, and did what they could to Christ by the faith of the operation of the west, so far hath He removed our comfort her mind. She was laid aside God, as sitting with Christ in the heatransgressions from us." (Psa. ciii. 12.) for months by bodily affliction, and as venly places, let your mind, your affecThus, in Eph. i. 7, we are said to possess death approached, she had a great wish tions, be set on things above, and not on "the forgiveness of sins;" and the same to see me. things on the earth; remember that you is said again in Col. i. 14. It is a fine I had not seen her for a long time, are dead, and your life is hid with Christ thing for a man to know that he has but the messenger sent for me gave me in God; and when Christ, who is your "the forgiveness of sins" in this sense, a description of the unhappy state of life, shall appear, you also will appear that he sees THEM ALL put out of ex- her mind. Praying the Lord to give me with Him in glory. Aim to have as istence as a paid debt, paid debt,-a debt more than grace, that I might be faithful, and yet much as possible to do with Christ now, paid by Jesus' blood. kind, I went. It was a melancholy sight; and seek to enjoy much of His presence. When the believer sins again, he comes death was evidently fast approaching, but You will learn as you go along; and to his sympathizing High Priest, "who there was no sweet peace, no calm rest- without much care you will learn by was in all points tempted like as we are, ing on Jesus, no joyful hope. All her bitter experience, that no substitute can yet without sin." He confesses his sin cry was, that the Lord would manifest be found for the presence of Christ. to the High Priest, and experiences that himself. I exhorted her to review her Enjoying His presence, we can endure

any trial, bear any burden, carry any cross; yea, we can die with pleasure, bidding farewell to our nearest and dear est friends without regret. O Jesus! bring us near thee, and keep us near thee, and when we come to die, grant us thy presence, THAT WE MAY NOT DIE IN



THE element of worldly hearts
Is restless strife;

Its tumult, their chief bliss imparts,
And is their life.

But that of hearts renewed by grace,
Is from above;

God makes in such His dwelling-place,
And "He is Love."


After earnest prayer that Jesus nimself would be present, and guide this poor child to give up his heart, I said, Willy, when

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But I don't want to be different. Didn't I the rest of the story, we will pray again, betell you as how the old ways always suited cause, as you see here in Matthew vii. 7, Jesus, me? No, no; I love my bottle too well ever who cannot speak a lie, promises, “Ask, and to part company with it. It's unbearable it shall be given you;" and again in 1 John lying here, without a drop of anything. But v. 14, "This is the confidence that we have I don't want any more of this here talking, in Him, that if we ask anything according to please, ma'am; I won't change my mind for His will, He heareth us." any talking. I just hate all cant together." "Well, then, Reynolds, I will speak to your little boy." So turning to him, I asked if I should sit down on his charpoy, and tell | Bartimeus cried out, Jesus stood still to listen; him about Jesus. "If you please, ma'am. and I am sure Jesus is beside us now, looking But it must be very easy, for I'm a poor igno- into your heart, and listening to know your rant boy; so you will please begin from the wants. He is saying to you, What wilt thou that I should do unto thee?' All in this beginning." "How do you mean, Willy?"-"Why, hospital are sinners; we all need pardon and speak hard and plain; tell me how I may be new hearts. But, besides, we have each our saved. Speak as if I were to die in an hour." own particular wants. Our ages, characters, "I will try; but first let us pray that Jesus needs, pains, are all different. Jesus wants may be with us, and teach me how to speak, us each to tell Him our own longings of and teach your heart to come to Him." heart, our own especial wants, our every When I had prayed, I told him, as simply thought. He is able to supply all your need, ON entering one of our Indian hospitals, on as I could, the story of the creation, and of and He wants you to speak to Him freely as a September morning, in 1857. I saw a young man's fall; and of the birth, life, and death to a friend. You may tell Him all your boy, of about fourteen years of age, lying on of the Son of God to save ruined man. He thoughts and wishes without fear." one of the chapoys, evidently in much suf- listened with great interest, and then asked fering. His countenance was intelligent and me to tell him just how he could be made one pleasing; and his extreme youth and wasted of the little flock." who should be saved. appearance naturally drew my attention to "I'll tell you a Bible story, Willy, to exhim. On going up to him, I asked him about plain it," and I opened my Bible at Mark x. 46. his illness; on which he replied that he be"Oh, ma'am, please, it's easier to underlonged to the artillery, and on the march upstand you tell it; the book words are so much from Calcutta had, as usual, been sent one harder."-"I do not think, Willy, you will day to water a horse. The animal had become find this word hard. God has written it so restive, and had thrown him. In consequence simply, that little children may learn and love the poor child had his leg broken, and received it. Many children have been led to Jesus." some internal injuries. I then read to him the story of Bartimeus.

The Two Praying Willys.
An Extract from a Tract published by the Religious Tract


"What is your name?" I asked.—" Willy." "Do you know anything of the Lord Jesus?"

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Of whom?"-"Of Jesus, the Son of God."

"I never had my schooling much cared for; so I don't know anything about him."

· Can you read?"-"Oh, yes, ma'am." Have you ever been in England?". "Yes, for a little while, but we have been mostly abroad. My father is lying here, on this bed next me. Mother died when I was a baby so I've always been a boy of the regiment."




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Now, ma'am, will you please tell me what that blind man has to do with me; for I can't get my leg made well all of a sudden now."

"Willy, do you know you are just like that blind man?"-"I don't see how that can be. I've got two eyes, and can see as plain as possible."

"Yes; God has been so kind as to give you and me our bodily sight: but your poor heart is blind; every day is bringing you nearer to the world of spirits, and yet you have been living in sin-going on straight the road to hell."

"Yes, ma'am, but then I don't see as how I'm so much to blame. I've scarcely ever heard a word of these things: and father and the men are mostly drunk and cursing."

Turning to the father, after ascertaining his name to be Reynolds) I said, And do you, my friend, know the Lord Jesus?". Well, ma'am, as far as that goes, I have been taught all about Him. My parents as brought me up made me learn the Bible; but as soon as I got my own master I left all that soft stuff off, and took to drinking and swearing." "Indeed!" I said; but you are willing now to take to your Bible again?"—" No. ma'am; I never found any fun in psalm-sing-man?" "Why, lift your heart to Him, think ing and church-going; and I've no mind ever to try my hand at it again."

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"Oh but, Reynolds, you must die one day; would you not be different before then?". "No, I'm quite content; I dare say I shall die as easy as any of you."

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But, Willy, I'm afraid to leave you until you have come to Jesus. I should be so miserable, if you died without hope. And if you live, why it's not likely you will think more of death and eternity as you get well, unless you come now straight to Him."

"But I can't now; I can't pray to nothing. If I had a little image I could pray to it. But it seems like speaking to the air as you do it: only you seem to see some one as you pray."


Yes, Willy, by faith I see Jesus. I know He is listening to us, and willing to receive us as His own for ever. May I pray with "Well, now at least you have been told of you, believing the promise, Him that cometh Jesus. Will you come to Him?"-"I don't to me I will in no wise cast out?" "Yes, see as how I can; he's not in the world now." please." "And, Willy, pray with me;" and "Yet, Willy, he is near us, in this very so we pleaded together that light might shine room. Just as you cannot see your soul, so into his heart, and that he might receive his you cannot see God, because He is a Spirit." sight. "Then how can I go to Him like the blind Do you think you have really come to Jesus, Willy?" "I've tried to wish what you prayed; but I still seem to think it strange to pray into the air. I don't feel as if God were near. But your praying does me more good than talking; it seems, as you pray, that I can feel something is moving my feelings."

of Him, believe His word. believe He is
present listening to you, and pray to Him:
tell Him all your thoughts and wants; tell
Him how you have forgotten Him up to this

"I don't know how to pray; I don't know "But what of the life beyond? Do you what I want, except not to go to the place of remember it is written, Drunkards shall not torment."-"Well, begin with the blind man's inherit the kingdom of God?'"—" Of course prayer: Jesus, have mercy on me.'' not; I know I must take the consequences on my shoulders."

But, Reynolds, you cannot have thought on what it will be not to go to heaven; it will be to go to hell."-"I can't help it, ma'am: and on this I've made up mind," (striking with his hand on the bed with great energy) "no power on earth shall induce me to leave off my own ways. I never found the Methodist ways happy or good; so there's no good you're tiring your breath in speaking to me. I tell you," (again vehemently striking with his hand) "no power on earth shall induce

me to be a Bible man."

"Yes, Reynolds, no power on earth has power to change the heart; but there is One above, who made you, who has all power."


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"Yes, ma'am, but I don't see now how I'll know He hears me. He won't answer me aloud." "No. Willy, but He has had this story, and all His Bible written for us. They are God's own message to us; and you must "Oh, no, Willy, the Lord is always near simply believe the message, and, like Bar-you; and if you will but try to look up to timeus, rise, and come to Him, and expect He Him, and believe that He died for sinners, will change your heart." He will give you to know the joy and peace of His love."

"I should think, ma'am, if it's true He died for us, He must want to save us." "Yes. He has sent me here this morning to tell you of Him; and you must take the message I bring you from Him, just as if you heard Him speak aloud. Here is a little Bible for you; and when I am gone, look into it carefully, and see if I have not been telling you true. Now, Willy, before I tell you about

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sus; I know now what you meant about my heart being blind. I couldn't sleep all night, my poor leg ached so dreadfully; but as I was crying-for I hardly could bear the pain-it came to my mind, all the story of the Cross on the hill; and I thought how bad it must be to be hung up by nails-it would drive me mad, I think. And I thought, if Jesus bore it all gladly to save us, I ought to be glad of my pain, as it makes me care for nothing but religion. And then it seemed as if I understood how my sins had helped to nail Him there: and I did ask so hard to be made sorry for my cruel wicked doings, that I got in a burning fever. But it has done me good. I feel quite happy like now. I've had a dream that Jesus put His bleeding hands on my head, and whispered that thing you told me yesterday, My blood has availed for thee.""

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me? I want to whisper something to you. "I felt so weary last night with the pain,"
Do you know, my father bribed one of the he said; "but I thought He would not let
men last night to get him some drink; and the waves be too rough, and you see they
he was so bad and wild all night. The doctor seem to have brought me on all the faster for
has found it out, and is very angry. Oh, you being rough."
don't know how it pains me to see my father
go on so the last night his child is spending
on earth;" and the poor boy wept passion-
ately. I soothed him with some of the pre-
cious promises of God's word, and cheered
him by uniting with him in prayer for his

"Do you know what I've been thinking of
all the morning?"

"Of how soon you will see Jesus?"-
"Yes, I've been thinking that I began this
Sunday a poor sick boy in the hospital, sur-
rounded by wicked men and sinful talk; and
I think I shall be at home before night. I
think I've begun a Sunday that will never
end. I don't think I shall ever have another
week day."

At his request I read him Ephesians ii. and
iii., 2 Cor. v., and the story of Bartimeus, and
then proposed prayer.

"You will come again to see me?"-"I do not think, Willy, I should find you here if I came."

For about a week I was privileged to visit Willy daily, and we had much happy conversation together about the Saviour. He much enjoyed committing to memory passages of Scripture and hymns which I selected for him. His strength gradually declined, as his father's recovered. Reynolds seemed increasingly hardened against the truth, and most unwillingly listened to his child's pleadings. But I want you to hold my hand as I that he would come to Jesus. Yet his heart pass through the dark valley."-"O Willy, was softened at the near prospect of parting it will not be dark, I think; for Jesus will with the boy, as he said, "for ever;" and he hold your hand, and pass with you right over tended his child with affectionate solicitude. to the other side." Still he positively refused to accede to the earnest request that he would read to him, even although Willy's hands had grown too

feeble to hold the book.

On a Saturday forenoon, Willy said to me, "I've been praying hard for something: you'll think it such a strange prayer."

"Shall I? What was it?"-"That God would make my father very ill again; for you see, ma'am, he's almost well, The doctor has just been round, and told him he may leave on Monday. And you know his heart is desperately hard, and if he goes up to the front, there's little chance of his ever coming back; and it's not likely he'll get any one there to tell him of Jesus."

"O Willy, you must not feel so. All means of working are in God's hands. When your father was a child, his heart was no harder than yours and mine; and the same Holy Spirit that converted us, is able to do all things for him."

"Please, ma'am, will you give me your hand? Now I want you to promise me one thing; will you?"-"I must hear what you

want first."

"You remember, ma'am, the day I came in here, how you kept on telling me about the promise to those that pray?"-"Yes, Willy: and God did answer my longing prayer, and gave you your sight."

“Oh but I want to hear your voice telling me His words; it would be so dreadful only to hear bad language as I pass through."But, Willy, there is a dying man in another room who wants a friend."

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· Please don't say, no; I do so want you to come and see me again."-" But I cannot come till just before evening church; and before then I think you will have left earth." "Well, if you don't find my poor body here, you will be very happy."-"I shall think of you as one dear child of God safe at home, Willy; but I shall miss you."

"Will you cry?"-"I don't know, dear boy; I dare say I shall; but it will be sweet to look forward to meeting again."

"If you cry for me, you will be the only one to do so. It's nice to think one will miss me. Father won't care; his feelings are all hardened. I've no pain now; my leg seems quite asleep. I told the doctor so, and said how glad I was to have it better; but he shook his head, and said it was a bad sign for life. 'But you know," he added, with flushed cheek and beaming eye, "he was wrong; it is a good sign, for I shall soon be away, really living in Jesus. Here I've only been wanting to be like Jesus, there I shall be like Him." Before I went, he made me promise that I would come again in the evening.


In the evening I found him lying with "Yes, and ever since I felt you had got his eyes closed, sinking rapidly, but calmly. what you wanted, I've thought I'd do the Stooping over him, I whispered, "Yea, though same; and I've been praying night and day I walk through the valley of the shadow of for my father. I feel God will hear the death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with prayers of those who love Him; and now me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.' that I'm going where there's no prayer, I" Dear Willy, is Jesus with you?"-"Oh want you to promise you'll never pass a night yes."

"Yes, Willy, I will; but I feel God is more willing to save than we to pray."- him. "Never mind, ma'am, He says we are to "Now please say my favourite hymn which pray; and you must just lay hold of the pro-yon taught me last Sunday." I repeated to mises. Now, remember you've promised to him some beautiful lines on Psalm cvii. 30, a dying boy." beginning

"Shall I pray with you once more, Willy?" "Oh yes, please. I have been beseeching the Lord a great deal to change my poor father's heart; and I know I shall see him some day in heaven. I don't now so much mind leaving him unconverted, for I know I have been heard." After praying, he said, “That is my last prayer; now it shall be only praise for ever and ever." His breath began to fail him, and we had to prop him up with pillows. As I repeated passages of Scripture, he occasionally joined. Presently he turned round, and calling me by name, most touchingly assured me of his gratitude for my having told him of the Saviour, and having striven to lead him to his feet.

"There's a sweet text I'll give you to think of sometimes, ma'am, Jesus says, (and he repeated the substance of John xvi. 33,) ‘In the world ye shall have sorrow; but be of good cheer; in me ye have peace.' I've found it all peace since I believed, for He just wiped out all my sin. Now please tell me about-"” "About what, Willy?"—"About———I forget my memory seems strayed, like—about many

"About our Father's house with many mansions?"-"Oh yes." After repeating part of John xiv., he said, And yet there is room.' I'm sure Jesus has prepared a seat in heaven for my father, and I don't believe it will be left empty." I then repeated with him 1 John iii. 1, 2. "Oh it's such a dear word, that, and quite, quite true. I see Him now. He's calling me; I must go. Just think how soon I'll be like Him.' I a am so glad to go. Just hold-my-hand, I can't-catch-mybreath."

"Are you alone, Willy?"-"No, no; thou art with me, Jesus, our Immanuel; it's all washed-clean.

"What is washed?"-"My soul. Oh, won't it be glorious-to-join the multitude who

are safe!"

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The poor boy commenced these lines; but, his breath failing, I finished them, he joining me as he was able. Then for some minutes spasms came on; the death-rattle told his hour was come; and solemn indeed it was to feel the tightening grasp of the hand already cold and heavy, and breathe into his ear the last sounds of earth he would ever hear. Suddenly he opened his eyes, and fixing them on me, said, "Good-bye-remem

or morning without asking God to convert Have you any fear?" "No, none; I ber-your-pro-mise. We shall-bemy father; and I'm sure I'll meet him some have been wondering why they call it a dark for-ever-with-Jesus; safe-in our happy day in heaven. He'll soon have no one but valley. I have found the light growing home. Oh! it's all great joy." Then he you to pray for him. Will you promise me brighter every day since I first believed; and seemed exhausted: the coolie and I, for the you'll pray hard as you did for me?" now it's so bright I must shut my eyes." last time, tried to put the spoonful of wine I repeated Isaiah 1x. and 2 Corinthians v. to between the teeth, but he could no longer take it. I breathed a word of earnest entreaty that the way might all be smooth. The church bells began to chime for evening service. Yes, yes," he said, "I'm all ready; as they stop-I'll be-mounting-up to glory." I rose to go. Good-bye, dear Willy; we'll meet to part no more soon." With still closed eyes, the lips seemed to move. I stooped to catch the words —" like Him." He never spoke again. (To be continued.)

The next morning, Willy said, "Do you know I'm dying?" "Yes, I knew you must die, when I first saw you; but you are much worse than when I saw you yesterday."

"Yes, the doctor says I can't live out the day. Will you put your ear close down to

"Yes, billow after billow-see they come
Faster and rougher as yon little boat
Nears evermore the haven."

The dying boy continued the lines in broken
accents, yet with a depth of feeling that
showed he realized their meaning.


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vague idea of what this means, can peace be realized; but they stumble at that To any who are disconsolate and cast stumbling stone, Christ dying for the undown, who feel the load of sin, and godly, (Rom. v. 6,) and God justifying therefore argue that it would be pre- freely by His grace, through the redempsumptuous in them to suppose they were tion that is in Christ Jesus,-not him that forgiven, I would say, Hearken not to worketh, but him that worketh not, but the reasoning of your own deceitful believeth on Him that justifieth the unhearts, wrought upon as they are by the godly. (Rom. iii. 24; iv. 5.) I know they malice of your adversary the devil, who do not think so; they are ever found in takes advantage of your wounded con- their place in church, or chapel, they read science; but rather hearken to what God and pray, and in very sadness of spirit says, and do not separate what He has mourn, and weep upon their beds; but joined together namely, faith (that is, they have not yet come to that point, trust in His Son,) and a present and "Lord, save or I perish." The world in eternal justification from all things. some of its insidious forms is still will(Acts xiii. 38, 39.) "He that believethingly pursued. They are offended if a on the Son hath everlasting life.” (John word is dropped that sounds like a suspiiii. 36.) cion of their not being right with God, while the pursuits they follow declare plainly that they have not yet proved that "this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith" (1 John v. 4): that is, where faith in Christ is, there is out from among them, and be ye sepaa hearkening to the word of God, "Come rate." (2 Cor. vi. 17.)

Where living faith is, the back is turned upon the world, and the "saints," with their despised fanaticism, and over

SOME time ago, two Christian ladies visited an aged woman whom they had heard was under some concern for her soul. On conversing with her, she said, "I know that I have sinned, but I think Convinced of sin and tremblingly that I have one thing in my favour." alive to your danger, to you, my fellow"What is that?" "Why, I was always sinner, is the word of this free, full, prekind to my parents; don't you think that sent, most blessed salvation sent. God that is in my favour?" "No," said one will not deceive you. He means what of her kind visitors, "it is only the duty He says. His word to you is, "Ho, every of a child to be kind to her parents, and one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, I am glad you were so disposed. But and he that hath no money; come ye, that cannot help in any way your soul's buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and salvation. What you want is to be cleansed milk without money and without price." from sin." "To be sure," said she, “but much strictness, become our fellows; be(Isa. lv. 1.) Now then we are ambashow can I obtain it?" "Well, do not you sadors for Christ, as though God did in the gospel, (Phi. i. 5,) a fellowship in cause of a mutual fellowship with them. know that God the Father so loved the world, that He gave His only-begotten beseech by us: we pray in Christ's stead, peace, a fellowship in new pursuits, in a Son to die for sinners upon the Cross, be ye reconciled to God." (2 Cor. v. 20.) common conflict with a common adverthat whosoever believeth in Him may be Trust Him, be not afraid, and with joy sary, and in a common hope that, when cleansed from all sin by His blood?" shall ye draw water from the wells of with Him in glory, and be like Him, for Christ appears again, we shall appear "How, then, may I have my sins par- salvation." (Isa. xii. 2, 3.) Remember we shall see Him as He is. (1 John iii. doned?" "By going to the Father, in the name of Jesus Christ His Son, He the jailor at Philippi, the thief, the bro-2, 3; Col. iii. 4.) He that "hath this will truly pardon you!" "Then," said ken hearted publicau, the self-righteous hope in him, purifieth himself, even as she, “WHY NOT NOW, though I've the sins pharisee, the hard and exacting Zaccheus, He is pure." But I do not say to any, of 77 years upon me?" At once she the sensual and degraded Corinthians, Forsake the world, and you shall have looked up to heaven, apparently in great also the moral Lydia, who needed Christ agony of mind, and in the presence of her visitors sought that God, for Christ's as much as they; well, in His precious sake, would pardon her sins. After some blood a remedy was found, a present, time she turned and said, "I am happy a soul-satisfying remedy, and they were now! I feel that I have peace with God, all washed, they were sanctified, they were that all my sins are forgiven, through the justified in the name of the Lord Jesus,

precious blood of Christ."

name of Christ, and yet not to depart peace; but I do say, that to name the from iniquity; to be very religions on Sunday, and to be a pursuer of the world's ways all the rest of the week, is millions, in this day of wide-spread soa delusion which is blinding the eyes of called religious knowledge and profesand by the Spirit of God. (1 Cor. vi 11.) sion. "But if our gospel be hid, it is But there are some who are miserable hid to them that are lost." (2 Cor. iv. 3.) enough, from having proved the unsatis-In Christ alone is life. If you knew Remember, reader! this woman's ex- which they have been trying to amuse claimed to you, that you, believing it, fying nature of that sorry-go-round in Him, you would know peace. Salvation through His blood is once more proclamation,-WHY NOT NOW? Behold! now is the accepted time. Behold! to themselves: who are convinced that in might, in your own happy experience, day is the day of salvation." "true religion" alone, according to their prove it.

It need hardly be added that the kind visitors knelt down, and all united in heartily praising the God of salvation

for His mercy.

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